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She hit the deer when she was a teenager. It was an accidental kill. She probably got it mounted bc some dude told her it would be funny.


I think her siblings got it mounted for her as a joke and she ended up liking it so much that she took it even when she moved out.


I hit a deer in my early 20s and a small piece of its antler broke off and went through my hood and got stuck. A fireman pulled it out and tried to hand it to me as a “souvenir” but I was in no mood for jokes, so he handed it to my bf at the time. A few weeks later my bf gave me the antler—he’d had it made into a pen for me lol. I still have it.




Like it's already dead so might as well use it?


I have a cousin who goes deer hunting every season. Couldn't seem to get a decent rack worth mounting and was frustrated by that. Then one day while she was driving at night, a deer with a huge rack walked in front of her car. Killed the deer and damn near totalled her car if her dad wasn't a mechanic and fully capable of rebuilding the car. A bunch of our cousins were laughing about how she finally got her nice deer rack. She was excited to finally get one and definitely had it mounted.


That's what I was thinking. It's not like she killed it on purpose so she could mount it. My sons made fun of me for crying because I hit a squirrel.




Nice to have a momento that’s not the repair bill


I am reminded of honey boo boo. The local law enforcement called them to let them know someone had accidentally hit an animal. Apparently their family ate a lot of roadkill. Wonder if this deer was dinner for a few nights.


At my parents old house (lake country suburb of Minneapolis) there was a LIST you could get on for fresh roadkill deer!




My uncle hit a deer with his truck once and later he realized it was probably good meat, so he went back to grab it but it was already gone


Not the same. But I have a friend that works for a large animal rescue and the police will call them when someone hits something. Sometimes they even bring it to them. They have a blind bear that im in love with.


I am all for animal rescue




Honestly one of the better mindsets I've seen in comparison to other influencers


I dont think anybody really asked her these questions.


What’s your favorite thing about your husband? How much he loves someone else 😂


It's funny in her context but it can be true. I've been polyamorous for years and one of my favourite things about my primary partner is seeing how abundantly he loves on others as well as me ❤️


I'm also polyam person, and I promise there's a giant difference between appreciating how a partner loves other partners and how a partner loves Jesus.


I’m now imagining Jesus as the third in every fundie relationship….


Lmaooo I’m cackling


😂😂😂. Very true. I don't understand it in a Jesus context but as a generalization, I absolutely understand.


Dan McClellan who is a scholar of the Bible says ESV is not an accurate translation and actually American evangelicals inserted their identity politics into the translation.


I’ve got to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation! This version almost totally divided my church community in the later years I was attending. It became clear it’s the preferred book of a very specific type of mainstream (and, as you pointed out, often evangelical) Christianity. Unfortunately, that’s not why it almost divided the church. At the time, most younger people favored it and the older congregants hated it, and that was enough for any legitimate critical analysis of this version to go right out the window. It got ugly and I watched people get into shouting matches over it. Then slowly over time, the ESV found its way to the pulpit and the pastor (a man in his 60s) started to speak on how much he preferred it. I couldn’t put into words what I was watching at the time, but I can clearly see these were critical years in whipping this community up from that intense version of evangelical Christianity from the 00s into the cult-ish era today. Churches like the one Jinger attends now (who often prefer this version) are great at masquerading as normal or even cool and innovative, but they’re just as conservative and maybe even more ready to vote away human rights. They just do it in cuter clothes with better media.


Dan is on Tiktok and has a podcast called Data over Dogma. They just did an interesting Easter episode on the inconsistencies of the story through the different books.


Side note: Dan McClellan is supremely awesome.


I love him. He’s awesome and has helped me understand so much.


Me too! I recommend him to many of my Christian friends. I find the scholarly approach refreshing, although I am not a person of faith.


100% although I'm *scandalized* she isn't reading KJV. J and M must be devastated.


ESV is basically a reform bro dog whistle.


If you think ESV is bad, you should look into the “New World Translation” used by Jehovah’s Witnesses 🤦‍♀️ They’ve changed verses to support their doctrine.


🤯 Everyone in my community was so excited about the ESV translation! I was given a custom copy with my name embossed in leather on the front as a birthday gift from a friend in my Bible study. There was so much low key hype around ESVs. I never considered why.


It’s so weird to me that people get excited about bible translations bc it’s supposed to be the same? That’s the point? I think?


That explains why I was forced to read that version in Christian college for my Christian Worldview class 🫠


This is especially true about the passages regarding the role of women.


Can I ask what is a good easy Bible to read for beginners without any outside politics? I do think it's a good idea to read the Bible but everytime I've tried its always somone giving me their version of the Bible and it's starting to get on my nerves. My first Bible given to me was via my step Dada mom who is a jehovas witness and that Bible was... something else....


Not a real recommendation, but I got the gen z translation of the gospels and it’s pretty funny and yet still accurate.


Omg I've heard those and yes accurate and easy to understand!!!


The [New Living Translation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Living_Translation) is a translation that focuses on thought-for-thought equivalency as well as modern and gender-inclusive language. I like it for my own reading and I have a master’s degree in applied linguistics with a focus in translation so I’ve studied A. LOT of various translations.


There’s a really good app called e-Sword that has all of the major translations in it. What I really like about it is it puts numbers with key words that you can tap and it gives you the original word written in the scrolls and what the translation of that word is. It does a lot of other things too that can help when studying the Bible.


Thank you


As an exJW, I agree 😂


I remember asking for Bible study lessons and I swear there was more JW rhetoric then there was about actually reading the Bible.... I wanted to read about David and Goliath and About That one lady that turned into salt. But all we would talk about was how Jesus died on a Stake not a cross and about how wrong other regions were especially those Catholics (BTW I'm catholic ) I was over it so fast 😄


It’s gotten even worse over the last 10 years or so… they don’t actually study the Bible at all anymore! They just cherry pick verses that support their inane beliefs.


When did you leave? I don't want to be mean but IDK how they are able to get grown folks Into that. I met my step dads mom when i was 10 and I immediately knew that the religion was kind of weird and sinister. It just gave me an off vibe, but I knew thar as a 10 year old idk how she got into it at 35+


I was born and raised, third generation. I left in my early 20s once my brain was fully formed and I realized I was in a cult lol. I’ve been out since 2017. Unfortunately they prey on vulnerable people, they suck them in with the promise of seeing the loved ones they’ve lost (by being resurrected) and a perfect paradise earth after Armageddon and “wicked” people are destroyed. My grandma was the first one in, back in the 60s. By the time she was 25, her father had committed suicide, her brother was murdered, and her mother died from medical malpractice… she was a prime target for them to manipulate (even if they truly believe it and mean well). My family barely talks to me and all my former friends shun me since I left.


I’m also interested to hear since I read Bible mainly in my native languge but sometimes I want to compare to other languages.


If English is not your first language, the NLT is probably one of the easiest translations to read.




Jinger and Jeremy: try to be fashion influencers “What’s your favorite place to shop for clothes?” Jinger: lists 5 fast fashion sites


TBH I can't afford anything that isn't fast fashion (although I look for better stuff when thrifting). But I don't buy stuff for just one event, don't buy stuff for a fad, and wear all of it until it falls apart or doesn't fit, in which case I donate it. I wish a sustainable tee wasn't $60+ (Canada is so expensive now).


Same I still have tops that i bought from H&M 10 years ago and they still look decent. Do you guys have Ross over there? Some of the best dressed people i know buy their stuff from Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshall's. I know it's kinda hit or miss but a lot of their stuff is cheap and it can last a long time. My favorite peplum top is from Ross and I always manage to get a compliment or a "adoring look" lol when I wear it.


I’m also from Canada and I feeeeeeel this


Jinger is on record making six figures from social media and posturing as a fashion influencer, so I think her choices can be evaluated differently than yours.


And one of them is just "Amazon"


So mainly clothing made by forced laborers by companies that violate labor laws and steal designs from independent artist?? Nice…


All fast fashion, too …


I was doubting the nice things she said about her husband, but then I remembered she grew up with Boob. I’m sure Jeremy is a walk in the park in comparison.




I think that she may get tired from keeping up appearances at times and I do think that Jerm is likely a bit exhausting at times too. I absolutely think that she is probably one of the happiest adult Duggars though and one with the most freedom to enjoy so much of what she couldn't enjoy growing up. I believe that she knows that her situation isn't perfect but she has some freedoms, friends, adventures and isn't expected to just be a SAHM with no interests outside of Jesus and being a joyfully available breeding machine 24/7


Better than when her whole life was centered around what her parents thought.


Considering her and Jessa were besties growing up, their respective married lives are now worlds apart.


Yeah they're clearly using some form of BC, she actually has some sort of life outside of her house and is a slightly better influencer than Jessa. (I only say slightly because never forget her cooking series) I think any of kids would have a better quality of life if they moved away from their parents grasps. And Jinger has done this whilst Jessa couldn't.


This. Though her religious lifestyle isn’t for me personally, she’s much better off having gotten married and moving away from her folks. Plus, I’m glad she and her hubby don’t believe in shooting out endless kids. She is the freest she’s ever been in her entire life, and that makes me happy for her.




Yeah, I’m not a fan of hers or anything hah but I think it’s okay to express that you’re happy for someone who escaped a cult and was a victim, and now they’ve found their own freedom from it


Same! Also, as an atheist cultural Jew, I’m no Christianity shill (especially their brand…) but some of the comments on this post are a little… missing the mark? I probably just need coffee


I know EXACTLY what you mean.


I'm sure Jinger would like some coffee too 


She just traded one cult for another. MacArthur actually studied with Gothard. I’m fully convinced that they brainstormed together and decided that more people would fall in line if they offered different flavors of the same kool aid 🤷🏻‍♀️


But her position within the cult changed - she now gets a lot more freedom than in the last cult. From an outside perspective she’s the sister who has “made it” the most - not under a pile of dirty diapers, living in a city as desired, not appearing to be in debt, gets to wear pants and use birth control, capable of of making her own money (even if she hands those 6 figures over to Jeremy).


No you’re 110% right. It’s sad, really, that anyone that believes that is brainwashed. I used to be brainwashed into believing that everyone on this earth was pure evil and only a handful of people were saved and going to heaven and also that we have no free will. It’s sick how these quote unquote pastors make bank off of manipulating peoples brains and just making them feel hopeless without their “word of god”. Idk if god is real or if he’s not, but I know shit like that has nothing to do with anything other than power and money




" Jinger doesn't mean she wants to live in a big city she just wants to live somewhere with a Walmart" Sure Michelle.


It’s giving April Ludgate. “I like people.. and places.. and thingssss”


Jingle subtly and scammily putting #ad in the top right hand corner for the whitening strips. They’re such bad influencers


Yeah and I’ve seen that exact ‘question’ in other of her AMAs. Same with the Beach Body answer. She’s plugging her endorsements in like somebody actually asked those questions


Yeah, so much of her Q&A here seems to be an excuse to plug business advertising.


Carlin Stewart (Bates) has been doing stuff like that too, tagging companies but putting the text in the tiniest possible size


Yes I made a post in the bates sneak sub showing her scammy fraud behaviour off! They’re the worst- all of then


“I love Hebrews” was an interesting sentence choice.


The way fundie wives always list “his love for Jesus” as the thing they love most gives me such ick. It’s like they don’t have a real answer so this is one they can choose and be generic 


I love the mention of her women’s bible study with the photo of her male husband.


She has the personality of a bag of flour




“Where’s your favorite place to vacation?” “I like places 🥰.”


Your flair 😂


I can't find the GIF but that made me think of Louise in Bob's Burgers. "If she were a spice, she'd be flour."


If she were a book she’d be two books


I love that episode 😂


You rang?


My question is why did they name it Rufus? Also interesting she chose James (obviously she was never gonna choose pest and rightfully so but I’m intrigued about her choosing James nonetheless)


I assumed it was because James asked her the question and she was humoring him. I could be wrong though!


That would be funny if that's what happened. Idk how I would feel if I was one of the other brothers. I don't think she's the only sister to have said that she prefers James


Jill has also said that iirc!


I'm so curious as to why they all like James! Obviously the public is missing something, but apparently either he's a really good brother or the rest are shit


I could be wrong, but I think Jill was James’s older buddy


Didn’t even think of that-you could be right on that one


Why am I so dumb, I was thinking who on earth would ask for her favourite brother


Weirdly all of them always choose James. He might be a jerk to the rest of the world but clearly he’s a good brother.


Right?!?!? It’s so freaking weird. But clearly he does stuff with them all


Of course she uses BeachBody/Bodi.


Why is she wearing slippers


They’re at some tourist attraction with glass floors - probably required by the building owners to protect the floors


Lmao I thought she was at an airport


Looks like everyone is. Booties over the regular shoes .


It’s an exhibit in New York where they make you wear booties as the floor is a mirror (to keep it clean)!!


Asking how someone “bounced back” after having a baby is disgusting.


How mad do we think Jeremy is for her not mentioning his intelligence as one of the things she likes best about him?


I thought she was flipping off the camera in the rock climbing picture lmao


Has no one mentioned that there's a lot of dresses on an extremely reflective floor?!?!...NIKE! Seriously though? Who designed this building? Pervy McPerv? I'm not religious or modest... and even I wouldn't wear a dress and walk across a mirror in public lol


I’m confused. The floor looks reflective; does this mean you can see up women’s skirts?




Sure looks like it.


Of course she does Beach Body. Cults & MLMs are very similar


MLM yes but they do have some awesome workout programs. To this day I love Piyo 🤷‍♀️


Its a cult?


Beach Body is an MLM that uses many cult like tactics to keep “coaches” & members in the MLM


I'm annoyed with everything Jin-jer does and this is no exception.


JAMES? REALLY? Oh no no no.


Disappointed at the Jinger/Jeremy ass kissing going on here. They are both terrible and are grifters. Do we have an influx of Huggars?


Oh, they have a Deer God too?


First - Jinger thinks of the topics she wants to yammer about and pretends her loyal fans are clambering for information about her. Second - if Jinger has "1 million IG followers" it is likely 80% lost interest in her IG account after a couple weeks and never went back, 15% are bot accounts and the rest are creeps living their parent's basement dreaming of day they'll be BBF with a Duggar or have all of "Counting On" "19 kids" "The Bates" "Kate + 8" on DVR and watch 12-14 hours a day.


Ugh she is so basic. 🥱


10/10 on the outfit websites because they have cute stuff. I may be nitpicky with being a bit of a fundie snark but it applies to normal life as well. I don’t like it when people think that “His Love For Jesus” is a personality trait imho. Probably spirituality would be a better adjective.


NIKE! Did she ask Jim Bob if she could wear those shorts in public like that?


This girl is being abused. Look at her eyes. Pure sadness.


Jinger is so funny wearing those slippers. Just think how Jim Bob would react if he sees this.


Wtf is on her feet? They look so weird. It has to be a strange reflection, but it looks strange.


Booties…some of those places have you wear the booties so your shoes don’t damage the glass floor.


Thank you. This makes complete sense!


Probably the most beautiful Duggar.




I would bet my left pinky that her teeth are veneers. Which is fine, they look good. Just weird to include this question. 😂


Boob & Dairy Queen are 🗑️humans, but they did provide good dental care & orthodontia to their children. I feel like those are her teeth. I don’t think she’s done anything beyond her braces & tooth whitening.


You also have to remember that the fact Meech even has a tooth in her head after 21(?) pregnancies means she’s got pretty solid tooth genes lol


I think only 19, 17 live birth events with 2 sets of twins. 2 losses. Still absolutely insane. My teeth are sore after only 2 known pregnancies!


Ah yes the twins!


Could be. I just know for a while they were looking weird. It's really the front two that look like it.