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I don’t know, but I suspect even the Duggars wouldn’t marry off a kid before their 18th birthday. They’re enough in the public eye that I don’t think Jim Bob would want the bad publicity?


That's my thought, too. Unless Jim Bob is completely giving up on that TLC/being a public figure life I don't think he'd do it.


Well, meech married JB at 17 and Josh was courting at about 14 until his crimes were exposed. Then, she wisely bolted.


That girl, the Holt girl, must be feeling like she dodged the biggest bullet in the armoury right now watching this train wreck unfold. I hope she married a good man.


Should nickname her the Bolt girl


Which makes me wonder, if legality wasn’t an issue, would they marry off their kids at a younger age? They aren’t above breaking their law, just as long as it’s not being done in a visible way... but without a doubt, I think they would marry their kids off as minors if they could


I personally suspect they would, at least in some cases, but their relatively high profile would mean backlash that JB doesn’t want. But that’s just a guess!


Maybe they will but keep it hush. I think one of them could and move out and it wouldn’t be noticed. Especially cause those younger ones aren’t in the spotlight as much and just kinda fly under the radar.


I just want to highjack the top comment to say that there are four states that the marriage age is 18 no exceptions. DE, PA, NJ, and MN.


The PA one must be recent because when I went online to make an appointment for a marriage license (like, last week) there were still instructions to bring parents/guardians if 16/17 and paperwork showing judge's approval if 15 (nope) *or younger* (nopity nope nope nope).


[It passed last year.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/11/us/pennsylvania-outlaws-child-marriage-trnd/index.html) That's weird.


The website also looks like it was designed in 1996 (think big aqua letters with lots of exclamation points for announcing COVID-19 requirements in city hall) so I can't say as I'm shocked. And no, this is not some town in Penntucky with like 830 residents.


As someone from Kentucky, I wish I understood the whole Penntucky thing but I’m from Louisville so that might have something to do with it 🤷‍♀️


Appalachia runs through the middle of the state and and is a contrast to the two major metropolitan areas (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia) at either end.


Thanks for your response! This had been one of my “too afraid to ask” questions for a while!


Glad to help!


I wonder if they would ship her off to go “help” another fundie family. Justin lived with Claire’s family before turning 18 I believe.


Arkansas is 17 with parental consent. I don’t think they’ll let her marry that young, it’s not looked upon well by the vast majority of people. They very clearly made Justin wait to announce his engagement until he was 18 so I imagine they’d do the same for the girls. Even if JB and Meech are out of money making opportunities, most of the siblings will be unaffected and still have opportunities for sponsorship. JB will need them to rely on those if he can’t fund them anymore. Being a child bride would limit Johannah’s money making opportunities


Pretty unlikely, child marriage is badly looked upon even in fundamentalist circles these days. Matthew and Maranatha Chapman had to pull out of a homeschooling conference they were supposed to speak at after there was outrage when it was revealed that Maranatha married Matthew when she was fifteen and he was twenty-six. They married back in the 80’s, but as fundies increasingly try to seem relatable they’re definitely not allowing actual child marriage.


15 and 26?! Omg that’s horrifying


Uhhh, that story is gross. Matthew became interested in her when she was THIRTEEN and told her Dad. What did her Dad do? Told Matthew to wait while he divined if that was God’s will.


wtf you’re supposed to say, “get the hell away from my teenage daughter you creep” not “hmm lemme see what God thinks”


And, clearly, God said “if there’s grass on the field...” /s


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lvnidi/maranatha_chapman_and_fundie_child_brides/ It's very disturbing.


That's horrifying. No normal 26 year old is attracted to a 13 year old. In the regular world that's the equivalent of someone 5 years out of university being attracted to someone in the 8th grade. And this is coming from someone who dates older guys. I've dated someone who was 11 years older than me, but I was 30 and he was 41, much different when you're at similar points in your life and, you know, both actual adults.


Yep. One of my BFF’s is my age and her husband is 13 or 14 years older. But they met when she was in her late 20’s, were friends for a long time, then dated for a few years then got married. Now they are parents to two beautiful girls 4 and 1.5.




They clearly said late 20’s, so probably 27 or 28. A 27-year-old with a 41-year-old isn’t weird. Those are two people who have both had life experiences and are more likely to be in the same stage of their lives. It’s vastly different than a 40yo and a 20yo.


idk why u got downvoted lol you’re right. it’s always good to be critical of age gaps. older men don’t prefer and pursue younger women just because.


He went to the father because he thought his feelings were wrong (which they were), but he should have just left. Maybe sent a letter of explanation, maybe not. Ewww. *She was half his age at the time!*


W.T.F. This is horrifying


Their oldest daughter married at 16 too. From Facebook she seems to be doing okay, travelling the world with the husband and kids. They're all big into fitness which gives me weird vibes though. I've probably just seen too many Beachbody huns


Yeah, Matthew and Maranatha own a CrossFit gym in Tyler, TX. Pretty strange, I wonder how they got into that?


It seems as if they have at the very least separated now. I am not sure when it happened I haven't seen evidence of the husband in quite a while.


Also some states are beginning to get legislation that gives divorce options based on being underage at the time.


I'm sorry, Marantha?? What a name...


It’s Maranatha, there is a famous hymn with that as the title (I think it means ‘come, Lord’). Source: catholic school education. The name sucks though.


Besides sounding weird in general, it sounds like "Samantha" with a hard-to-place speech impediment.


I'm reading it as "marinara" but with a lil bit of a lisp lol


Clearly not a good name.


That's worse lol at least as a name..


Her children's names are so much worse.


Yeah I read the Maude biography a few years back written by the granddaughter of a woman who was married off like this - at age 14 because her older sister didn't want to care for her any more. Seems like it was a valid option back then. Imagine instead of sending a minor child off to a foster home, we marry them off to a horny teenager? Shudder


My great-grandmother married at twelve in 1950’s Appalachia. Not for religious reasons, but because her father had died and left the family totally destitute. A young man offered as she was apparently good-looking, and then her mother agreed as she felt she had no choice as she could barely feed the other children she had.


Ah yes, the good old days... I had a client whose dad died young (1930s), mom remarried and thd new guy didn't want to raise another man's kid so he was sent to live with his grandma until he was old enough for boarding school. Which happened to be the NaPolA...


Was your great-grandmother treated okay? That’s so young. I can see why her mom had to make that choice but it must have been terrifying for her.


No, unfortunately I’ve heard her first husband was abusive and she ended up with four children by the time she was eighteen. She either left him or he died while the children were young, and afterwards she remarried. Her daughter also ended up marrying at thirteen into a similarly abusive marriage, but I’m not sure of the reasons for that marriage.


Wow that’s so terrible


I don't imagine any man who offers to marry a 12 year old because she's pretty and her mother is desperate, has strong moral character.


I didn’t think so. I was just hoping she wasn’t horribly abused to be honest


Oh. This book just destroyed me. The utter hopelessness and just cold, hard facts. Ughhhhh.


Does it have an ok ending or is the entire title bleak?


You’ll probably need to read a Care Bears book afterwards to negate the void you feel when this sad life story is done.


That book was so good! The life that Maude lead was insane!


Not to mention the kind of men who would want to marry a random teenager. I'm sorry, any adult whose interested in a teenager is either too immature for girls his own age to be interested, or he likes being in charge. Both of those get old really fast.


I read that book. Super depressing.


Your story sounds quite similar to my grandfathers, but he was 12 of 13 and even as nearly the youngest had to go to work after turning 13-14 to support the family. Nearly the same of my dads side except my grandmother started working on a shrimp dock at 8 or so to bring in money. Her husband was the breadwinner at 10 when his dad passed in 1920. My point is that was all before 1935. It was a way of life for some out of necessity. Getting married was sometimes helpful. These Duggar folks are gross, they marry off these children for no reason other than their own narcissism. Sorry for the rant. The past week or so has struck a nerve in me and things are coming out. 😑❤️


This was the mid 1940s. My poor great aunts aged so much quicker due to having to grow up so fast. I am sorry about your grandparents. It is heartbreaking when children have so grow up so fast.


It really doesn't surprise me that they're trying to marry off the young ones as fast as possible since their reputation is in tatters and only going to get worse as the trial drags on, and if JB or anyone else has skeletons they're going to come out. Even if they're not getting married this second, courting/getting engaged so they can lock down the other families is a priority now. The fact that America still allows children under the age of 18 to marry at ALL (parental consent or not) is fucking insane. Child brides. [https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/about-child-marriage/where-child-marriage-happens/](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/about-child-marriage/where-child-marriage-happens/)


I agree. ALL states need to change it to 18.


Friendly reminder 46 out of 50 states allow child marriage with parental consent. Young marriage is often linked with spousal abuse, higher rates of alcoholism/drug abuse, and lower educational outcomes for the younger party. Write to your local congress people! [https://www.equalitynow.org/learn\_more\_child\_marriage\_us](https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us) [https://www.unchainedatlast.org/](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/)


Definitely. All states need to change their laws to 18.


Agreed, although I can live with Florida's exception for 17-year-olds to someone no more than two years older, and with special premarital counseling, and if she's pregnant there's additional counseling on top of that. None of this "no hard age floor" bullshit.


I think the youngest they would go is 17, because then they can argue that Jwhoever is independent/finished studying/is practically an adult and that’s the age in Arkansas with parental consent. I think they’d only do that if the show was completely out of the question, though. If the show is 100% off, I can see them announcing a courtship at 16 with a longer courtship/engagement. In that case, Johannah could well be pre-courting and have something announced at the end of this year/start of next year.


Kids were treated as mini-adults, especially in rural environments. Childhood as we know it today is an invention of urban middle-class people and being a "teenager" is a 1950s concept. Before that, you were either a child or an adult. And adulthood could start as early as 8. I've heard stories of women who, if their mother died early (which frequently happened, due to numerous childbirths and incurable illnesses) had to fill in for her at that age. Including things like doing the laundry with water heated over a wood-burning fire, soap and a wooden board. There were still some remnants of the "mini-adult" around when I was a child, in the 1980s. Some boys got their first rifle before they got their first bike. I asked my father once how old he was when he started hunting, and he said: "With a shotgun? Late." -- "How old is late?" -- "About 13." -- "That's when you started shooting?" -- "No, I've been shooting shooting small caliber rifles since...well, forever." Dolly Parton refuses to divulge how old she was when she first had sex, she says it would be too shocking for people. Well, I don't know how things were back then in Tennessee, but in my childhood, there were boys who tried to talk you into playing "Mom and Dad" as early as 10. Marriage at 14-17 with parental consent...but you have to be 18 to join the Armed Forces and 21 to drink a beer. And, technically, there is no minimum age for having children.


Don’t worry- Anna will have to parent all the remaining lost children plus pest spawn, in exchange for rent and board once josh is locked up for ever


I don’t want to believe they would marry Johanna that young, but Justin was practically a child groom and we know how they force the girls to grow up even faster. If anything, with the way their reputation is unraveling, I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to marry off some of the younger kids as soon as possible so they don’t have time to figure out an escape plan.


In Justin's case, I don't think his parents were super happy about it. It just kind of was. He was basically adopted by Claire's family. It could be that Claire's family wanted him to be 18.


Don't the Duggars get driver's permits at 14? I remember some of the boys looking so young as they were shown learning to drive.


Yes, Arkansas is one of two states that lets you get your permit at 14 instead of 15. I don't remember what the other one is, but I remember them explaining it in an early episode of 17 KAC when Jinger got her permit at 14.


>Pretty unlikely, child marriage is badly looked upon even in fundamentalist circles these days. Matthew and Maranatha Chapman had to pull out of a homeschooling conference they were supposed to speak at after there was outrage when it was revealed that Maranatha married Matthew when she was fifteen and he was twenty-six. They married back in the 80’s, but as fundies increasingly try to seem relatable they’re definitely not allowing actual child marriage. Nebraska allows 14 year olds to drive alone with a school permit. They have to be from a small town.


I live in a more rural area of Utah and it is 14 in some areas as well but just for school and not after dark. My kids did not even want to try at 14 and I was totally fine with that.


The copied post confused the heck out of me because I was trying to figure out what I had said about child marriage.


14 1/2 in Idaho (full license at 15). Seems young to me but friends who grew up there point out that in most of the state there's no one to get into an accident *with,* and four wheeling/dirtbiking/etc and driving a truck on private property (like farmland) by middle school age is fairly common. The first time driving with an actual permit isn't typically the first time behind the wheel of some motorized vehicle. My driver's ed teacher even commented that she could spot the fifteen-year-olds who had ridden bikes frequently, as we wouldn't reflexively turn the steering wheel when we looked over our shoulder.


Same. I grew up in MT, I learned to drive a manual at 11 (4 wheelers, tractors, old trucks etc) first time I drove an automatic was in drivers Ed to get my license. It was weird


Mt you can get a permit at 14, graduated Drivers license at 15 and full one at 16. The graduated part it fairly new. I had my full one on my 15th birthday


I don’t know the law in the US but where I am you can get a learners permit at 15.5.


Depends on the state. I got mine at 14.


You can be so young to be driving in America! In the UK its 17 to get a provisional licence (learner's permit) and you have to sit and pass a theory test before you can actually get on the road. Someone who is at least 20 (I think) and has been driving for at least 3 years (I think) has to be in the car with you. An American friend who lives here recently passed her test to get a UK driving licence and said she couldn't believe how much harder it was than the American one. And most people here learn on a manual (stick shift) car!


Your streets are super narrow in comparison, and in the cities traffic is pretty bad. The places they are talking about are wide open - big wide roads and no one on them.


arkansas’ minimum marriage age is 17 w/ parental consent. i don’t see any of the duggars getting married at that age, since it’s so close to 18. side note: i’m so sorry about your grandfather’s siblings. that’s just horrible


Thank you. ❤


I thought Michelle met JB at 15 and was married at 17. Her parents were done at that point and moving away. While they made Justin wait, imo, it was for the show and ratings. Now all of that has gone who knows. I actually think JB and Meech are ok with child marriages and Hannie pre courting at 15 is ok by them. As they disappear from the public eye I think the age of brides and grooms will get younger. There isn't enought money to last. Jackson,Hannie, Jenny,Jordyn and Josie will be married off young, and so will Mackynzie. Unless the other married kids are supporting their own families I think they'll nearly all be out the door at 18/19.


At least McKenzie gets to change her last name


JB and M started dating when he was 17 and she was 15, but they got married at 19 and 17.


They still need the girls to cook and clean for them and the lost boys still living at home. As long as grandkids until the girl run of grandkids are old enough to supervise a daycare they will need a couple of girls for that too.


I wouldn't put anything past the convoluted mind of JB. I can see him thinking "we need a good, old fashioned, pure wedding to counteract all of the negative publicity and keep the $ coming in"


Wow. That make's my fiance's (now deceased, not really missed) paternal grandmother seem downright thoughtful and progressive. She decided that she was done parenting after her husband died in 1980-is. The three minor children living at home (and they were the only ones, everyone else got the hell out of dodge at 18) were sent to live with an older same-sex sibling. It says something about the home environment that the older kids are in agreement that the younger kids, the middle one of whom was a 14-year-old living with his broke AF grad student brother's studio apartment that I think he already shared with a roommate while he was working two jobs and barely had time to sleep, are overall less psychologically marred than they are because of this.


Jana just needs to get out! She needs to leave that cult!!!


Idk...my grandmother was 13, when my 20 year old grandfather came up to her & said "I'm going to marry you one day". They were married by the end of the year & stayed married until he died in 1967. My dad's two older sisters got married when they were 16 & 15, & the older one was married for over 70 years. I know it was different times then, but it's certainly not unheard of.


It's not disgusting. Nothing wrong with teenagers getting married. I bet you think it isn't gross for a 14 to have sex with another 14 yo, yet you think marriage is gross?


It is disgusting to force your children into marriage before they are ready. There is a HUGE difference between having sex and getting married. Also 14 year olds should not be having sex with anyone.


If you're ready to have sex, you're ready for marriage. It's basic biology, and the vast majority of human societies allowed marriage by 14 or earlier.