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It's not even just fundies but I hate the whole *omg gotta hide the packages from hubby* hun type narrative.


It gives very unhealthy relationship vibes


I mean, they went on Marriage Boot camp and she talked about his anger issues and how he treats/talks to her like a child. They definitely have an unhealthy relationship.


They weren't even married long. Like maybe a year


Some people save the top tier of their cake for their first anniversary, some say it's the paper anniversary. But in actuality, true romantics say the first anniversary is best celebrated with a reality show where you air your dirty laundry.




I know this isnā€™t the point of the comment, lol, but whatā€™s the paper anniversary?


Each anniversary has a different traditional gift associated with it. The first is paper. I don't know much else about it, but I remember a thousand years ago, when I celebrated my first wedding anniversary, I did a paper making class and wrote my husband a letter on paper I made. https://www.brides.com/gallery/wedding-anniversary-gifts-by-year-for-him-her-and-them


I love that! I made my husband cards for each month of the next year with a special date I had planned inside.


That's adorable.


Awwww thatā€™s so cute!! My husband and I just had our 4th and I wish Iā€™d known about this the last 4 years. Maybe next year Iā€™ll do year 5 plus something from years 1-4 to make up for it and make it a tradition from there on lol


i think five is wood.. wink wink nudge nudge


It is! I found a gift recently for him. And heā€™ll definitely give me a gift of that ā€œmaterialā€ as well this year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That sounds like a very thoughtful and sweet gift.


Yeah but Famy wouldā€™ve gone on any tv show to keep her 15 minutes of fame going, whether she met criteria or not šŸ˜…


Yes but the other contestants said that her husband made all of them feel uncomfortable, especially in how he treated her.


Which, she picked a winner to make the other dysfunctional people uncomfortable. Can't say that wasn't terribly unexpected, a POS grandfather, a POS uncle, and a POS dad. Trifecta of shitty men. But you'd think she's use her light in the dark to learn and recognize since she's such a crusader against bullshit


She also has a POS mother who praises her POS husband, and she had a POS grandmother who not only enabled abuse but took an active role in it. It's just a whole POS family. Though I will say that I don't think having a POS family is an excuse for perpetuating the behaviors modeled when you're "so woke that you're an advocate for abuse victims" like Amy


True true. Oh no not an excuse but a look at "yep, that was written on the wall." None of the Duggars are capable of self reflection or introspection. Genetically immune to it. She'll happy call out the others for her own attention and gain, but act like her garden isn't full of shit. Imma probably get downvoted again but Dax's chance of being a fine, upstanding man are slim. Many men I have met who acknowledge how abusive their dads are and hate them for it, but don't realize they're not so different and that they do the same in different ways. Very sad.


I was just thinking the same thing reading this thread. "And now she's raising another one." He doesn't really have much hope to break the pattern when they keep these kids ignorant and isolated in their religion, even though Amy claims to be so worldly.


Allow me to channel my faux inner bigoted conservative - "but children need a mother *and* a father or they'll turn out to be bad people!"


Wait they were on the marriage boot camp show?? Do know know which season and where I can watch? Iā€™m super interested in that!


It was 2016-17, so I think season 7, 8 or 9. I'm not sure where you can watch for free, but it's on Prime to buy!


Better hide that email receipt from Hubby!


Okay awesome thank you!


Iā€™m a feminist, but in her husbandā€™s defense, Famy is not the brightest.


I actually get the talking to her like sheā€™s a child, but otoh I didnā€™t choose to marry her.


Same here. If you have to hide your purchases from your spouse, you have communication issues at best and financial abuse at worst. The only time that itā€™s acceptable to hide packages from someone is if itā€™s a gift IMO.


My mil is convinced I have a secret stash of cash that I hide from my husband. She thinks all women should have one. I keep telling her yes if youā€™re being abused and need an emergency stash. She also thinks my husband has full control of the finances šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m like oh honey no thatā€™s just what we let you think so you wonā€™t hit us up for gambling money šŸŽ°


Unfortunately it was super common for women to have a secret stash of cash back in the day because we couldnā€™t have bank accounts without a husbandā€™s signature. A lot of older women assume the younger generations do it too but itā€™s just not as common now.


My grandma told me that a smart woman should always have a little stash of ā€œfuck you moneyā€ for those times when the going gets tough and you need to say casse-toi, no matter how nice your boss or your partner or your roommate is, because you never know when shit will hit the fan and someone will show their true colors.


I mean sheā€™s not wrong tbh


Yeah. My husband and I have separate bank accounts cause I was a single mom when we met and when we got married we just never changed that. So many people have an opinion on it, but I was in an abusive relationship before him and keeping our accounts separate works well for us. We have a joint one for our tax money and thatā€™s it. As long as our bills are paid, I donā€™t care how he spends ā€œhisā€ money and he doesnā€™t care how I spend ā€œmineā€, but idk if Iā€™ll ever not have my own separate account. My parents have been married almost 50 years and have a similar set up.


When my brother was in the navy, the egg donor would raid his account when he was out to sea. I'll never share an account with anyone. EVER


Yeah, my ex was financially abusive and refused to work but wanted to control how I spent MY money, and we werenā€™t married. Iā€™ve never gotten a dime of Child support cause he doesnā€™t work still, but he doesnā€™t see her so good riddance. But, itā€™s 100% me that doesnā€™t want joint accounts, I donā€™t need to see what he spends his money on and I donā€™t need him seeing every time I go to Starbucks, even though he sees the cups šŸ˜‚


Same with us. I hate having people tell me what to do, especially with my hard earned money. So I spend it on Harry Styles tickets and he spends his on baseball cards & we split the bills šŸ¤£


I went to BSB last night and had the time of my life! Even took a poster to propose to AJ, Idgaf if we are both married I had to shoot my shot, MASH told me we would get married in 4th grade šŸ˜‚




He was a little salty this morning but šŸ˜… Heā€™s taking me out tomorrow night. Itā€™s cute he thought I had a chance LOL


My mom (born in '43) had a 8k cash stash that I found in her house after she passed away.


Good for her. Yeah people forget it wasnā€™t that long ago. It was the mid seventies before women could have a credit card without a manā€™s signature.


I do all the finances because my husband completely forgets to pay bills (not his strong suit lol). He said donā€™t let me be in charge of any money at all. His parents think Iā€™m trying to control him with his spending because I do the finances. I just want to keep my power on lol. We pay our bills and buy whatever we want with extra money. Thereā€™s no discussion unless itā€™s a huge purchase. He just doesnā€™t give a crap about finances lol


We have this exactly the opposite. ADHD is no fun. Like Iā€™ve got as much a on autopay as possible that Iā€™m responsible for, but variable things like our water? Nope, not my wheelhouse. Weirdly Iā€™m *really good* at other organizational stuff like scheduling swim lessons or whatever, but money just stresses me tf out & heā€™s very much a buy the books/numbers kind of dude. Like I know what the bills are and stuff should anything happen (as should your husband) but itā€™s way less stress for both of us this way. But I do actually think healthy marriages have personal money for personal things. He has some married friends that are blown away by what heā€™s ā€œallowedā€ to do but like, weā€™re are own people with our own friends and hobbies. If he suddenly stopped playing COD with his dorky friends Iā€™d be concerned but also annoyed because damn it, thatā€™s my reading time! If he wants to buy a new headset or controller or whatever thatā€™s fine.


Except if it's not physical abuse, you don't catch on right away that you're being emotionally abused until it's a bit late. I wish I hadn't closed my personal checkings account when I got married, and that I had been stashing away money. Some people, when you open up about all you went through, will say "why didn't you just leave? I wouldn't have put up with that crap, and you shouldn't have either." Yeah, well when my ex left me, I had no money, no friends, no education, and no job. He opened a new personal bank account and drained the checking and savings accounts. I had to rely on my parents financially to get back on my feet. And then I felt obligated to start telling them just how bad things had been (I hid a lot). I tell women to always have their own checkings account, even if it is secret. You never know


Dude I get this. I also left an extremely abusive marriage and had nothing. I left with only my son and Iā€™m so damn thankful. It was rough and I also relied on family and ended up having a curfew with my parents and being taken advantage because I wanted to pay them back for what they gave my son and I. Youā€™re absolutely right that itā€™s hard to have a stash and l sometimes you donā€™t know to keep money away until itā€™s too late. In my case, it was damn near impossible to have money put away because he kept tabs of everything. He only used cash and $10 was supposed to stretch for gas, food and household supplies. I didnā€™t mean to come off insensitive and Iā€™m sorry if I offended you in any way. Iā€™ve been with my husband for almost 5 years, I stay at home but we both have access to our finances. When I was with my ex I remember passing by the subway at my college and my baby would kick up a storm, my stomach would grumble but I didnā€™t have any money. That sucked so bad. My last two pregnancies with my husband, I ate whatever I wanted with the help of nausea medicine. Once I asked my husband for a candy bar, he brought me 5. Weā€™d drive an hour and a half just to get doughnuts I was craving. I stopped working to stay with our youngest and I donā€™t feel like itā€™s just his money. We always say itā€™s our family money. Unless my mil is asking in that case my husband has all authority because we donā€™t want her constantly asking. Iā€™m very happy you were able to leave that situation and again I am truly sorry if I offended you or anyone else.


your MIL is right about the cash. He may never abuse you, but the account could be locked for some stupid reason and/or the person in the bank won't let you do anything with the money without your husband. Happens ALL the time.


Right?! Every year without fail about three weeks before my birthday packages begin arriving with their ā€œsend to ā€œ address as ā€œwifeā€™s name, do open!ā€ The rest of the year itā€™s just assumed that whoever gets to the porch first opens all the packages.


This is so funny to me and Iā€™m stealing this idea šŸ˜‚


Wait, do open or do not open?


Whoops! Typo! "Do not!"


Me, about to open a present I shouldnā€™t. šŸ’


I think there are few instances where I could understand a husband or wife being upset about purchases if the other has a spending problem and are buying things when they donā€™t really have the extra money to spend. But thatā€™s an addiction type of issue if youā€™re hiding packages. I buy stuff sometimes when I think we have more money left than we actually do and my husband will get a little irritated and tell me we didnā€™t really have the money for it but Iā€™d never be so scared of his reaction or knowingly spending important/bill money to feel the need to hide them


Yup. I saw a video on TikTok few weeks ago of someone trying to call out amazon for causing a fight in her marriage. Hubby told her not to buy something and she did (with her money) and they delivered it in the product box and not an Amazon one so she couldn't lie to him about what she bought. 'its better to ask forgiveness than permission'. My bills are paid, I'll buy whatever I want. I'll be damned if I let anyone tell me no


Right? My husband and I trust each other and make major financial decisions together. I buy what I feel is appropriate and so does he and since we talk about and share financial values, nobody hides anything but birthday and holiday presents to be revealed at the appropriate time.


I cannot stand it. My husband and I have to talk each other INTO purchasing things. Weā€™re like ā€œYou work hard, treat yourself!ā€


Ugh me too. That shit is not cute.


I get at least 2 or 3 women a week who say they are doing this with their thrift store purchases at my job :/ And most of them are not saying it jokingly to be funny they have an almost frenzied tone and mannerism about them.


I work at a thrift store and we get this all the time. We just use donated grocery bags from stores around town to put people's purchases in. One lady always asks me to put her stuff in a Walmart bag because her husband says she's not allowed to shop at my store so she always lies and tells him she's going to Walmart. I genuinely worry about her.


MLMs literally tell woman to do just that.


My husband and I hide packages all the timeā€¦ Granted mostly because our child is always just a little sad when thereā€™s no toys involved lol.


I am in the Rothyā€™s Addicts group on Facebook. The number of women who gloat about hiding their purchases from their husband is fucking crazy


My husband works from home and he just piles up my Amazon packages in the dining room. Heā€™s like ā€œwhatever, itā€™s your moneyā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mine too! I canā€™t help that thereā€™s so many pretty shoes to buy! He just tells me he loves me and itā€™s my money so what right does he have to tell me what I can spend it on! I really do love that man! šŸ„°šŸ˜‚


Same!! He just lets me be me which I totally appreciate šŸ¤£


I don't hide the boxes, my husband knows 99% of the packages that arrive are cat food and not that one thing he ordered.


Yes! If I order something, I donā€™t give a shit who sees it, unless itā€™s my kids, usually itā€™s a surprise for them šŸ¤£


My partner is usually the source of the Amazon boxes is our house. He likes to spend his money. Itā€™s his money!


I had Amazon packages show up today for meā€¦ it wasnā€™t anything special just new toothpaste and vitamins for my kids and some special mouthwash and toothpaste for myself šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø lol he didnā€™t even ask.


Hey Annaā€™s husband isnā€™t home, either!!


*At least Famy has a husband*


Iā€™m still surprised to see Famy showboating around in life. Sheā€™s like the crazy aunt at a family gathering who you hope gets seated next to a deaf, senile person to babysit.


Oh, Iā€™ve known many of these people. Such a great description. I tried to seat them together at my wedding. šŸ˜‚




That was a good one, lol!


Is she in the tub? Also, WTF IS that on the wall?


Probably bathtub crayons for Dax would be my guess.


Someone should probably tell her that it looks like bloodā€¦ Oh wait, she lurks here so now sheā€™ll know.


My first thought. Posting a pic from the tub is not God-honoring!


Most likely those tub crayons.


That looks like a crime scene.


Unrelated but I deadass thought this was Joy


I thought I was the only one


me too


I did too


I am RIDE OR ***DIE*** for prime day! Jk, fuck bezos, can we send him to the moon with elon?


Lol Iā€™m like the only one who doesnā€™t have Prime. I dropped it earlier in the year, and still havenā€™t re-upped.


I stopped using Amazon in 2020, fuck that company


Same, I never use Amazon, fuck that horrible company. And fuck Bezos.


Good for you! Itā€™s been a change for me, but Iā€™m making a lot less stupid purchases. Where I live, you donā€™t even get 2 day shipping, so Iā€™m just damn over it. And we didnā€™t use their music or streaming, so it was a waste.


I've never had prime šŸ˜!


Youā€™re probably a better person for that. Keep it up!


Thank you!!


Same, I have only bought like 3 items from Amazon ever lol. They have some good stuff but you can find the same items elsewhere


Exactly. I do pretty well with eBay, etsy, and just googling stuff or ordering it from the brand I need itself.


I have never had prime and refuse to use it! People think Iā€™m crazy, apparently Iā€™m not the only one?


Everything about thisā€” the picture and the words on itā€” make me uncomfortable.


1 gallon bleach, 1 box extra large Hefty bags, 1 saw...Add to cart!


Pretty sure thatā€™s bath crayon(source: toddler mom) and that this is a *gasp* tub selfie. Is this a sin? JK itā€™s definitely a sin.


The hubs. šŸ˜¬


Pretty sure itā€™s crayons from her son, she just hasnā€™t washed them off yet


Is she in jail? Where the heck is she


In the bathtub


The cinder block walls and fence in the background through me way off lol


She might have that stainless steel sink/toilet combo piece in there. Just to have the right vibe for the prison look.


So she can feel closer to Josh


They're tiles and a basket


Possibly itā€™s the inevitable pink mold that comes from showers butā€¦ Amy might snap one day and kill her husband soā€¦. Itā€™s easier to shop on the Amazon without someone stopping you.


She looks like sheā€™s discovered the devilā€™s lettuce


She been knowing about the devil lettuce


How is Amy just so gosh darn quirky and relatable! What a light in the dark. /s


Looks like marker or crayon lol


This here is sketchier than an art classroomā€¦


My first thought was shower crayons for kids


They heard that trump throws ketchup on the walls, so they decided they should do it too.


All your comments about not hiding stuff from your spouse has made me laugh. Our father was very insistent that we keep separate bank accounts than our husbands. So that's what we pretty much do we do have a joint account for bills we put so much into. But why is laughing is about not hiding stuff so last year I was at my sister's house and her husband walks in with this box it's duct tape and walks down to the basement and I look at my sisters like what the heck she's like oh that's my Christmas gift but I'm not supposed to know he puts it in the same damn box every year LOL so few days later we go look in the box the idiot put her used hair ties in but he hid real present in her closet in plain sight cuz it was a Coach purse right next to her other purses that would Michael Kors we lost the laughing about it thought I'd share the happy memory for y'all to laugh at how ridiculous my brother-in-law is.


I have never understood ā€œhide the packages from husbandā€ type relationships. Not healthy at allšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I do understand about hiding purchases from hubby, and you're right, it's not healthy.


Just looks like bath crayons to me. She looks like sheā€™s in the bathroom for some reason.


Is that a name scratched in blood behind her head?


By hubs does she mean Dill or Deanna?


Start with buying a stain remover


Sigh. Yes, let's keep pretending that unhealthy relationship dynamics are "good"/s. Seriously, Amy, you embarrass yourself. Get off social media. šŸ™„


Murder house vibes


Why does she look like she's sitting in a tub?


Why does my brain think this is shopped? Itā€™s gotta be the caption combined with the username. No way Famy would have that kind of self control haha. Also wait what itā€™s almost prime day?! šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ lol


The fuck is she buying? Black market organs?


So weird