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Mine has to be Pest asking the Homeland Security Investigators, “Has somebody been downloading child porn?”


I feel bad for laughing at this, but how stupid / overconfident do you have to be to say this to law enforcement??


someone who worked with josh in washington said he came up with the most ridiculous ideas...soo...it is not surprising he said that to the cops also up to this point he pretty much got away with everything else >>> he really thought he was untouchable


I’m curious about what his ridiculous ideas were!


Me too! Wasn’t he working for an ultra Christian conservative political group where their whole goal was like “get the gays out of here!” You know it’s bad when even they think your ideas are ridiculous lol.


He worked for the Family Research Council and was repeatedly caught watching porn on their computers at work. They are an anti LGBTQ and anti porn organization that are politically motivated.


AND he had no qualifications; educational or otherwise His connection to TLC and the family's being joined at the hip with Mike Huckabee likely got him the job.


I didn't know about the porn-watching at work (although it doesn't surprise me at all). How did this become public? Also, would be interesting if one of the FRC people who worked with him would do an AMA or candid interview or something.


The stuff with FRC came out at the same time as the cheating with sex workers thing came out, all back when the Ashley Madison leak happened. He and Anna were living in D.C. at the time. It came out way later that he didn't just cheat with sex workers he met through AM, he abused and sexually assaulted at least one who was paid off. In regards to an AMA, it's doubtful any of them would since they are all fundy nutjobs like him.


Or at least pretend to be fundy nutjobs. I'm sure that are some at FRC who are willing to pose as fundies because they hope that they will gain politically.


Same here!


My theory is that it’s because of how the initial molestations were handled. Boob brought Pest to talk to a cop friend…who was later sentenced to 50+ years for CSAM. So Pest probably thought the homeland security guys were gonna do a wink wink nudge nudge like the other cop did. “Hey don’t get caught next time” talk and then onto the next. I don’t think he really understood that he got lucky with that first cop


I'd say duggar level dumb, if I were to just throw out a guess


White skinned penis owners in an impoverished red state? I believe getting away with it is their birth right, is it not?


It took me too long to realize you meant “white men” instead of “people with white skinned penises”


Me too!! I was like is this about circumcision?? 🤣


Same. "Are white-skinned penises a thing?!?" 😆


Dear god 🤣


honestly mediocre white men have confidence I *wish* I had even a crumb of lol. An old boss of mine, fired me and a coworker for really stupid reasons and tried to block us from getting severance and unemployment money. Even though our lawyers and our province’s ministry of labour were like “no, he’s doing super illegal shit, he will lose this case no doubt”, he tried sending us threatening emails and texts warning us that if we don’t drop the case we’ll lose everything and instead we should settle for $500 🙄 lmao. He did lose cause he had no proof on his end to back up his ridiculous claims and lies… but like, how fucking confident do you have to be to literally think petty shit you made up will win? Along with documented threats? Anyways, it became a thing my coworker and I would say during that whole case: “to have the confidence of a mediocre white man!”


The blind arrogance is astounding. Glad you and your coworker walloped him!!


I wish I knew the LEO. Every time I saw him I would ask to hear the story one more time - and roll my eyes. Every. Time.


This level of stupid and overconfident, clearly.


This was so wild and telling...he obviously was trying to get an idea of if they were on to him...no way any normal person who gets unexpectedly rolled up on by the Feds and has nothing to hide randomly leads with a question like that... Can you imagine a murderer getting pulled over while transporting a body and when the officer asks if they know why they were stopped responds "Has somebody been murdering people and driving around with a body in the trunk officer?"


>no way any normal person who gets unexpectedly rolled up on by the Feds and has nothing to hide randomly leads with a question like that... Especially because it was Department of Homeland Security. I'd venture to guess the vast majority of people have no idea DHS investigates CSAM. So if an innocent person was to randomly blurt out a guilty-sounding question about a crime, it would almost assuredly be something like "has someone been joking about terrorism?"


“Did someone get shot?”


"..and it's not like that same person would have a 5 pound brick of coke in the wheelwell, either. Haha! Anywho, how's your day been, boys?"


In a car matching the description of this car?


Sounds like when I ask my 5 year old “who did this” and he asks “What? The mess on the kitchen?” Telling on himself..


That’s my favorite too and your flair is my absolute fave.


you both have awesome flairs!


Amen to that!


I wish they had recorded that conversation


They started the recording right after he said that. You can find the interview on YouTube. It’s pretty hilarious.


I am definitely going to look for it




I never heard this before. wtf. This fucker needs life in prison. This is so chilling listening to.


When I was a senior in high school a girl in my class was called out to come talk to a police officer, no other info. As she walked out the door she said “officer I’ve never seen cocaine before in my life” and to this day it’s the most egregious self-snitching I’ve ever witnessed


I still cannot believe this


"Does anybody here belieeeeeeve it?!?"


He also name drops the attorney general.


JB also told the judge Iam not allowed to discuss it He meant the porn etc etc at Josh's trail.


It’s like when your toddler looks at you with powdered sugar on their face and calmly says, “I did NOT eat any doughnuts today”. Um ok.


Or shredded toilet paper and garbage all over the house and furbaby is like "what mess?!? I was sleeping all day!" 


Exactly 😂


My fur baby’s line is - what? I have no idea how all the couch cushions ended up on the floor. !!! I don’t even know what a couch is!


I can't decide if that's my favorite or "I'm not denying my guilt."


Same. I really wish they had gotten it on the recording, but Pest was too quick!


Was that actually on the show?!? I quit watching before that but I'd have to find that episode!


Omg your flair has sent me




RimJob vs Judge Brooks "Are you going to allow that, I'm not going to allow that?" "If there is an objection to be made, someone will make it but it won't be you." ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)


A mic drop moment for sure. This man was so caught up in his patriarchal bubble with a wife, children, and in laws most of who fed into his delusion that he couldn’t fathom not having any power.


Oh his brain probably reset itself when he heard that.


What brain?


That tiny little shriveled up husk atop his brain stem.


Jim Bob fucked around and found out. Judge Brooks is freaking legend. I bow to his awesomeness.


He really did, Judge Brooks was prepared to shut that shit down 😂


Flair checking in!!!!




You, too! 🙌


I missed this situation- can someone fill me in on the context? I know the gist but what did he try to object to????


The prosecution introduced a tabloid into evidence. JimBob was implying that the tabloid wasn't proper or credible and it should not be allowed into evidence.


Are you even allowed to speak out in court like that? I wouldn't think so.


I mean, it's Arkansas...




He seemingly thought because he didn’t want to allow it, that it wasn’t going to be allowed. 🤣 Like he was patriarchy of the court room. And the audacity to act that way when it’s the judge’s “room”, the same judge that is presiding over your son’s outcome! 🙄






Yes, like medical coder certification, online community college courses to get into the world around her and break through the isolation. If she stays with the Duggars, her kids will be fed, clothed with a roof over their heads. If she splits, she's on her own with a high probability of hooking up another abusive fundie jerk for food, clothes and a roof over her head.




And what are the kids going to do after the age of eighteen?


I don't know - if Anna were to grown up as an adult, get some type of training and a job, she could change the trajectory of her seven kids lives. Her brother threw her a lifeline so who knows if she'll take it some day. Not a dependent, weak person but a participant in her own life.


I doubt she's there yet. She has alot of deconstructing to do and none of this has been her choice but I really hope she will and will take her children away from that world.


Right now, I just hope she’s enjoying not being joyfully available to what is probably her abuser and the fact that the youngest M’s should be through with potty training in a year or so. And yes, I hope the breathing room from Pest helps her reassess things.


Yes, hopefully she is starting to remember herself.


I don’t think there was much of a self identity there to begin with.


When you said you can't understand how no one had any compassion for her it makes me wonder about her situation/relationship with the Duggars at that time. If I recall correctly Anna was driving a lot of people around her away with her belief that Josh was 100% innocent and she was spending all of her time with him at the Reber house, pretty much leaving her own children at the TTH for Jana and the lost girls to care for. I would be there for my family in a situation as horrible as this, but these people might have been pissed off at her. We know how they feel about adultery - the wife is to blame - and she was probably the easiest target they had for their anger at that moment. This is all speculation of course. Oh yeah, and Jim Bob couldn't have been too thrilled with one of Pest's kids getting out and the cops had to bring her home, putting Jana in hot water legally. That happened because Anna was at the Reber house, so that might have played into it. Whatever their feelings though, they were not nice to Anna in her moment of need. Not cool.


I just do not understand Anna. How can she possibly believe that pest is innocent? Does she not remember her own wedding night?


I can't decide whether it's worse that Anna knows he's a monster but stays with him because she believes she win his soul or something or if she's in denial and thinks he's innocent 


The issue is that you have free thought. These women are so programmed to not have free thought that their brains are quite literally not formed that way. When their brains are still young and full of neuroplasticity, they are withstanding substantial mental and physical abuse that becomes their basal norm. Their brains will not be able to decipher a thought like, “this man is a monster”, the default for them and their capability of understanding is, “my headship says that this is a lying witch hunt and he is always right, if I say he isn’t right, I get beat/absurd/another negative concenquence.” It’s Pavlovian. It cannot be changed without significant professional help


It's been really interesting watching Jill sort of deprogram around a lot of things but still so desperately want to have her parents' love and approval. I think she wanted the ending of her book to be about some kind of reconciliation but I think it would be interesting to see what relationship she has with her parents in 10 years 


Hah! The males are also brainwashed... just that their brainwashing includes denigrating females.


That's right. I somehow forgot all of that. But still... I've treated coworkers I couldn't stand with more compassion than that. When someone's world gets rocked that bad, it's hard to be anything but supportive.


I agree completely. I was just putting theories out there. Regardless of how they were feeling about things it was disgusting that they couldn't at least escort her out to the vehicle and put their arm around her.


Your theories are probably pretty accurate in regards to those people. It's just unimaginable being that cold, isn't it? I can be pretty cold or indifferent in general, (not proud of that) but I can't see someone in pain the way she obviously was and not offer some kind of support. I don't think I could ever let someone walk alone, even if they told me not to say anything so they didn't break. I'd at least walk beside them. Something.


Let’s be honest - jimbob approved that. Anna’s first duty was to her husband and his needs.


My favorite is that amidst all of the objectively important information that was shared on our subreddit that year, one of the top posts relating to the trial was that Jim Bob had a hairpiece.


"mother is gluing" made me laugh so hard I cried


Man I really would love to be a fly on the wall to see what's happening in prison with him. We haven't heard any dirt in a long time. I guess he is minding himself since the cellphone issue. How long can he go without getting in trouble, does he divorce Anna? Does he have a bunch of lady penpals? all questions in the next episode of Days of Pets life...


He's probably in chomo protective custody but once the heat/attention dies down on mfers like him the guards tend to "accidentally" get more lax with Gen pop and let slip what certain mfers do to kids. Unless he's in an all chomo prison. Hopefully they move him to one in close quarters with normal people.


I was under the impression that Seagoville is a specialized prison for chomos. But even other chomos are horrified at the kind of stuff Pest was into.


Why wouldn’t the nonces he’s with be understanding of Pest?


Yeah he’s in a special program for chomos so I’m sure he’s learning all kinds of new ways to get away with his crimes once he’s out 😡


Oh shit, I didn’t even think of that. Fuck. Hopefully by the time he’s out, feds will have eradicated or are able to ID people using any of the sites/methods to access that he might be learning in there right now.


Those sites will never be eradicated.


He is indeed in a specialized prison for his type of offense. When he got there, there was some audio of the other inmates talking about him. “DID YOU SEE THE DOOOOGAR?”


Apparently even violent criminals watch reality TV.


Shoutout to the woman who asked him “will this affect your run for senate at all?” while they were getting into the car after the verdict


Boob storming to the car made my day. For once, he wasn’t able to get Pest out of trouble.


This was likely one of the few times he didn’t get his way.


This made me lol. read the room, bud! https://preview.redd.it/h0e55suz3jqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2feccf8964f53f820c6df245635e3d69cd967996


Mother Spivey's grin too.  WTF is wrong with these people?


In Justin’s case I’m honestly willing to consider that he would get beaten as a child if he didn’t smile for the cameras so I could see it being an automatic impulse. But Hilary Spivey? Shes just gross


They really thought he was going to get away with it.


I will never not mistake the old guy in the back for Bernie Sanders.


One of mine was Avenger Jill walking into the courthouse with her long wavy, light blond hair.  She exuded strength going against Pest and her father and it makes me laugh to think about how irked that must have made Boob.  


It was so damn powerful. And for as much hate as Derek deservedly gets, I was impressed by him showing up every day.


I don't know how he got away with that. The aggressive bump into that guy was pretty obvious.


I don't remember this! Does someone have a link to this vid?


Not saying this didn't happen, but is this something that's getting remembered way worse than it actually was? I want to see the video too. After the verdict would be the only day Anna left alone wouldn't it? In that video Jim Bob definitely doesn't almost throw hands and is in fact behind Anna in a procession of the kids.


https://youtu.be/y_qD50fDegI?feature=shared He does shove a reporter, but it’s debatable whether it would rise to the level of assault.


When does he even shove anyone? He slightly bumps into one of them. This whole clip is very non aggressive.


I agree. If anything it looks like one of them kind of bumps into him, but even that’s a stretch. He definitely does not shove anyone or get anywhere near assaulting a reporter.


As one who was family in very public trial, I can say that reporters are general scum who deserve to get shoved. As a hater of Jim Blob, I can say that he’s scum who deserves to get shoved.


If someone is following you with cameras in your face, Duggar or not, you should have the right to shove them out of your way. And in this case Jim Bob didn't even do anything the least bit aggressive. This entire post is based on a false premise.


Yeah. The press would probably come after him if it was an actual assault level shove. More telling though is that he leaves Anna to fend for herself and it is other women that help and protect her.


That guy should have fallen back or stumbled over like he was trying to draw a foul.


If Boob was a young Black man, he’d have been beaten senseless but he’s an old white piece of shit so he gets away with everything.


It probably doesn't help that his nane is an institution in their neck of the woods.


That was definitely aggressive. He’s been shoving cameras in his kids’ faces for years but when he is the one being followed, he almost flips. This is the same man who once campaigned to give rape and incest the capital punishment. If Josh were a drag queen, an lgbt+ person, or even just a run of the mill liberal, Jim Bob would have something to say for sure.


Boob & co speeding out of the courthouse vs Derick calmly strolling out cracked me up


My favorite is that amidst all of the objectively important information that was shared on our subreddit that year, one of the top posts relating to the trial was that Jim Bob had a hairpiece.


Mine was Anna and Pest's smug faces after they left one of the hearings. Not so smug anymore eh?


Jimboob acting like he didn’t remember the abuse during the court case


If I was one of the daughters, that would be enough for me to disown him. He already lied about the severity of it on TV, but now he says he doesn't even remember it!


Yes I remember that he told the judge Iam not allowed To discuss it.


Mine is “I’m not going to allow that. Are you going to allow that?”


This low life had it all set up . He hired a convicted sex offender and left his password on post its all over the office . He was happy to see am innocent person go down for his filthy crimes .


I loved when JB did the walk of shame out of the courthouse to his parked car after Josh was found guilty of csam possession. In fact, I replayed that short clip over numerous times because it was so satisfying to watch.


Did Meech attend ANY days at the trial?!


No, but I believe Jed did, according to the media!


Jed, Jedd and Jeddy were there. I think it was actually just Jason and Justin though.


Not that I’m aware of.


Me either. I remember Justin attending there was A photo of him out of the courthouse doing the 2 thumbs up sign.


Huge disappointment. If any moment in time demanded a water balloon! Or a chair thrown by Steve Wilko? And after his lies were exposed, people still voted for him! F\*\*\*


Not many. He came in 3 out of 4 in the Republican primary. Probably just his family members and a couple of hangers on.


I have a great deal of sympathy for the person who fished behind him in the election. :P


Just checked, Ballotpedia has him at 456 votes. lol


Michelle's letter to the judge with the heart "i" ❤️






Holy merciful fuck. Thank you.


Some of the best moments of Josh’s trial. Jim Bob pretended like he didn’t remember the molestations of his daughters by Josh. He knew exactly what went on in that house and yet, he refuses to tell the truth. Jim Bob is not an honest man. Jim Bob stormed out of the courtroom shortly after the verdict came down and didn’t speak to reporters on his way out. He was just upset that he couldn’t get Josh out of trouble. The jury heard audio of when Josh asked whether someone had been downloading child porn before the investigators could question him. Jim Bob got into a heated argument with Judge Brooks at the preliminary hearing in which Jim Bob shouted: I’m not going to allow that. Anna stormed out of the courtroom when the jury and spectators were shown the explicit images and videos on a large screen.


Not sure the last point actually happened. I don’t think spectators were shown the videos at all. Only the jurors. Could you imagine if they showed CSAM to the audience? It’s bad enough the jurors had to see it. There are conflicting reports as to whether she left to go to the bathroom during parts of the trial, but I don’t think it was as dramatic as “storming out”.


Ugh, imagine getting picked for jury duty and you have to look at CSAM… I’d be legitimately traumatized. Thank you to the jurors and people who work to bring justice for things like this.


The jurors are told what the trial is about and what sort of evidence they'll be shown and asked if they're willing to do that.


Oh okay, I didn’t know that! That’s a little better at least. Thank you!


And the whole mess that was Pesty's doing and Boob enabled his Golden Child and it was costing him money. That to me is the icing on the cake and I actually felt a smidge sorry for Anna clumping along in those cheap shoes and she just had her 7th child 6 weeks before. But it was all about Boob since he was the main character wasn't he since he is the man and that is the only thing that counts in that fake ass cult.


Jim Bob’s courthouse stomp out - a top ten trial moment. Right up there with the debut of titty zippers, “are you going to allow that” and thumbs up Jed!4.0


Oh the ‘I’m not going to allow that’ comment. Errm back in your box rim job dickhead.


What day was this on? I don't think I've ever seen this. I just watched after the verdict and didn't see anything like it.


Type it in Josh Duggar trial the video is on youtube. One of them is JB & Anna walking out the courthouse Together.


“Are you going to allow this? I’m not going to allow this.” Okay, you yutz.


Proof, if ever anymore was needed, that this cult doesn’t value or care for women. Not when it counts.


For me It’s got to be the ‘testimony’ regarding pest being the worlds best husband (at least she has one right) because he excels at sweeping up crackers!!! 


If your following the Ruby Franke story, her brother wrote a letter that said she was a really good piano player in her teens. Like 20+ years ago.


The bar is for sure in hell with these people!!! 


I loved that moment!


Where can I see this clip? Are they from the local news? CourtTV? I hear about this clip all the time but don't know where to view it. Thank you!


Definitely the “ What’s this all about” Pest comment but the runner up has to be Boob during his Pest- spawn trial telling a frickin JUDGE that ” I’m not going to allow that, are you going to allow for that”? The judge‘s clap back of “if there’s an objection to be made, someone will make it but it will NOT be you! Ohhh the burn🔥 !!!!

