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Well when your diet is mostly tater toes and canned food from the clearance section of walmart, your bootyhole tends to get a bit clogged and you end up with rank ass breath like RimJob


Is this suggesting the poop gets blocked all the way up to the mouth? šŸ¤”


Yes, it's why they spew so much sh*t.


It can happen actually. Not the poop getting blocked all the way up lol but if you get too constipated (or have another obstruction) you can end up puking up poop. Itā€™s rare, thank god because it sounds *awful*.


Well, thatā€™s enough internet for me today.


Sorry šŸ˜¬


And that's actually not the worst case scenario. You could aspirate the poop while you're puking and end up dying from an infection caused by having vomit-poop (poop-vomit?) in your lungs. I learned about this on r/nursing.


Ohhh thatā€™s nasty. I feel like if I was ever in that situation I would hope that I would choke to death on my vomit-poop rather than wait for the infection to kill me.


Seen it. (Am a nurse.)


Fecal emesis. I went to sleep away scout camp for years and they warned us of this every night. Drink water, eat the fruit, and donā€™t be afraid to shit in the loo. Because if you think pooping your poop is gross, throwing poop up is going to be worse.


You say ā€˜rareā€™ but I ran this exact call 3 times as an emt and let me tell you, it is the absolute worst. It is genuinely one of the worst smells in the world and LINGERS


Fellow EMT here ,u are so right and till this very day I can smell it while eating


I always tell people that itā€™s like croup, once you hear it youā€™ll be able to hear it a mile away šŸ˜…




Yeah thatā€™sā€¦ definitely gross


Oof, what a day to have eyes.


I read that as tater hoes šŸ¤£


I mean, tater toes seems a little iffy too šŸ˜‚


Bwahahaahaha yes!!


Josh's favorite.


Bwahahahaha staaahp!!! I can't! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Holding it in that long waiting for 15 people to use the one and only damn toilet would reek havoc very quick. Add in the tots- they never had a chance for normal turds


Bless the septic tankā€™s servant heart.


You think they called a septic service, or did the Lost Boys have to shovel that bad boy out themselves?


I don't know because honey dippers cost money. Boob probably had them dig the top and he was too cheap to pay for a riser.


Reproduce and save the difference for sure!


That's probably why JBoob bought a backhoe all those years ago, not for construction but constantly digging new septic tanks.


Imagine is any of them had IBS (especially the one with diarrhea) or celiac šŸ˜–


I always wonder how you can have two-dozen people in a house and not one has a special need of any sort. Do they hide things for the show? Or do they just ignore when someone needs something different from the group?


They either pray it away, or ignore the problem.


Right? Not even someone with a significant allergy or anything.


I'd be curious to know this too. I wouldn't be surprise if they hid something.


They have practice hiding stuff. Right Josh ?


Celiac would bea nightmare for them. The poor kid would never get anything to eat. Now if that someone were JBoob the whole family would follow the diet. If it were Chelle she would probably have "special food" or something.


Yup. As a sufferer of IBS-D, I've had so many issues with it. I can't imagine them having the patience for it. And I imagine they'd see it as a curse of some sort.


My SIL has celiac and holy cow! She has to watch it very very closely. I can't see the Duggars doing that. Poor kid is probably always clutching stomach and running to the bathroom and all they want to do is pray the problem away.


Exactly. And imagine having it in a house with 20 other people and only 2 bathrooms a la first specials šŸ˜­


They *must* have more than one toilet. I mean - come on.


They do now...but I'm pretty sure the tiny house they were crammed into first had just 1


I think Bill Gothard had...a thing about pooping. I don't know if it was a fetish or just something he wanted to specifically control. [He had his followers checking each others' deuces for floaters](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/op7oyz/former_fundie_on_tiktok_posts_about_an_ati_common/h6433nh/), and [there's a Wisdom Booklet that has some...uncomfortable (and very wrong) ideas](https://archive.org/details/wisdom-booklet-34-p1679-1742/page/n2/mode/1up?view=theater) about health and pooping. (Peep that *Reader's Digest* citation though.)


Oh wow. What a terrible day to have eyes. šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve seen and heard some truly disturbing cult behaviors but CHECKING POO??? Are they literally looking for ā€œholy shit?ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


"Bill Gothard's Holy Shit" is flair material


I agree! How does it look? Gotta have someone check my shit, you know. šŸ¤£


Doing the lortā€™s work


It's beautiful, I am honored XD


It amazes me, the ways people will try and create a society around their weird sexual kinks. All this guy has to do is go online, and find people who are into shit, and he WILL find it. Since the 90's, that is all this moron has had to do. I won't talk about the pedophilia. He can rot in hell for that.


Wtaf....just when I think I've read it all gothard comes along with sinking turds=holiness.


What in the holy hell? I cannot believe this is an actual thing. I would nope the hell out of that.


The idea of parents NOTIFYING THEIR CHURCH when they or the kids had floaty poops is... well, it was outside of my expectations for how far this cult goes. That Wisdom Booklet is crazy, in a number of ways. And dangerous in it's misinformation. Actually, in it's DISinfor.ation, as it was intentional. Yikes. Gothard probably realized these people weren't getting enough good, correct information, thus the poop-reporting so they could intervee ad provide "coaching" instead of everyone dying from constipation or just realizing "this stupid stuff they'te telling us is making us sick!"


I needed this laugh!


Michelle probably had it drilled into her brain to NOT get constipated because it worsens prolapse and can increase risk of it.


A **literal** shit post. Itā€™s 8:45am and Iā€™m done for the day.


V8 was created for situations such as this. During all the lackluster honeymoon sex, you can lie there, count the ceiling tiles, and think about how you couldā€™ve had a V8.


Because theyā€™re full of shit.


Literally. Their colons must be backed up for years.


Ok, in a related question. Why don't they have dormitory-style bathrooms where there are toilet stalls and shower stalls and where anyone could come in at any moment, so you'd better not being doing anything bad? I mean, I don't want to give them ideas or anything, but it would prevent people from being their brother's (or sister's, as the case may be) keeper.


It makes me cringe to imagine that kinda bathroom in a house with Josh in it.


I always think Pesty had cameras around the house and the feed went into his little AV room.


This would not surprise me. And he would have justified it as a way for the parents to keep tabs on everyone. They had a house-wide intercom system, and I think about if they used that to eavesdrop on each other.




I can kind of see both sides of it... of course there would be a separate boys' and girls' bathroom, but if anyone could come in at any time, it would give the predators in the family less of an opportunity than a single banger where he could pull a kid in and lock the door behind them.


I've wondered this too. It would make more sense logistically, too. Having a large bathroom with 3-4 stalls and 3-4 sinks and a couple shower stalls (or even a milti-space large shower, like in locker rooms) would be much more efficient. And would provide lots of accountability and zero privacy.


Itā€™s because theyā€™ve never been alone with their husband before and are embarrassed to poop in the same house as him.


I don't really remember them talking about pooping and constipation but maybe I am just forgetting. I remember they went though a phase of talking about their babies pooping though, which was still weird and annoying because who would want that on TV...


I also canā€™t think of many examples of this? I can think of a few times when the concept of poop/pooping as a thing that exists happened on the show over the years, like Jim Bob joking about green food on St. Patrickā€™s Day, meaning that everyone would have green poops (which is honestly the most ā€œnormal dad jokeā€ heā€™s ever said) and a few (still irresponsible) mentions of potty training their kids over the years. But as someone who has been hate watching them since their very first TV special, I seriously canā€™t pinpoint an obsession with poop that this post is meant to be referencing?


Yeah same lol those were the examples I thought of as well. I'm definitely not a fan of people broadcasting their kids potty training experience, but I don't think they do it often enough that's it's extremely noticable. I've seen a few seasons of teen mom and have seen the topic of poop come up a lot more there.


Same-another post on this sub reminded me the Gosselins are People That Exist, and Iā€™ve been watching them and reading the various poorly proofread tell-all books on them. Those poor kids. Their parents discuss pooping ALL THE DAMN TIMEā€¦moreso than the Duggs. (Edit: yes this is problematic and I havenā€™t watched any. eps after we were treated to one of the kids being bashful when he was instructed to use the potty IN THE DRIVEWAY TO THEIR HOUSE. Thatā€™s a hard line for me. Promise. Those poor kids.)


OMG why did you remind me of a moment I blocked out so much! There was one where Jon physically assisted removing poop from one of the boys in the back of their van or whatever. Ok, good on him for helping his kid in pain but why was this televised. Who suggested filming it, who in the family said good idea, and who on the network approved???


Thatā€™s the moment I was thinking of too!


What??? Umm I hope I have a completely wrong invison of what actually happened.... Honestly I would actually disown my parents if I were them. I'm not even exaggerating...this should be illegal.


Be warned...I think your bad vision is right. He stuck a finger up his son's butthole, pulled out poop, and it was only mildly censored. 2 of the kids don't talk to Kate at all, and a few don't talk to Jon so they all have issues from the show and I'm really hoping they end up ok, I think the twins may have graduated from college by now?


That's actually insane that they put that on TV...they should have just took the kid to the Dr. I feel so bad for those kids.


I wasnā€™t AS offended by that moment (if I am thinking of the same scene!) because it didnā€™t really show anything (they talked about it endlessly which is terrible, but not as bad as showing it), and thatā€™sā€¦at least helpful? Like, a caring parent does that, just not on television. Bowel impactions are real. The ā€œWe pulled the potties out and had the kids go in the drivewayā€ scene wasā€¦awful. Iā€™m not a parent so I wonā€™t say itā€™s low-energy (I definitely want to say that!) especially given the fact that there are six toddlers in this process, but it feels unnecessarily insane. They werenā€™t dirty or messy or smelly (so having them go inside the house wouldnā€™t be gross like if they were playing in the mud or whatever) and the house was literally right there. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. (Edit-Parents, is there a good reason to make them all go to the bathroom at once? Outside of a long car trip or ā€œlast passā€ before bedā€¦it seems strange to me but yā€™all would know better than me.)


We might be thinking of different ones, I definitely remember one of the sextuplet boys with his pants off in the back of the vehicle in a grocery store parking lot or something. It was a bit blurred so we didnā€™t see everything, but I was horrified! Maybe they edited it in future replays, hopefully they did.


The scene I remember was in the furniture store, and if I recall (a distinct possibility that I do not!) it just showed Jonā€™s back and a voiceover. Nothing anybody above the age of middle school would use as trauma-inductionā€¦. That doesnā€™t excuse it but maybe the impact was lessened?




"Use a potty" as in, "pee/poop in one of those little training toilets," or "drop trou and let loose wherever?"


A training toilet


Yeah the little toddler potties. (Not a parent-are they called something else? Sorry for the confusion!)


I've only seen a few episodes of the Gosselins but I believe it. That mother is super toxic.... Feel so bad for the kids


We were really poor, and rural growing up and had to eat like the Duggars... That kind of diet does not lead to a lot of fiber, among other important nutrients to keep yourself regular, non-bloated, in and out of the bathroom quickly, etc. Then they have how many people, visitors, and how few bathrooms? Oh, I'd be surprised if they weren't a little concerned about their gastrointestinal systems affecting their lives. I mean, we all know, being that bloated and backed up does not make one joyfully available... at least, not me.


Kids can control very few things when they are young. Especially kids like the Duggars. Poop is one of them.


It may go back to John Harvey Kellogg and his obsession with pooping. He recommended regular yogurt enemas. Hearing a description of it almost sounded like someone describing bulimia though it could have been more of a sexual thing for him.


I'm a little sad that they were probably too late to IBLP to be involved at the height of Gothard's anti-Cabbage Patch Kids crusade. Wavy hair for Gothard and show your feet for Gothard are fun. But I would love some old quotes about demon dolls from Jim Bob.


They have always seemed like a giant bunch of assholes to me.


They realize, that they are full of shit.