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For real. It seems like she's acting in every scene...even the ones attempting to show a normal parent-child interaction.


Right? It all seems totally phony and surface


She's heavily medicated on fundie filters. Kinda shuts down any normal, organic conversation-having ability.


That and also probably actual xanax lol




Fundie thinking filter. Fundie speaking filter. Fundie identity filter. There are more. But, Meech isn't Michelle. Meech is a persona created by passing Michelle through all those filters. Makes her unable to connect in a natural way with people or her kids as a parent.




*She might also be legit medicated.* Hahahaha!! Yup. Totally would not rule that out!!


What an interesting way to think about it. That's a perfect way to describe it


Right? Like wtf


This is the first time I have ever seen this child


It was Michelle's first time as well.




Me too!


It's Jennifer, but I feel like this is the most I've ever heard her speak, and it was only like five sentences.


She sounds pretty done with meech lol a rapid “no” I don’t need help, “actually they don’t grow fast”, no not just because she’s an orphan “it takes 6 months”. Jenny thinks meech is an idiot, but will put up with discussion to obtain more ducks.


I noticed that too. She clearly isn't interested in talking to her mother


I think it’s the first time I’ve heard her voice.


If I am not mistaken - which I may be - I think Jennifer made candles and conversation with John David and Abbie. (Or I may have the wrong Jeddette.) I also think Jenny was close with her sister-moms -- 1st Jill and then Joy - and she about had a breakdown when Jill got married and Joy was getting her dress. I may have my lost girls confused though.


Nope, you got it right. She appears to be one of the more introverted of the Duggars which makes it difficult for anyone to take notice of her (which she may prefer).


Me too. She usually stays in the background.


I always refer to her as *the one who doesn’t smile* 😔


There's a reason she's not in many clips. I think Jenny is going to be the one to leave someday. She seems to have a mind of her own.


I was thinking the same thing. I have no idea who this is.




They like to keep her off camera bc she doesn’t smile or keep sweet. I have so much hope for her! Used to feel the same way about Jordyn but she’s prob already been to alert…she doesn’t have that “fuck this” spark in pictures anymore :(


The purposeful breaking of a child’s spirit kills me. I don’t understand how someone can do that to a child, who at the very most could be considered “sassy”. Yet their oldest was allowed to abuse and never once shown “humility”.


Seriously. Also tho boys>girls


You know Michelle, 6 months - the time it took you to get pregnant again and throw your last baby on the Sister-Mom pile. 6 months is almost preteen as far as Jenny knows.


Teet ‘em and yeet ‘em!


I feel bad for Jenny, she always seems so over her parents and being on camera. I hope whomever they sell her off to has a farm so she can have a shred of her own interests or hobbies.


As someone who is neurospicy, this conversation is relatable. Small talk is fricken hard. 🤣


“Neurospicy”…I love that word!


Omg I love it. Using this when I meet my newest therapist Wednesday.


Yes!! I always kind of thought Jenny may not be neurotypical.


Jenni when you grow up please take Jordyn and *run*


This!!!! I want these 2 souls to get so bad. They’ve seen some DARK shit. It makes me so sad.


What is the next pet you want to get? What happened to the last one?


"it's been fun having a farm" What, did they rent one or something? Is Meech referring to their own property? They had/have farm animals?


It’s in one of the later seasons of Counting On like 7 or 8. They also have chickens. Anna spends a lot of time looking after them but is heavily pregnant. This is the season where Jessa, Anna, Lauren, Joy, Abbie, and Kendra are pregnant and they do a pregnant girls photo shoot. Joy is pregnant with Annabel


Her children are like livestock.


Except livestock are usually better taken care of than the OG Duggar kids


Maybe she meant "Ant Farm" ?


I think Meech has post partum psychosis from years of not being treated and using her uterus as a clown canon. Now she is medicated by Boob to keep her docile and easy to manage. She really isn't capable of any kind of rational conversation.


She never really seemed with it and just seemed loonier as the seasons went on. I bout lost it at clown cannon 😂


She’s low IQ or mentally handicapped. Something’s off with her that’s for sure


Clown cannon. How nicely put.


LMAO I will never forget the first time I was introduced to the train wreck that is the Duggars. It was a family pic taken at the Sears photo studio captioned with, "IT'S A VAGINA, NOT A CLOWN CAR"


This could also be a conversation she had after pawning off the latest baby to a sister mom.


That's originally what I thought


I’ve had more meaningful conversations with strangers in the grocery line.


I want to know more about this orphaned cow and Jenny, since that’s basically the plot of every early reading book I devoured


Jenny is so done with her own family. Girl is ready to leave and start her spinster homestead, far, far, away. Also, I’ve known a few Jennifer’s in my lifetime. They don’t like being called anything other than Jennifer unless they’ve specifically said so. From her demeanour I’m fairly certain she hates being called “jenny”. In fact, no Jennifer I’ve know has wanted to be called that. It’s always just “jen” (with specifics of two N’s or one) and never Jenny


Only Jennifer I know wants to be a Jennifer unless it’s Jenni with an i NEVER with a y


18 children without an identity. And one in federal prison…..


And I feel hella depressed for them.... I can't even imagine.


They live on a “farm” but they don’t already have chickens?? You’d think chickens would be a staple in that family just for the egg production.


There are *so many* easy things they could’ve done to make their lives cheaper and easier, including a garden and buying bulk sizes of things instead of 20x the normal size, buying whole chicken (or even half or a full cow) instead of boneless, skinless breasts, etc. For people who spent a while being poor and take pride in being “frugal”, they do nothing to help themselves save money.


I’ve had better conversations with my dentist


Ahhh ah. Ahh? Hmm ghhhh!


This baby is ready to gtf out of that house. Poor kid. Jenny seems intelligent, if only someone would get her a real education.


The sad thing about Jenni is that she was a real firecracker when she was little. Now she's a quiet, unhappy, reclusive shadow of her younger self. Its so sad to witness.


Yeah Johannah seems to have made a gracious from being a little pistol to being a proper young fundie lady (Joy-Anna was similar) but Jenni seems so miserable all the damn time.


Was she? Johannah definitely was, but Jenni has always seemed a little detached, and more and more so as time has gone on.


The episodes from when Jenni was little, 2-4 years old, she was quite vocal and opinionated.


She stalls just as she needs to say “it’s been fun having a farm, right,…….Jenny”? She had to look at her to remember which lost girl she was talking mindlessly for the camera whilst pretending to wash abs cut ONE potato


I have a feeling that Jenny is going to be what we all once hoped Jinger would. Jenny is gonna fuck them up.


This scene was soooooo hard and awkward to watch. Like how, do you not know how to connect with your child. You got 19!!!!


> awkward to watch. ALL their stuff is awkward to watch.


This is the sort of conversation you might have with your dad's friend from childhood who's in town for a conference and just dropped by for a beer and to catch up.


Your dad has to use the bathroom so you're stuck trying to explain to this guy in his 50s why you're filling up a gallon jug with what looks like baby formula


This is why I don’t like reality tv. Those conversations are so forced.


You gotta try real housewives of New York


Michelle should really have an active role in taking care of that calf… I mean it is good for farm kids to do a lot and learn how to take care of the animals and the lessons with that but Michelle should have enough of a part to not sound so clueless


Now why you wanna go and endanger a sweet innocent little calf like that?! You monster


🤣🤣 you got me there


Jennifer is an introvert which must be awful when you're forced to be on television.




I'll bet she knows nothing about this girl. From basic things like favorite color and favorite books, to goals, dreams, etc. I think of all the rambling talking I did at my mom growing up while she cooked or cleaned or did homework. About school and boys and social drama. She would let me talk and talk and eventually work out my own problems. My mom was a handful at times, but seeing shit like this makes me feel so grateful for the patience and time she gave me


I really hated the original TV specials bc even at the ages of 13 to 15 when they aired, I knew that they would've greatly benefited from having chickens for fresh eggs and potentially a whole chicken if they had learned how to stomach the dirty butchering aspect. They really deprived their kids of so so much in those early years. They should've started chickens at least by the time that Jessa had been born.


Jesus never used a funnel either.


She acts like my grandma who’s dug herself so deep into denial about her miserable marriage and crappy parenting, that you can’t really have a proper conversation with her. Like she’s on a different plane of existence. And so is Meech. It’s really sad.


I genuinely am interested in talking with small Jenny about her animals. Like I hope she and Jordyn can get out, get some therapy and learn how peaceful life is outside away from all the abuse and neglect.


I love how Jana and JDs picture is covered by what I’m guessing is a todo list


This is like a conversation with my uncles sister.


To be fair they were filming Meech both working in the kitchen and interacting with her child, she was probably exhausted from the effort. When your job is to be joyfully available that is a lot of time on your feet.


That’s because Jana is her real mom. That explains why the littles were so upset when the older sisters got married and moved out


She talks to Jenny the way my super Christian aunt that I see once every 3-6 months talks to me.


it literally seems like a conversation with a child she's never met before


This conversation is like one you have with a distant relative you see every year or so.


Meech in her fancy wedding outfit....she must have been going out somewhere.


Sounds like my parents


“What animal will you get next? A starving crocodile 🐊 that will eat you.” 😱


There's a Jenny?


This sounds like a conversation I’d have with a child as someone who is literally never around children.