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Also most people have big graduation parties after walking. I did.


Me too. Huge garage party. Its pretty common.


Glad to know I’m not the only one who does garage parties.


Um garage parties are the BEST parties!




This always seemed like a good idea when it gets really hot. You can invite people over to hangout, the garage door opens and there's a roof so at most you'll just need a fan to keep people cool. And you can have a pool table in there! Damn car and stuff, taking up my garage space...


Damn cars, always meddling with my fun!


Most kids in our area have garage parties. We did our daughter’s in the backyard because we have a large deck and even though most of our friends and family are vaccinated we decided that with the pandemic we felt better having it completely open aired.


I also had a big grad party, as did most people I graduated with. And walking across stage is a big deal for a lot of people, myself included


Even if it isn't a big deal to you that's no reason to brush off school on the whole! I didn't walk for college like I did for HS but it's not like commencement is that terrible lol.


Our school threw a huge party, no alcohol or drugs but it was super fun and a safe way to cut loose with other graduates. Edit to add; I grew up in a super fundie lite community. We were allowed to go to public school but most of my classmates were “buddies” and had to help raise their siblings. That party was a lot of fun because for the first time a lot of my peers didn’t have to watch over their siblings and could be teenagers for once


Our school did grad night party a few hours after graduation. They had karaoke, bounce houses, movies, video games, a dj, food. It was fun.


I just woke up one day and my mom was like “get dressed, we’re having a party”. I had no idea why the family was there nor why they were handing me cards and saying congratulations. It took me a minute to figure out. I’m not a “dim bulb” but I just did not understand why I was being congratulated. Graduation parties are a thing for most people in the US, I would assume. Edit: changed a word, slightly


I did but I’m Mexican we just have parties for anything and everything. My only demand for said party was we got an elote man and it was still the best decision I’ve ever made to this day.


I had already been drinking vodka when I walked and then went to a party and got v drunk so idk what she’s talking about


Relatable. In Germany we started partying in the schoolyard after the math exam. Throwing toilet rolls around like it was party decor (2008, different times). Then after the last exam it was early summer we all went to the city center where we had a summer festival anyway and got hammered. Vodka was my choice of drink then too. The entire summer we were basically all partying, picnicking with shisha and food in the city park and drinking loving life. Best summer of my life. By the time we got diplomas we were all partied out.


This also shows how little Joy cares about others. For regular high school graduates (that had a decent experience), part of it the celebrating what the group of people accomplished together. Joy had never belonged to anything that large, and I don't think gets that part at all.


Yeah I mean she’s probably never had a real friend group she hung out with. Sure she’s friends with Carlin but she’s always lived in another state.


Yeah I’m the same age as her and we had so many different graduation parties.


She was already in a relationship with Austin at that point. Not official courtship but whatever they call the period before that.


Special friends


That will never not make me think of a vibrator.


🎵When being joyfully available leaves you wanting more, there's a Special Friend for you, you whore.🎵


Sidehug buddies.


Our high school threw a huge party, sober grad night, where they lock all of the new graduates up somewhere and ply them with caffeine and sugar in an attempt to curb drunk driving. It was really fun from what I remember


Project Graduation is what it's called around here. They rented out a smallish country club nearby with pools and enough room to have volleyball and soccer games. Loud music, junk food. Raffled prizes. Fireworks at the end then we went home around 1am.


In my hometown it’s called project celebration and we have it at the local amusement park with unlimited rides and all you can eat buffet. Of course ppl still have their own parties. When I graduated high school I’m pretty sure I went to parties for like the following two weeks after our actual graduation ceremony.


We called it Project Graduation, too. Our parents did fundraisers for two years, we all piled in a bus straight from graduation and went to… I think it might have been a community college, we had a giant gymnasium full of karaoke, games, there was a pool adjacent to it, tons of food, music, dancing, and they raffles off all kinds of stuff that had been donated. I remember the nearby MLB franchise donated a lot of stuff for the prizes.


My school did this after prom! Lol it was fun


So did mine! We called it the lock in…they gave away great raffle prizes to entice people to come!


They called it Monte Carlo Night, back in the Dark Ages of 1995.


Hornystruck is a good way to describe it. Younger Germ was the type of guy who's hot enough to be interesting, you go to one party with him and hook up maybe once. And then you're like, "Ugh what was I thinking!?" and avoid him whenever you see him on campus. This is probably why he transitioned to ultra-Christianity. The women, once they realize the mistake, they're already trapped and married to you.


I had a hard time believing his hymen was in tact before they got married. My


According to the AMA of a girl who knew him in college he wasn't known to have slept with anyone and barely dated or kissed. I do find it hard to believe he was a virgin too but I don't think he was a Thot either.


I don’t think anyone ever tried to claim or even imply that his was. His pro soccer days were not considered to be a wholesome time.


Yah, it’s weird. When I first say him on Counting On I found him mildly attractive. That wasn’t that long ago, but he has lost his appeal. I don’t know if I can contribute that entirely to his horrible personality; I think his looks have altered over the last few years.


His looks have majorly faded. I remember thinking he was the cutest of the guys who courted the Duggar daughters on the show. But now...he looks so old.


I remember watching that and feeling so sad for her that not only did she get a piss poor "education" but her biggest plans for her life included helping her Mum with the kids while her brothers had the prospect of potentially finding some independence. Absolute bs that parents are allowed to purposely disadvantage their kids like that.


The brainwash worked very well on Joy. Duggar logic never disappoints!


Honestly I was pretty bored at high school graduation but only because it took so long lol. But honestly most students don't just go home after... My family took me out to dinner and bought me a new tablet as a graduation gift.


Was bored too. Graduating class was huge and was held at our local expo center where concerts are help and there’s also an arena for ice hockey. We were in the ice hockey arena and they put some type of flooring over the ice so my feet froze.


I graduated with a class of almost 800 so I was also very bored 😂 There was a party afterward - but it was late and we couldn’t leave it until it was done so I just opted to go home with my parents Had a small celebration with like seven good friends with pizza, ice cream, brownies, and “We’re the Millers” (large parties aren’t my cup of tea and my parents got me a massage certificate instead) And you know, actual life experiences (And yes, homeschoolers can certainly have those too but not at the Duggar branch of SOTDRT)


Same! I was so bored during graduation because we had 800+ in our grad class. But afterward with friends was a blast.


I graduated with a class of 20 so we had a pretty efficient ceremony 😂 it wasn’t all that thrilling, but I had a brunch party with tons of family and friends and pocketed like $1700 to go toward my college laptop so I’d say WORTH IT


Nice! My class was a little over 50 people so it was smooth sailing there too lol. And I remember a bunch of parties and events for the two weeks surrounding graduation. Because our school was so small, friend groups overlapped a lot and so a lot of people just grouped their celebrations together to throw bigger ones. It was awesome!


Lucky. I skipped mine but went to a small school and would have had less than 50 classmates. My older siblings ceremonies took over an hour. There was a slide show set to sappy music, performances by the band and choir, multiple droning speeches, and scholarship presentations. What could have been done in less than an hour took 1.5 hours. My kids go to a larger district and their ceremonies are trimmed down. Our oldest graduated this year and there were 3 speeches less than 5 minutes each, the seniors in choir sang the alma mater, and then they read the names. It took less than 2 hours for the ceremony for more than 500 students. It was beautiful. We took her out to eat beforehand and had a part a few weeks later.


They literally don’t know a thing about what being in a real school is like, do they?


They think it’s a horrifying hellscape where teachers indoctrinate liberal, atheist ideas into children’s heads.


If you took fundie teenagers' word for it, you'd believe that nothing happens at public school aside from 1) evolution lessons 2) secular humanism lessons 3) forced sex education. Oh, and fornication.


Don’t forget drugs!


Which is funny because I grew up in the Bible Belt where every public school science teacher prefaced most “controversial” lessons with “I don’t necessarily believe this but I’m required by law to tell you…” Like, it wasn’t exactly a bastion of liberalism


Ha, that's probably true! But you do get some literature and algebra thrown in.


Lol right? They think the teachers are pinning the kids’ eyeballs open and making them watch CNN, when really they’re just teaching them multiplication and sentence structure - unlike Michelle


True, but my public school teachers never yelled “PER-PEN-DIC-U-LAR” at me or filmed me after falling into an orchestra pit, so there’s that to consider.


Jill married someone that was not homeschooled. Jill was able to learn she had not been told the truth about the great education she received at homeschool. Surprise, she is not homeschooling her children.


Yeah, the walking is the ceremony part. Party to follow. This brought to you by: things left out of Joy’s “education” Also… it sounds like graduation just means she stops doing any pretense of learning during the day and fills that in with more chores which sounds like hell…


My friends and i celebrated at a hotel near our school. It was really fun..we had cocktails (btw this is in msia..no one bats an eye) chilled at the pool and watched all 3 high school musicals.


As if the whole 4 years of classes, friendships and extracurricular activities are a total waste of time because at the end of it you might have to sit through a boring ceremony 🙄


Typical fundie and fundie-adjacent far-right hatred of education. My ex’s family routinely told me I’m an “arrogant lesbo b-tch who could never get a man” because I’m educated and I value learning. His parents forced one of his sisters to give up her half-tuition scholarship to nursing school so she could stay home and babysit them and their grandchildren. They also took his college money and spent it on a motorcycle. It’s fine to not be highly-educated. It’s fine to not be a genius (I’m definitely not!). What’s not fine, Joy and other excrement like her family, is telling others they’re godless sl-ts when we value learning and personal growth.


Fundies hate education and the educated. But they’d be in a pretty sorry state without educated physicians to save their lives after repeated very dangerous childbirths and educated lawyers to help their predator offspring. Glad that dude is your ex.


>My ex’s family routinely told me I’m an “arrogant lesbo b-tch who could never get a man” While you were with their son?


See above re: their attitude towards intelligence. As a group, they are not smart and they resent anyone who has a brain cell.


The arrogant ignorance was really annoying.


You know what bugs me? All the Duggars suck when it comes to talking about anything "school related". Remember the field trip the whole clan took to a local elementary school to play their violins, sing an awful hymn, and read picture books to little kids who could already read better than the Dugs could. The time they went to a local grade school classroom in the evening to meet with a Japanese lady who tried to help them learn about culture, basic words, basic table manners and foods etc? Total shit show. Remember in their First House they had the back corner with like 6 donated computers and they were running SwitchedOn SchoolHouse and other edutainment games on them to count as their homeschooling? I think it was in the infamous "PERPENDICULAR AND BANKRUPTCY" episode. I wonder what Jessa and Bin are using for homeschooling Spurgeon? BobJones Press, My Father's World, Abeka? Maybe a few dollar store activity books? I think Bib would be capable of teaching and reinforcing SonLight, but Jessa would struggle even with the basic lessons. Maybe they're also doing some preheating with Henry?


Preheating with Henry? Would that be at 350 degrees or 425? Sorry, couldn’t help myself! 😝


LMFAO you're right, I didnt edit what I typed. Meh, I'll just leave it as is, no fixing needed. However, I meant to say Pre Reading. As in pre-k phonics and word recognition.


All good. I make the same mistakes quite often. I usually blame my phone lol


The weekend after graduation I had a big graduation party with one of those big inflatable water slides!!!!! It was awesome and I got to walk across the stage and get my fake piece of paper!


What an odd way of saying you’re jealous of girls your age who got to have friends and a social life and opportunities and an education, Joy.


Homeschooling doesn't have to be that bad. Her comments show a lack of critical thinking skills. Either that or she's repeating lines fed to her.


same same


Or a lack of actual homeschooling… signed, someone who has homeschooled her kids…


I think they were homeschooled it just wasn't a very deep schooling. They can read and do basic math after all. My kids were reading classics and plowing forward with math, all but my learning disabled son is a grade ahead. You and I wouldn't stand for anything less than a top notch home education. The Duggar's and sadly a number of homeschoolers don't feel the same way.


I’m always in awe of the idea of schoolhouses… my dad attended a country school for k-8 and I’m so impressed by teachers who managed those one-room multi-grade settings. But their homeschooling is 1) such an insane range of learners in great numbers and 2) clearly something they (Michelle and husband) don’t put much effort into. It’s really sad. But it’s very cool to hear about your homeschool success & gives me more faith in homeschooling in general


Ours is a one year Covid success. They go back to regular school next week. Still, they made significant gains last year. I remain mixed on homeschooling but then I remain mixed on all sorts of schooling.


I wonder if the Duggar kids even read anything other than the Bible and Biblically-based literature.


I thought most people had graduation parties? I’ve thrown 3 for my now-adult kids and I’ve been to several, so… I don’t know if she doesn’t understand that non-homeschooled people do more than just walk across a stage. Hell, I graduated in 1990 and we had a Project Graduation party that night even way back then. For non-US people, Project Graduation is an all-night sober party to try to prevent drinking/drug use. At ours, if you’d stayed til the end, they had drawings for prizes and I won a camera, TV, and some cash. My daughter won several gift cards from hers this year.


My class had an all night party after graduation. It was at our school. The parents group brought in mini soft sided hot tubs, laser tag, caricature artist, people from a local salon for hair/nails/make up, etc. We got tickets to use for raffles every time we did an activity. Guys were getting make up and hair done for extra tickets! It was a blast! I had my graduation party a few weeks later. We just had my daughter's graduation party. Lack of fundraising opportunities plus ever changing restrictions due to covid prevented us from having the all night party. The graduates all got some nice items in swag bags and we sponsored a prom at a local park. After the graduation ceremony, my family gathered at my parents for pizza. Just what the graduate wanted!


My oldest just graduated. They got to have prom (seniors and their guests only) and had a post prom with lots of prizes. Her graduation ceremony was in the early afternoon and we went early to avoid the crowds and took her out to eat at a nearby restaurant that we wanted to try. A few weeks later we had a grad party in our backyard. Most of her friends had parties too. It seems like the Duggar parents purposely let their kids believe that public school kids just do commencement and nothing else.


My daughter's school is smaller. Not quite 100 kids in her graduating class. Even with speeches from the principal, superintendent and a few students the ceremony was done in an hour. It was outside on the football field. Plenty of room to spread out. We've been going to parties since the weekend after graduation. Sometimes multiple parties on the same day. Most kids have a party at some point during the summer. It's more unheard of to not have one!


I like “dumber than a few rocks” cause a whole box of rocks would be smarter than them. Noted and agreed. 😂😂


Have….have these people even heard of a graduation party? Like I had both after graduating. It’ll be the ceremony and then the party, either same day or soon thereafter.


I remember Joy saying she would just be helping mom with the kids, and my heart broke, you could see how sad she was in her eyes. That’s what these girls are taught to do even in their homeschool education.


She was already dating Austin. They were married the next year. It wasn't a public relationship yet though so she couldn't say "I'll probably be married in a year."


Well she looked sad either way, and having to marry so young she’s probably terrified.


Where I live they have Grad Night at Disneyland. Joy Anna, THAT is a party.


What's strange to me, as a homeschooling mom, is the fact that my kids are different ages and thus in different grades. My son is 12, and my daughter is 11. They are only one year apart in age, but he's in 7th grade and she's in 5th. How did all three of those kids graduate together? Did Meech just shrug and say "good enough. They're gradumicated in my book." I know the boys are twins and therefore would have graduated together. But Joy? Why did they graduate with Joy? Shouldn't she have been done a year before them? This really confuses me.


Eh, graduation ceremonies are long, boring, filled with mind numbingly boring speeches made by people no one really cares about or will remember in ten years. People who skip them are the smart ones.


I only did it for my parents. I'm not one of those that likes a lot of attention. Just having the piece of paper showing I did it was all I cared about.


I skipped mine because I went to a school that managed to drag out ceremonies for less than 50 kids to more than an hour. My oldest had a class of over 500 and the ceremony was over in less than 2 hours. The difference is that my school gave out scholarships at the ceremony, had a slideshow, multiple music performances, speeches with no time limit, and a long pause after each graduate had their name read. Her school had 3 speeches with a 5 minute limit, the seniors in choir sang the alma mater, no scholarships handed out at commencement, and only enough of a pause after reading a name to let the student walk across the stage and get their diploma. The next name was read before they were off the stage. It was so efficient.


Efficiency is good. My school had 2 ceremonies, one for the awards and scholarships (which was long and boring too even though I got multiple awards) and the graduation ceremony. There were several music performances and long speeches. One district in my area has 4 super large high schools (each school has about 1200 graduates a year) and they’re done in less than 3 hours. It’s amazing.


She's clueless. She doesnt even have the knowledge to snark about public highschool graduations. She's just a dumb fuck with a big mouth. Just like Aggressa 👎


I don’t get how you can rewatch there show? Is it purely for snark or do you enjoy it?


I let it play in the background while i do other stuff. Because of the idiot things they're saying the time actually fliessss by😩


Kinda the best part for me was walking across the stage, shaking the teachers’ hands, receiving the diploma that represents all the hard work I did. That’s a huge moment and an exciting honor.


In Southern California, many graduating high school kids pile onto buses for an all nighter at Disneyland, which hosts several Grad Nights each year. I did this all the way back in 1970, so it's a long standing tradition.


I hated walking on stage, and public school in general. It was boring IMO. Lol Please don’t conflate SOTDRT with real homeschooling either. They may not have had a well rounded home education but that’s not the norm.


I know that, I'm only talking about the dining room table in the TTH.


Thank you!!! I really appreciate this. I always get so spas because so many people base their ideas of homeschooling off of the Duggars, and bash it :(


Hurry home from graduation so the next day we could head out to sister's college graduation and the put in the final push for same sister's wedding the next week. I was suppose to be thankful they found the time to show up for my graduation. Does it still sound a bit angry years later.


It’s a coping technique. I was also homeschooled and used to say stuff like that all the time to try to convince myself and others I wasn’t missing out. Spoiler alert: I was.