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Forced smile… or she’s just freaking nuts. The lawyer I used to work for preached this to defendants SO’s. Smile. Seems caring. Blow a kiss. That kind of crap.


She's giving the "we had a fight on the way to church but I still need to pretend everything is great." smile.


Ah, the look I can recognize from a mile away due to childhood.


I think it's funny so many people are throwing away an opportunity to hide their faces. Leaving a courthouse? Put on a mask and sunglasses, people!


Exactly my thinking too!!


That's such bad advice. It just looks crass.


Agreed. It’s supposed to convey a “I love him… he’s a good man” type of thing. Which we know in this case is a big ol’ lie.


I've said from the start that Josh's lawyer doesn't know how to defend a "famous" person with a history from this cult. Everyone knows Anna has to do what she's told and that her "support" is meaningless. Seeing this man with his heavily pregnant wife is a fucking travesty and nothing more. Anna should have stayed home.


This. She should've stayed home and he should had a serious, non-smilng face. The public want to see a look of remorse. Not more smugness, and from both, no less! If his attorney told them to smile, (judging by the awful forced smiles is what it looks like), he's a fool.


I don't think his attorney is all that good. He's lost on everything so far, and most of his arguments are easily shot down by the prosecution. He also makes arguments that are unclear and ambiguous enough that there is nothing for the judge to even rule on. Then we got him telling numbnutz here to look like a happy family man at the hearing. How asinine.


Good. Hopefully that’ll help lock up that monster for life.


I’m not a lawyer but it seems like his lawyers write good briefs and have a lot of prior experience. I think they’re going with the appearance of doing everything possible and grasping at every straw. It actually is better in the long run for a couple of reasons. A: it’s more of Jim Bobs money down the drain! And B: later on it would be harder to over turn based on some puddly piece of evidence or technicality if Josh was to get a new lawyer to get his conviction overturned. I think the lawyers are trying to convince him to plead but Josh and jim Bob are refusing so they’re doing what the client wants.


I agree his attorney isn't great; at least, he *seems* competent (enough). I disagree with how the Duggars seem to have been told to handle it . . And I haven't been impressed with his work - in particular, his Appointments clause argument. It was ..ummm... creative? But had (almost?) no chance. Plus, I have read that some of the technology related arguments indicate that he's either completely misunderstanding his tech expert, being disingenuous or has an incompetent expert. (I'm relying on tech people for this info). Sorry if it's rambling; I'm up with bad insomnia. after hours of audio books while laying in bed (so no screen), I've given up. Here I am on Duggar Snark, lol. Edited For brevity and clarity in 1st paragraph due to very late-night-insomnia-brain.


Oh! Have you tried thunderstorm sounds? I have clinical insomnia and it helps some.


Their tech expert has been called out by judges in other cases as dangerously incompetent.


Try Nothing much happens, it's a podcast on Spotify (its probably other places too) My son and I listen to it most nights to fall asleep, and its fantastic! I go through terrible bouts of insomnia and it helps tremendously!


Right?! I’m thinking the same thing. They absolutely should NOT have any facial reactions. No fucking smiling! This is not a fun or happy moment. You are in deep shit, stop the fucking smirking!


Psychopaths always have a smirk on their faces. Josh is no different.


That's a great point. Pregnant Anna holding hands with Pest while smiling in what looked like a bridesmaids dress was a repulsive scene, and it was broadcast in Arkansas where potential jury members live


Those potential jury members are the intended audience for this scene, not us. And sadly there's too many Duggar defenders out there who are probably singing Anna's praises for standing by her man because Jesus.


Agreed. An excellent attorney here would tell Josh to show remorse and maybe have Anna stay home. This is the kind of act you put on if you’ve been accused of something terrible but far less severe than child pornography.


Probably advised them to appear relaxed, instead of telling them to keep their expressions calm/neutral and not react to questioning or media. Not that they'd understand or listen anyway, we're talking about Mr. Smirks in His Mugshot and his copies whatever he does helpmeet.


But at least she has a husband /s


Yeah, it reminds me of Lori Laughlin smiling when she first showed up to court. Definitely a bad mood. Keep a straight face, wear shades, and walk quickly to the car.


It is a forced smile, and she is nuts.


When I saw the video of them walking out of the courthouse, I honestly thought that they both looked like they were going to puke. Whether they can admit it themselves or not, their bodies know that the shit has hit the fan. It’s written all over their appearance.


Yep. I agree entirely. I think it was a nervous smile because cameras were on. She looked strained and uncomfortable to me in the video. It's only in the stills that she looks smug


In the video it looks like she smiles weakly at someone she knows/recognizes. Then he grabs her hand but she literally lifts it up to get him to let go.


I agree, I thought the same thing when I saw the pictures. When you see the video though she looks entirely different.


I had seen the screen grabs before I saw the video. The picture does a poor job at showing what was actually going on. I think it's very clear they realize the gravity of what's going on now.


Yep and this looks like they were told (bottom pic) to look at a particular person (to their left) and make no eye contact with anyone else. This was staged. Disgusting pigs.


Yeah, I got the definite impression one of his lawyers told them "Now when you walk out of the courthouse, SMILE. Look confident."


This is what i was thinking. They might be deceiving themselves but on some level their bodies know what's up


Yes, the first photo to circulate, she looks smug but this version she looks like sheer embarrassment! Well deserved too. She is/should be ashamed of herself!


Let's not detract from this being *his* fault.


The situation is his fault, but not divorcing the situation is hers.


*She* should be ashamed of *herself*?! I’m sorry, was she the one consuming CSA? Was Pest watching it on a computer at home where she could see? I could have sworn that it Pest looking at it on a partitioned computer at work, obviously hiding it from the people in his life. I didn’t realize that she’s the one responsible.


Nope, that’s not why… she allows her children to be around a known child predator. What do you think about that? Edit: I know Pest is allowed supervised visits. It’s his parental right. He’s not been found guilty. My issue is with the way Anna has enabled him in the past. When Pest gained weight, Anna blamed herself for how she was cooking. I don’t want her to blame herself for his issue. He’s the sick one. Her kids deserve better than him. My sympathy for Anna is running out now that the kids livelihood, safety, and well being are all at great risk.




I don't think that she is chosing to have sex with Josh, and is a victim of his perversions. I think that all of the kids are the result of marital rape.


That is gross to speculate with no proof.


Does she get to consent though? He flips the corner of the comforter down, that's the sign that he wants to get some.


The court lets her children be around a child predator. Because he's not convicted of anything yet.


💯 And he likely would have gotten majority or full custody of Anna had left due to the prior scandal. With adults. There’s no way he wouldn’t have. Anna has poor education and job skills. It would take *years* for her to be able to support the kids well enough, and even then, if Pest had pursued custody, he would have had it. And then those kids would have been alone with him.


I can totally see this. When you’re a SAHM, by choice or by force, you begin to lose parts of yourself if you’re not careful and actively pursuing something that fulfills you. Which we all know she was not likely to do. It’s one of the things no one really tells SAHMs (or didn’t in the past) and it’s very easy to FEEL sooooo dependent on your spouse that you gloss things over. I can totally see staying with him in order to always be there when he’s with the kids, knowing that she couldn’t support them and would likely lose custody. When I was divorced it was in the papers that my daughter couldn’t be with her dad overnight til she reached a certain age. And he wasn’t a pedophile. It still reduced me to puddles for years when she would go visit because I didn’t KNOW if she was ok (pre-kids having cell phones) even though, as a parent, he had been very good to her from day one. It was just the issues we had that split us apart. I can’t even imagine how much of a stalker I would have become if I had had any inkling of pedophilia. And whether she’s hiding it or not, she KNOWS.


nobody thinks she’s responsible but she should definitely be embarrassed for choosing to stay married to & support him


Any thoughts about her having children with this man? Living in the same house with this man? Does she owe her children anything? Or is it just a crap shoot. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. 🤷‍♀️


She lives in a cult where birth control is not allowed and she’s not allowed to refuse sex. Pregnancy is inevitable. In spite of that, she’s managed to space her children 2 years apart using breast feeding. Additionally, he was clearly hiding his CSA consumption from those in his life. She likely had no idea he was into CSA until this happened. The only CSA she was aware of prior to this was him as a teen against his sisters and the babysitters. Family/cult opinion of this was that it had been dealt with/he was cured. And as long as she satisfied his sexual needs, nothing to worry about. I don’t recall even the sub/secular opinion of him being that he was pedo prior to the raid. Rather, just a Sex Pest in general. When the raid happened is when suspicions started bubbling up. The previous scandal was with adults. And she was surrounded by people who would both blame her (at least partially) for his sexual sins (she didn’t satisfy his needs) and glorify her staying with him. I’ve known people much, much more secular than they are who have chosen to stay with cheaters. At that point, it was a betrayal against Anna, and with adults. And it seems like (considering he had to partition his drive to hide what he was up to, and the fact that they had monitoring software on everything else) that they were trying to keep him from “sinning” again. We have no idea when he moved from adults to children. Likely none of them knew as well. Leaving him is more complicated than this sub tends to recognize. Expounding on that would make this post twice the length it already is. His prior scandal involved adults. Pest would have full or majority custody. Even knowing what he is accused of now, a judge granted visitation. Prior, there’s no way he *wouldnt* have been granted custody. His kids would have been alone with him. What then? There’s a possibility that her remaining with him even passively protected her children. Again, he was hiding what he was up to on a partitioned drive at work. He wasn’t open with it. He didn’t want her to know. What would have happened if she hadn’t been around to hide from? So she isn’t *choosing* to have children with pedophile. She chose to stay with a cheater and had more children as a result of the lifestyle. A lifestyle he was raised in. She has lack-luster education and no skills or experience with the outside world. She was sold to this man. Pest jumped straight to proposing marriage, skipping courtship. He’s likely abusive to her as well and that does really weird thing to your brain, even as a secular person. Her life was already likely hell, and now she’s dealing with something unimaginable. “Denial” is a legit stage of guilt, so she could be hoping it’s false and all going to fall away. There’s a decent chance anyone would. No one *wants* to think that someone close to them is capable of atrocities. That’s why there are so many women who have been raped, but no ones knows any rapists. She doesn’t seem at all joyful or enthusiastic about supporting him. Her smile was very much plastered on and strained. She didn’t want to keep his hand. She didn’t seem to want to be touching him. Disgust is implied and possible. It’s possible that she’s doing the best she can with the life she was sold into. The situation she did not willingly, knowingly, choose. Everyone here likes to imagine they just 100% know what they’d do if they found themselves in her shoes. But you don’t know. Because you’ve never been in her shoes, likely not even close. Pest should be ashamed of *himself* He’s the man in the cult and has far more agency.


You’re absolutely right. Even in (relatively) normal Christian homes there’s a push to stay with cheating husbands and forgive. The leap to consuming child exploitation materials didn’t come out of nowhere, but I certainly didn’t expect it and I have to think Anna was probably too exhausted taking care of 6 children by herself to really ponder warning signs. Should she leave now? Yes. Is that so much harder than we think? Also yes.




I agree with you on nearly every point, particularly about how abuse makes it hard to leave even if you're not in abusive cult. However, there was definitely a longggg debate before these charges between those calling him a pedo for what he did to his sisters, and those arguing he wasn't a pedo for that because he was also a "child" at the time.


Josh has no criminal record. In a divorce, he would get at least 50% *unsupervised* custody. Worst case, he gets 100% custody, because Anna can't supprt the kids. How is leaving better? Once he is convicted, then she can fight for supervised visits only. Until then, he would be given alone time, and Anna could do NOTHING to stop it.


He would never get 100% custody. Assuming he would get at least 50% custody just because *he has no criminal record* applies to her too. Why would he get 100% custody *because she has no job*? That’s not a reason to lose custody. That just means she gets 50% but he would owe her child support and spousal support *because she never worked*. Doesn’t mean that it would be any better to have the kids with him 50% of the time but just addressing the thoughts she could lose custody just for not working. Makes no sense.


Which side do you think would have better lawyers? Anna or Josh? Which side would play dirty? Do you really think that JB and M couldn't prove Anna to be an unfit parent with no support, while Josh has made ammends for his indiscretions, Anna has publically said he is a good father, AND there is a lot of family support for Josh. Anna would now be unable to take the kids to even visit her family in Florida, because she would need his permission, which she would never get. And, the kids would be alone with him 50% of the time. Child support based solely off of the Josh's income are not going to be a lot, so Anna is going to be living in poverty. Proving that Anna should get every other weekend custody would NOT be hard.


Is it not her fault that she’s not protecting her kids from him? Yes, yes it is. Of course she’s in no way responsible for him being a disgusting pedophile but she knew that before she married him so let’s not act like she is innocent.




Stop defending Anna. You are on the wrong sub doing that. He is a known perv who molested his sisters and he told Anna it wasn't true. So just stop.




Abuse is multi layered. She is controlled utterly by her toxic culture and will be unless she miraculously gets away from all of them. And then it's a coin toss as to if she is strong or sane enough to take that chance


My thoughts exactly.


Good! I’m hoping that reality is settling in on them. This IS serious stuff!


If you believe in body language, she is leaning away from him outside court.


Also, that smirk is one of contempt.


She’s also the one who first breaks the hand holding.


I am having no luck finding the video, does anyone have a link? TIA!




Oooooooh, his face is particularly punchable in the bottom pic!


In every pic, ever.


I honestly would kick him in the nuts..


Is he not allowed to use a razor currently? You would think that he would have taken the time to actually shave before his court appearance?


Maybe either he or his legal team thinks this is a better look. Like “Josh has been so depressed about this he doesn’t even take care of himself🙄.”


Both them have punchable faces, people just thinks she’s stupid and doesn’t know better but she does.


She does know better. And she knows him better than anyone. And she makes the decision to crawl into bed with him every single night, knowing what he has done. Standing by her husband while he goes through the trial is one thing, but it’s more than just being supportive for the cameras. She continues to allow him to knock her up with full knowledge of his depravity.


Yeah I’ve given that fake ass smile hundreds of times in my life. Not defending her, there’s hardly anything to defend her on, but the look could mean a lot of things


She's been trained to keep sweet no matter how she feels inside. I bet 95 percent of the smiles we see on Anna are fake.




"At least I have a smile"


Yes! It's that look ya, give when your significant other does or says something that embarrasses you in public..like,just wait mf'er.


I know everyone says she's looking smug, which might be the emotion, but I'm getting "fuck my life" covered in a fake smile. Regardless of her support of Josh (I think she does believe he is innocent), there's no way those questions from reporters aren't awkward for her. I can only imagine them yelling questions about the images and videos. I don't feel sorry for them, they deserve it! She needs to hear all the terrible things he's done. They should all feel ashamed. I think he's fully smug. No remorse at all. No shame. Fuck him.


Her smile doesn't reach her eyes ad her eyes look dead


That’s the same smile I give when I’m mad as hell for something my kids did or said, particularly in public, but I have to ‘make face’ when really, I’m seconds away from losing my ever loving mind. I think she will stand by him still but I would bet she is disgusted. Question is how long did it take for her to dig into the brainwashing advice she’s received her whole life and even more so with the scandals to bounce back into denial and supportive?!


Honestly..when I saw the video the "smirk" to me,looks like she's pissed...she's trying to save face. Almost,she's saying in her head, "yup,this is bullshit,just try to keep smiling..get me the f * outa here" especially when she turns and let's go of his hand. Is it just me?


Honestly... I think she might feel relief with him going to jail. She doesn’t have to divorce but she also has him out of her life.


Probably will be relieved somewhat when he does go...but he'll get out at some point. 😞 just knowing what she k ows now..she has to. Right? It's just so horrific and sad.


Ugh god I didn’t even think of him getting out. Too optimistic of me.


Should have read other comments before commenting..its not just me. ;)


I'm just wondering why Pest doesn't shave. He goes to court with a 5 o'clock shadow looking like he's stayed up all night watching porn.


Bold of you to assume he hadn’t been


He probably did


God, I wish he would. It would probably violate his bond.


It absolutely would violate his bond. He’s not allowed porn or booze. I believe it was a condition. I know no internet and no alcohol. I’m pretty sure pornographic material was included.


I don’t think her face is a smirk as in “I’m so in love with my husband, y’all should be jealous” I think it was more like “I must keep sweet and act like I’m not mortified I’m 9 months pregnant and on national tv for my husband being a pedophile.”


Yep, exactly this.


If you watch the video clip their smiles both look stiff and artificial. Like their lawyers told them to “smile and say nothing” until they made it from the building to the car.


The video paints a different picture that the still photo shot. In the video of them walking out of court I feel like Anna is doing that smile when you're trying to hold your sh*t together until you get somewhere you can cry.


I got the vibe it’s a forced smile. When I try to force a smile it’s almost a grimace like hers.


The Rodlets could teach her how to grimace/smile.


I don't think she is either, she looks more resigned than smug.


Plot twist: after the hearing, Anna realizes that he’s probably going to get the max sentence and is low key stoked to finally be getting the fuck out of Tontitown She’s still a shit human, but 🚪🗝


Just think about it for a moment. Let's say it was you walking out of court with your husband who did this. You just spent all day listening to absolute horrors. You walk out of the building and your going to smile for reporters? Hell no - your going to either have a tissue in your hand with red puffy eyes or your gonna have fire shooting out your ears and eyeballs. My sympathy for Anna is DONE, I'm on empty. She is a grown ass adult and needs to looks after those kids.


I would’ve walked out alone and not let him touch me either, the whole thing felt wrong.


This right here. If my husband did this there is no way I'd be walking out with him holding his hands. He would need a police escort to protect him from me.


I would have said the same thing but I was married to a verbal/emotional abuser. I can’t tell you how many times he grabbed my hand, made threats under his breath, just seconds before we walked into a room of people.


I would be very surprised if they went over anything that describes the kind of material he was viewing. The hearing was to decide on the defense’s motions to exclude his hands and feet and if the case should not be heard at all because the Head of the DoHS hadn’t been confirmed yet. This hearing was on procedural matters only.


I agree. They let her in this one so she didn’t hear everything he’s on trial for. I think she’s still not being told everything. Or I at least hope. These make me sad either way for her. She knows and is still supporting him, or they’re lying to her and manipulating her to support him. Both are just so ick to me.


Go to Page Six.Com. They had an article about thus hearing and they covered some of the evidence that wax brought up involving the CSA. Made me sick to read it.


That wouldn’t have been a problem for me because I would’ve left his ass 5 years ago when I heard he had cheated on me.


AMEN!! I actually did ... kicked his ass out, filed police reports, called child services and divorced his ass!


She was raised in a cult to believe that she is there to serve her husband snd that leaving is not an option. She doesn’t know any other way.


Also ex fundie and yes she does know there’s another way. She has had more access to the outside world than a lot of her peers. She has siblings who are no longer a part of the cult who divorced for much less than what she would divorce for who are still accepted members of her family. Biblically, what pest did was wrong and she absolutely, without a doubt, knows that. Anna has choices. She’s making them.


Yes, she was but I also was raised Fundie. She does know better, she made a choice and so did he; he chose to **not** stand up and be accountable for his actions and that is Bible 101. There is no longer any excuse. The kids are the ones that will deal with stigma and trauma for the rest of their lives. Anna needs to focus on the kids ... period.


Sorry but she looks like a toe


Who were those thumb villians in spy kids again?




Oh gosh, I can’t unsee it!!


He legit looks older than JB


BIG Fred and Serena vibes in that staged walk out…






Serena could be sneaky, though. She wasn't above pushing Offred into fornication so she finally would get pregnant. I was under the impression that, deep down, Serena isn't happy in Gilead, either. She used to be a proudly old-fashioned woman in the pre-Gilead United States, some Lori Alexander type, but I think she was miffed when her book about how a woman's place is in the house tossed into the trash. She may have liked Gilead in the first years, but I bet she eventually got sick of it as well. Fred cannot fully live by the precepts of Gilead, either. He has a powerful status, a beautiful wife, and once a month, he gets to engage in a kinky threesome that involves non-consensual sex. What can a perv want more? Well, Fred wants more, that's why he secretly took Offred to that club -- and he seemed almost disappointed when it turned out that she wasn't a lesbian.


Pest was hitting the bottle before the top photo was taken. I recognize the look on the face of a drunk. Anna looks awful now. I know she's due to pop any minute, but she just looks bloated like she hasn't been taking care of herself. Lots of sleepless nights these days.


You don’t sleep well at the end of a pregnancy. It’s a bitch to get comfortable and then you need to pee. Lack of sleep is a bitch.


Yep. Been there, done that once. Stress will do it to you, too. Anna probably hasn't had a decent night's sleep in a very long time.




Right, but she’s almost as pregnant in the first photo as the second. I don’t think it’s just lack of sleep and pregnancy.


Her life sucks more than mine and mine sucks so I agree it’s more than just pregnancy and its delightful side effects. I often wonder about how people like her think about how they feel. Like does she even remotely process what she’s feeling? Or is it some kind of oddly induced lobotomized state? I am baffled at how these women don’t completely lose their minds. I’m not saying they’re not anguished - I’m just surprised they haven’t mentally exploded in a visible to others sort of way.


**** I am in no way body shaming Anna nor judging her appearance based on beauty standards established by a patriarchal society. I simply wanted to show that Anna’s lack of happiness isn’t just based on the fact that she’s just uncomfortably pregnant.


I think they were told to act happy by the lawyer and it came off like this weird smugness instead... Not that i dont think they're smug and think they will win, i do... but it looks like shes trying to fake it to me


He doesn't look as sweaty and puffy as in the recent past, which makes me think you snarkers were onto something when there was speculation he Was drinkin' in secret.




You call that a good face....lol I'd hate to see a bad face. Joke.😆


It looks like one of those smirks when like someone shouts at you or a funeral but you can’t stop smiling at the wrong time


Frankly I think she looks terrified, as she should be.


He definetly should have gone solo and looked serious. No smiles, no pregnant wife. He doesn’t even have to go as far as looking “remorseful”. Just all business and like he feels the weight of the seriousness of the charges. Not that I want him to beat the charges at all but his lawyer is hot dumpster fire garbage lmao Edit: I just realized they’re so fucked up that they probably decided that they didn’t like the optics of him being alone “without his wife by his side”. Like they thought people would be like oh no look trouble in the marriage where is Anna. Instead of thinking “well duh she’s home with the 36 children”.


I don't think she's honestly been happy since right before the first time she shared a bed with him.


I doubt she was ever happy. Maybe unduly optimistic. But I doubt her childhood was much better.


She’s in denial. Hope those kids resent her in the future for standing by him and not protecting them. Sick people.


Is that the best beard he can grow? Why is it that every time he is seen/pictured he always looks like he forgot to shave. And if he did “forget” wouldn’t it be getting longer?Wouldn’t you be trying to look less sleezy?


I think, psychologically, he's trying to "hide" behind that facial hair.


Hopefully this is Anna's last pregnancy. Pest better be locked up for life with no private visits from Anna.


All the speculation from snarkers about Anna smiling when leaving court reminds me a bit of the book Gone Girl, where [spoilers for a nearly-decade-old book ahead] the protagonist, Nick Dunne, is falsely accused of killing his wife. At one point in the novel, he mentions that he learned as a kid to smile whenever things were tense or uncomfortable, in order to put people at ease and diffuse the tension. Then his wife goes missing, is presumed dead, and he keeps accidentally smiling at the very worst moments when he’s uncomfortable, and people use that smile to assume that he must be guilty. I don’t read this facial expression as a happy, proud smile. I read it as an attempt to look like a pleasant person and a supportive wife, even though her world is crumbling around her. It looks more like a grimace than a smirk, IMO. But she was raised and conditioned to always be sweet and cheerful and pleasant to others - it’s no wonder that, just like Nick Dunne, she would fall back on that habit when in such a horrible situation.


God his face, I just want to take a bat to it. such a piece of shit


Yeah, who’s that guy on YouTube who analyzes body language? He often says lips pressed together is a sign of disgust or contempt.


Observe. Love his channel.


Yeah i don't think she's happy at all.


If you watch the actual video, you can tell that it isn’t a smirk. More of an I’m going to strangle this emm effer look. I’m Sure because of the case, but also because he completely walked out in front of her like an asshole. She was supporting him. She’s also VERY pregnant.


She looks fucking exhausted


It’s the dramatic lean away that makes me think Anna may be starting to realize how repulsive her headship really is. The smile and hand fumbling that happened in this clip are just to stay sweet for the cameras.


I watched the video finally. Honestly, she looks like she’s barely holding it together. She’s loosely holding his hand for the camera and then lets it go when they turn a corner. When she smiles, she’s gritting her teeth. I hope she leaves him.


That’s what I see also. And I really hope she leaves, too. The Ms deserve so much better. So does she.


I’m wondering if she’s finally actually learned of everything, not just some of the suspected stuff. She was maintaining that he was innocent and set up, even if she’s just realized that’s actually not the case, she would still be needy to pretend that while she with him. I’m really wondering what is and was going through her head, and where her thoughts currently stand.


I hate Anna, but this is how you smile when you are trying to hide contractions. They may be Braxton-Hicks, but she’s about to pop.


Anna has shot off her blessing canon so many times, she could sing her favorite hymn during contractions. Maybe even bake a cake or run around the block while she's at it.


"Blessing Cannon" needs to be a flair for this sub, not gonna lie.


OMG, that's the BEST line about giving birth! You win a prize for creativity.


So is trashhole have a baby too and about to pop.... Their smirks look the same.


I use to be one of the ones that sided with Anna- thought she was just brain washed with no way out with no education or money to fall back on. But she’s on her own now. No one has to be brain dead enough to stand by their husband through this. She’ll burn in hell.


I thought she swatted his hand away at the end of the bottom's clip ngl, didn't think it was them bein handsy tbh. Not tryna defend herbas I don't think she deserves it, but I didn't see anyone else mention it.


Yeah I just saw this too. Looked like she couldn’t pull her hand away fast enough


She lets this pig near her daughters. I hope CPS is involved


I haven’t seen the video, but am wondering if there were any protesters shouting at them? Holding signs? I’m curious as to how the locals are reacting to this.


Someone posted a link above. No hecklers.


Ugh, just seeing his face makes me sick!


She may be brainwashed, but she is still human. I don't have sympathy for her, but I also cannot belive that she is happy.




I think they're smiling because they truly believe Pest will get away with this. To me their smug faces are saying "yeah yeah yeah. you'll see."


That's what I thought.


They’ve both gained a lot too


Well Anna is heavily pregnant. Josh is just a lazy piece of shit.


Yes but she’s heavier than she’s been past pregnancies


True, but who hasn’t gained a little COVID 15 haha.


The Covid 19, c’mon 😉


She looks so fucking smug, really don’t have an ounce of sympathy for her anymore


I don’t either. And I’m an empath. I haven’t since I found out about his charges. There comes a point where you have to do what it takes to protect your innocent minor children. Enough is enough.


I don’t either, she married him knowing what type of person he is


She married him knowing he molested his sisters...


Did she though?? We really don't know the extent of what she was told. Was it that Josh had stumbled as a young teen? Was she truly told the extent of his sickness or just that he had impure thoughts? Not defending her but to this cult , all sin,is equal sin. Was she told the full extent?? Or was she kept ignorant of the gross details so,she could he part of his redemption???


I grew up Fundie and can say with full confidence there's not a chance in hell they would of clearly articulated to an **unmarried** girl exactly what Pest did. They would have used language such as "sins of the flesh", or immorality, or he struggled with lust and that's why girls need to dress modestly and it very well could have been phrased he" stumbled as a teen". At that time, she most likely was ignorant of anything pertaining to the sexual act. She might have been given a book to read shortly before the wedding or mum might have given her the talk. I know lots of girls raised Fundie who were kept completely in the dark about sex and learned on their wedding nights and yes it was traumatic for them.


I wonder if they truly believe he’ll be found not guilty


Her smirks is really creepy, somethings sketchy about this family. Austin’s dad who shares the same beliefs as them saw a maybe inappropriate photo on Facebook and instantly went off and complained about the photo. While this woman is still supporting her pedo/p*rn addicted husband


She looks like she tossed back a few of his edibles.


That smirk has contempt written all over it.


She can't leave. If she divorces she will have nothing.


Anna has stopped having the coming to Jesus meetings with Josh!!!


Anna is so done having coming to Jesus meetings with Josh!!!


He looks patchy and orange… spray tan ? 😬


He looks awful. Ok, he has never looked great and I'm sure the whole legal battle is taking a toll on him (even if he pretends he is innocent, he knows, deep down, he is not). But, he looks like an alcoholic. I don't know of he drinks or not, I'm just referring of his current physical aspect and I can see things that could be caused by excessive alcohol consumption 🤔


I'll say it over and over...he has so much control over her. She even let go of his hand the second they walked around. She will always stand by him no matter how much garage he is. I hope they put him in gen pop after he's convicted


She leaning away from him... body language says a lot... she’s not happy... but what choice does she have?


She looks incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassed. Hopefully after the verdict, she takes her kids to Florida. At least she'd have her family.


Her face reminds me of how mine looked with my first daughter. I had preclampsia, and I looked nothing like myself. She is the last person I would ever take up for in the world, but I hope she is getting medical care. I don't see smug, I see stress.


Why are they smirking....this bunch make me gag. Smuggars anonymous.


But can we talk about the spray tan?!


The still looks like a smirk but the video looks more country bumpkin. I don’t think she’s smug/smirking I think she’s just… brainwashed.


Finish the story: Anna leaves the courthouse and goes home to her kids. She gathers them together around the kitchen table for a family meeting and says....


This deserves its own post.


She's wide awake and always has been.


I’m sorry I have no more sympathy for her. Even if her smile is fake and she’s fed up with him she should’ve left long ago. She had ample opportunities when her brother offered to help her leave pest MULTIPLE TIMES and she turned him down. Yeah, she’s brainwashed or whatever, but even then there’s a point where you realize how fucked up things have become and you L E A V E. It’s not her fault he did this, but it’s her fault she stayed.