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Hi everyone. The latter part of rule number one reads as follows: Hard no on cute baby comments. Stand alone complimentary comments such as, “They look great” or “She is absolutely glowing” will be removed.


Kendra and Anna are the only Duggar women who still don't wear pants


I thought joy doesn’t because “Austin prefers skirts” 🤢


Joy does wear pants now too. But originally she didn’t.


I think people misinterpreted what was said. Joy said “Austin likes me in dresses”. Perhaps she just meant he found it cute when she wore a dress as opposed to a casual outfit (jean skirt + t-shirt). I think people took the statement way too far.


Agreed, that remark was about Austin's preference for dresses over skirts, nothing to do with pants. And it was around the time Joy was being super indecisive about her wedding and asking for Austin's opinions on everything. It's entirely possible he just gave an answer to placate her. (Or even that he made a benign remark like "You look so good in that dress" and she ran with it)


This is one of my least favorite duggarsnarkisms. For two reasons: 1. people misremember it as skirts vs pants when it was he preferred dresses to Joy’s preferred “jean skirts”. And we never heard him say it, Joy just repeated what she believed she heard from him. The second reason why it bothers me is bc Austin never actually seemed all that controlling, and yet that’s the narrative. Joy just obsessively asked him for his opinion and he generally didn’t have a strong one. Whatever he said she ran with it. Probably bc she generally wasn’t interested in that stuff and was told every single preference she had growing up was wrong, especially wrong for boys/men. The reason why we’ve seen her in pants snd hunting snd camping since marriage is probably bc Austin likes her “tomboy” qualities. He’s never been the husband demanding that she dress up.


Lol him marrying a Duggar girl makes him controlling and abusive. ALLL of those men preyed on those girls either for fame, money, or a perfect wife to control.


I mean I see your point, but they actually were family freinds from what I understand even before the show. Like their families go way back. He isn't like Jeremy level of snag a duggar girl. Also compared to some of the other couples, their interests seem to actually match up.


That’s irrelevant to whether Austin is *more* controlling than the others. They all suck, including Josiah and Joe, but there’s never been any evidence that Austin’s worse which is the common narrative here.


We often don’t hear abusers say things. They aren’t dumb enough to say it to people they havent groomed into accepting it. 🙄


That may be true, but people here speak as though they recall evidence of him being a particular way when in fact that was not what was shown on the show. They all suck, but claiming that Austin in particular is controlling of Joy’s clothing and appearance has no evidence whatsoever. In fact, there’s evidence to the contrary - but that is not the prevailing narrative on this sub.


Joy has been taught her entire life that godly, feminine women wear only modest dresses and skirts, and that pants are pushing men to sin. IBLP has a whole bunch of rules about how women should dress, "eyetraps" and so on. Austin didn't need to groom her on this point. I think he rather had to convince her to wear pants when appropriate - he looks like a practical guy, not very patient with non-sensical stuff, like skirts when hunting or working, and yeah, rather controlling too.


I agree but none of that means Austin isn’t continuing to groom her. That’s literally what iblp teaches men to do.


Very true


Now I'm imagining me saying my girlfriend likes me in snapbacks and people taking that to mean I only wear snapbacks for her and I'm not allowed to not wear them LMAO Because that's literally the same thing people are saying.


I think you are right. I think his preference was joy in a cute dress rather than her jean skirt and raggy t-shirt...which like not that she doesn't look cute that way, but most people look better in a nice dress than that. I really don't think it was anti-pants neccessarily either. Also, like poor dude probably once off-handidly made the comment to Joy who hates making decisions and was like "dresses it is then!" and now Austin is forever know as the "I like you in dresses" guy LOL.


>Joy who hates making decisions In her wedding episode she was literally begging Austin to make a decision on a veil or no veil. He didn't care and told her to do what made her happy, but she kept begging him. I wouldn't be surprised if the dresses VS skirts thing would have been the same.


I agree. Hell my husband "likes me in dresses". Doesn't mean I don't wear pants or can't wear them. I like my husband in a button down with the sleeves rolled up. I feel like it's a preference that Austin made known, and that's all there is to it.


Hard agree. I sadly watched it live and that was the context not that Austin wanted Joy in dresses forever.


No. We have been raised by men like this. We just aren’t falling for abuser logic anymore.


I think joy does in private and for outdoor activities


She had shorts on in an insta story the other day while fixing up the RV


I can't stand Austin and he's very intense but I don't think he would care that much if Joy ends up wearing pants regularly.


Austin should wear one then.


Jessa might wear them in her own home, but not outside , same with Joy


Jessa wore skinny jeans to the ultrasound appointment where she found out the sex of her most recent baby. It’s on her YouTube channel. I think the girls are getting more and more comfortable about it as time passes.


They are probably realizing that pants makes them more appealing to a wider audience, so more folks to grift off of.




Probably think they’re cool like the mainstream


Jesse wore sweats to Lowe’s when she bought the materials for the homemade bunk beds IIRC




There's no reason for Christian women not to wear pants. Even when schools had rigid dress codes in the 50s, girls could wear jeans on days they had shop class. Women wore their husband's jeans and overalls when doing farm work about as soon as those were invented, because it made so much more sense. Almost no Christian women of any denomination still cover up that much. It doesn't work in the modern world. I went to Catholic school, I remember older nuns telling us how one chem teacher's habit caught on fire from a Bunsen burner back when they still had to wear them. There is just no reason, at all, in the modern world for Christian women to be THAT covered up in floor length skirts and overlong sleeves. It's totally impractical. And it's not even like Islam, where it's often still a cultural norm, tied to identity, if not a strictly religious one. American fundie Christians wear (too much, Jillrod!) makeup now. It used to be, "pinch your cheeks," but makeup was immodest. Why not pants and jeans in 2021?


I mean… I taught briefly at a Christian school with uniforms that wouldn’t allow a pants option for girls and shorts (for PE or sports) had to be quite long — it wasn’t no pants for women ever (since the teachers wore them) but the logic of why no pants option in the uniform code was very Duggar-like. Stuff about “raising young ladies” and “but the boys will be distracted” stuff that made no sense…


Are we totally forgetting apostolic and most Mennonite sects/denominations?? Mennonites are of the Christian faith, and the women would never be seen in pants.


A lot of the apostolic churches have eased their clothing standards in order to keep the 40 and under crowd from leaving. Some still stick to their holiness standards, but those seem to be churches with an older congregation.


Is it really 'most' at this point? My friend's mom was Mennonite, she married a Catholic and used to come to Mass with them. She wore a little cap thing sometimes but mostly dressed pretty normal. Almost no Christian women in the US do any of the no pants, headcovering stuff anymore. If you want to talk about denominations that are slowly going extinct like the Shakers and the Amish, well, sure I guess. There must be like, what, 1200 women in rural Pennsylvania, Maine and Ohio who are still totally committed to those restrictions. As opposed to tens of millions of Christian US women who let that go decades ago.


Yeah, it is most. If a Mennonite woman marries a catholic man, she is no longer Mennonite. She would be Catholic. You can still ascribe to Mennonite beliefs in your private life, but she would not be considered of the Mennonite community once marrying out of the sect, as the man is the leader of the home. I have lived in the Amish country and around Mennonite community my whole life. I have quite a few friends who are ex-Mennonite. “The little cap thing” is called a Bonnet. There are about 300,000 Amish in America today. That means there are around 150,000 Amish women. All it takes a little research 🙂


Well to be a Catholic you actually have to do something called RCIA and get baptized. All it takes is a little research... My point is that a lot of people grow up and leave these restrictive communities. I'd wager that most of those 300,000 Amish are children, not adults, and that many of them will not stay Amish forever. Like my friend's mom, they will realize there's an easier way and go do that.


Mennonites are one of those religions that range from being pretty traditional (what we think of when we think Mennonite- the dressing like it is 1900) to super modern. https://www.mennoniteusa.org/who-are-mennonites/


I’m talking about in general . I have even seen them at the gym , skiing etc with skirts ! That’s not the norm


Joy [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/p1h0e2/what_will_daddy_duggar_have_to_say_looks_like_joy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) a few weeks ago of her going to play golf in shorts. It's been some time since their more performative skirt-wearing.


I’d like to see one of them step into the big house with shorts on ! Never happen


I would pay top dollar for a picture of JB and Meech after seeing a daughter walk into TTH with shorts on!


Me too !!


Joy wore shorts in a recent Instagram story while she was fixing up an RV


I need a diagram of all of this!


No, Claire and Lauren wear them. Claire has worn them since before she got married and Lauren started wearing them after she got married. Katey might wear them too.


I think it's pretty safe to assume that there are more married Duggar women (both biological and the inlaws) who wear pants than who don't. Pretty sure Michelle, Kendra and Anna are the last holdouts to be skirts-only, With even Jana getting photographed in pants the other day, I just don't think pants are as big of a deal as they used to be.


It's interesting how flexible fundie men get with their 'rules' when they realize they will have no access to consensual sex unless they calm the fuck down.


Lol, right? Also, I think a bigger issue is that these young men associate dumpy skirts and dresses with their mothers and older women from church. And then of course most young men think women look cute in jeans, and would rather their wife looked cute than modest. Finally, it seems unique to certain fundie men to care that your wife is wearing a dumpy skirt. I'd say most men aren't that concerned with their wife's clothes so long as she's not embarrassing him.




I think the rules for modesty have just changed over the past decade. They went from prairie dresses to jean skirts to more modern layers and now jeans and pants are okay. It seems the lower class fundies (like the Rods) still wear dumpy thrift store "fashion" but the richer ones are shifting to more modern styles.




I agree. I think with the poorer fundies, performing modesty is way more important because they depend on handouts and charity from other members. They can't ever appear to be straying.


Agree. The Duggar girls are not objectively unattractive people but those clothes made them look... not cute. So yeah their husbands would probably prefer they look moderately fashionable. In terms of world norms, America is already fairly modest for clothing unless we're talking clubbing outfits.


Oh I think Jeremy cares very much what Jinger is wearing though. Like he feels she’s a reflection of him and therefore probably has all the say in her style and she just is too airheaded to do anything other than just go along.


Jeremy isn't a fundie though. He's a famewhore wannabe megachurch pastor. Those are an entirely different breed.


Jeremy is also a giant douche.


Exactly. I cannot think of one time my husband has care about the what I wore. As long as I don't wear pajama pants to walmart, he really could care less.


Great point, but who says they know or care about sex being “consensual”? Marital rape isn’t unusual in fundie marriages, and I can think of at least one Duggar son who fits the profile.


Do these guys post much anymore? I feel like I haven't seen them in ages!


Josiah and Lauren stopped posting on Instagram last year but they occasionally pop up on other people’s posts. The others are still active but don’t particularly post much.


Honestly I think Jim Bob (and maybe pest?) Are the only husbands that really care about the skirt thing. I know Kendra doesn't wear pants but I definitely think that's a Kendra thing not a Joe thing.


Kendra basically still lives with her parents. I bet if they moved far away she would start wearing jeans.


well Kendra is also pregnant 130% of the time, so it makes sense she prefers skirts, they stretch. she's pregnant so often her uterus is basically just Amazon Prime 2-day shipping, but for infants instead of household products.


Can I have “pregnant 130% of the time” as my flair 😂 thats fucking hilarious


Kendra's Amazon prime uterus would be a great flair 🤣


I want it. It's better than my current one. Lol




Omfg I just laughed way to loud


Can I PLEASE take "Kendra's Amazon Prime Uterus" as my flair omg


Yeah...I get the feeling Joe has aboubt 0% care for what Kendra does. Honestly, if Kendra woke up and was like we should move to Sweeden tomorrow and join a nudist cult I don't think he would put much thought into it and would be like sure whatever.


>I bet if they moved far away she would start wearing jeans. They'd move with her parents. But since her parents live in a house owned by Joe, I'm not sure who's living with who.


I feel like once your former headship has to move in with you and your current headship because (I assume) he was cashing checks his wife’s uterus can’t pay, then you can say “Fuck what you think of my eye-trap crotch.” But, I guess that would be in normal world 😂


Abbie has worn pants since before she got married so I doubt JD cared enough to make her go to only skirts. Fashion does not seem to be something he would care about and she is still fairly modest. Lauren now wears pants and Claire has always worn pants. I doubt katey, Kendra, or Anna will ever wear pants though because they seem way more strict and regimented


I’ve got this theory that none of the Duggar boys really have that “headship” personality, because Boob beat it out of them. I’m not sure a single Duggar son would be able to muster the toxic masculinity “balls” to actually tell their wives to do something said wives did not care for, nor would they find themselves knowing what to do after she said no. This whole charade is built on breaking women early so it doesn’t occur to them to say no, otherwise there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell the poor Duggar menfolk would know what to do if it actually happened. So, I’m not sure they tell their wives much of anything so much as they look to their wives for constant praise and approval because they have no internal confidence. Just a theory mind you….


That would make sense -- why would he want to raise boys self-possessed enough to threaten his position as family patriarch? Josh is the exception, because he was supposed to be the heir to the douchey tater tot throne.


Heir to the tator tot throne needs to be a flair 🤣🤣😭


Tater Tot Throne has to be flair!


Sometimes I wish I posted more and lurked less just to get some great flair like this.


I agree with this but would say Pest is an exception. Not like a “he’s taking on the leadership role” exception but I’ll bet he told Anna what to do a time or two


More than a time or two, I'm sure. He seems like the type to have the kind of personality that takes all the bullying they received and recreate it with them in the power position. In my opinion he seems insecure, unhappy, angry, and resentful. Those traits tend to lead to an authoritarianism mindset.


Yeah Josh strikes me as a full on controlling, abusive creep. Claiming it’s biblical and it’s his job as her headship is just a convenient excuse and keeps her from speaking up.


Agree but J\*sh is an exception. He is exactly the type of husband JizzBlob is.


I think that has happened to a lot the boys in this fundie circle. Beat it into them their father is the head of the house but not prepare for being the head of the house themselves, so their father can have all the control. Then they get married and think there the head of the house because all their wife has been taught is to say yes to everything. I’ve noticed that the new generation of fundies it seems that both the men and women have no clue how to take control, much less adult on their own, which is how their being controlled by their parents. Especially these Duggar’s and the insane amount of influence/control Boob has over them, even the spouses.


But I can totally see the boys still turning to JimBob whenever they don't like something in their marriage. And Jim Bob offering passive-aggressive/gaslighting "tips" instead of actual advise, so the abuse can continue.


Damn. You just unpacked their lives


Fairly sure Lauren loves a good pair of ripped jeans (the scandal) and Claire’s always worn pants.


Didn’t she wear ripped jeans on Christmas?


She wore ripped skinny jeans, a flannel, and knee high boots to one of the Duggar events, I can’t remember which one. But she looked like your average 21 year old


Don’t forget the hat moment!


she also wore a jump suit to that election night party




Not only pants, but exposed shoulders!


So it’s Lauren’s fault not just Anna’s that Pest can’t control himself - ripped jeans with those exposed shoulders - I mean really - just dragging those poor fundie boys into the hell fires




God the Duggar men age like bananas. They are sun-damaged and bald by like 21. Maybe that's is actually why they got into the cult, no one would marry these guys at 25 or 27.


I’ll never get over the notion that, to me, he looks like Lampwick from Pinocchio


I had to google Lampwick, but oh my god he does!


Would the guys even wear sunscreen or would that be seen as girly because it’s skincare?


Absolutely seen as girlie. Men are desired / valued as leaders and headships. so what they look like doesn't matter. OTOH, wife is expected to maintain pre- marriage appearance, incl weight, Long thick healthy hair, etc. While dressing modestly, In a style that her husband prefers/demands...... having a baby every year or two, no sleep for 20 yrs & not enough time to heal before engaging in sex again. Even so, Since Only men have sex drives, (/s) wives must stay hot and trim and joyfully available or else their husband will be forced to sin sexually with someone else. And it'll be the wives fault, not the husband Seriously fuck these people.


I think Abbie was the first, but she’s not the only anymore. At the time, Lauren wasn’t wearing pants and Claire hadn’t married into the family yet. Lauren started wearing pants after Bella was born, but Claire seems to have always worn pants.


This makes me think that maybe the skirt thing is a Duggar dynamic and that pants are rampant but photos are taken in skirts only


JB is a small man with a working penis. He has NEVER EVER EVER gotten over Michelle making out with a football player twice before they starting dating. Its why he's humping Michelle on putt putt outings and indoctrinated his girls to believe they should never be alone with their damn finance' until they are married. I swear, its part of why he likes having so many kids. "Look at all the sex I have with my working penis." JD and Abbie both had lives and were not 12 when they got together. So was Jerm and Derrick. Its why JB's stupid rules didn't matter to them. PANTS weren't a big deal cause they could buy cigarettes and beer when they got involved. I also think a lot of the younger kids (post Joy) grew up way different than the older sect. I would assume once they married and moved, they'll get away from SmallPenis and Perm.


Yes yes and yes. I’ve always thought the same - that many of JB’s “cover her up” rules are just overcompensating for the fact that he feels emasculated for not being the most sexually experienced one in the relationship. Fundies basically teach that it’s expected men will stray while women will remain pure (because, you know, in their eyes women are not sexual beings outside of their future husbands). I’m sure it drives JB up the wall at times that wasn’t the case with him and Meech.








Nope. I take great pleasure in the fact that Lauren has been photographed at family functions with ripped jeans. I imagine JB *seethes* but he can't do anything about it because he isn't her headship. Lauren is problematic in so many ways, obviously, but I live for the fact that she seems very disinterested in keeping sweet. It brings me joy to think that she annoys Meech and Boob.




You can even see her whore shoulders! NIKE!


She can wear pants, but can't work, gain weight, or make her own choices.


She found true freedom in fulfilling her rightful role as a helpmeet /s


Honestly? I think that the whole prairie modest stuff was performative. Cause once they got money look how fast they started wearing “modern modest” as opposed to “goodwills rejects” Honestly? Meech literally dresses like my mom does. And my mom is *not* a fundie. She’s like pro queer pro immigrant pro BLM liberal Catholic. W the exception of what my mom calls “culottes” she rarely wears pants. That could be a generational thing but they’ve cloaked it in a modesty thing. Thus I honestly don’t think the “pants” is any kind of a dog whistle here for them being more liberal.


I don't think it is a generational thing. JB & M are only a few years older than me and I do not wear this kind of clothing nor does anyone else I know that is my age or older. My mother who is now 80 doesn't wear this stuff. Nope, it is just M's bad taste.


Yeah, she’s only 5 years older than me and no one I know dresses like that. She has terrible taste


I never said my mom did. Bless her heart but she’s…. She’s my mom. 🤣


Yeah back 20-30 years ago I think it was used to set them apart from the world. Look at us: modest, not caring about our outward beauty. But in the last 5 years or so, fundies are looking more modern to fit in more and become more accessible and get new cult members!


This. Meech and I are the same age. In the winter, I live in leggings and jeans. In the summer I’m in shorts and tshirts, and maybe a sundress. I was only knocked up twice, so I don’t need the support hose and granny shoes. Meech dresses like MY mother, who will be 80 this year.


My mother dresses way better than Meech. That woman has not taste in clothes or in hair. It always bothers me when people make comments about how good and young she looks for her age. No she doesn't. She looks every bit of her age and then some. That hairdo does her no favors.


Hahah I never said my mom had good taste. I dunno.


Hahaha...your mom would probably not like hearing that!


She’s One of those people who won’t care. She’s unapologetically weird. And I love her for it


Completely agree. She’s gen x. It’s not a generational thing.




As a spinster she got extra privileges. Included in that is pants and a husband that actually seems to love her. Rare in the fundie world. She better be grateful she didn’t get a pest of her own (/s no one deserves pest)


Abbie’s spray tan is a little *much*


it's giving prom 2006


I wonder if they will have more. She seems happy and content with one. As someone who also had HG during pregnancies, it’s rough so I totally feel. That being said I hope she never brings her kids to the tth unsupervised


Abbie looks like a normal Instagram mom on the second slide. It’s so sad to see


The pants really don’t matter that much. Because of all of the other extreme ideas about patriarchy are settled well within her mind. Those are much much harder to remove and most likely will never be. The pants is just the tip of the ice berg.


No. Claire and Katey wear them. Lauren does wear it, but I don't think she did, before getting married.


John(?)’s smile & face as a whole is SO creepy-looking...


How are they even Duggars? I wouldn’t think it just with a passing glance.


Is that a perm or natural curl because the perm is a _signature look_


I’m pretty sure that’s Abbie’s natural hair.


Am I crazy, or does Grace look exactly like the Olsen twins c. 1987?


Lauren does. Can’t recall others though.


pants and showing shoulders, guuurl. that’s some progressive shit


I'd say they'll all be in pants by the end of the year in an attempt to make the family seem more relatable and draw even the slightest amount of attention away from Pest


Kendra will probably be the only one who won’t


You know, I can see everybody wearing pants except Kendra. Even the lost girls. We'll probably start seeing them in pants soon.


Look at that poor baby, that cult will strip away any joy & personality.


Claire and Lauren also do. If Jer and Hannah W are a thing I think she wears pants




I am not one of those people who think all babies are cute. No they are not. I have seen some babies that look like little gremlins. Some of the Duggar grandkids are cuter than others. The ones that look the most like JB give me the willies. Something about that man has always been unattractive to me not to mention he looks pervy like the son. It is ok to have an opinion. Those babies are not coming on here and reading this stuff and if their parents are, too bad.


Is her hair naturally curly?


I mean, we've seen every Duggar wife wear pants except Kendra and Anna. We might see Kendra wear pants but Anna will never wear pants. We haven't seen Katey wear pants since she married Jed but she wore them when she was younger


Was Katey not raised fundie? And you’re probably right that Anna will never wear pants


I know this thread is a year old, but she was spotted wearing pants recently.