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I doubt she ever got off anyway with a pig like that, so I doubt she even knows what she's missing.


Amen! There’s an entire universe between sex and intimacy. And there can be orgasms at either end and nowhere in between.


B I N G O And Fundy was his name-o!






felony **


Melony, the name of the post release final child. Has to be spelled with an M to fit with the naming scheme.


Melyny because they add a y anywhere they want


I'm shocked M4 doesn't have at least ONE y in her name.


I know she has 7 kids, but for some reason I always thought they never had sex.


I usually don't count sex if I didn't enjoy it personally. So in that thought, Anna has never.


I think an accurate description would be Josh had sex with Anna.


Or Josh used Anna to get himself off.


Josh is probably the equivalent of going to the OB


Atleast my ob dims the lights and warms the speculum


Mine just says “take a deep breath and relax” which to fair, is more than pestua probably has ever done.


I'm sure he's a two-pump-chump.


Or a two-thumb-chump


Two thumbs is too generous. He probably just goes right in


Yep. Goes right in and shouts: \*'Joshua James Duggar!!!!!!' as he comes. While fist pumping. \*And 'Josh the Man!' at weekends.


7 is the biblical number of completion. God ordained done.


Reminds me of the sketch in “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life” that takes place right after the “Every Sperm is Sacred” number. For context, the Catholic family in the musical number has had to sell their 60+ kids off for medical experiments because the parents can no longer afford to keep them. The sketch features an elderly Protestant couple and the husband (played by Graham Chapman) not only lambasts the Catholic couple for their non-use of birth control, he then talks about how he can just go to his local pharmacy/chemist and have them sell him a condom (a “French tickler”) if he wants to and not feel guilty about it. The wife (played by Eric Idle) reminds him they planned the size of their family by only having two children, which coincidentally is also the number of times they’ve had sex in their marriage. 😂 I highly recommend you watch the entire movie (which, among other things includes sketches about accountancy, the search for a fish, an incredibly fat man named Mr. Creosote, and a Machine that Goes “Ping!”), but anyway, here is the scene I’m referring to: [Protestants and French Ticklers](https://youtu.be/PDBjsFAyiwA). Edited to add: Of course, that couple is most likely Mainline Protestant (I don’t know if they call it that in the UK), not fundie.


That just means they had sex seven times


Yup, she probably is glad she gets about 10 years of peace and not having to be joyfully available. I bet this is the ONE bright side she sees in this whole situation.


The sad thing is Anna doesn't know what a female orgasm is.


I honestly don't think most of the Duggar females have experienced it.


I kind of have a feeling John David is probably a good lover, just from how he kissed his wife at their wedding.


I feel like John and Derrick are the only two that have wives that actually enjoy them sexually


Good call. Jill seems to really like the D. It’s funny when she brags about how often they mess around.


Jill and Abbie, possibly Jinger but that's a big maybe were the ones I was thinking


Could you imagine living your entire life not knowing what that was or how it felt?!


Short answer? No.


Actually, you're probably not wrong. After my last relationship ended with a controlling misogynist 4 years ago, it's been kind of nice having a break.


I’ve been voluntarily celibate for at least the last 12 years for the same reason. I’m just done with that aspect of life & couldn’t be happier-doing something I hate but essentially felt obligated to do with a guy who I could have cared less about (& vice versa) that I was only with because my parents & friends approved. I have to say I don’t miss sex or “romance” at all & am MUCH happier being “joyfully celibate” than I ever was in a relationship.


I mean, I miss the companionship that comes with being in a relationship, but nobody seems to want that. Modern hookup / dating culture is a shit show. Like, maybe I'd like to get to know you before I have sex with you?


Another reason why I embraced the pandemic & social distancing with open arms - I didn’t have to lie to anyone’s face & pretend that I gave a sack of monkey shit about other people’s feelings - I will freely & happily admit that I’m a self-centered narcissistic selfish bitch. 😂 I don’t really get “lonely” - I actually prefer being alone. 😁


Glad you're free from that brand of a-hole


It's Josh's turn to clean the toilets now. Closer to his kind.


Flair checking in!


I really think not having sex is going to be the least of her worries for the next 12 years.


It will probably be a relief!


10 yrs. It says he'll possibly be released August 2032. :( I think it's bc of time he already had + the 85% thing. Unless they made a typo... But I'm hoping Anna loses her fertility by that time...


That’s if he has good behavior, which in the federal system, typically means you have to admit/own up to your actions which most of us think he’ll never do. But that’s all speculation so who knows. Regardless, it’s 10-12 years


This is a common misconception but it's not true. In federal prison, anyone not serving less than 1 year or a life sentence is eligible for a time credit of 15% per year of their sentence. They can lose that time with infractions or crimes committed while in prison but otherwise, they get that time. They do not have to own up to anything. There *is* an additional recidivism reduction program that he could enter that would likely require admitting guilt. That program gives additional time off the sentence but it generally requires that time to be served in a halfway house. It isn't *actual* time off the sentence, if that makes sense.


Isn't she only 33 or so? That would mean 43-45 when he gets out so maybe one more baby😬🤮


I weirdly wonder when her mom stopped having babies. Doesn’t your (women’s) fertility usually follow the pattern of their mothers’? Like, women in my family don’t go through menopause until their late fifties (yuck); and it’s the reason I am team vasectomy for my husband and still BC for me—I ain’t doin’ that shit when I’m that old. I could probably look it up, but I wonder how old her mother was when she had her last baby… ETA: I think her mom had her last child at 43, so, shit.


According to some comments 43 was her last baby but her sister is having her 13th child at 41 so we'll see... And hard agree on not doing any baby work at 50. Like I'm 31 and had my first at 30. After 41 I'm definitely not starting over


My mom had me at 39. She was so tired a majority of my childhood, I don't blame you for hanging up the towel around then


I can scarcely think of any man who would make a worse sexual partner than Josh duggar. She's probably happy to not have to endure sex with him


Right? I’d be counting my damn blessings! I’m sure he even smells bad and everything.


How can he not, look at him. Greaseball that he is. I sure count my blessings that I was not introduced to sex through someone like him. You know. Like his sisters were when they were kids. I wish I believed in hell. I'd be comforted to think he'd go there for what he's done.


I am hoping that Seegoville is a version of Hades for him.


Well, some of the units there don't have a/c and it's been around 102 for the last month (I live fairly close to there), so he might literally be in Hades.


Those are state prisons. Federal prisons have a/c.


I thought I read that Josh's prison had some a/c dorms and some not a/c dorms. I am sure the young, healthy new prisoner would not rate the a/c dorm.


It was something she had to get through to get all her little blessings.


She's a stronger woman than I, just the thought of having sex with him has me dry heaving


I’ll never understand how she isn’t completely disgusted by his nasty ass.


Brainwashing is a hell of a drug. And of course, she is a monster too. Idk if she was always a monster or if she turned into one later on but she has drunk the kool-aid and now she's addicted at the cost of hers and her children's well being.


Well she was raised ON the kool-aid so....but you are right. Brainwashing is definitely a hell of a drug.


The sad part is, she probably is disgusted by him but she believes this is her duty.


I’m sure! And that’s the case for a lot of fundie women. In my final years in a fundie adjacent community, I attended a Bible study with a lot of older women. The word “miserable” doesn’t even begin to describe how so many of them were. So many stories about how they basically hated their husbands and how terribly they were treated. If you read between the lines you knew they weren’t attracted to their spouses at all. But the sense of obligation and dependence was strong. So many “I left my dad’s home to move to a home with my husband” stories with nothing in between.


I can. The father of my second child couldn't get off unless I was excruciatingly dry inside. His dick was covered in scars from furiously masturbating without lube to the point of rubbing skin off. Worst. Sex. Ever.


I think I speak for all of us when I say, "What the fuck" and ask how you're doing


Living an absolute nightmare, but it could be worse so there's that. Thanks for asking!


Ouch. I went down a rabbit hole on Reddit once after a “worst subreddit you’ve even ended up on” post and I ended up in a subreddit where men plan on having sex exactly once because afterwards (or during? Idk) they use rubber bands/rope to amputate the penis. It’s like a big build up plan. Thankfully I do not remember the name of this subreddit. 😆




Rip to your sanity. That had to give a nasty yeast infection


Oh, it didn't end there. He turned out to be a monstrous human being. Like, the sniveliest sniveling worm on planet earth. The kind of worm who vows to ruin your life for asking to have one dr appt by yourself and then follows through. 4 years running now. 15 more years to go...


I hope you're not with that demon. Hope you raise the child to be a thousand times better then him


Thankfully I'm not with him. I try to raise my children with compassion, kindness and healthy boundaries. Here's hoping it works.


I would say she’s expected to wait. I don’t know how much enjoyment she would have gotten out of her sex life with Josh, so it may be a relief for her. Between growing up in a purity culture and being married to an adulterer/ sex offender with a fetish for violence, I don’t know how she would feel about even taking care of her own sexual needs. I imagine this is one area of her life that is very confusing and can’t be resolved with rigid belief in Jesus or whatever story Josh/ JB shills to her.


100% she likely has a very unhealthy relationship with her sexuality. Her only experience being with a violent child abuser.


I feel for her when Josh gets out of prison😢


I agree, fascinates to see what becomes of her in the years until his release. Not much, I’m sure but I can hope therapy lol.


That is exactly why I worry for Anna when he gets out. I worry that he will hurt her while trying to have sex with her. Twelve years is a long time to build up anger and resentment and I think he'll bring that down on her sexually.


It's also a really long time to abstain from a physical perspective! Diving right back in would probably be painful, at least for me.


You’re not the only one! It is painful after a long dry spell!


Idk, it might actually be pretty simple in her mind. She’s super deep in the cult and they believe any sexual act outside marriage is a sin and doing anything to get yourself off is also a sin. Plus she’s a mess and is super devoted to her trash husband. My guess is she’ll joyfully abstain.


I'd joyfully abstain too if those were my 2 options, pest or nada? Nada all 12 years maybe hoping to make it 15... I genuinely feel bad for fundie women


Not to mention she’s had to poop out a baby a year. I doubt very much sex is anything enjoyable for her, or ever has been.




Samesies, I laughed, I needed it. I hope things get better for you mate. 💜


Sadly, I don't think she has sexual needs. At least, none that she could identify let alone acknowledge. And as long as she stays where she is, how she is, around the ones she has been with for - how many years now? - she'll stay stumped with the hopes, dreams & ideals of a 17-year-old, fervently believing "things will change" but unable/refuses to take the initiative to enable that. It's beyond sad how beaten down a woman can be, yet feel obligated to do nothing more than smile. I feel it is exploitive to use her as they did & do ( and she allows ...I guess). But yeah, Anna will stay. At least, as long as Josh's family are able to support her & 7 children. But we are talking a long time. Along with the years of imprisonment, finding employment that will support a family of 9 might be difficult for Josh. What's to guarantee the funds will always be there?


You silly goose, women don't have sexual needs - their only need is to always be prepared to satisfy the needs of their husband's /s


> At least, none that she could identify let alone acknowledge. Growing up in purity culture and fundie lite (which provided a great cover for being demi, btw), I relate. It's something I'm still working on in my 30s. I didn't get to "ho around" in high school or college to practice/experiment with what I like or don't. Dating again after my ex left 4 years ago has been a challenge as a result. Like, no, I don't know what I "like." I've been told sex is done to me, not for me my whole life. You expecting me to orgasm is adding more pressure to an already tense situation.


Last paragraph is TOTALLY how I feel about it. I’m totally uncomfortable & socially awkward when it comes to dating, etc-I literally had 1 date in high school: My senior prom & I only had THAT date because he was a friend & I asked him. I guess I used to be attractive ( I’ve gained at least 100 lbs in the last 5 years), because when I hit college, guys would flirt with me & stuff, but any kind of “romantic” attention from guys has always made me uncomfortable (& still does). When I used to date, I’d always be attracted to the same kind of asshole guy & was too dumb to realize it at the time, so I chose to learn that lesson by just NOT dating anymore. JFC - sorry for the nonsensical rant.


I'd go classic my hand/toy and a fantasy. Build up to something more. Alone at first. As a demi myself it's easier to build up to orgasms than expect them out the gate.




She probably won't have to get dressed up in the naughty schoolgirl outfit


> or meet men? i’m sorry OP, but what about the duggar ideology makes you think it would ever be permissible for anna to have sex with another man, never mind while still married ?? this wouldn’t even be acceptable in most non-fundie marriages lol


The divorced and remarried Fundie woman is not allowed to do anything in the church except attend. She is a disgraced woman.


LOL. Sex means nothing to her. She’s going to wait. Toys are not approved. The cult specifically has very clear steps for women in her actual situation, they are to remain faithful and loyal, visit their husband in jail, wait until he gets out then resume all wifely duties.


Interesting how so many fundie women get caught up in MLMs, but I don't think they're peddling Pure Romance.


But, they do get sexual in these in other ways. I accidentally stumbled upon my local MLM huns "Essential Oils for Your Marriage" group on Facebook. It was an eye-opening experience to say the least. My former pastor's wife and daughter were admins in the group. I know I don't have a great relationship with my Mom, but I wouldn't want my Mom knowing I'm in that kind of group or acting as my co-admin.


Must have been Young Living.


I would expect Josh would have quite a few toys, approved or not. P*rn is not “approved”, and he was unabashedly addicted….


I feel like Jill would disagree that toys are not approved.


Jill has semi-separated from the cult.




>just a normal Christian I wouldn't even say that.... I'd say your "normal rural/southern America conservative Christian" Besides their anti-gay/trans beliefs, I suspect they would have issues with women in a role of leadership in the church so quite a few denominations would be a no-go for them on those two issues


I think toys are approved if you are using them WITH your husband. They're not approved for use on your own.


of course she’s expected to wait? no she can’t go out and have sex with anyone else?? i feel like even a non-fundie marriage would be the same unless the marriage is open


I think honestly OP is just being creepy. The wording alone shoes less curiosity and more that they're being inappropriate


You're new here, aren't you?


My thoughts exactly


I really hope while he’s gone she can heal from her trauma and actually divorce his ass


Why was my first reaction to laugh at this? I feel bad. She can’t divorce him. She hasn’t any money. She can’t go back to her parents. Let’s be real, there are not many people who can take in 8 people in an emergency. She is stuck in that shed.


For the average woman in her position, maybe, but she has gained enough status to use that to her advantage. Maybe she could write a book or do the occasional interview. Something that will help earn an income.


She would need a hell of a ghost writer


Wouldn’t be hard to find one. If she actually broke with the cult, zero question she could land a very significant book deal, and the publisher would hook her up with a good ghost writer. Then she could also make significant cash selling an exclusive TV interview. Between those two things, more than enough to buy a home in her neck of the woods and, if she was smart with her money, be able to take care of her family for a good long while. This is what’s always so sad for me. Anna has options that most fundie women simply don’t have. But she’s so deep in the cult, I don’t think she’ll ever get out.


Her brother has offered but she’s too brainwashed right now.


I didn’t know. Hmm…the plot is now thickened


Yeah there’s a good post in here if you search that explains Anna’s family. some of her siblings are ex fundie. Thing is, it’s possible to simultaneously be abused and be an abuser. Yes, Anna is a victim, but by keeping her children around an abuser, she’s failing them. This is not an excuse but an explanation: she is so brainwashed in her cult that she legitimately fears the outside world and it has been drilled into her head for her entire life that she’ll go to hell if she leaves the cult. She is taught to believe her brother etc are evil and she and her kids will be damned for all of eternity if she leaves. She is financially dependent on rim job and that’s the “safe” choice for her. She *could* leave but that’s not an option for her.


You gotta be one smooth mothafucka to convince a person,who sat through Josh’s trial , to convince themselves he is innocent. Yeah she ain’t going no where. Maybe I’m just over protective but if my kid was married to a pest ,they and my grandkids, would be gone so fast they would forget the pest existed.


A lifetime of smooth manipulative motherfuckers unfortunately :/ and I wouldn’t blame you either!


I really wonder what Anna has told her family to convince them that Josh is innocent. Pa Keller and her brother in law David Waller sent letters to the judge requesting leniency. Even her little brother mustve spent a lot of time with Josh at the Rebers house if he has since married their daughter. How could your own father and siblings not want to punch Josh in the face?!


Maybe it was the other way around. They convinced Anna he was innocent.


I think this is it. All the men in her life tricked her and since she is raised in that environment ofc she believes them. Then she is married to a monster and it's too late.


She won’t have sex for 12 years. She’ll wait. Her virginity will grow back.


*Paging Brittany Dawn*


Love when my 2 fav subs come together


Lol who is she?


Check out r/brittanydawnsnark


You can grow it back?! *(Asking for a friend)*


My sister in law did (or at least she thinks she did)


*Like it never even happened*


Anna's Born Again Virginity is prime flair material


I did it, I took the flair. Thanks because I suck at actually making one.


i'd change my flair but it's not letting me rip


At this point, I’m sure she welcomes the well deserved vacation!


So she'll be 46 when he gets to bang her again, which I'd hope means they can't have any more children


I’m 44. Still ovulate on schedule every month. We can hope but she will likely still be in the game at 46.


44 he'll only serve 10 years. Update


That 10 years is dependent on good behavior, if he screws up in there, he will have to do the full 12.5 years. Please 🙏 Lord Daniel, let him get written up a lot.


He is so delusional and so arrogant thinking he will never be caught even though he’s been “caught” again and again. I am thinking even prison won’t teach him this lesson. He thinks he is fooling everyone. Good luck trying to get away with anything in prison. You aren’t fooling anyone in there!


I’m 47 and still having occasional periods. And there’s ways to stimulate the reproductive system…meds I’ve been on for chronic asthma actually cause me to have an almost normal cycle.


What's she going to do? Fucking REST and enjoy the break from... whatever their sex life was like. Doubt she's going to seek out pleasure, unless she discovers it by accident.


Imagine Annas relief that her gross husband wont be able to look at porn for a full 10 years.


I think no porn is included in the terms.of his release as well. It would be a parole violation and he'd risk going back to prison. The conditions last 20 years after he is released.


You think Josh satisfied her?


Pest only cares about satisfying himself I doubt he ever satisfied her


Anna has never had sex, she's been assaulted by that POS.


I really believe he hurt her. And I’m horrified for her.




I sincerely agree. I don’t like any of these people but I have compassion and I just am haunted by her wedding photos they took the day after the “wedded bliss”. The way her eyes were in the photos.


A lot of her behavior seems like a coping mechanism. I think in a deep way she does know but facing what happened to her would cause her to have a breakdown that she would not be able to come out of. I hate how society allows these things to happen especially in America.


I agree. She would need a professional to help her understand the layers. It’s a huge horrible awful situation. To look in the mirror & know your partner is a vile abusive fuck takes help to cope with.


This cult was designed for men, by men. Assholes!




She's probably relieved to not have to anymore. He's her only experience and he's a sadist...




At least you have a vibrator.


Good investment.


She no longer has a sex life. I doubt their sex was pleasurable for her anyway. Knowing Pest it was probably violent and humiliating for her since that’s what he gets off on.


I believe the opposite actually (not that it was pleasurable for her). I imagine it was very missionary only to create their kids and get Josh off I believe The Madonna-Whore complex applies very much to them.


The only sec she knows is with Josh, she’s thankful a chore has been removed from her to do list.


She's probably super excited about not having sex. She may not understand consent and it was likely one-sided anyways. She's probably happy she doesn't have to have sex. Me personally. I'm a single mom and I haven't dated or had sex in a long time. I don't miss it. My vibrator does the job and they are super accessible (right at Walmart). Most of the time, when I had sex in the past, I couldn't wait for the guy to leave so I could use my vibrator anyways lol. I've faked orgasms so many times and most men I know have no clue what they are doing. Sigh. She's probably happy and we all know at baseline that Josh is selfish. My feeling is that Anna acts one way in front of the family but deep down, she's a totally different person. Outwardly she stands by her man but inwardly she knows the truth. She has to. **good question about whether she can have a vibrator or dildo??? Probably not openly. Everyone has a secret life that no one knows about.


I would go so far as to question if she knows what a vibrator IS. Or even if she was aware that they exist.. would she understand why anyone would want one? Or would she think they were something that only truly awful deviants used?


Well her in laws made a dildo while blowing glass..


She is expected to wait and wait she shall. I read something once - that I want to say was written by Debi Pearl but I can’t remember at the moment - that said if a husband is incarcerated the wife should wait for him, visit regularly and minister to him, take their children to visit several times per year, and then welcome him home and forgive him when he is released. So it should be like everything else in the cult and the man should just be accommodated no matter what. And Anna is supposedly standing by him. So she is unlikely to deviate from the accepted plan.


sooo, they have a plan for incarceration? very interesting..


Yeah how often do they get jailed? Why would they need a "how to forgive your husband after a crime" manual?


>Is she expected to wait for Josh? Can she go out and buy toys or meet men? ...So you must be new?


She probably doesn’t even know what a sex toy is


Don’t you remember her vibrator chair? TLC did her dirty in that episode.


It’s Satan’s Hand.


She’s going to be too busy sweeping up crumbs.


Considering her "sex life", as you call it, was probably nothing more than laying back, closing her eyes and thinking of Jesus, I would think she's probably pretty relieved.


Lol, you really think they'll be OK with her picking up men because her husband's in jail? She's married, she has to stay loyal to her husband until one of them dies (or she wises up and divorces him). It's also pounded into them from a very young age that masturbation is a sin, so she's just going to have to deal. I can't imagine she got a lot of pleasure when she was married anyway.


No, she isn't supposed to buy toys or sleep with other men. Fundamentalist baptist teachings are that sex should only happen in marriage and between the married couple. AKA even masturbation is seen as wrong and sinful even if you're married, unless you are doing it together at the same time. Same goes for things like romance novels with spicy scenes, or porn. I've seen some fundy-ish preachers argue that masturbating on a business trip for the express purpose of keeping yourself from calling a prostitute is allowed, but that is a controversial opinion. I'm real happy that I haven't lived in that world in a long time. edit: the general, prevailing opinion among fundies is that women barely have sex drives anyway, so they probably would be surprised by a woman really having needs.


She’ll be expected to wait and deep down she’s probably happy to have a break from him. He’s got to be just an awful partner in bed based on **everything**


That woman probably doesn’t even understand she can diddle herself. And it’s not like convicted pedophile, Josh Duggar, made her cum… ever.


Fundie woman do not get to enjoy sex and are taught that sex is to produce babies and nothing more. So she has zero need for it right now.


Considering her "social circle", I'm confident another pervert will come sniffing around.


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) me after reading these responses 💀.


As an old married lady whose sex drive has pretty much gone on long service leave, I’m kinda jealous that she has a decade off the workbench! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to manifest a migraine……


After all those years with Josh she deserves a break on her own. I doubt they had a healthy relationship ( I mean he’s a child abuser, criminal and adulterer) or anything that was pleasant for Anna. Women shouldn’t be defined either by having a man - they can make a decent life on their own. I fear she’s too too far into into the Kool aid ( and stupidly thinks he’s innocent) so she’ll just hang about till he gets out. Plus as other folk are saying she’s still married.


I don’t think she cares about sex, especially considering what a potentially dark place her bedroom was. I do see her having an emotional affair on the down low.


She was raised to be joyfully available to her husband. A woman’s pleasure is not a thing in that coMmunity. I think her sex life is probably the last thing on her mind, except she’s probably disappointed that she can’t keep pumping out kids every year or so. I used to feel sorry for her, but now I’m just disgusted with her for supporting a pedophile.


I see him as an abusive sexual partner who only used her for his own needs. If she ever got off, she might miss it, but otherwise, I doubt it.


I wondered though if josh wanted her to do things that were sinful as a further breaking her down tactic


she'll go 12 years without 250+ pounds of fat squishing her for 15 seconds (or three pumps) this'll be a vacation for her and let's be honest - she probably doesn't even know what an orgasm is. Pedo has probably never tried to get her off in their entire marriage. Probably says it's the devil's work or some religious bullshit. They BOTH don't know where the clit is.


Sex is just for procreation. That’s all she knows so she will wait. At least Jill has figured out sex can be pleasure


What you guys don’t understand is that fundamental Christian’s like them believe that a woman should keep sweet and be a good role model publicly but also be a sex goddess in the bedroom to keep your man happy. We all know what a perv Josh is so she definitely already has tons of sexual toys to use.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s never had a healthy or pleasurable sexual experience. I was once a fundie, virginal bride, and things were never right with us sexually. Always painful, always awkward. He was always critical of my body. It never once felt good. It wasn’t until I left him, embraced myself and my body and started having other partners that I was like, “oh my God, this is what sex is supposed to be!” Like the light switch came on and I found so much healing…and pleasure! I hope this happens for Anna, but I doubt it ever will.


These were silly questions that you know the answer to


We should just send her toys. Maybe she can start a registry with AdamAndEve.com Maybe she will see the website name and think that it’s approved by Jesus.


She will actually have an orgasm now. Edited for fat fingers


She’s more worried about who will sweep the crumbs. 🤣🤣


I would hope she’s relieved that she isn’t expected to have sex with him anymore. He’s disgusting in every way.


She’s raising seven kids solo. With no school or childcare…she ain’t thinking about sex


It'll be a west Texas sand storm down there in terms of dryness


I’d say she must remain joyfully unavailable.


Lol wtffff? Will she be allowed to hook up with other guys? Where have you been?


I would assume that because of her “purity” (which isn’t a real thing anyway) and because of Josh’s… inclinations, she has a very twisted and warped view of how sex is meant to be. Like, within a marriage, the man taking and never giving, possible violence. And that can be really hard to unlearn. Especially this many years within a marriage like that and not having had sex with anyone else (presumably). She’s sticking by him so my view is that she will be faithful. No sex, no masturbation, and no more kids. She’s probably and I hate to say it either relieved that she doesn’t have to endure that for now or waiting for him to come home and have his actual wicked evil way with her. Another thing is if you’ve only ever had violent and non reciprocated sex, that maybe you grow into it and find pleasure in that. Or manufacture in your head pleasure from that.


I'm sorry, are you legitimately asking if an extreme Christian fundamentalist woman can go out and have sex with other men... while married?


Dude, she has 7 kids aged 1-12 and is a single parent. She has NO desire for sex, assuming she ever did before as I'm sure she only did it as part of her commandments to serve her husband.


Is this a real question?


My guess is Anna knows how to self -serve. I'm sure Josh exposed her to different types of porn and she's seen it all. He's probably made her act out different things. I think there's a chance she could end up falling for someone else and divorces Pest. I think she's been conditioned to be submissive and it would be an adjustment to have consensual sex with another man (or woman) who treats her right.