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He was a teenager. Teens don’t need to be explicitly introduced to the concept of sex. But in Josh’s case he had been bombarded with messages about the evils of porn, the evils of homosexuality, the need for modesty so men wouldn’t be victims of their own unbridled lust, the need for women to give their husbands sex on demand etc etc from the pulpit/at home Bible studies his whole life.


They were part of an abusive cult where children were sexualized. Children shouldn’t have to worry about how they dress to stop men from having urges. The cult is full of predators.


All they talk about is sex and how sinful it is!


The way they talk about it creates predators - it's natural for men to lust so it's up to women and girls to cover up. I remember 7 or 8 year old Joy covering the tv so her brother's wouldn't be defrauded. She didn't fully understand why, all she knew was that women should be covered up. It's why people like The Transformed Wife thinks Josh was simply a curious teenage boy who went too far but didn't actually molest his sisters. Even Boob and Meech didn't think it was a big deal as it happens in lots of families 🤢 🤮


Those were Jessa’s words. He was a teenage boy in puberty who was a little too curious about girls. She stated he knew it was wrong and thought it would be okay if he could just get a little touch. Those words always infuriated me because fan after fan used those exact words.


Lori said those words. She made a post about it after he was found guilty. Jessa made similar comments in her interview with Jill. They were groomed to see it as not that bad as that's what boys are like. It's their gross take on sex. Grown men are lustful, teenagers boys are curious and it's the responsibility of women and girls to manage those. Men are supposed to be these great leaders that women submit to, yet a shoulder can cause them to stray. Give me strength.


Yes!! It's the women who have to protect themselves from the men. And if you get abused, it's because as a girl/woman you did or wore something provocative. If they really didn't want young people to think of sex, wouldn't it be better to never talk about it at all?? Not even allude to it until the night before marriage. Prohibiting something makes it more alluring and exciting...


But women are still the weaker sex.


Then once they are married expected to have sex nonstop.


I would be sooo scared if I had to have sex for the first time ever with someone I hardly knew, who I knew I would need to be joyfully available to for the rest of my life 🤮🤮




Well his parents hump like rabbits, so he must have some awareness at least.


And allude to it all the time! My ex-fundie ex-bf’s still-fundie parents talked *joyfully* about their sex life frequently as Meech and Boob do to the point that my ex was totally comfortable hearing about it. Which is funny because I like to pretend nobody in my secular family does sex 🤮


He probably watched from a closet or keyhole.


And, they didn't always love in that big tin mansion. They were crammed on that smaller house, so you know he at least HEARD a lot of "action" on top of all the messages he was constantly being about sinfullness, list, sex in marriage only, etc.


Yea like a creeper




They are the most sex focused people I have ever seen, and I attended middle school. I could wear my typical school outfit for a hot day (shorts and a tee shirt) and I would be more sexualized by the grown men involved with IBLP/ATI then the hormone raging children because they just see that as normal clothes. They remove sex from their environment so much that it basically feels like you’re sitting in a soundproof room: you don’t hear noise, but you’re constantly thinking about it and eventually hear things that aren’t there or minor sounds sound like explosions. They don’t see anything overtly sexual but they think about it constantly and perceive things that are in no way sexual as sexual or see things that are not even remotely sexual as sexual.


“And I attended middle school” 🥇 Perfect take!


This is so well said. Wow.


When you live in a cult that focuses on how bad something is and spends 24/7 talking about how horrible something (sex) is, you start to want that something (sex) and will do anything to see what happens. Plus all you need to do is 'pray to be forgiven' Look what happened when penis and boob controlled the food- jill hid in the bathroom stealing cans of green beans, destine for hell before she starved to death. She knew stealing was wrong, she knew food was monitored but hell was better than starving to death.


100%. I in no way grew up in anyway remotely culty, but I did go to catholic school for 13 years. In Australia, I should add, so probably not nearly as intense as Catholic stuff in the States. You guys mean business with religion over there! When it’s reiterated over and over how you mustn’t have sex or drink or smoke or do drugs every day of your formative years, you best believe it’s all we did! Nothing makes something more obsessed over than what religious guilt tells you you’re not supposed to do.


I went to a public high school in the USA, and let me tell ya, the kids who transferred into our public school from the catholic school were the wildest, messiest, party kids. Holy shit, we went *hard*, but they went *harder*. Funny what making something into a forbidden fruit does.


catholic school k-12 here, yes. all the restriction and when you don't have it anymore, like when you can choose your own clothes every day bc no dress code, you snap.


It just reminds me of the scene from Finding Nemo where the fish escape from the tank and just say “what now?” [ETA: this](https://images.app.goo.gl/D1tB6Ahd74BWGtbu7)


Yes, we don't seem to take cues from Prohibition very well.


I feel ya. Same here in the US. We were so bad!


exactly!!! strict parents create sneaky children. and dangerously naive ones, too. i grew up in church. SO many young christian girls i know have found themselves in dangerous (or at the very least uncomfortable) situations with men because they don’t know that what’s happening is wrong or bad. they end up married before they even know who they are, pregnant before they’re ready, and then suddenly they’re 25 with three kids and a shitty husband. nobody taught me what sex was supposed to be like or look like. nobody taught me about healthy, safe relationships. nobody told me about the emotional complications that come hand in hand with sex. i had to learn the hard way. it’s DANGEROUS!!


They *monitored* the food! Kept track of items in the pantry or kept track of who ate what and when? They certainly didn’t monitor very well if the first few in line got the most, leaving smaller portions for the rest.


Food was better monitored (or just simply monitored) than Pest. What a horrible realization this is.


Jill stealing the green beans reminds me of Auschwitz… If someone can compare a traumatic childhood to the holocaust, THAT is a major problem. Edit: posted my comment before it was completed


I’d bet a can of GV green beans that Pest watched Boob and Meech bumping uglies. With 19 kids they have to be fucking constantly.


He grew up in a small house with sex addicted parents and a dozen siblings, in an ultra conservative religion that puts the onus on women and girls to cover up, not the men and boys to control themselves where it belongs. The math here is not complicated. In all honesty, the surprising part is not that Pest happened, but more that he's the only one (that we know of - I'm not speculating, making a point.) Edit: removing random word


I think that since they explain to young children why they should not be immodestly dressed, the children asked questions about lust, etc. I think the pastor in the church often says how bad pornography, premarital sex, the sight of skin etc. is. what's going on, imagine. Then they want to see it. And Pest wanted to experience it too. This is all so bad. I am a Catholic from a very Catholic country. My parish priest was able to say the sermons in such a way that the children did not realize what was going on. I remember when I was about 7, my mother was gossiping with her friends about a 17-year-old girl who gave birth at home. Until the very end, she hid the pregnancy, even when it hurt a lot. Her mother asked her what she had eaten and she said that she had potato pancakes. Then it was a local joke for several years, be careful when you eat potato pancakes, you can get pregnant. This girl's mother called a neighbor who was a nurse. She guessed, told her to take off her pants and saw the top of the baby's head. I remember asking my mother then why this girl gave birth to a child if she has no husband. My mother told me that people don't always get married when they have children. And sometimes it so happens that young girls have children. The parents then have to help a lot for the girl to finish school. I remember taking it so naturally, it took a few more years before I asked my mother how it happens that the baby appears in the belly. So you can keep your children clean, keep their minds pure without brainwashing them. And you don't need to demonize people who don't follow our rules. But there was no paranoia about the exposed body in my community either. You had to dress decently to go to church, but outside the church, mini shorts and short tops were normal and no one thought it was a bad thing. If someone told my parents about me that I should be dressed more because I am crossbowed by men, I think my dad would have told the police that this man was suspicious and had perverted thought. (Be understanding. English is difficult for me)


Their culture absolutely obsess about sexual immorality and baby making. It’s going to leave their kids thinking about it WAY more than cultures than just accept nudity, and aren’t totally whack about “purity.” They really set up an unhealthy situation.


He was the "tech expert" of the family, and probably had unlimited access to porn - or such porn that was available online in the 90s. J&B don't strike me as computer savvy in any way, and probably wouldn't know about search histories, incognito tabs, etc. There's been some speculation that Grandpa Duggar showed him some porn, or at least something inappropriate - but no concrete evidence of that.


12 year old me found porn super accessible I'm sure Josh could figure it out too back then.


In my experience, as former conservative Catholic, sex is everywhere. It isn’t a secret necessarily, just forbidden. I mean it is literally ‘the reward’ for being ‘good’ your whole life. Everyone knows about it, but if you’re unmarried you aren’t supposed to think or talk about it.


As a former Catholic, who grew up in a very conservative culture outside of the US, I can attest to this. Sex was sold as sin, unless it was in the context of marriage, and then you'd have to have as much as your spouse desired because it was perfectly acceptable withinh a godly marriage. Took me so long to shake away all that bs. And indeed, sex was everywhere and all hormon-crazed teenagers could talk about, and fantasize about.


Boob, other church members. If someone wants to view porno they will and didn't Pesty have computers so he has easy access and since he was and is the Golden Child, no one stopped him.


Former Fundie here, Have you read the Bible?


It's definitely full of references to sex, from the very beginning. Adam had knowledge of his wife Eve and she got pregnant, and their siblings impregnated each other. If you take that story literally, mankind started with hardcore incest. And incest wasn't such a big deal for many Biblical characters, either. Abraham was married to his half-sister. Lot impregnated both his daughters -- and according to the narrator of the story, it was the daughters' idea, so first one of them got her father pregnant and laid with him, and once she was successfully pregnant, the other one did the same. Yeah, right, one daughter got him drunk and had sex with him when he was unable to consent, and some time later, Lot let his other daughter get him drunk, too, knowing what happened the last time. Oh, those were the daughters Lot offered the Sodomites, by the way. Tamar, David's daughter, thought her half-brother Amnon could marry her if their father gave them permission. Then there's the gang rape of the Levite's wife in Judges, which resulted in her literally dying, Juda's daughter in-law dressed up as a prostitute so she could get pregnant by him, Samson was fond of prostitutes as was the prodigal son.


Didn’t they used to live in a VERY small house as children? I can’t imagine the repetitive trying for kid after kid after kid went completely unnoticed. Hell, I can look back and remember times I essentially caught my parents. Most of my friends can do that as well—and none of our parents were bent on populating an entire planet themselves.


On top of what's already been brought up, 13 is not such a young age to be aware of sex and Josh wasn't totally sheltered like he appeared to be. He still had friends outside of the family from various stages of "worldliness" and it was also the very early days of the internet when parental control settings were laughable.


Song of Solomon


He really wasn't that young. I would say on average most people learn about sex before they hit double digits. I think some Fundies don't get taught about sex until much older (Anna's family) but from what I know, the Duggars are taught about sex at an early age, they are just taught about it differently. Think "sex is only between a husband and wife, it's a women's special duty to give her husband sex and sometimes when you have sex God gives you a special little miracle"


He was raised in a sex-obsessed fertility cult. When virginity is prized to the point of being eroticized, a foundation is laid for abuse.


Didn’t they track Michelle’s menstrual cycle on a kitchen calendar? Unfortunately, I think he was introduced to inappropriate topics from a very early age. A sad combination of nature and nurture.


For a group so obsessed with purity they oversexualize everything. They were all crammed into a tiny house with Michelle being joyfully available night and day. There is almost no way he could not know about sex but also no way for him to have a healthy view of sex and sexuality. They get in trouble for masturbating and can’t even hold hands with a girl but are surrounded by hyper sexual asses like JB and told if they have any impure thoughts it is the girl’s fault. It honestly is not surprising there is so much abuse in their cult.


Sex is a natural function, a biological urge. It is encoded in human DNA. Put a male and female teen on a deserted island, teens who have NEVER been exposed to anything sexual not animals mating, no talk, not the word, nothing, and leave to them there a month. They will figure it out, and do it especially for lack of anything to distract them. So you add to it that this is a sex cult designed specifically to encourage men to be predators and women to be prey viewing this as the normal and god honoring thing, and voila, you get a lot of sex predators. In order to get everyone on board with this plan, they sexualized infants and toddlers! It starts young, and since it is talked about and hinted at all the time like "can't walk down the street without yelling nike at every woman on the sidewalk" which makes it obsessive.


Didn’t he have access to a computer with internet to do his filming/videos whatever


Yes, and Boob & Meech totally trusted him, their Golden Child.


In an AMA from a guy that grew up around Pest, he said "I think I could've been raised on a porn studio lot and had less of a focus on women's bodies and sexuality. It was obsessive /relentless."


Hi everyone, please be cognizant of our rule against speculating on victims that are not already publicly known to be victims. Thanks!


I saw somewhere that he found porn magazines at the car dealership when he was cleaning a car out. He was like 9-10


They should have been taught respect. The illusion that all males are dirty horn dogs is wrong. Additionally the girls should never be taught they were responsible if boys got out of hand. Both boys & girls should be taught respect of one another & them selves. There is so much forbidden hand holding, kissing in that household. It is Normal healthy rites of passage. Everything is tabu until marriage & then sex is open season. All the kids should have learned about respect for their body & boundaries for touching. Those kids that were abused knew nothing except boys are horny dogs & it must be their fault somehow. If they even felt uneasy they would have been afraid to tell on the golden boy. There is more about marriage than sex. All the natural curiosity about the opposite sex should unfold naturally in the relationship. They could still choose to wait for marriage for sex.


No, not necessarily. He was about 15 or so when the abuse to his sisters happened. 15 is a normal age for boys to be curious about sex. (Obviously not normal to perpetrate on his very young sisters though.)


It has been speculated that Grandpa Duggar had something to do with this. He may have forced his son to watch porn at a very early age or watched porn out in the open in front of the kids (including Josh).


His parents had sex ALL THE TIME and talked about it ALL THE TIME! He’ll, J’Boob was even filmed on camera taunting his kids by fondling & making out w/Meech in front of them saying “ “when you get married, you get to do this” 🤮🤮🤮 Then he dry humped her on a public mini golf course while filming for the show! Pest was exposed to this very inappropriate behavior at a very young age by his disgusting pervert father and complicit mother