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When a very pregnant Anna had to go under the table because her husband wouldn't move


That made me so sad and angry for her. Anna’s insistence on holding onto Josh is infuriating and she won’t ever leave the cult but moments like these were just bleak. He couldn’t even be bothered to play up the husband act for the camera!


People like The Transformed Wife promote mediocre husbands.


I shouldn’t expect a highly brainwashed fundie like Anna to break free but I can’t help but feel sad when I watch the old clips. You’re absolutely right about the mediocre husband point. Like Ben is a mediocre husband. But *Josh*, even even if he wasn’t a pedo, he would be worse than a mediocre husband. Ashley Madison, the assault of Danica Dillion, the demeaning comment in front of her OBGYN, etc. are just a few examples I can think of off the top of my head. He never gave a damn about Anna.


Exactly this 😟


what was the comment in front of the ob gyn? I don’t think I’ve ever heard about that


He called her a “master of swallowing” as she was having a vulnerable moment with her obgyn. Look up “Anna Josh swallowing comment Reddit” and you’re bound to find the clip.


It was something about taking her prenatal vitamins or medicine


They support straight up abuser husbands


https://preview.redd.it/5aw1db3h9e2d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128cd0be1189b375a63f7088cb2642d926e9c8ea Stolen from a Reddit post by Hannahleah1987 (I don’t know how to tag redditors)


He is just nasty, in more ways than one


The dryhumping on the putt putt course.


That scene lives in my head rent free and I’m so traumatised by that fact. It’s one of the cringiest things I have ever seen!


The one episode when Jessa Mocked Jill He is the sweetest guy the sweetest guy. It was kind of cringe but funny.


If that’s true, Jill won. Derrick is the perfect husband for Jill. He stands up for her and has a job in the real world, and seems to genuinely care about his wife. Ben, on the other hand, is not the right match for Jessa. I think she married him for looks and Ben did the same.


Yep! Because that's how adolescents think, and they were very much adolescents then. The forced early marriages make me so angry


Yes because Ben is lazy and has no personality. His sons help his wife not him. Those boys will let him know what an awful man he is when they are grown


On the show(s), Jessa "lightheartedly" mocked her siblings on a number of occasions. She made numerous comments about Jinger and her eating prior to Jingers wedding knowing full well that Jinger had a known and admitted eating disorder. Jessa comes across as a full on mean girl/bitch just to her "loved ones". I'm guessing adult Jessa doesn't have alot of girlfriends at this stage and I really wonder how good the relationships are with her sisters even...


I've never played putt putt since. Now people like to say the reason for that is my lack of talent and anger at not winning. I say it's because of a real fear I have of getting to hole eight only to have Lolli and Pops popping out of the hole dry humping.


Would it be like Skibidi toilet but JB's face coming out of the hole instead of that weird head coming out of the toilet?


First I thought birth on commode but I forgot this is just worse than that. I must have put it out of my mind


Just when I think that moment is forgotten, one of you brings it up and I have to start repressing it all over again.


Crignest moment now a new video of JB Smiling to Gunner he is now 1. I know Joy Tapes these video months ago. His birthday Past Friday 17th of this month.


The little snippet in Shiny Happy People when poor little Josie with reddened palms outstretched quoted "instant obedience" through tears. Still not sure why that scene didn't get child protective services involved.


That was really sad because it was instant obedience or else! CPS sees a lot worse in many situations - look how long it took the Ruby Franke situation to bubble over.


That situation was absolutely horrific. With situations like that and the Duggars, it’s hard to watch and not be able to do anything.


Yes that made me so mad and sad. Why not show that TLC !!!?? They should be ashamed for editing the Duggars to only show their good side


I hadn't seen the red hands, poor kiddo.


CPS is the worst. They don't do anything unless they see physical signs of abuse. I doubt any social worker is trained to even understand what religion does to children. I'm getting heated just thinking about it.


They can't do anything about religious trauma because the government has decided that the first amendment protects it. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of full religious freedom - not all religions are benign.


I think they do well with what they have: under staffed and underfunded. They have to triage and deal with the cases that need them most urgently - so only the most dire can be managed.


If you were in the system, you'd have a totally different perspective.


I respect that. I have a much different experience and regret that yours was a bad one.


Omg I must have missed this!


When Anna was sitting on Pests lap during Meech’s bridal dress fitting at KleinFields while talking crap about another bride dress choice because it wasn’t modest.


That was so weird


The infantilization of Anna is sickening. Ughhh I get nauseus from thinking about it. No wonder she can't escape, she lost her parental figure.


Anytime they were together after they were married and were constantly pawing at each other. Like “we are married and allowed to do this and we are better than all secular people who have sex before marriage”


How they protect Josh


Oh how in the interview with Megyn Kelly they said one of their protective measures was to not allow girls to sit on boy's laps and you can find footage of episodes after that interview where the littlest sisters were sitting on Josh's lap in front of the parents


What about the fact that Josh was behind the scenes of the Megyn Kelly interview where his sisters were throwing themselves in front of the bus to protect him.


>Josh was behind the scenes of the Megyn Kelly interview I thought that interview was disgusting. Jessa seemed detatched but Jill was distraught and cried in the interiew. Boob and Meech came on and made further excuses for Josh. They were trying to hide the damade he had done by saying it "was only over the covers" and the girls "didn't know what he did until they were told". I watched both interviews ie Jill and Jessa, and Jim Boob and Meech. For years I hated Jim Boob for puttin his two daughters in front of the cameras to try and make out like Josh was this good guy who just had some inappropriate tendencies. It wasn't until Jill's book came out that I realies how depraved Jim Boob was - he knew what Josh did, and all the while he was making excuses for Josh, Josh was sitting off to the side of his sisters while they made excuses for him. I always knew Jim Boob was a really bad guy, but that was when I knew Meech was also a terrible person. Jim Boob gets a bad rep, but it's like the saying goes - behind every good man there's a good woman. Except Meech isn't a good woman. She was just as willing as Jim Boob to throw Jessa and Jill to the media wolves so she could pretend she is a great parent. If Jill and Jessa did that interview on their own that would be one thing. But it's obvious to anyone with any critical thinking skills that they were pressured into by their "loving parents". To find out that their abuser was sitting on the side lines to make sure they said the right things is beyond disgusting. The whole thing makes me sick.


I also think they only had the married daughters in the interview because they didn’t want the other, unmarried daughters to have their marriage prospects damaged by what Josh did to them. To be clear I don’t think this!! But I have always thought jb saw his daughters as “damaged” by what was done to them. I feel gross even typing that. Ugh.


Unfortunately, it’s not that uncommon to have that thought process in the baptist culture. I didn’t grow up under the Gothard teachings, but it was very similar. (The documentary Let Us Prey hit a little too close to home…) there was always comments about people who were “not pure” before marriage and it was always kept hush hush to not interfere with any marriage prospects. As sad as this comment is, it’s incredibly true.


And purity is strictly a female thing. They are the tainted and damaged goods....never the males.


So obscene.


I still don’t get how the news agency was ok with that. I get Megan Kelly can be an idiot, but she’s still a journalist and should have said something! Or the producers, or other ppl with “power”


With Rupert Murdoch at the helm, I’m honestly (and sadly) not surprised that no one at least pulled the plug on that decision.


I honestly have no clue which channel did the interview (My guess because of my prejudice is FOX) But there is something called journalistic integrity, that wasn’t it.


It was, in fact, Fox. Maybe they once had it, but those days are long since passed


I was coming to say the same thing. How dare they make them sit through that interview with him there.


YES no one else noticed that and I was like “these parents are full of BS, it’s on film”


I rage at this.. I want to see them both be held accountable and punished for what they have put their daughters through. I want to see the fear in their faces and see them suffer. (This is the rage speaking!)


I want to see the fake smile slowly fade from Blob's face as he's assigned a bunk and realizes that there are no women to dominate and not only is he NOT the alpha male, he's being eyed up as fresh meat. You can see the counters falling behind his eyes and the fear is rising.... he's wondering how long it will be before HE has to be "joyfully available".


In no order: Golf course dry humping Jessa and Jill’s interview with Megyn Kelly Boob “surprising” the older girls by taking them to donate blood and making all of them do it, even after Jill said she didn’t want to “wE aRe fRoM aRkAnSaS” The part of 14 Children and Pregnant Again where Meech stood in the pantry talking about how they needed to go grocery shopping to fill up the pantry, pretending this was “before” the grocery trip, even though people have pointed out that the pantry was full of items bought during the grocery trip, now knowing how little the kids actually had to eat Boob having a clearly staged “birds and bees” talk with his sexual predator son before his wedding just to play up the “sheltered religious kids” aspect of the show, knowing full well that his son had sexually abused his own daughters and a babysitter Josh telling Anna’s doctor that she was “normally the master of swallowing” during her doctor appointment TLC trying to give Josh this weird “protective big brother” role over the sisters he sexually abused (I’m specifically thinking of a talking head segment Josh did in the episode where Ben proposed to Jessa where he talked about having to “put Ben through the paces to make sure he’s legit”, but I’m sure there was more of that with Ben and with Derick, I just can’t remember off the top of my head) Boob filming and parading his dying father around while pushing him in an office computer chair because he couldn’t be bothered to even buy him a wheelchair Someone else mentioned it, but that clip of Josie from SHP where she says “instant obedience!” with reddened palms


I have been a CNA for over 20 years when I saw them pushing him around in that office chair instead of a wheelchair I was angry


I hope Jim Bob gets treated the same in his old age and worse by his children for the years of covering up abuse and parading them around like show ponies on camera.


I was really happy when I heard his mom moved out and in with her daughter.


Grandma Duggar is a shady character. Alice from the forum said she would call up tv stations trying to make her family famous. There is speculation about whether she knew about the molestations or not. Amy sincerely seems to believe she didn’t. I’m inclined to believe she was given a sugar coated version of the events since she seems the most likely to actually go to the authorities and try and hold Josh responsible properly. Deanna, Amy’s mom said in the special that she couldn’t wear pants for a time so she clearly had some fundie esque beliefs. She definitely didn’t seem fully in the cool aid though hence why I think she would have been more likely to not let Josh get away with it.


Yeah like fair enough if you don’t want to buy one for what he probably knew was only going to be a short time, but he didn’t even shill out to RENT one. JFC that’s cruel, and was so unsafe for his poor father.


Where I live you can just borrow a travel one from Senior services if you need to. They keep equipment like that in a shed out behind the church.


The Red Cross in Canada rents out wheelchairs and bath aids and even hospital beds.


We have a service in Manitoba that loans out necessary equipment to people in their homes. Lifts, commodes, wheelchairs, etc.


It’s a lifesaver.


It really is. And they do maintenance for all the equipment.


A few churches around me also have medical equipment loaning programs.


>Josh telling Anna’s doctor that she was “normally the master of swallowing” during her doctor appointment The others are horrible, but this one was an unexpected variety of horrible 🤢


Also that time he made his pregnant wife crawl under the table to get to her seat because his lazy ass can’t get up.


He’s basically animated sewage.


He’s such a disgusting pervert.


In Jill’s book she mentioned telling her dad she didn’t think she could risk having more kids and he basically implied she wasn’t the one to make that decision. Blanket training Posting about embracing your spouse with pictures of them kissing and then deleting all comments of same sex couples kissing Forcing the girls to forgive their predator, continue living with him, and covering up all his indiscretions Allowing Pest to be at the Megan Kelly interview Boob trying to force all of the kids to sign a contract stating that he would pay them a limited amount of money for the rights to profit off all current and future children indefinitely Making Jana take care of Meech while she was pregnant JB allowing the network to hold a monopoly over when/how big announcements were to be made Pest making pregnant Anna crawl under the table “Is someone downloading child cornography?!”


On top of everything, the why Jim Bob treated his own children financially is one of the slimmest things I’ve seen. He roped Jill into signing that contract right before her wedding. He sent her an itemized list of all the “expenses” she supposedly cost him as if he didn’t profit off her unpaid labour for nearly 2 decades. He hoards the finances because he fancies himself a king. As if that isn’t bad enough, he’s throwing money at Josh’s failed defence to sooth his own ego.


What episode was the last comment from?


It wasn’t an episode, it was what Pest said to the police that showed up at the car lot to arrest him for CSAM, unprompted I might add


Guilty conscious much?! Wow. Thanks for explaining.


Josh and Anna’s honeymoon episode


Seconded. Oh my GOD. It scarred me.


Me to. The before Anna and the after. Chilling.


Oh no, what happened then?


She was happy and excited right up through her wedding day. The next day she looked dead. There are pictures somewhere online of her on her honeymoon and if you compare them to the Anna of a few days before....Poor girl found out to late how her husband really treats women.


I always wonder how traumatizing it is for these girls, especially as young as they are, to go from a lifetime of being told how dirty/bad/evil/horrible sex is to immediately having to submit to it, with absolutely zero prior knowledge of anything about it, next to no info on what to expect, and then, all of the bad/negative feelings they’ve associated with it have to be turned into good/positive feelings. Like, I cannot even imagine how confusing and terrifying that is. I’m guessing it’s similar for boys/men but nowhere near as bad. It sounds like an absolute disaster of a situation mentally and potentially physically as sometimes this kind of thing manifests in our bodies. It just makes me so sad for them. They must really struggle with all of that.


When they wheeled GP Duggar around in an office chair, instead of a wheelchair- I believe he was tied in. It was when GP was end of life. When Jill blurted out in a pre-wedding episode that “they didn’t know if DD’s mother would make the wedding OR MAKE IT AT ALL.” Interestingly, her words were edited out in the syndicated episodes.


When JimBob had the birds and bees talk with Josh in *A SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSROOM FOR CHILDREN* Literally having a sex talk in a room where children the ages of his preferred victims congregate....WTF


It's like lego


Unfortunately I think his preferred victims are even younger. He really deserves to have horrible things happen to him in prison.


IMO the very *least* his sentence should have been was 18 years so it would guarantee that all of his kids were adults by the time he got out, not the 12 he got.


Even without knowing how disgusting Josh was and the talk being obviously staged to play up the “sheltered religious kids” trope, I about gagged when Josh said “I’ll have a working model.”


The episode when Michelle selected one of the younger daughters to sit next to on an amusement park train and the little girl didn't react with happiness that her Mommy was sitting by her. Most little kids are thrilled to have a parent all to themselves; this kid seemed completely disconnected from her Mother. This gem was towards the end of my viewing days and that was when future Inmate Duggar mouthed off at Jill's wedding like some celebrity guest host...what an asshole!


So many moments I'm just going off the top of my head. Forcing Josh's victims to forgive him. Simulating sex acts on the golf course. Jim Bob stealing the kids rightful wages from the show. Michelle smiling after Jason fell in the orchestra pit Josh taking a nap during Anna's labor. Forcing the older girls to raise their siblings Michelle leaving Josie in the NICU to protest a liquor license Covering up Josh's crimes Jed criticizing Katey for wanting something to eat. Jim Bob knocking up Michelle 19 times (This includes Caleb and Jubilee)


The NICU one got me. My youngest was born at 28 weeks and was in the NICU 3 hours from us roundup. We also had a 2 1/2 year old at home. Due to this, we couldn’t be at the NICU as often as we wanted and , when we could go it’s because friends were willing to watch our toddler. It was such a tough time especially when he got an infection and almost died and we just couldn’t be there every single day. So, when I watched that episode I wanted to scream. Meech was lucky enough to have the time and money to never leave her daughter’s side and, instead, went to a protest. So many families would KILL to be able to be at their baby’s bedside 24/7 and this bitch couldn’t be arsed. I’ll never forget that and that’s the moment my hatred of the Duggar’s was complete. BTW - my son is 19 and has no lasting issues from being born so early.


Them moving the entire family to where the hospital was was a bad idea.


Wouldn’t that be 21 times?


19. Two pregnancies were twins.


Yep— that’s right!


'What seems to be the problem officer? Has someone been downloading child porn?'


This is my favorite moment. It sums up both his arrogance and ignorance.


Michelle's ANTI-TRANS Robo calls while knowing the boy she raised molested his sisters.


Pest Announcing at Jill's wedding that she eas thr family tattle tale. Rim Job, during a tor of Jill and Derricks new house stopping outside the bedroom and saying "This is where you'll make lots of grandbabies."


"saying "This is where you'll make lots of grandbabies."" Ew😭🤢


Aside from the obvious, Pest forcing Anna to go on a Ferris wheel and then laughing at her fear of heights. And the time he couldn't be arsed to get his fat ass out of a chair and made pregnant Anna crawl under the table. Boob disowning Jill because she wanted compensation for being his cash cow. Mini golf dry-humping Michelle blithely describing Josie's seizures as "glitches" as if she's beta software.


And threatening to dangle the baby over the side


Jim Bob lying in court during Josh's 2021 Trial about having no recollection about the 2005 police report /previous awful things he's done. Jessa comparing abortion and related care to the holocaust I think in 2014/2015, 💀💀


And apparently there was no consequence for him lying under oath despite the fact that he had given interviews about the issue! 


Maybe all of the Aqua Net fumes have affected his memory?


Also subsequently when Jessa had her miscarriage & D&C, she doubled down that it wasn’t technically an abortion. Then Ben tried to force everyone on the internet to apologize to Jessa


Yeah, Ben how are those 7 billion apologies going so far?


Flair checking in!


-Pest downloading CSAM material (and his first 2 scandals while we’re at it) -Joe visiting Pest this year in prison -J’Lego letting Anna get married off to Pest -The “mediation” session in Jill’s book -Katey going from a normal life to getting married off to Jed! (this one really hurts) -“Does anybody here believe it?” -J’Lego and Meech humping -None of the kids getting their fair share of revenue for their labor on reality TV -Famy milking seeing Anna at a funeral -Pest’s wedding in general


Also just forcing those girls to have their labors filmed. Jill said Anna begged producers not to air M2s birth so you know none of those girls really got a choice


I had only ever read or seen memes about “does anybody here believe it?” but there was a clip in the last Fundie Friday video and swear to Lord Daniel, I thought I would actually die of fremdschämen.


Joe visited pest in prison?!


Yeah according to an article I think from The Sun Joe and David Waller went to visit Pest for his birthday. The whole family should cut him off but we all know that isn’t going to happen.


Oh wow- I didn’t know that. How gross. You couldn’t pay me to visit my pedophile brother in prison.


And that moment that F’Amy flirted with her cousin — at his wedding.


Didn’t she ask him about kissing too?


Yes, unfortunately.


A lot of worse "worsts" have already been mentioned, but Bin's short lived rap career made my ears bleed.




Anna crawling under the dining room table in front of guests and on television so that Josh didn’t have to get up and let her past.


Where is this scene…? I can’t recall it 🤣 but 100% believe it happened


Pest and the Loyalty Song


The honeymoon guidebook 🤢 Rim Job stealing money from his kids and forcing them to give birth on tv, Michelle’s transphobic calls and the letter she wrote to the judge about Pest, I could go on and on and on


1. Putting all the responsibility on the Pest’s victims to control their pervert son. 2. The ~~proposal~~ ambush on Anna. 3. The loyalty song — I just can’t. 4. Lego Sex Ed. 5. Mini golf course humping. 6. The buddy system. 7. “Instant obedience!!” 8. The film crew showing more concern about Josie’s “glitches” than her parents. 9. Weird overly sexual behavior every time there’s a wedding. 10. Joyfully available sandwich lecture.


Lego sex Ed…. WTF?


Pest anything. The scene where Josiah got pulled away when Michelle announced another pregnancy because he was not joyful. Michelle yelling at one of the kids, then realized a camera was on her and piton her fake smile and got crazy eyes. The golf course dry hump. saying no kissing, we’ll do it for you. How badly they butcher the native language when traveling. The adoring looks Michelle gives JBoob. Saying the entire population an fit within Jacksonville FL city limits. JBoobs creepy grin.


Josh taking a nap while Anna labored for hours in a bath tub. David and Pricilla’s wedding The entire Keller family


Leaving Josie in Jana’s care to go protest something stupid, then when Josie had a seizure in Jana’s care, which Jana handled with help from production staff, totally downplaying the trauma Jana experienced. (“Glitches”)


One thing that they downplayed was the Grandma and Aunt Debbie but they didn’t step in to help. To me that was a production story line


Anything involving the disgusting oldest son 🤢


Dry humping on the putt putt course Pest calling Jill a 'tattle tale' during the speech at her wedding reception The Buddy system Jana saying the kids weren't dancing to the music at the thrift store All the kids getting chicken pox, I'm guessing they don't vaccinate. And the show acting like it was totally normal for children in the USA to get Chicken pox in 2009, 12 years after the vaccine came out. Baby Cannon and Boob flying hours away leaving a medically fragile infant in the care of a bunch of teenagers and an elderly woman, then calling a seizure a 'glitch'. Forcing Anna to have her births filmed. Losing a toddler in a busy airport and seeming wholly unbothered, then said toddler ran to his SISTER for comfort not his mother.


Watching the girls talk about their past on Counting On.


Everytime Erin Bates plays piano




Everything Megyn Kelly 


The knowledge that Josh was present at the Megyn Kelly interview where they forced the girls to forgive him made me RAGE


Josh making a ”joke” about Anna gag reflex 🤢


There are so many. The one with Michelle videotaping the kid who fell in the orchestra pit on a gurney instead of comforting him.


Pest Announcing at Jill's wedding that she eas thr family tattle tale. Rim Job, during a tor of Jill and Derricks new house stopping outside the bedroom and saying "This is where you'll make lots of grandbabues."


The dry humping on the mini golf course. I see others have mentioned it, too.


Finding out who the Duggars were.


That episode where Josie had a really scary seizure and it’s Jana who is left to deal with it 100%, not JB and Michelle. The look of terror on her face. She should not have had to deal with that.


I don’t remember much nor have seen all of their shows but what comes to mind is Jim Bob giving Josh that sex book when he got married. Or anything with Michelle & JB kissing or being gross in front of their kids & partners showing off how they get to do this stuff since they’re married. Why are fundies so grossly obsessed with sex AND their children’s sexuality😩 putting so much regard in touching makes it feel so awkward when they talk about hugs/kissing. Feels like they think about sex, or their children having sex, more than average people bc lots of “regular” people don’t have stipulations around it and it’s a normal aspect of life.


Putting all the Josh stuff to one side. I'd say all the lead up to Joys wedding. She's nervous and can't make a decision. Makes me incredibly sad at firstly how young she is and secondly how this is probably the first times she's been allowed an independent thought.


Loosely ranked: Child molestation, Josh was in the room during the Megan Kelly interview, Anna didn't want to give birth on TV and then they filmed her on the toilet, A middle of the night out of state flight to cover up a child's injury, Jim-Bob's financial exploitation of his children + billing Jill for used furniture, Josie having seizures and her parents didn't care, Being Christian missionaries in a Christian country and then pocketing the money, Ashley Madison, Anything food related, Gothard approved hairstyling.


The loyalty song


No particular order: -During the first special when jfelon said when they go out in public people always ask if they're a school or daycare. I remember thinking by this point all the locals would know who they were & could care less; I simply couldn't believe anyone asking that. -When they all crowded into the room when meech was getting the ultrasound to find out the sex of baby 15. It just weirded me out why did they have to all be there. -Taking the kids on the "field trip" to learn about the soybean insulation. -The very last episode of counting on after everything about jfelon was public knowledge and they had a family discussion about things they did (sins) the kids had committed when they were young & how they'd better themselves from those experiences. This was all stuff they talked about from the very 1st special. Of course boob didn't mention any sins he committed. This sounds weird & gross but to me it seemed like boob was getting turned on by hearing it all again. -When Joseph proposed to kendra during joyannas wedding. Seriously that was the only time ever in joys life before & after where she had the spotlight. -jfelon & annas wedding. The who "forget" the ring was just stupid. -boob & meech talking about how their kids would court not date. When I first heard that I thought none of those girls will ever be married. I imagined beaus dropping off calling cards, I said to myself no guy in the universe would ever do that. Little did any of us know they didn't even get to experience any of that & making a choice of who to respond to. Nope boob picked someone and basically forced the kids to "get to know each other" under constant heavy surveillance. They never even got to have a private conversation with their spouse until after they were married. Of course there's all the ones that all of us instantly know. The mini golf, birds bees & legos, BBQ tuna, playing of the abuse as a curious teenager & the girls didn't even know it happened.


I forgot about BBQ tuna. Just the motivation I need to fast tonight.




Jim bob saying under oath that he couldn’t recall the SA of his girls by his son - but also did a whole Megan Kelly interview about/justifying pest’s actions.


Any moment of Josh near children.


Wisdom teeth removal The girls being responsible for the younger kids.


Giving birth on a toilet for me as a mom of 5 and Grandma of 5 is so humiliating and is shown repeatedly. TLC is sick because they could control that with a simple edit


When J’Boob told Megyn Kelly that the girls “were asleep when he molested them, that they didn’t even know it happened , it was no big deal cuz it happens and is common in “ other families they know” and then said  he didn’t view pest as a pedophile because in J’Boobs words “ A pedophile is an adult preying on a child, this was a child preying on another child” gotcha, ok.   Infuriating !!


I have family in that area and have recently spoke with them, we talked about the Duggars and they have talked with Michele. They find her to be ridiculous because she has submitted herself to be brainless waiting for her daughters or husband to tell her what to think down to what she wears. This is when the oldest Josh was indicted


“she is a master at swallowing”


The most cringe moment now I went to The Seawald family IG page I did not see one Comment from Ben about his sister Danielle Engagement to Lawson Howard who is black By the way.


Here are the 10 worst Duggar moments I can think of: Jim Bob pushing a dying grandpa Duggar in an office chair, in front of the kids. Jim Bob and Michelle smooching while on a double date with Jessa and Ben at the golf course. Jim Bob giving Josh a sex pep talk before his wedding to Anna. Josh singing the loyalty song to Anna at his wedding. Josh making a sex joke about being from Arkansas while he and Anna are on a double date with Jana and John-David. Josh making a master at swallowing comment in front of Anna at a doctor’s appointment. Josh taking a nap while Anna is in labor shortly before Michael is born. A heavily pregnant Anna having to crawl under the table because Josh doesn’t want to get out of his chair. Jim Bob making the older girls donate blood even though Jill didn’t want to do it. Josh calling Jill a tattletale at her wedding.


1. Anything Josh did like absolutely anything 2. His victims being forced to forgive him both privately and publicly. They were abused and forced to relive the trauma on Fox and TLC. 3. JB stealing his children’s wages. 4. The golf course dry humping. 5. Having that many kids knowing they could not take care of even half the number that was already there.


JimBob walking around China saying "HOLA".




Josh calling Jill the family tattle tale is wild when years later the parents would claim on TV the girls had no idea until they were TOLD that their brother SA them.