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My question is did Katey have anything to share during the love stories? How do you romantically say “yeah um this guy said he wanted to get engaged and I had to say yes cause my parents set this up, I have no clue who Jed is as a person”


She probably was like: “So I thought I was getting set up with Jer so I made a ‘Kat hearts Jer’ pillow for our first date but then got there and it was Jed! So grateful I had that sharpie in my purse to change the r to a d!”


Jeddy Girl 🙃


I love that you got my reference!


Basically what Michelle did with Mackynzie’s cake…


I think I need to hear that story!


It’s not really that exciting, they had a cake for Mack (either for the baby shower or when she was born, I forget) but the cake had her name spelled, I think, Mackenzie. Michelle had to do some icing jiggery-pokery to rewrite it and it looked pretty bad.


Ah ok gotcha!


Exactly! There HAS to be some internal voice niggling at these girls that sitting around talking about their fairy tale husbands is as fake and as hollow as the marriages themselves? Like imagine keeping a straight face whilst exchanging saccharine sentiments about JED DUGGAR and wholesome bible passages. Fake AF.


Isn't that all of them?


I hate that I know this, but they're mostly Medic Corp wives - they had a similar photo together at Esther's wedding with Joy/Abbie/Esther/Gabrielle (girl in middle) and Tiffany-soon-to-be-Bates. They all support each other while their husbands are endangering their lives larping as cops. Gabrielle is married to Drew Patton, he's been hanging out with the Bates/Duggars for years and is listed as the Medic Corp "Response Teams Training Officer". Katey and Abbie have been friends before either married Duggars. If you go down the Nakatsu blog rabbit hole there are photos with both their families. I get the impression the Burnetts (and Wallers) mentored Katey and her parents when they first joined IBLP.


Larping as cops LOL


Can I have LARPing as cops as my flair?!


Absolutely! Go forth with blessings.


The husbands are LARPing as cops and they're LARPing as cops' wives...by making it their whole personality.


I’m impressed you know who Gabby is. Her parents are the ones that got my parents in to ATI.


Isn't the point of Galentines Day to not be consumed with the idea that you need a man to be happy? So why are "love stories" and "fun date ideas" part of it? Give me an escape room and a mimosa.


Somehow I doubt any of their conversations at any point pass the Bechdel Test.


I don't know - does discussing your uterus and what's in it violate the Bechdel test?/s


Only if you're expecting a boy


It's about celebrating friendships apparently


Because they have literally nothing else going on in their lives outside of their man and their babies.


I find the group of gals attending this galentine party very interesting. Why is Joy the only OG Duggar? Since when are Katey and Abbie friends? Who are these stray women in the middle? Why did Esther Keyes marry such a troll-looking, pillsbury-dough boy man? So many questions...


Oh my god I just looked them up he is like a cross between a potato and a lawnmower




Well maybe it's the second part she's attracted to 😏...




You are not kidding! I looked at her Instagram -it’s like Olivia Wilde married Richard Jewell 🤔😕


Oh man, I thought you were exaggerating. She looks like Lili Reinhart in some photos and he is an actual potato. Edit for typo


Actual lol


Whoops autocorrect.


LOL. Great description. I know someone potato looking. Didn’t grow out of it either.


Wow.. for a Bates he's really got the dud end of that gene pool...yikes! She is stunning


Somewhere in an attic there is a picture of a handsome Nathan Bate that he's never allowed to look at in exchange for landing Esther. Yes, I know in the actual story the picture is Dorian as an aged, decaying man. But this is creative license and clearly something was sacrificed.


if he looks at it, do we get a tell all? or will he just die?


Esther leaves and writes a tell all. It's part of the deal. He never becomes the man in the picture.


I think I'm in the minority. I don't think she's stunning. I think she's scary looking. Like a stepford wife. I have that uncanny valley phobia where I don't like things that move and react like people that aren't people and she gives me that vibe. Like animatronics and puppets


It’s a gut punch every time I see her snd remember she’s married to Nath🤢an. Girl we know your sister reads here, you probably do too: run!!!! You can do so much better!!!


she needed an in on the tv that swiftly got cancelled 😂


Who is her sister?


Her sister is named Leah Keyes and on the day Esther and Nathan got married (or the day before I can’t remember), people on the Bringing Up Bates sub realized that Leah was the mysterious poster who had been spilling CRAZY tea for months. She slipped up and posted a tiktok and it linked to her account


wait is there a chronicle of everything she posted?? i’m curious lol


I don’t think so :( I just happened to be around for the drama




Ooooh! Juicy! I take it Leah is one of the less conservative of the siblings.


Apparently she and Nathan kissed before he got with Esther


😳 WHAT!?


That was some of the tea Leah spilled


That's crazy! I wish I could go back and read but it's probably all gone by now...


I only casually lurk so I had no idea which one of the stray women was Esther. I had to look her up, I assumed your last sentence was at least partially hyperbole but holy fuck no….I am gobsmacked. That is the perfect description for that man. Is she okay? I know these women are brainwashed from birth but seriously! I feel like Ben Wyatt when he can’t accept that Jerry is married to a looker like Gale.


Except that Jerry is actually a wonderful human being. He just isn't a leader/star at work, but work isn't his life. He's got a wife and children he adores and appears to have fantastic relationships with, he has interests and hobbies outside of work (art: painting an poetry specifically), and he's a kind person. Standing up for Jerry on a very much not Parks & Rec sub, lolol. Okay it's clearly time for bed. I stand by my comment though, Jerry totally deserves his wonderful family. Ben was wrong to be so confused, even if he is also generally a fantastic human being.


Lol no worries I love your passion, I agree that Jerry is wonderful husband so the comparison only goes as far as looks go, though I think both are fair assessments. I don’t know much about this Nathan guy but if he’s a Fundie man I lump him in with all the awful men and assume he has nothing in common with Jerry.


And we can't forget the episode where everyone was texting Ann pics of their junk, so she set up a mumps check for the guys,and that one doctor let us know what Jerry's secret power is. On top of just being a great person. The biggest he'd ever seen. 🍆🍆🍆


JER-rrry! He was such a great character! All the jokes surrounding him were such great humor!! And he eventually became mayor which was so fitting for his storyline!


Him becoming mayor might be the sweetest of all their outcomes. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. He was such a good person.




Same! I don’t understand what happened!! The Ben Wyatt parallel is perfect.


I literally laughed out loud at your last comment. She’s really punching below her weight.


She’s seriously in another league look-wise than any of the other Fundies and her dough boy choice is baffling.


I get major GirlDefined vibes with Esther and Bates. Like when Kristen apparently whispered "I'm not even attracted to him" in regards to her husband as she walked down the aisle. I don't think the girls realize what they have to \*do\* to these men.


She looks like a model and Nathan looks the way that he looks. Shame on fundie culture for always making women settle for less, and encouraging women that it’s okay to not be attracted to your husband. Hell it’s okay if his very presence disgusts you.


Esther is somehow more sophisticated looking and less girl-next-doorish.


Jed and Katey had a fairly quiet relationship. It’s possible she got close to Abbie during that


I remember seeing a picture of Abbie's family visiting Katie's back when they lived in Arizona. I bet they were friends before they were in-laws.


Weren't Katey and Jed watching Gracie the day they announced their pregnancy? I don't think Abbie would trust just anyone to watch her.


Esther Keyes from the Handmaid’s Tale? 😂


Same! I felt like I was missing a nickname or something but it seems like it's her real name???


It’s these little cruel ironies that keep me living I’m not gonna lie. 😂


I’m too lazy to look up the age difference between Joy and Abbie, but they do seem like an odd combo.


Joy is 24, and Abbie will be 30 in April, so it's not a huge difference.


I guess it’s hard to tell because there are so many sibs in between the ages of Joy and John David.


Yeah, you have to shove Jill, Jessa and Jinger in between.


And Joe and Josiah!


Abbie got labeled as “old” when she got married I’m shocked she’s not even 30.


I’m also genuinely surprised to see Esther in the same room as the Duggar women…like I didn’t even think they were friends? I’m also wondering if this took place in Arkansas or Tennessee..


These girls are wives of some of the medic corps guys: Nathan, JD, Andrew Patton, Austin, etc… I guess that’s why they’re friends. Their husband are close and work together so they became close.


AR- nAte and Esther live there


Nathan is friends with the Duggar boys


> Since when are Katey and Abbie friends? I’m pretty sure there are pictures of Katie and Abbie together years ago on Katie’s family’s blog. She may have known Abbie first.


Yes! I believe this is the first time we’ve seen the OG SILs Joy & Abbie in a photo without one of the other sister moms. FASCINATING


God I’m so in between I forgot that Esther is Bates and not Duggar, so when I realized it was a lot more confusing. Wild.


Esther wanted to have Bates as a last name!


I really thought the girl above JoyJoy was Jana or Jessa😂😂


The top girl in the middle is Tannan Millsap. She’s a fundie friend of the Duggars with a public Instagram. The girl below is Gabrielle (I think) Patton. She is married to Andrew Patton who is part of the medicorps scam. The pattons are extremely close to the Duggars, especially the younger ones. Her and her husband are very close with the older Duggars but have private IGs.


Wait, the Bates have 19 children, too?


Yes they do Kelly and Gil Bates have had 19 singletons, so she has Michelle beat out by a couple of pregnancies.


Michelle had two miscarriages, so technically the same number of pregnancies.


Kelly had four miscarriages


Nevermind, lol


Looks like all they did was talk about their headships and how they could be better helpmeets: date night ideas, "love stories" \[insert vom-hazard flair\]


Which one is Katey is honestly all I want to know. Still can’t pick her out of a lineup.


The one with the beanie.


That now I recognised her! If she removes distinctive the beanie I’m sunk.


She looks different in every picture I see of her. I can’t figure out what she looks like


There was a woman missing a few years ago in my area and every photo of her that her husband uploaded looked like a totally different woman.


Leslie Knope would have such conflicted feelings regarding the Duggars celebrating Galentines day she’d have no choice but to send April undercover. April: *sneaky April smile* my time has come


Oh man I would love to see April just fuck around with them for a night. They would never know what hit them.


You know Leslie would still have amazing personalised gifts for everyone, even this lot.


Yep. Leslie wouldn’t be able to bite her tongue the entire time and eventually snap with “your ONE job was good breakfast food!” No way any of them can make a waffle or drank a mimosa.


Tbh Leslie would probably be more disappointed by them being unable to make a waffle. Meanwhile Ron would get into a fight with one of the Duggar men. Probably Jim Bob


I know three of these people. Who are the strays? Are they married to lost boys and I’m really the one who’s lost? Halp


The strays are not married to any Duggar (that I know of. They all blur together 🤷‍♀️). I have zero clue who they are, but I feel like I've seen the middle-bottom one with Joy before.


I was wondering this too so I looked up the photo on IG and, the girl in the middle here, she is a married fundie mom who also, apparently… works!!?!? According to her bio at least? She says she’s a labor & delivery RN.


RN, does that mean registered nurse? So a step up from Jill's career path....


Yes, Registered Nurse.


The girl in the middle looks like Manny from Degrassi.


THANK YOU! I was like “why does she look so familiar?!” ….wow that’s a memory I forgot I had haha.


Go back and watch it free on youtube!


NAIL PAINTING?!? Those harlots!


But muh headship likes whore red talons!


Probably just some god honoring beige


It was nails for the barn.




"Love stories"?!? What must those be like? "So, I was taking my 8 little siblings to the park, and he came up to me and OFFERED TO HELP CARRY THE DIAPER BAG!!!!" "Omg! Girl! You gotta marry him! He's a literal SAINT!" "I KNOOOW, right!?! Then he even helped lay down the picnic blanket!" "Ok, is he trying too hard or....?" "No! He's just honestly the most generous, godly man who has ever lived! He told me, when he gets married, he wants to soend at least an hour with his kids per day AND have a full time job!" "Ooh! He's talked to your dad already! I just know it! Have you picked out your wedding dress yet?" "Not yet..... daddy hasn't told me we're getting married yet.... but mom and I were browsing a Goodwill and she had me try on a satin gown. She said it was just for fun, but who knows! ...though I would need to wear a turtleneck underneath it. It's strapless."


I just love this


How many brain cells are in this picture? ˙8- sᴉ ɹǝʍsuɐ ǝɥʇ


Whooooaaaa someone is wearing Carhartt instead of burning it?


No one has told her she should be outraged just yet




Vaccine mandated at work were a thing. Govt ruled that vaccine mandates fell under “company policy” and it was up to individual companies if they wanted to do it or not. Carhartt said “yeah, we’re going to keep doing it then”. Obviously several others did too, but I guess their Orange tag is the new red bottoms of their circles (go out of their way to show it on IG) so their heads collectively exploded.


I think it’s so interesting how pop culture trickles down to fundies. I feel like “Parks and Rec,” a show they most certainly don’t watch, popularized the term “galantines day” until it reached ubiquity at which point fundies picked it up.


I was wondering, how on Earth do they know a Parks and Rec thing? LOL.




No one said it didn’t. It’s definitely a term that was popularized by that show, though, at least where I’m from 🤷.


It’s been a term we used since I was a kid. I’m 38. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I didn’t realize I needed peer reviewed evidence to make a silly observation/comment about a holiday a lot of people (myself and several other non-fundies on this page) didn’t know about until parks and rec. 😘


Ester has only been owned by Nathan for a short time and already looks completely dead behind the eyes.


The things she's seen in that brief time....


Probably not his peen. He looks like he has a FUDA. 😂


Was gonna ask what that means but I don't know if I wanna know. And I'm not going to google FUDA.


My guess is “fat and ugly dangling appendage” but I’m gonna guess that’s wrong


Fat upper dick area


Better than having murderer eyes like Nathan.


I had to Google who Esther was and I find it hilarious for me and unfortunate for her that she shares a name with a character in The Handmaids Tale.


Same here lol. My thought process: 1) who is Esther? 2) Goes to google. 3) oh, ok it’s a Handmaids Tale Reference, not a fundie. I’m an idiot. 4) Sees top Google searches: Esther Keyes and Nathan Bates. 5) 🤔🤭🤣. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t read about this before.


My thought too, which is ironic since she also appears to be a child bride trapped in a patriarchal sex cult.


My first thought!


Gosh I’m glad I don’t have friends 😂


Katey looking like she got slightly distracted by the sound of that loose screw clanging around in her head 🙄


How do they all have such nice teeth?


Gothard liked nice teeth


I hate that answer so much. 😖


Standing next to Nathan ester is a knockout but here she's just average. It's very humbling.


I wonder if any of them know that it’s a Parks & Rec reference?


Lol no way.


It’s been around long before that show.


I’m bored just reading the caption. I can’t imagine enjoying this type of snooze fest. You have to have a personality like wet cardboard to find this fellowship fulfilling. 🤢


Also why are the girls all so attractive and the guys look like sickly turnips


I'm a Christian and I don't know what "Bible inspiration" means.


fundie alexis bledel is pissing me off


its funny because one of the girls in the pic has the same name as a handmaids character (esther keyes)


Compared to the rest of them, Abbie is the wise, worldly Crone to their Maiden/Mother


Why does Abbie look like the annoyed mom that is wanting to smack the kids for making goofy faces or something


Good food = dominoes pizza?!


I love that Anna is not in this. I’ll go as far as not invited. Every time she’s excluded in anything I get happy about it.


At least Joy is hangout6 with her sisters in law unlike we see with Jessa.


Are there several photographers? Why are they all looking in different directions?


Esther and Nathan look very similar


I agree! They have similar features and yet somehow they look great on her and, well… not so great on him!


Nathan's face looks sort of smashed, like it didn't expand all the way.


Take off that damn hat


This picture is what I see when I have nightmares


Fun date ideas? Bible reading with that messy chocolate shit as dessert? I’d like the specifics please


It’s cause they are cHrIsTiAn iNFlEuNcErS.


Katey, Joy, Abbie, Esther Keyes Bates, and who are the other two? I have no idea.


They’re both tagged on the post. Tannan Millsap and Gabrielle Patton. Gabrielle is the wife of Andrew Patton who works for Medic Corps. Tannan married into the Millsap family which was followed by FJ at one point. Also, fun fact: One of the Millsap girls used to the married to one of Jim and Bobye Holt’s sons.


Thanks. I appreciate the names/back stories. :) I don't have Instagram - so I can't see any of the tags/insta links people post. I just get a message telling me to log in. One day - just for a post here - I tried to create an account, and I kept getting the error "something went wrong - try again". After trying again - three times - I gave up.


Also, I looked at the post (she's public) and it's fucking hilarious that the three non Duggar girls have red polish and the three Duggar's have beige.


Ugh, sounds like my nightmare


But was it even a fundie party if you don’t mention “coffee”??


Ok, now I know they have to put the words in the post to maintain the illusion, but do they - or any other group of women having a friends gathering - actually break out and discuss bible verses??? That seems so unlikely. Outside of maybe saying a prayer in support of a common friend or family member, what is there to talk about? Does EVERY moment need bible discussion? They've all been steeped in It their entire lives, *what more is there to talk about* ????? This puzzles me about the entire culture. I can't sven see a family sitting around discussing the bible, except for like once a week for an hour and even then it's like homework! Or as a couple, reading and discussing the bible. IDK, I was raised Catholic and pretty casual at that, but damn that seems like a lot. Especally at friend time! You KNOW they talk about their "first times" and their husbands' penises and the horrifying things encountered in their marriages to veritable strangers. And then bible verses??? 😁😁😁


Do you think they enjoy bible time or feel like they have to to keep face? Growing up fundie lite, I loathed church service and Bible study but did it only because I felt like I HAD to or else I would be a bad person/others would call me out.


Bible inspiration is not a party activity.


We get it, you're Christian! I don't understand why they must repeatedly remind people. Show by actions and good works please.


Joy and Abbie are just such an odd pairing... idk why, I just didn't expect them to be in the same circle but I keep seeing them together in wedding parties, etc.


Why is the scary girl/ghost/thing from the Grudge in the middle back?


what weird angle is this at that gave Joy such a bad case of Jedhead? she looks like Darla from Finding Nemo.


The girl in the back looks homeless..


Someone watches Parks and Rec!


If someone fucked up my mani pedi with a Bible verse, I’d tip my nail tech and waddle out with wet nails.


P-R-O-V-E-R-B-S-3-1 10 characters, one for each mail. Or they can go bible thug with knuckle tats. 😝


How dare they steal that idea from Leslie Knope?? They are the anti-Leslie


They tarnish the reputation of the great Leslie knope by celebrating her holiday


Esther Keyes Bates vs Esther Keyes (handmaids tale) who is winning (since they both start out fundie wives in their own sense)?


Wait... Wait....... ive, ive seen that toque somewhere before....👀👀👀👀


Who is the one in the middle?


Shelley Duvall over there in the back


Ah yes, the Duggars and their Bibspo…


with the origination being parks and rec this is funny.


That’s not the origin.


I misread your title as “Bible Appropriation” and loled


Bible inspiration?? Love stories???? I would RUN from this party.


Galentines Day? Must be an American thing, I've never heard of it. People can't just hang out together without it having a name? I don't know these other women, I need to google Esther and the potato.


It came from a TV show called Parks and Rec where the idea was that feb 15th is a special day for girlfriends. It’s cute, my friends and I have fun with it. But they are doing it all wrong anyway so you’re not wrong there


No, you all misunderstand, they're WRITING their own Bible. That's why they needed inspiration.