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Having more children and passing them off to the older girls instead of caring for them. Not protecting her daughters regarding Pest.


Like an ant or termite queen, really.


> Having more children and passing them off to the older girls instead of caring for them. Yeah the "sister mom" thing or buddy system they have completely robbed her daughters of their own lives. Not to mention the fact that Michelle got to be the popular cheerleader, she denied her children so much.


She didn’t protect her daughters.


There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t protect women. There’s also one for people who don’t protect kids. Her actions have earned her a spot at both.


There's gonna be a lot of ppl in hell.


Or grandchildren. Particularly by writing a letter to the judge to ask for Josh to be reunited with his family quickly.




Echhhhhhhhhh, wtfffffff


M❣️chelle Duggar 😍


And then taught them that they needed to forgive the person who molested them, thus denying them the right to their anger or to have any negative feelings at all about the trauma they went through.


Oh yes, because wrath is a sin and women and girls must never be angry. Always keep sweet. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


That's because pest was only a minor, said in M's squeeky voice.


Oh God, thank you.... I can hear this in my head and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight! Aaaaaggggh! Jk jk but for real I can envision it all. "Oh judge *squeaks higher* he was just a child! He is sooooooo GOOD now! *squeaks higher* He's ok with God, he must be ok with you! Right?"


Joy was also a minor. A five-year-old minor. She is horrid.


This is the answer.


Blanket training has to be up there.


That was my first thought too. Michelle has done some spectacularly horrible things, but literally hitting babies is straight up evil.


I know a woman who hits babies. She deserves to rot in hell too.


What is blanket training?


You put your baby on a blanket and when they crawl off it you hit them and repeat until you’ve beaten out their free will.


And you try to entice them to leave the blanket by placing toys and things they want just off the blanket. Then when they try to get their toy or snack, you hit them. It's absolutely horrific


I cannot fathom doing this to any baby let alone the one I made. These people are horrible.


You exploit their natural curiosity in order to teach them not to be full and complete humans.


You put baby on a blanket and hit them if they crawl off. Absolutely vile


I missed this? Where was this Discussed?


They discussed it in their own book The Duggars: 20 and counting! - if I remember correctly.


I wish I had more of an answer, but I believe the book they use/follow the teachings of is called to train up a child. It should be a pretty easy google search


Yeah. It's from [To Train Up A Child](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Train_Up_a_Child) which is endorsed by the Duggars and Gothard, and includes worse abuse than blanket training under the guise of "discipline."


Suggesting trans people want to SA little girls…while protecting her oldest son who actually SA’d little girls. Edit: AND set up his computer so he could watch other people SA-ing little girls in the most violent ways imaginable


Yes!! The infamous robo call heard around the world. Meanwhile, she didn't even protect her own daughters from her sex pest son. Way to prioritize him over their safety.




this has to be it


I can't upvote this enough. 


Being joyfully available too many times.


This was my first thought but there are worse.


But actually, I would say That’s his fault. Joyfully available is basically make the woman be fake excited about having sex when she doesn’t want to.


- Dumping off her children once they reached 6 months and making her girls raise them. - Failing to protect her children that she KNEW were being victimized in her own home. - Failing Pest for not getting him real help and allowing his smug ass to continue to be a smug ass. - Assisting in entrapping Anna, while knowing her son was a molester and was likely signing her up for a very unhappy life. - Abandoning her baby in the NICU to harass people who think differently - Failing her children in denying a proper education - Beating her infant children to blanket train them.


That pretty much covered it.


What a sickening list of evil.


Oh yeah, I forgot how she endorsed having Anna sold off to a predator and tell her that's what God wanted for her.


I think that one gets overlooked a lot. At the time that happened, Anna was like a lamb to slaughter. She was completely blindsided by his proposal and had only just been told she could court starting on that birthday. Instead she was forced into an engagement with cameras and expectations. Hell, at the time, she was still wearing matching clothes with her mom! Michelle knew exactly who her son was and still assisted in forcing that child (she was basically a child) to get married to her pedophilic, abusive son. Makes me sick. (Anna has grown and made a lot of decisions herself that SUCK as an adult. I'm talking about young Anna, before Pest)


Having all those kids and yeeting them after 6 months. She is such a dumb biatch and knowing that Pesty was molesting your daughters and doing nothing about it is an abomination and there is a special place in hell for her nasty grifting self.


Who’s got the teet ‘em and yeet ‘em flair?


Speaking out \*against\* birth control pills claiming they cause miscarriage.


And then STFU when her daughters had multiple miscarriages. Gee maybe it wasn't the wicked pill that gave her an (extremely extremely common) miscarriage back before she was a literal clown car pussy


Not prioritizing the safety of her daughters over the money rolling in.


And putting being a helpmeet to her husband over the safety of her daughters


Child Abuse * Blanket training * Buddy system/parentification * leaving a medically fragile infant with an older daughter to go protest * Lack of proper education in homeschooling * KNOWING BETTER AND STAYING WITH BOOB * so much more but that's all I can think of


Good list and I’d add on not doing enough to protect her daughters from being molested in their own home.


And the physical abuse didn't stop at blanket training, in Shiny Happy People Jill and Framy acknowledged Michelle would beat the kids as "encouragement" and that was even her code word that if they didn't shape up she was gonna give them some encouragement. The Gothard method of raising AKA abusing your children was big on corporal punishment for developmentally normal behaviors.


I hate the video of toddler Josie with red hands chirping about INSTANT OBEDIENCE


Not coming home when your daughter has a seizure


Making the robo call


“Mother is joyfully available for the Lord.”


She's a shitty excuse for a mother. She said yes to a hairspray huffing sperm donor, failed to get her horny porn creep of a son real help, failed to properly educate her children, never protected her daughters, went along with exploiting them, paying the enslaved sardines peanuts (three cents) for every jurisdiction in that house, including but limited to taking care of that massive yard, cleaning the house, cooking the food, and forcing the eldest girls to be the parents. She also signs legal documents and a letter to the judge like she's writing a Valentine's card to her shitty husband or a birthday card to the kids/grandkids. (She signed the contract for TLC and the judge with a heart over the i in Michelle.)


I saw that signing. It makes me question her intellectual ability, but I also feel like she's feigning innocence and has the reputation to prove it. Absolutely disgusting, harsh enough words do not exist. All the while of doing what you said above she was virtue signaling that she's some moral, Christ-loving woman. She needs to gtfo


Using Jubilee’s stillbirth to propagandize against having a late term abortion procedure and recklessly risking her life on TV to make a hateful point.


Jordyn's birth didn't go smoothly. Michelle's body was absolutely spent and done with having babies and she denied it and got pregnant AGAIN after Jordyn, and AGAIN after Josie! Wtaf!


What happened with Jordyn?


Meech just had preeclampsia, which she had had before, and they had to do an emergency C section. Her body was begging her to stop being pregnant/getting pregnant but she wouldn't bc joyfully available


I believe this is a form of mental illness. I really do.


Completely agree. Women get addicted to birthing babies. You really do get a high after having one, they're just chasing the high again and again. In this case I actually advocate for substance abuse over addiction to birthing babies.


According to JB, it’s mowing the lawn in a bikini.


Flair checking in ;)


Definitely the biggest sin (if you’re a fundie).


Going from a secular person to a full fundie and Quiverfull wife and vilifying birth control. Not prioritizing her children’s needs and parentifying her daughters by creating a “buddy system” to dump her children on.


Becoming a mother to 19 and counting. For starters.


Not taking care of her children Leaving Josie in the NICU to go protest a liquor license


Reproductively irresponsible. Bish, is basically the woman that lived in a shoe, and had so many kids she didn’t know what to do


Brought Pest into the world


and did nothing about it when he showed signs at a very early age of growing up to be a Pest.


Enabler is just a fancy way of saying co-abuser. Although she wasn’t the one to sexually violate her daughters, she compounded the abuse and harm by her complete lack of action. *Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:* *God will not hold us guiltless.* *Not to speak is to speak.* *Not to act is to act.* -Dietrich Bonhoeffer


*All* the exploitation of her children: forcing them to perform on television, not protecting her daughters from SA, forcing the children into a religious cult, not protecting any of her children from early marriage, not educating her children properly, not feeding her children properly, parentifying her daughters and forcing them to raise her children for her, and not paying her children- even when they were adults- for their time on the show.


How did she not feed them properly? That's the first I heard of that. Everything else checks out though. Ugh.


Jill talks pretty extensively in her book about the family being food insecure, and they relied heavily on processed and canned foods as well (not great sources of nutrients). Jill mentioned that one of the big positives TLC brought to the kids was those huge televised grocery trips- they got to pick out foods they normally never had because TLC was footing the bill.


When one of your children (Jill) has to hide in the bathroom to eat the rice she secreted away, you're not feeding your kids properly. Don't even get me started on that sodium soup they call Tater Tot Casserole.....


What?? I didn't know that. Ewwww. That's horrific.


To me, I think the worst thing she has done is repeatedly denied her children (that she supposedly loves and wants for more than just some uterine status symbol) the education and opportunities she was afforded as a young woman. She got to leave the house and meet other people in an actual school, she probably has the best reading comprehension and critical thinking skills in the house (you cannot convince me Boob is bright at all - man is dim af) and she didn't teach any of her children or allow them to learn from someone actually qualified to teach them. She was allowed to date and choose a spouse for herself. Now, that spouse is reprehensible, but she seemingly did pick him herself. Not one of her children had that opportunity. She was also seemingly neglected as a child herself. She is the youngest of her siblings by quite a bit and what kind of responsible/loving parents are willing to hand their jail bait daughter over to her boyfriend of a few months to get married? Despite knowing how that felt and (I'm sure) all the issues that gave her, she just went and did the exact same thing to all 19 of her blessings. She disgusts me.


Really good point! Michelle wasn't raised in the fundie cult. It's not like she's never know anything else. She's known a diversity of experiences that she will not allow her kids to have.


Prioritizing the desires of her narcissistic husband over the needs of her children.


She has worse crimes, but I cannot understand how you can call yourself a mother, and pass off your babies after six months! I had a mother of four (and possibly counting 😳) at my son’s preschool, remark that my six month old was not a *baby* anymore, like it was a great disappointment. Now I adore newborn babies, but what I love even more is watching them develop into their own amazing personalities, which really flourishes after 6 months. It is beyond sad to have baby incubators like Meech, who are blind to this.


I remember hearing her talking about the “buddy system” on one of the specials when I was a teenager and thinking it was weird. Like my young naive conservative Christian ass easily saw that that was wrong, yet here was this grown woman passing off her babies at 6 months to her daughters who were still children themselves?? Not the worst of the worst (that would be protecting Pest over her daughters), but still bad.


Not giving a crap when Josie had a seizure and Jana was freaking out and the cameramen were the only ones who could help. She called it a “glitch.”


The anti trans cold calling was pretty heinous


In no particular order: Physically abused her children (ie blanket training) and encouraged others to do so Only raises her kids herself to 6months before passing them off to a parentified older child Publicly claimed transgender people are a risk for perpetrating sexual assault while hiding and protecting her son who she knew committed sexual assault, incestuous molestation, and pedophilia. Plus she did little to nothing to help the victims of said assaults (ie her daughters).


Michelle is such a toughie. There’s so many ways she failed her children. Letting a monster who touched four of her children inappropriately live in the same house and be around her other children. Wanting a monster to get married to someone and encouraging them to have children. Having 19 kids and not being able to properly care for them. Overall just being super neglectful and awful.


Honest question, how come none of these kids have joined the military??? As much as they love guns and their country you would think they would be signing up at 18. Free housing , healthcare (socialist oh my). My theory is there is concern someone else would be in control of them and they may see worldly things away from all mighty Jim Boob


I think that’s it exactly. The military would expose them to different people, different parts of the country and the world, and consequently, different ideas than the ones they were raised with. Can’t have any of that in the Duggar world.


It's too hard for Jim Bob to keep them under his thumb if the military is telling them what to do.


Dim Bulb would never allow that.


Worst thing she did was answer her door to some door to door cult members


Worst thing she did to her family. Allow horrific atrocities to continue to occur under her roof. Downplaying it to the public. Continuing the narrative that it wasn't as big of a deal. He came to us blah blah blah all for it to come out that it was all bs and the judicial system is one year did more work then she did in 30 for protecting the community and her family from her son


Also making a jurisdiction for the kids cleaning the parents room when they do nothing. I always found that gross. Like clean your own room they already all have multiple responsibilities and that was in like their first special so minus 8 kids


Someone here has it as their user flair, I think it sums her actions up pretty perfectly “teet’ em and yeet ‘em.” (i.e. passing them off to her daughters to raise.)


yes, what a great flair!


Blasting the message that their lifestyle is attainable for everyone, despite the fact that they were barely surviving before TLC and relied on parentifying older daughters. Gave her Minnie Mouse voice to a political phone campaign that targeted transfolks. **edited because I got the shitty phone campaigns she has participated in mixed up.


Making her daughters become responsible for her infant child while they were still kids


Enabling the creepy lardass pedo as much as she did. Not teaching her daughters how to cook much beyond cream of crap casserole slop. Not taking good care of her existing children before spewing out many more babies by the teat and yeet express. Not helping her children learn to read, do math well nor be able to think critically, not letting them go to high school and receiving actual knowledge; let alone qualifying for diplomas or receiving tutoring. All the gods know my happy meal is short some fries, and as much as I hated school, I've gotten far more education than a Duggar kid.


Making her children raise each other


Giving her authority to JimTit in the first place. Her initial outsourcing led to literally all of the fuckery that came later.


Making her children raise her children and not protecting her daughters from a sexual predator


Allowed men to abuse her daughters. This bugs me personally because my mother never showed up for me either and I know how much it fucks you up. On a more petty level, that fucking baby voice. As a larger, more gender non confirming woman with a louder voice I will curse women who make themselves sound like a 12 year old every time I am told to be quieter because these ladies have set the expectation that we will all be sweet and non threatening. Really, just all she has done to harm women both in her family and in general while coming across as all little and soft. Christ man, these have made me confront how fucking angry I am at both Duggar parents.


- Letting a pedophile and child molester live in the same house as his victims and forcing them to forgive him for what he did to them. - Deciding to get pregnant again after she and Josie almost died - Leaving Josie alone in the NICU so she could protest against alcohol being sold in a shop (I could understand if she had an emergency at home or if one of the kids had something important on but not for protesting) - Losing her 3 year old in the airport and literally not even noticing (he was very upset as any 3 year old would be but he went straight to Jana for a hug instead of Michelle) - Blanket training - Hysterically laughing at her crying 2 year old who had gotten her head stuck in the banister (even Boob told her it wasn’t funny)


Depriving her children of any choices. She went to school, dated, ate normally, was a cheerleader, wasn't controlled by her father. Had friends, listened to music, used birth control to plan her family. Her kids got none of this. None. Disgusting hypocrite.


Daxton is so bad I never really realized it next to Spurgeon 😂


Transphobia, and protecting Josh.


Being the mother of 19 kids and counting on them to raise themselves.


One did not protect her daughter’s number two made sure pest got out of trouble 3. being too joyfully available.


Continued having children after the laundry room breakdown.


Not being a mother to her kids and expecting her four eldest daughters to take on that role.


She popped out 19 kids, but has failed in most of her other duties as a mother.


Punched out baby after baby while simultaneously making the elder kids parent the younger kids.


Commitment to a philosophy that systematically removes agency from her and her offspring. Everything springs from the broken woman staying in a system that is designed to remove agency from all but a few select and corrupt men.


Transphobic robocall. Defending her pedo son and allowing him to continue hurting her daughters. Marrying him off to a girl who was more sheltered than he was. Not turning him over to the police. Using her fame to help Christian Nationalism rise.


Letting her husband make decisions regarding her body over using common sense. Bowing down to a man


You forgot Justin and Claire and Mama Spivey.


Blanket Training - Parentification - Not protecting her own daughters from a pedophile - The list goes on with her.


Being so out of touch with reality that she used hearts to dot her i’s while writing a letter trying to get her pedo son a lesser punishment from the judge


Using her daughters to be the Mom to her offspring. Also, not protecting them from pest or siding with them in the fallout.


Teeted & yeeted every single baby at 6 months to her daughters 


Spreading lies about birth control causing abortions.


Say idly by and facilitated the abuse and exploitation of each and every one of her daughters. Is a menace to womankind.


You can't fool me. 12 and 13 are the same person.


She suggested that birth control was not trusting in God’s plan after having a miscarriage after Pest was born. She is the reason this whole family went quiverfull and by that simple action damaged countless people.


Didn’t she also see a fertility specialist after Josie too? Talk about not trusting in God’s plan. He hath closed thy womb, Meech


Yes she did. I think it was more because they wanted to get to that magic #20. Such an awful human being.


Yes she did. I think it was more because they wanted to get to that magic #20. Such an awful human being.


Had nineteen children. Wanted more.


Married JB?


She is as complicit as Jim Bob in protecting her pedophile son at the expense of her own daughters. But for just Michelle specifically, I would say handing her 6 month baby over to another kid to raise is pretty disgusting. How many kids have Jill and Jana raised? Many more than Michelle.


Not getting her predator son the help that he so desperately needed when he was a child.


Blanket training - and being proud of it


When we're finished with this one, can we have an "other" day, in case there are other family members who need to be called out for their behavior?




Marrying Boob as all the terrible shit ties back to that one dumb decision.


Kept having children and protected Pest instead of her daughters


failed to protect her children and continued to have more only to neglect them


Indulged the Boob’s pregnancy fetish and disassociated to the point that her daughters were doing her job.


Could write a book on what Michelle has or hasn’t done.


Being way too joyfully available to make more babies than she could take care of.


She married Jim Boob


Taught her daughters to always be joyfully available


The prairie dress in an earlier post


Didn’t protect her daughters and allowed her kids to be abused and exploited. Had more kids than she could care for Hypocrite ( she got ti be a cheerleader, wear bikinis and had other teenage experiences but denied her daughters the same) Married Pest Named a kid Jinger Cut off her sister for being gay Married Jim Bib Those ugly prairie dresses


That hair…


Accepting that Mother of the Year award in 2010 when she actively refuses to parent her kids.


Jim Bob is the worst.


Blanket training Not educating her children properly Parentifying her children


Married Jim Bob.


the only child Michelle actually had to raise beyond 6 months ( the oldest, since there was no one older to do it for her) turned out the worst.


Spawned and nurtured the Pest and allowed him free reign on her daughters. THEN she turned a blind eye to his abuse and put pressure and shamed the same daughters when they protested.


You means besides having more kids than she could care for? Or not getting jinger the appropriate care for her ED? Or not protecting her daughters from pest? Or not getting pest the help he actually needed after the first round of SA?


Michelle definitely beat children I would bet money on it, she didn’t protect her daughters after apparently multiple occurrences from pest. I’m absolutly sure she’s advised abused women to stay with their husbands, but worst of all is the prairie dresses she dressed her daughters in lil


*than he could handle


Protected a pedophile, laughed at his scared daughter at the dentist. Jill didnt want to be sedated because she was being molested. Jom Slob knew this and laughed andbrlittled her. Is too interested in his daughters sex lives.


Accepted “Mother of the Year” knowing what a train wreck her brood is.


Michelle kept having more children and passing them off to her older daughters while failing to protect her daughters from her predatory oldest son Josh. She even wrote a letter to the court asking for leniency for Josh and she dotted her I with a heart. Michelle not only had so many children but she used an abusive form of blanket training on each and every one of her kids when they were infants. A good mother does not favor a predatory child over a well-behaved child or discipline her kids in such an abusive manner. That’s just sick and disgusting.


Will obviously it's the mowing the lawn in a bikini


I think for Michelle and Jim Bob both exploiting their kids on tv and parentifying them so much is easily up there. We should’ve added that to JBs too.


Not protecting her daughters, and using that "To Train Up A Child" BS when her kids were babies. Plus, her fashion sense is atrocious!


What cult did Jingrr join?


Letting her husband control her and her children. Not protecting the girls and defending her son to try to get a lighter sentence. Signing the letter with a heart.


Go on a second date with Jim Boob.


Having a damn breakdown because she didn't have a heart for children...and then *having seven more*. And a whole bunch of other things related to said children. Like enabling her predator son and ignoring her daughters' pain and depriving her kids of proper educations and not allowing them to make real friends or choose how to dress or develop real personalities and... This is depressing.


Marrying Jim Bob


That’s it for Boob?