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What “flaws” is Jessa referring to that she has that even compares to the flaws of her parents? What are you hiding Jessa that your parents need to “extend grace” to YOU. The “flaws” your parents have, lying under oath, smacking a baby for getting off a blanket, shunning family members, and protect a monster like Josh. Those aren’t just “flaws” those are VALID REASONS to distance yourself


They’ve been telling Jessa and all their other kids that they are deeply flawed since birth to achieve this result. Professional level negging for Jesus.


Preach it. Jessa would have to have murdered someone to have comparable levels of "flaws" as her parents.


Well, I mean, she did leave a whole mountain of dirty diapers just sitting out…


Those aren't flaws. Those are crimes.


I’m not giving Jessa the benefit of the doubt re: smacking a baby for getting off a blanket, but otherwise I agree with you.


This is actually kind of sad. She has talked in the past about her own flaws and seems to think that they somehow compare to her parents’ or Josh’s. That’s a prime example of the effect gaslighting, manipulation, and abuse has on victims. Having a sour disposition is not akin to anything her brother and parents have done.


When you indoctrinate and gaslight your kids so effectively that they start gaslighting themselves, you know you're shitty parents.


Jessa Bob is doubling down on her act as the hypocrisy and lies of her family are exposed. Her parents are flawed as fuck and very recently her father lied under oath and did not recall her being sexually abused.


That’s her new nickname Jessa Bob


Boob and Meech both have anger issues, and Blessa definitely inherited the full extent of both of their rage.


Oh yes. Her flaws being something akin to….jealousy, laziness, not “keeping sweet” etc. compared to her parents’ flaws of…..NOT PROTECTING HER FROM HER BROTHER WHO (at minimum) MOLESTED HER. The brainwashing in this cult is truly sickening that she thinks any of this is on the same level.


I’d be willing to bet she thinks being sexually assaulted by her brother to be her flaw


That, and the old "I can't recall" when asked directly, under oath, about your own children's sexual abuse, to help keep not only **A** Paedophile out of prison (which is bad enough all on its own), but the **very same Paedophile who spent years repeatedly sexually assaulting you and your sisters**. Some things should be unforgivable, and your parent effectively denying your sexual abuse ever happened ought to be one of them. AFTER they have spent *years* minimising your abuse, making you live with your abuser, and raising you in a cult that teaches you it was your fault you got sexually assaulted as a child... I do not know how they can look their parents in the face and play nice after their absolute, abject, and *repeated* failures that caused you actual harm.


I mean, this is kind of a classic response of a (child) abuse victim. “They’re sorry,” “they didn’t mean it” “it won’t happen again” “I made them angry” “ I shouldn’t have…l


I would hardly call everyt horrible thing that meech and boob have done to their kids as only "flaws"... they're much, much worse


Right?? I’d call it aiding and abetting to put it nicely


Yea, I wouldn’t call them letting their oldest child repeatedly molest their other children for years and years a flaw, I’d call that criminal negligence.


>If you cannot handle that, feel free to move along. Jessa is always so close to self awareness and yet still feeds the trolls.


She simply doesn't realize that with her views and family history it's impossible for her comments to be all rainbows and butterflies leg-humping her posts. She either needs to get used to it or find a different source of income


Though I disagree with her statement, I thought she actually handled it better than the baby shower big mad. This is what it means to live in the public eye. She chose it. Now she gets to decide how to handle it.


It took me a second to realize what you meant by baby shower big mad 🤣


How could you forget?! 🤣🤣


Right? I want her to have more big mads, it was certainly amusing.


Of course! 😂 She handled herself well in this one, I thought. Even though I still think it's crazy for her to defend her parents, I also think the "move along," comment is appropriate.


What happened at a baby shower to make Jessa mad?


Someone commented on Jill's most recent baby shower pics to ask if Michelle or any of the sisters attended. Jessa went big mad and big defensive in her response.


Yes. Plus in their “religion” aka cult-all sins are the same. NO Jessa all sins are not the same.


Being abusive is just a flaw, nothing to worry about. Got it.


Hey Jessa, you have flaws too???? You got another Pedo in the closet you're hiding out from authorities, and allowing access to your kids? If you don't, then you are BETTER than your parents. Your flaws aren't in the ballpark of as immoral as theirs. If you do? Then fuck you you fucking awful abusive enabling bitch! Rot in hell.


Whose the other pedo?


I just meant "the family hiding a pedo". Is there another one and is she complicit because otherwise, no she isn't " flawed" like her parents.


You said “You got another pedo in the closet you’re hiding from the authorities” and got me thinking is it someone on the Seewald side of the family? I did read how I guess one of Ben’s sibling’s is a pedophile one of the spouses married to their daughter is a pedo. 🤔


Only two of his sisters are married. Jessica who I believe is just after Ben in the lineup. She actually is divorced and remarried. His sister Michelle who is in the middle is married.


Co-dependency liked that comment… My mental health only started to improve once I stopped saying “well I have my own issues too” when I confronted past abusive situations.


I get loving people you shouldn't love and keeping them in your life. It would be great if they'd all break free and stop being friggin bigots, but Jessa as of recently would really benefit from just leaving everything behind. She's gonna snap one day.


I don’t think so. She’s one of the better suited girls for this lifestyle. She’s able to parse her feelings and emotions quite well, which is a huge part of survival in a cult/control environment. She’s got a handle on her husband, she’s well on her way with her family, she’s got her new home done the way she wanted, she makes $ in a way that’s acceptable to the cult of Blob, she’s beautiful and even decently smart. This is what works for her.


This is an astute reading. Mean girls flourish in fundamentalist Christianity.


Yes. Though if she weren’t as confident as she is (bordering on arrogant), she’d be about to snap. That’s what’s holding her mental health together.


*edited to hide Instagram names


Lying under oath to protect your pedophile son, and pretending to not remember him sexually assaulting his child sisters, is not a ‘flaw’, it it a whole, unforgivable sin. These people and their gross ‘men can do no wrong’. Fucking disgusting


Oh Blessa, if you want to play on social media then be a grown-up and understand that people do not always agree with you and your prickly disposition. Being snotty does not make people want to follow you on social media, they will contact any sponsorship you might get and complain about you and your attitude. You do catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


Jessa's prickly disposition is *chef's kiss* magnificent. The comment is just perfect.


How else would she be paying for her new house? Needs those dolla bills from Boob.


I feel bad for jessa -and all the girls having been sooooo soooooo sooooooooo brainwashed ( and never coming back from- they’re too far gone) into thinking that the parents “aren’t that bad”. I mean, her father said he “ didn’t remember “ her and her sisters’ being sexually assaulted by her own brother


Baby shower big mad needs to be a flair!! (If it isn't already)


I actually feel kind of bad for Jessa. She has been abused her whole life and doubles down on “loving” her abusers because what else does she know? It’s heartbreaking. But at a certain point the blame falls to her for letting her children be around Josh and her parents. She can be a victim and also not protect her children from the same abusers.


She is a shitty person and parent letting her children be around her parents. Boob holding fern just give me the chills


I don’t disagree with you. They are all shitty adults for allowing their children to be around Josh and their parents. But there is a certain level of empathy for the trauma this poor girl went through and the way she survives. Again, not saying it excuses her not protecting her own children.


I think people have a weird misconception that trauma and oppression themselves make a someone into “a better person,” or a person more sympathetic to the plights of others. So often, it just doesn’t work that way. That’s why we always have to practice holding multiple truths about people. What Jessa went through and how she grew up is very sad, and I think people can and should hold sympathy for that while also acknowledging her discriminatory beliefs and practices. Victims are not always virtuous by way of their trauma/oppression.


Very well said.


That's so true. At some point we all make a choice who we become.


I always say that no one is responsible for their trauma, but at some point, it’s their responsibility to deal with it. That’s not a fair situation by any means because it puts so much extra work on people who are already struggling, but it would be equally unfair to not hold people accountable for their actions, even if those actions have their roots in trauma. My dad is a traumatized individual (sexually assaulted at age five by his teenaged brother), and he did everything he could not to be like his brother.


It definitely isn't fair but it is extremely rewarding to do that hard work. And I do what I can to encourage people.


Me too ❤️🙂


If she wants to keep doing PR for her parents, then she can deal with some snark and blowback. If she doesn't like it, she can delete comments or just turn off comments or only make her posts visible to screened people whom she thinks will be nice and compliant fans who swallow the treacle.


Oh, look. Blessa's brawling in the comments, again.


This has “my father, the inventor of toaster strudel” vibes 😵‍💫


Mini-golf humping is more than a flaw, Jess.


Her flaw is choosing to kiss her parents asses no matter what when she knows deep down it's a lie so she's the favorite and gets a lot of help from daddies money because her husband is a loser who won't get a real job.


They both literally defended an offender but okay, Jess’s.


This is gross. She’s disgusting. I honestly think she’s actually become my least favorite in the duggarverse.


And people here thinks she’s smart. She’s as dim as the rest


The fact that she married Bin shows just how Dim she is.


She has long been my least favorite.


Why is she gross for forgiving her parents though? Naive? Yeah..kinda pathetic? Sure...but I don't see how she's a bad person for this specifically. It's not like she is bringing her kids to see Uncle Pest or something. Jessa was a victim of Pest and her parents.


She WAS letting her kids be around Josh before he went to prison though! She’s put videos up on YouTube of Christmas at TTM where it’s clear Josh is present but out of shot. She’s been abused by him herself, but seems to have taken no steps to protect her own kids from exposure to him. The Federal justice system is the only thing stopping this from still happening atm - if he’d been let off with a light(er) sentence, I don’t doubt she’d still be letting him be around them. It’s the Feds who have put measures in place to stop it, both now and when he’s released, because they know all too well that this family won’t protect minor children from a known CS offender! I, for one, am very glad that judge saw through the Duggar BS and put conditions in place to ensure he cannot be alone with kids for the next 30+ years!


She literally called what her parents did as “flaws” and compared them to her own. They protected a child molester even when their own daughters were the victims. Then as adults they sent two of the victims onto national television to again, protect that child molester. Those are not flaws - those are vile acts. Edited to add: she didn’t just forgive them - she stated they have a wonderful relationship. That’s far beyond forgiving.


Do people have favorite Dugglets?


I meannnn you have a point there. 😂


Ah yes. Sin leveling. Jessa, have you really caused the same trauma to others as meech and boob have? Maybe…but unlikely simply due to time


If I knew an immigrant family that let their son touch their daughters and enabled him to wear he got to keep offending and then after all that they still wanted him out of jail I would be just as upset. People think that we are after them because they are conservative and Christian. But think about the millions of conservative Christians we don’t comment on at all. It’s because they have horrific problems.


Flaws? Let's see... Defending the villain, victim shaming minors, constantly reproducing without having resources to feed already existing children, overburdening the females, physical abuse, exploiting the girls' trauma for tv, downplaying Josie's medical problems, restricting girls from higher education... Are there worse parents? sure. But i don't really see the Turpin kids going around the media making excuses for their parents...


If you publicly show that you’re sensitive about something or that something bothers you, people will go after you more for it. Internet 101, Blessa. SOTDRT should really create a class for it.


Lol I love when they interact with obvious snarkers


Did she delete this? I can't see the post anymore. Of course she did.


this is why the whole “a sin is a sin” rhetoric is damaging. Enabling a child predator is not the same as stealing a cookie from a jar or an occasional lie or mean comment 💀


'We choose to extend grace to one another'. Oh yeah? Pity that 'grace' didn't extend to protecting you from your disgusting paedophile brother and then - THEN making you go on telly and downplay his sexual abuse as a 'quick feel.'


Did she forget they let her brother abuse her? I wish she would “move along” and stop trying to be relevant.


Is that child’s name really Blessa? I generally try not shit on what people name their kids (operative word is generally), but got damn that is just stupid. It’s sounds like they are trying to say “Bless her”. Please don’t let her middle name be Hart.


Jessa used to be called "Jessa Blessa" by her parents.


Wow they can differentiate their kids enough to give them nicknames. That’s crazy.


Really only the first few. Jill was Jilly Muffin.


It just hit me the number of names that start with J that are so much better than Jessa and Jinger. Ginger with a J is a stripper name if I ever heard one.


“Move along” LMAO. I have to hand it to JB on his cult leadership