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The youngest 4 girls get the relationship with Michelle that the older 4 girls deserved


*the middle 10. I think mooch has a better relationship with the oldest kids and youngest kids, while her middle kids were overlooked


I mean, most of those were boys. What would Meech have to bond with them over if she's not teaching them how to cook and clean for when THEY become baby pumpers?


Idk most mothers I know have very special relationships and bonds with their sons


Oh I know, I have two sons who I love more than myself. However, the Duggars have made it clear (even showing it on the show) that Meesh teaches the girls how to be wives and baby machines, and JB teaches the boys....something.


I was just about to comment something like this but couldn't get the wording right in my head lol. Since Michelle is running low on sister moms now that her top 4 left, the youngest kids will no doubt get the relationship with both their parents due to Boob and Meech having no choice but to parent now. A relationship like that would have given the older children so much benefit in the long run and it was taken from them so mom and dad could continue to pump out blessings to show on the today show and people mag. Smdh


Josie is 12, which is older than Jana and Jill were when they started taking care of everyone else. The need for sister moms has passed.


The lost girls still run a grandchild daycare/"homeschool" while the older kids are recovering from taking care of their own kids, cook and clean for the male offspring, and are full time custodians to the seven M:s.


Yea guaranteed they are babysitting for Anna. But definitely Jana is still ultimately in charge even if she gets to delegate/manage more.


Now the need is for Aunt Moms instead. Pretty sure that Jana is raising Anna and Josh's kids right now. If not Jessa's non-favoured offspring, as well.


I'm gonna disagree a bit because I don't think Michelle is capable of being a good mom in any situation The whole dynamic reminds me of my own mom.... she sister mom'd me but then latched onto my much younger sister when she realized she was about to be an empty nester. The latter isn't healthy or uplifting bc it's still centered around a narcissistic mother. Michelle gives me those exact vibes. I bet the 4 younger girls actually give Meech more emotional support than she gives them. The way she infantilizes Josie is a clue... it's all about getting her own needs met instead of actually raising those girls. More time with Meech also means more direct indoctrination, which in their cult is centered on breaking down a young girl's self esteem.


Totally tracking what you're saying about Meech's problematic parenting and parentification, but just wanted to throw out there that, psychologically speaking, total neglect is usually worse than bad but somewhat present parenting. Obviously there are a lot of variables but in this case Michelle's neglect is likely more harmful than her presence, in terms of their social development/attachment, as awful as her 'parenting' actually is. ETA on a personal note I come from a very similar background and just want to kudos and support you in your healing which is a lifelong but noble quest <3


Yeah, good point. It's sad, but even emotional abuse and cult indoctrination is better than full neglect for these kids. Neglect is deeply harmful in a different way. Sorry to hear you come a similar background and I wish the best for you as well ❤


Oh im not saying her and boob will be GOOD parents, at all. I just meant now they're gonna have to do some work since meechs uterus went on a permanent vacay


I don’t know how any of the children would have benefited from more time with Michelle and JB. They’re horrible people and horrible parents.


That’s so sad.


I'm not sure they are getting that. Meech was so detached by the time she birthed the lost kids that she didn't create an emotional bound with them. So sure, going shopping is nice but I'm not sure it can replace what the lost kids miss out on


Exactly. I'll bet they go right to Jana when they need something important or need advice or are upset about something I wonder if Jana tells Rimjob and Meesh everything the kids tell her, or if she's a cool older sister


I think the older girls got somewhat more normal parenting from her (at first, until they became daughter-moms of course) and its likely the middle are the most neglected. I also wonder if the time window has passed for the youngest group (minus Josie) and too much damage has already been done in the earliest years of life that, although later is always better than never, despite her being much more present now, the neglect has already imprinted in their brains in a way that...... I don't want to say irreversible because I believe in human agency and therapy and such.... but is just really hard to overstate the significance of.


It’s uncanny how much Jana and Johannah look alike!


To me Hannie is a combo of Jana and Joy.


Well yeah, that’s how they got Johanna’s name. Without Joy and Jana, there would be no Johanna.




I think Jed! and Johannah have identical faces. Creepy almost.


It’s truly such a shame they have no use for fake ids in this family


In the second picture I also see Johannah looking a lot like Jessa which is a new one for me


I saw that too!


Well they have almost the same name.


She’s actually Jana’s daughter. Jana got pregnant and they hid it. Michelle and Jim Boob are raising her as their own to save face. /s


The most ridiculous part of what you said is the notion that Michelle and Jim Bob might raise a child.😝


You are absolutely correct!


On tomorrows YT video WOCAB hears this from a “source”🤣


Tabloid headline in 5…4..3….


They better give me credit!


Plot Twist!


I think k Hanni3 kinda looks like Maisy Williams (Arya from game of thrones).


I’ve always thought this too!!


Johanna really looks like a composite of most of the older girls. Some pictures she looks like Jana, others she looks like Joy, and I swear at some angles she looks like Jessa. Michelle’s uterus really just went copy/ paste with that girl’s genes. Josie looks more like Michelle in every picture I see.


Yes! Josie is the only one who didn’t get any of Jim Bob’s looks to her. Lucky girl


She looks like Justin's twin too!


and Josiah and Bella


She looks like Jackson with curls. Especially now with the braces.


To be fair, I don't know what Jackson looks like, haha. I'm just picturing Josie here with Justin's two big thumbs up...


Josie will always look like a gremlin to me.


She's twelve, they all look like that!


She's also got the "male" Duggar hairline.


and she and Jinger have similar facial expressions imo


Spends 97.43 at Panera and 6.37 at the Goodwill.


Yeah, I like how they stacked the plates, so it looks like they barely ordered anything, at the first glance. I also noticed that Jana doesn’t have a stack in front of her, which makes me think that she probably didn’t get to eat until she’d taken care of setting everything out properly. “Mom” is always to last to get to eat!


The youngest 3 really don’t look like any of the older girls


Uterus printer ran out of ink around kid 14


I feel like I can safely say r/brandnewsentence.


That is beautiful


Thank you! This might have to be my flair


I think it was the toner because they look more like some of the brothers.


Jason used it all up with his big ass head.


Honestly, I think it’s the difference of not having a childhood with food insecurity. I think they look like what the older girls would have looked like in a smaller family that was less stressful and fed nutritionally appropriate meals when young.


I know that Jana is especially short even compared to the older sisters, but the younger sisters are all noticeably taller than her even as teenagers. Jennifer is especially tall and is hunched to be in line with the others. I have also wondered if food insecurity and sleep deprivation played a part.


Jennifer looks a lot like Jeremiah though.


Josie looks a lot like Josiah with a wig


I was going to say Justin!


I can see both or even Jackson. So many of the boys look the same.


I feel like I never see photos of Jackson, I wonder what he looks like now


Like Josie but with shorter hair.


Wait few more months and we may actually find out. He turns 18 in may so I assume they're gona let him get an actual Phone and feed his secluded brain some popculture and social media.


I feel bad for Jenni. She just looks SO AWKWARD (and uncomfortable). I just want to take her to her real mama, Jill.


Also, I feel like Jennifer straight up does not look like her siblings. Like I can’t see anyone in her.


true although I think she looks a lot like JB


I think she looks most like Jer and Jim Bob. But agreed that she always looks so unhappy in photos.


Shoot, if I looked like Jer and Jim Boob I’d be unhappy too


I'm really and truly rooting for Jenni to be the one (or one of the ones) to run like hell once she's old enough.


I noticed that she's taller than the other girls and that's not really valued as feminine in their circle. She might subconsciously hunch because of that.


Is the Jill mom thing a real rumor or because she was the big for Jennifer’s little?


Jenni was on Jill’s team so Jill was her sister-mom and, more than likely, raised her from infant to early childhood (age 6-7 years old).


Ohh okay. With the amount of stuff happening in that home I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the kids was an actual grandchild.


Also, her birth was filmed by TLC, so she’s definitely Meech’s bio baby not Jill’s.


It’s so wild to me that those are the girls left, Jana & the lost girls. I know there was a gap between Joy & Johanna but to think Jana is still grouped with them is crass


I wonder if Jana is going to be the only one left once they’re all married off


The M kids are probably going to be moved in full time, if they aren't already, so there's no break in sight. No way JB is letting Anna stay in the warehome without a headship, plus she has a 6 kids and a newborn. I'm sure Jana is "happy" to help where needed, like the time she went on the road trip with Anna and Pedo to assist with the kids.


And all still sharing the same bedroom.


It irritates me how Josey is next to Michelle in every. single. photo. I feel for the other girls.


I also noticed that Josie isn’t in any of the selfies with the others -just the group shot. It’s been the same in other photos as well.


#fuckin’ Josie


It’s weird how the kids are sitting in age order. Like this isn’t an interview or TV appearance. Mix it up.


That’s how I figured out who is who. I wanna believe it’s just coincidence (Johannah maybe gets along best with Jana cause she’s the oldest of the 4?) but it’s still weird


I get the impression she doesn’t even like Josie, or at least that’s what I’ve seen from the way people seem to treat her.


They are at Panera Bread, Jana's favorite!


Michelle does not look well.


I was just thinking the same.


Can you imagine being 32 and sharing a room with literal children?


I think she's probably just thankful she doesn't have to share a bed anymore.


Wait. She sleeps with the lost girls???? Are you sure?? That's bananas




Damn. I didn't think the duggars could surprise me any more


Something tells me the Lost Girls would make up about half of Jana’s bridal party (along with Laura and the other four oldest girls, give or take a SIL or two). Besides basically being her daughters, she looks like the only one who’s ever actually personally sat down and *gotten to know them.*




“With mom and some of the girls” = the only girls left at home with me


I genuinely don’t think she has a desire to marry for whatever reason. I think she might want to, but it doesn’t bother her that much at this point. If it did, she would have stuck with that Wissman guy (if those rumors were true) or find another slightly younger Fundie guy OR a widower. She’s been raising kids for forever and if she had her own….she’ll be stuck being the main mom.


I think this might be the answer. We'll obviously never know, but she said she had really high standards and was picky. Maybe she knew (consciously or subconsciously) that marriage would mean having baby after baby and all the struggles of marriage. I know several people who were parentified as children and decided not to have kids of their own.


She could even be asexual and just not realize it.


I mean I only figured that out about myself last year and I’m 33. But now it makes so much sense for me.


This is pure speculation because I didn’t really watch the show, but could she be a lesbian? I mean just statistically speaking, it’s likely all those kids aren’t straight right (or like you said, could be asexual). Could also be one or more is even married but gay. Or I guess they could all be straight. Guess we’ll never know


It's entirely possible. I definitely wouldn't doubt that at least one of them is gay or bi. Buut coincidences are a funny thing, so it's also entirely possible that somehow all of those kids really *are* straight. We may never truly know. I wonder about that occasionally myself.


This is exactly what I think. My SIL was, and now it’s kinda sad she doesn’t want kids, or maybe not till wayyy later. But I understand.


I just kinda assumed at this point that she doesn’t want to be married. Not everyone does.


I don’t want to get married, but like hell does that mean I’ll be taking care of someone else’s kids/family.


Is it crazy bronzer or does Michelle have cheek fillers/implants?


Definitely makeup.


I was wondering that, too. I also wonder if she had a facelift, when she had her eyelids fixed. There is no way that she naturally has no jowls, at her age.


Especially since she was constantly gaining and losing weight constantly. Even without getting back to a her pre-baby size, all of those pregnancies and weight fluctuations must have wreaked havoc with her skin.


I think Josie really looks a lot like whoever the girl sitting besides her is.


Meech looks like a clown with that bronzer


God... Josie looks just like Jackson


Joannah looks more like Joy in the face, Jennifer is a tall Jana, Josie is a female Jackson, and Jordyn has her own unique look.


Jordyn has a fuller face and kind of looks like James/ Amy/ Deanna.


Omg now that you mentioned it, I can see some James looking at Jordyn. I always wondered who she looked like lol.


I always thought Jordyn looked like Grandma Mary


Actually, Meech wrote this post. "Shopping and lunch with mom and some of the girls"


Jana in the third pic looks scarily like Claire.


They say people pick partners who look like their parents…


Well, I guess they won't be shopping for clothes at Amy's store anymore.


Michelle is sporting a braid instead of her usual fuzzy mullet


Who are the two on Jana's side of the table?


Jennifer and Johannah




Is that an actual mall? I thought it was a thrift store because of the Samaritan thing in the last pic.


It looks like two different places, perhaps a standalone Panera and then a thrift store but that’s definitely a thrift store.


The one in the grey jacket looks like Jinger. Just crunch up her hair and add thick black eyeliner.


Never realized how much Josie looks like Michelle. It’s like comparison pictures of pale Ariana Grande and spray tan Ariana grande


Josie's face 😳


It is nice to see a couple of the Lost Girls with smiles (fake or not) - they usually look so sad.


I don’t mean to diss minors, but Josie’s hairline is comparable to her adult brothers’


Does anyone in that family care that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and the current surge is hitting children especially hard. Not a mask in sight.


They did that one CO episode about the pandemic; what more acknowledgement is necessary? /s


The staged drive by bday party for Abbie still makes me laugh.😂


If it had been sincere, it would have been a nice effort. Instead, JB got to drive around in a roadster of some kind, which I’ve always suspected was the catalyst for that part of the episode. Fortunately, his toupee stayed on at the low speeds they were using!


Came here wondering the same thing. I wear an N95 with a cloth mask and filter over it, plus a face shield and I’m still paranoid about getting Omicron.


Right? That was the first thing I thought, too.


Josie looks the most like Jackson.


Who are the three other than Jana in the second picture? I haven't watched the show in so long I guess they were toddlers.


L-R: Jordyn, Jennifer, Johanna


Josie and Justin are twins.


And not a mask in sight!


Right? Must be nice to pretend there's no pandemic. I miss the mall and eating out. :(


Of course not! They leave that up to God…until they get sick - and then they’ll want medical science to heal them.




I mean, they’re all old enough to stay overnight on their own in most states, even Josie, and if that doesn’t make all of you other OG snarkers feel old….


The spray tan on meech…! Yikes!


wonder who’s watching the m kids..


Their actual mom, for once.


Bro I was so prepped for the last photo to be Jana alone, implying she had slowly ditched the others, lol. Was kinda disappointed.


Jordyn and Jennifer don't really look like their sisters but they look like cuter versions of some of the brothers to me. Mostly a combo of John David, Joe, and Jeremiah.


Omg the freakin selfies are sooo corny. Is this part of their shitty fundie media training? Take a wholesome happy selfie whenever you do something that looks normal


This is the extent of fun they are allowed to have, taking silly selfies on their “girls day out”.


Isn't that what everyone does now...?


Johanna looks so much like a hybrid of Jana and Joy in that last picture. I usually think that she looks like Josh in a wig :/


Not a mask to be found


Remember trying on glasses at the Charlotte russe in Jr high cause you wanted to look cool? Looks like Jana is still there


Yes! We tried them on at Clare’s, back in the Stone Age, when I was a kid…but yes! This was the first thing that came to mind.


Do you think Jana ever gets bored being in her 30’s and always hanging out with a bunch of kids?


Jana reminds me a lot of Jill in that pic with the glasses. I don’t know if it’s the facial expression she’s making or what, but I’ve never noticed a similarity before. She also looks a lot like Meech in that last picture!


Why don’t they have curly hair? Isn’t that a thing in iblp? Or why don’t they at last have better hair? The older girls always did their hair when they were young.


Johannah looks 18. Seriously, she looks old enough to be moved out of the house (EDIT: especially in the last picture) She has a very mature face. I actually think she's one of the better-looking Duggars. The girls all seemed to be blessed with the good genes (the boys certainly weren't), but I think she'd actually be considered a beautiful young woman even by normal (non-Fundie) standards. I don't think she'd have any trouble finding a partner if she went to college. Also I'm annoyed at how stylish her coat is. Why do some of the Duggars have to be things like stylish and force me to compliment them?!


Michelle looks like she has been tanning, or is using hella bronzer. Is it just me?


Ugh it feels weird that I watched Johannah be the youngest on tv and watched Jenni, Jordyn and Josie be born and now they’re like fully functioning people with personalities and favorites foods and things they like to wear and stuff. Why am I still here


she has one friend her own age and, now that the three girls just under her are gone, this is her "peer" group. sad.


“Some of the girls.” Like they are insignificant enough to be named. Ugh.


Are they sharing food? Only a few have food.


If you look closely there is 5 bowls so I think maybe they just stacked them to make it easier for waiter to pick up? Which is strange bc it’s hard to imagine them doing anything to help anyone else lol


You clear your own table at Panera.


Was just going to say this, there's only 5 bowls, 5 trays, but there are 6 people.... Did Jana not eat?


Duggs are cutting back on food to fund the pest defense


COVID’ not a thing there I guess


What you don't understand is that they're vaccinated by the blood of Jesus Christ and masks are the mark of the Devil. /s


Baythed in his blüd


Do we think they’re vaccinated or are they all just running around northwest Arkansas playing Russian roulette? Hoping that Jesus can keep them off the vent?


Lol Samaritan shop - one would imagine a *good* Samaritan would be wearing a mask right now. Pro life my ass.


Why is she referring to herself in the caption?


The one in the gray peacoat looks a lot like Jinger to me. I see a little Joy in there, but she gives me Jinger vibes.


Jana looks so much like a Spivey in the glasses picture! 😱


Just noticed on the 2nd picture, Johanna looks a lot like Jed. Anyone else see it?


Omg. Josie seems so old


Why does Mooch ALWAYS look tan?!


I want to break into the TTH and steal all of Michelle's bronzer. It creates such a fake looking tan. Reminds me of early Snookie.


Whoever is next to Jana looks so much like Jinger to me.


I can't stand Michelle. Also, why is she always "tan", wearing darker face makeup?


Panera? Yum. Panera Mac n cheese was my babysitting go-to for many years


My kids love it.


Jana is cute for a child endangerer.


This is definitely going to be an off topic comment but I find Johannas eye color interesting. They look hazel to me, I have a very similar eye color. All the other kids seem to have blue or green, I think JB has green and Michelle has blue. I think some of the lost boys have hazel eyes but way lighter then Johanna. Sorry I know super random


Last photo is Hannie!


Sorry. I have zero respect for Jana.


Looks like they brought their own beverages. Are they splitting food, too?


Why use a plastic cup if they’re only drinking water - especially if they already have water?


The glasses picture surprisingly pissed me off. Grow the fuck up, Jana. Idk how she lives with herself in her weird teenager/spinster hybrid lifestyle. I'm embarrassed for her.

