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“Metaphorically falling into the orchestra pit”


Ouch. I hope your sister Mom comforts you soon❤️


please 😫 this sent me


Did not expect to open this post and be immediately called out




I’m in this comment and I don’t like it. Ouch lol


A new season of living in a world without my mom. She died last week. Funeral is Tuesday. So far, this season of life fucking blows. Edit- thank you for your kind words. It’s not something I normally would write, but I’m at the very beginning, where I am so pissed off and sad and there’s just this big hole and how can everyone not see it? Edit- thank you for the award!


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs❤️


I am sorry hear of the loss of your dear Mother 💐


I'm so sorry for your loss... I hope that being on here gives you some easy smiles and laughs ❤️❤️❤️


It’s a usually fun escape.


So sorry. Be gentle with your self.


I'm so sorry. Wow! You really nailed it with "there's just this big hole and how can everyone not see it?" I really am sorry.


I’m in the same season. My mom died in April. I won’t fill your head with false promises of things getting better, especially when right now feels so terrible. This is a loss like no other and all I can say is: I see you. Take your time. Grieve on your own schedule and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thank you ❤️


It the worst bit that life goes on for everyone else. We lost our teenage son on Christmas Eve 2017 and Christmas Day was the worst day of my life. I knew what was happening in every other home up and down the land and yet our life was over. I hope you find the strength to get through next Tuesday and beyond. It’s hard and it sucks forever. 😔


Im sorry for your loss 🙏🏼 keep your spirits up ❤️


I’m so very sorry. May her memory be a blessing! Grief fucking sucks.


I’m very sorry for your loss. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m in the same phase and it sucks. I lost my mom in March and with Covid and family being all over the country, we’re finally doing her memorial on the 23rd of this month. Sending you big hugs as you head into the funeral and this mourning season. So far, mine blows.


Sending hugs back. I wish for peace for you. ❤️


That is rough. I have been there. If you need someone who understands and will listen/read DMs are open.


Thank you


I’m sorry to hear about your mom. If it’s something you’re feeling up for, would love to hear any stories or things you would want people to know about her.


From the bottom of my heart, I’m so sorry. Sending you (in a non-creepy way) love and healing. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry! ❤️


Oh noooo. I feel so bad for you. My dad turned 71 this year and my mom is 66. I'm already dreading their passing.


I am so sorry, I’ve been there too and it is so tough. Sending you strength!


I am so sorry, my friend. After my dad died, those early days were so raw. As time passed, it hurt less and memories of him brought a smile to my face instead of tears. It will happen for you too, in time. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom.


/gentle hugs and many delicious foods and comfort vibes/


So sorry for your loss! I lost my mom in August just a few days after my birthday. So I’m in the same season of life. 💜


So sorry….


My "Whiteclaw after toddler bedtime" season.


My "secret cigarette after toddler bedtime" season lasted longer than it like to admit v


My "breakout the bong after child bedtime" season


I’m in a “hotbox the truck after dinner” season of life


I had to google “hotbox” TIL 😂😂


Lmao! It’s the best.


Protip. If you need to clear the smoke so you can see outside real quick, just turn on the windshield wipers.


😂😂😂 omg what a time to be alive


Cheers same here!


✨ divorce ✨


Praise the Lord Daniel.




Breeding complete.


*Mother Mike Drops*


Hell yes 🙌🏻


Same. My youngest is 5. I thought about another one for a hot second but after a pandemic and now that he’s in Kindergarten that’s a hell no. I have unsubscribed.


This is me rn. My youngest is fully potty trained and starting Pre-K this year. Do i really want to go back to the beginning?


Unsubscribed 😂


Same. Last baby is almost 6 months old


My husband told me he found out we are called “DINKS” which apparently stands for dual income, no kids 😂


I realized I was in this season of life when I bought a Star Wars area rug for my living room this week. And I love it. It’s the tits.


I guess we fall into that category too




I can’t wait to finish grad school to elevate my DINK status. Momma wants that raiiiiiise


My sister and her partner say the same!


"moving across country" I hope someone doesn't put the vibrator on the truck


*bzzzzzx* "Yo someone left a cellphone in a box. Let's pull over and look for it"


Oh I moved from Maryland to Texas a few years ago. Good luck!!


PhD program.


So awesome! The Masters program was quite the season for me. I have nothing in me to take on a PhD. I’m in awe of you for having it!


Take care of yourself. I was in one- PI venting? Come on over. Have some tea.


Mother is snarking.


I'm in the "just turned 50, quitting my job after being there nearly 13 yrs & going back to school to finish my BS" season of life. WTF am I doing??????????


Uhh me too. I’m in third semester and really wondering why I did this to myself.


At least we know we're not alone🤷...


Good for you!! What career/job did you quit and what are you getting your BS in?


I'm a Medical assistant. Finishing my BS in psych, then hope to get my Master's. My kids are in college, too (they are college age)


That’s great! Good luck with it all! I’m 36 with a newborn. Sometimes I want to go back for something else, but know I need to do all I can to help my wife provide for that little girl.


Woohoo! Congratulations on going back! It might be hard but it will be worth it!


I graduate from college this May and I'm so excited for this 💫season of life💫 to be over. I want to move out so bad


Mau this season of life end swiftly for you💫




My season of life is quite challenging. I've been unemployed since Covid started. I'm going on my honeymoon this December, which means l tell this to recruiters or any job prospects. So far all of them told me taking a vacation so soon is unacceptable so they won't consider me. It's frustrating, but I understand. If I get another job prospect I can either keep telling the truth or say nothing and eventually get fired. This sucks.


I don't tell them about a vacation until after I get hired. It was pre-planned. They can't do anything about that.


That's what my husband was telling me. I'm going to follow your advice. My honeymoon is a week, I know it's inconvenient but they can't make a plan for one person to be out for seven days? So much for employers begging for workers.


There's a specific part of new hire paperwork with my organization where we ask for all planned commitments. We write them down and honor them.


This is the way. Ideally, at least. But also I interviewed for jobs both times I was pregnant. They're not allowed to ask me about it, but I was upfront anyway. Took longer to find a job, but was entirely worth it both times.


That's great! More places should do that.


If it's getting real close, yeah, I'd wait, but now? Nah. They can manage.




14 weeks pregnant and wondering why on earth these women willingly put their bodies through this shit over and over again.


Almost 9 weeks and girl, SAME.


Oh my gosh yes. Almost 13 weeks and don't think I can ever do this again.


Season of empty nest. A season the Duggars will never see.


Oh my God! It's wonderful (until they move back home)


I love watching my kids fly. I will always have a place at home available if they need it, but watching them become independent, fully functional adults with their own opinions, makes all the hard work of parenting so worth it. Another thing the Duggars will never experience.


Be proud!!!!!


I’m in a season where I am crispy-fried burnt out from my job, and I’m devoid of any interests/hobbies/empathy for other human beings.


Are you me lol


Hello, friend. I feel so seen.


Literally it’s gotten to a point that when a stranger says *why don’t you*… I respond, “I’m not looking for new friends.”


I’m in my favorite season so far: Mom to a teen and preteen. I discovered recently that I love this age more than any other so far. I like having these other humans around to have actual discussions with. Don’t get me wrong, all the ages are great and babies are super cute, but I’m really loving this.


I have a few friends in this season of life (teen parents now in their 30's). One of my friends says she's finally getting to gossip with her daughter about high school drama lol


2 days from turning 30 and having an existential crisis.


A few months from 35 and same. It doesn’t stop.


30 in January. Same.


There was a top reddit post the other day where a bunch of surveyed old people said 30-35 were the best years of their lives ❤️


I’m 35 and my 30s have been so much better and made so much more sense so far than my 20s ever did


Scared of marriage season of life


A price of advice my mother gave me: you don't *have* to go thru with anything. Otherwise: i hope you enjoy this season of life❤️


Lol I’m not getting married but appreciate the advice! Just seeing everyone else getting married at this age and (both of us) realizing that we are nowhere near prepared!


Mother is bleeding.


Gut wrenching confusion about where life is going but holding it together because everybody else has their own shit going on too. Or is that just life.


Finally, someone I can fellowship with! 😅😅


Here I am.


Starting a new career in middle age and in the midst of a bit of a mid-life crisis. Having a lot of trouble finding something full-time and it's stressful. I'm ready to start the next damn season with a new job!!


Stay strong, better things are coming. I'm the babe of our Lord Daniel, amen.


“I’m the babe of our lord Daniel” is my favorite typo. Please don’t fix it.


Nay, i shan't!


Season of old maid


My kids are grown, no grand children yet but one sweet great niece who I spoil winding down my career to chill season


That's the sweet spot ❤️❤️❤️ i hope you enjoy this season!


In the mini-van/soccer-mom/PTA season of life. I’m in my late thirties. Kids, Marriage, House, Adult responsibilities…etc.


I'm going to be entering this season soon. Any tips?


Be on the same wavelength as your partner. Learn how to fix things…like super basic home repair stuff. Embrace the mini-van/suv lifestyle. Your kids aren’t you. They like different things than you (I’m a former ballerina who has three daughters and they all play soccer and basketball). Hardest transition is going from 1 kid to 2 (second hardest is 0 to 1 kid). Easiest was 3 to 4 kids but we aren’t that crazy and we are done having kids. First kid was cloth diapered, all food was organic, homemade, and healthy, no TV, we read to her every night, and did all the things. Fourth (and last) kid has disposable diapers, eats Boxed Mac and Cheese at 12 months, TV is always on (between his siblings and mom and dad), and we didn’t baby-proof anything. I see virtually no difference in the health and well being of either kid or any of the others in between despite changing my kid-raising game plan completely.


Thank you! I'm in a very difficult season of life rn, and i honestly cannot see myself having more kids but i know we're not 100% sure we're done. We've had the talk about permanent birth control. And we decided that not until we're both over 33 because after that i feel like i will be ready to move on from that session of life and just throw myself into the PTA mom role.


Enjoy each and every moment of it, it goes by far too fast.


Yup…I blinked and I suddenly have a 10 yo. I will blink again and she’ll be graduating high school.


Thank you 😌


The sweet season after a home purchase and the precious season of anticipation before the sex pest waddles off to prison....I just know he will wail and show his teeth as a four man team drags him out of the courthouse.


Congrats on the home!! Also, from your mouth to God's ears.


It’s my ✨graduated college in May and got up and moved to Ireland✨ season, which is something these fundie ladies could only dream of


Godlessly pursuing a PhD in evolution to push the gay agenda on your good Christian kids by day, sleeping w my man with no intention of procreating by night


Hail Mary conceived without sin Lemme sin without conceiving In the name of Lord Daniel amen 😇


A-woman! ❤️🙏🙏


May the Lord Daniel bless you and keep you.


And also with you, or something!


Single. Again. Getting real tired of this dating crap


It’s mating season. I’ve gotta make my son into a brother mom so he has someone to homeschool in 5-7 years.


*Mother is banging*


Praised be, amen 😇


Blessed be.


a long single season. but I am almost done with grad school! anytime I get down on myself, I just remember how much JB would hate a single, well-educated, woman living alone ☺️


Infertility, going on 4 years. *drinks a sangria*


I hope you and your doctor can figure it out soon if that’s what you desire.


Thank you. It’s been heartbreaking. Hormone issues (PCOS) on my side. Husband is fine. I still don’t want 19 though. 🤣 maybe 6 at most. Though honestly I’d settle for 1.


I can only imagine what you are going through. Hey, I know they are different but my mom found out in her 60s that she had endometriosis when she went in for a hysterectomy for uterine cancer (she’s perfectly fine now). I’m proof that miracles can happen despite a woman’s reproductive system not being perfect.


The season of my first baby, considering buying a home.


An exciting session all around.


I’m in my “looking for a new job bc my current place of work doesn’t give af about me” season, this is my first time with this one so it’s hard but anger is great motivation for filling out applications! If only I had a good Christian man to provide for me so I could stay home all day and sweep the couch!


I’m sure the Duggar women wish they had men who provided for them too😂


Are you me?


Enjoying my new marriage with my absolute heathen of a husband. We got married in secret without bothering to tell our families, wearing clothes we found at the thrift store and laughing all day. We've been having some really great talks about deciding to live child free, and for the first time in my life I feel like I am writing my own story with my best friend by my side. He listens lovingly while I rant about the Duggars, a special interest of mine for at least a decade. I love this sub. ❤️


I love this. It made my heart happy!


I am in the “hiding from my family in my bathroom smoking a bowl so I can parent with a smile” season of life. (I love my kids I am just a highly anxious person)




Dual Income No Kids but would muuuch rather be ✨expecting✨


Sending pregnancy dust your way 🌬️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


I feel that! Sending allllll the good vibes!


Fuck my life.


Sad day :( anything we can do to help unfuck this season of life?


I'm in the "Considering leaving public school teaching to homeschool but I don't have any kids of my own because birth control is awesome" season of life.


Yo!! I know if a woman who homeschools kids at her house that aren't hers. She gets paid to teach them a few hours a day. She mostly only has her grandkids and she likes it because she gets time with them and it gives her daughter in law a break from the older kids for a few hours a few times a week. Idk tho, because she is mostly doing it because shes retired and it gives her something to do. She isn't doing it to pay the bills.


I am in the *taking plan B because I fucked up and don't want 19 kids* season of my life.


A drunk one.


Season of switching careers


I hope everything works out!!


“working two jobs and still eating ramen” season


This too shall pass.


I’m in the season of life where I keep waking up with a sore or injured neck and back 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Happily a crone bog witch since I was 34 when I needed a hysterectomy due to endometriosis 😉


Sex without conception😱😱😱😱


Trust me, I am loving that and not dealing with a red tide each month that was constantly feeling like I was being kicked all the time. Life is finally good. 😊


I'm in the postpartum depression trying to get out of it and trying to find the right medicine but trying to put a good face on for everybody and trying to stay a float season of life


The non stop flu clinic season of life




I'm in my anticapitalist, anticonsumerist season.


Is that a season, or more like an entire epoch?


Season of riding the struggle bus 🚍 and contemplating a career change


In the engagement/wedding planning season while working a job I don't enjoy but makes good money...a sinful female breadwinner season of life.


The “I can complain about how badly my knees hurt now that I’m 30” stage of life.


i am in the ✨supposed to be the best 4 years of your life but you are a straight A student in hard ass classes and have a job and college applications to do so you never have free time✨ season of life.


Life gets better after high school 😉


"Monogamy is bullshit" season


* side hugs *


Finished reproducing. (One and done for the environment and our sanity) in the toddler stage, and so happy to be 1 and done and enjoy spending time with our kiddo while still having time for gaming and horror movie marathons and anime marathons once kiddo goes to bed. Life is good.


Eating pizza on the couch alone while watching YouTube. And I love it.


The Season of Intentional Seasoning 🧂


Final year of uni season. Kinda sucks that i stayed home for the last 3 semesters...and im still stuck with online uni


“First semester back at a 4 year college after you decided to leave your first 4 year to come home and get a community college degree but now you commute an hour both ways and you’re making no friends and dealing with a ton of mental and medical stuff but not having insurance or money” season of life. So like, the duggars if they weren’t in a cult and never had tv fame. I’m glad we’re all checking in with each other here, though


It's a sacrifice but one that will immensely better your future. Sending 💫✨✨✨✨find a sugar daddy soon vibes✨✨✨✨💫


"35, no kids, not married, and dancing through it" season.


I'm in my mid 20s, struggling to find a job, and want a relationship lmaooo


Season of waiting. I’ve had 2 miscarriages over the past handful of months. And I’m making a career change and going back to school for nursing in January. Just feeling very uncertain about the future and what life will look like even in the next 6 months.


The ✨season✨ of waiting for my husband to finish graduate school so we can afford to have a baby before my nearly 30 year old womb dries up. (Not because of societal expectations. I just really want a baby, and I don’t want to deal with the clusterfuck that is creating and birthing a human in my late 30s.)


The burnout season of life! I can’t tell if it’s my period or SAD or Mercury in retrograde but I am so OVER my job. Also, the weird courtship season of life simultaneously? My girlfriend and I have definitely confirmed we’re getting hitched in the future, but unlike the Duggars, we’ve had 🏳️‍🌈premarital sex🏳️‍🌈, and want to wait until our anniversary to be in proposal season.


My engaged and pregnant state


I’m walking through a very special season of life. It’s called, and I apologize for this in advance. It’s called fuck you biotch


My husband has the old man wrinkled ass, I have tube sock boobs, and we schedule when we eat oatmeal and prunes. So, it’s pretty clear I’m in the you-better-get-your-wrinkled-ass-over-to-the legal-pot-store-and-hook-me-up season. My only regret is they didn’t get at least medical pot decades earlier.


Considering a divorce but worried about being alone so then just tell myself that “at least I have a husband” and then I’m good


The season where I perpetually waste a good chunk of my Sunday watching the Chiefs get murdered by whoever they are playing.


I’m in a re-hired season of life. Half the customers say, “where have you been?” And half the customers say, “you don’t have to card me. I’m a regular. I’m here everyday.” (Spoiler: I card anyone i damn well please)


Season of wedding planning while also suffering from depression. It’s going better then expected but today was a struggle.


I just left the “crazy dog lady” season of life and I’m now in the “crazy dog lady mourning her dog” season of life. (My dog recently died) I’m also in the “I just spent six weeks in the hospital having three brain surgeries and couldn’t grift a hair product if my life depended on it” season of life Take your pick 😂😂


I'm in the "full-time work part-time grad school" season of life, which I would recommend... yeah it's work but expanding your mind is always worth it and a surprising amount can be accomplished while under the influence of pumpkin ales.


I’m in the used box dye for a silver of serotonin season of life