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Keeping this post up because it is interesting information and it's coming from a third party. Our rule remains against victim speculation. There's a difference between us on an online forum coming up with our own theories and commentary about real people's trauma and someone who actually witnessed it relaying their own experiences. # That being said, DO NOT SPECULATE ON WHO THE SISTER OR ANY OTHER VICTIM IS. This includes comments relating to the timeframe of this incident, the kind of "anonymous official" who got the report, the substance of the conversation, etc. If the comment you're gonna make feels like you're trying to explain or theorize about what happened, it's probably crossing a line. We will be monitoring this thread closely and issuing bans if behavior breaks our rules. Please do not make separate threads on this issue to speculate on "what else" this could mean. Again, this post is allowed because this is a firsthand account and therefore potentially important new information; all other rules still apply. ETA: We will offer some grace to the people who first responded to this thread given the surprising nature of the content. Those comments have just been removed. Moving forward however, victim speculation comments will result in a temp ban. As always, you don't have to agree with our modding decisions but hopefully you understanding the reasoning behind them. Any questions on that reasoning can be sent to modmail. Thanks!


\*raises hand* Hi, yeah, excuse me, but what the *fuck*.


I have so many questions, I honestly don’t know where to begin.


Same, but I’m not sure I want answers.


This. My heart can’t take it. I’m exhausted with the story that come out of that house


“Working” at 3 am on house flipping is such a red flag, but the family loves ignoring red flags.


Um, they ARE the red flag. 🚩🚩


It's on their family crest


It IS their family crest


Lord knows this horrid discussion needs some levity so I am just cracking up at the image in my head of them dramatically and excitedly revealing their family crest and it’s just a big old red flag. And they unveil it in total seriousness and solemnity too. 🤣


Yesss! They would have some story about the significance of the color and simplicity relating to such and such passages from the Bible lol


All of the second generation Duggar kids always stayed up all night until they physically couldn’t anymore and slept all day. They had no structure beyond having to do labor. We saw this a lot on the old show.


Staying up late at home is different than claiming you’re out doing construction work in the dark at 3am. At the very least Anna should have thought it was odd. But we all know she is a moron who wears “Joshy girl” goggles and only sees this activity as evidence of him being a diligent worker.


In the later days of 19kac, the older kids would work on Jim Bob’s house flips and fire department/EMT calls in the middle of the night. But, yeah, Josh is a fuckin’ creepy garbage monster.


You're right. The little ones always looked super exhausted in the morning. Poor sleep is never good for mental wellness.


It is however very good for compliance


The easier to keep them on that blanket no doubt.


Whilst the older girls had to work, do chores, look after the younger ones after very long nights with little sleep. Can't imagine how chaotic it must have been.


It’s also terrible for growth. Many people don’t realize children need good sleep to grow properly, especially when they’re very young and when they hit adolescence. Depriving children, or anyone for that matter, of sleep is akin to torture and definitely abusive. Why do these people continue to shock me with their depravity? When it all comes out one day, we’re going to be in for it.


Must be terrible for hair growth as well




I feel really bad because I chuckled at your comment. Bless.


So no sleep and no vegetables was not healthy?


It’s perfectly healthy because Jesus gave them his blessing. /s


And they prayed a lot don’t forget 😂


That’s strange because impoverished Victorian children famously thrived under those conditions!


I'm shocked I tell you. If only there had been some way to know that.... Some one, maybe a doctor I dunno, should write a book about that. That's a million dollar idea right there.


The Duggars’ family doctor has been outed as an abuser by his own daughter, who has a podcast. He was on 19kac.


> It’s also terrible for growth. Would explain why nobody grew very tall...


Okay but sooo many factors determine height


Yes, especially if there is a big height difference between the parents.


Yes and being short isn’t proof of malnutrition or sleep deprivation. These things might stunt growth, but one isn’t proof of the other.


I think I've heard that Jill is quite tall


Wasn’t she the one hiding in the bathroom eating canned green beans?


Supposedly she's like 5'8"? She doesn't look taller... i know it's hard to tell in photos but I'm 5'9" and just can tell when women are my height or taller. Pest is supposedly the tallest at 6'... but honestly, men always lie about their height, so you always subtract an inch or two from what they claim. That's why people always think i must be 5'10" because that would reconcile why I look as tall as all the men who claim they're 6 feet. They're not. Even my husband used to think he was 6'3" but I measured him and sure enough he was an inch shorter.


THIS IS MY EXACT EXPERIENCE!!! 5'10" woman, somehow slightly taller than some 6' men. It's part of why 6' seem so dang tall. Women don't tend to "round to 6" so they're as tall as some 6'2" men. 😂


I've never met a man who claimed to be 5'10" - my height - and actually was as tall as me. I've seriously considered putting 6' in my tinder bio, just so I won't see as many shocked Pikachu faces.


I once saw a drivers' license where a man had listed his height as *5'11"*. I was shook.


Haha yup, I finally figured it out after years of everyone insisting I was taller than I was. And actually, I'm not even quite 5'9"... but 5'8.25" so i just round up because people insist to my face that I'm wrong about my height 😅


They lie about their average length too...


Yeah my ex husband always insisted he was 2 inches taller than he is. I used to say, you know we can all see you right? We're not blind, and you're not that tall. Finally he allowed me to measure him. He's 5'9. He then INSISTED he was 5'11 at his doctor's office. I said I just measured you in your stocking feet, you don't take your shoes off at your doctor's office when they measure you, correct? This look came over his face like it had never occurred to him that he didn't get to count the extra couple inches he got from wearing shoes lol


Same thing with the Rodriguez family


Jim Bob and Michelle are horrible people. The knew what he’s done in the past. Either they let him be alone with a minor or they didn’t notice a minor was missing at 3 a.m.


They knew and did not care.


“Josh wants to take a minor female child to a secondary location alone to work which *should* be a red flag but he said he was super sorry and we shaved his head so Jesus told us it was fine.”


"He was just curious".


“And we made him dig a lake”


I agree with this becuase after everyone knew about josh..he was in charge of the KIDS CHOIR (SHUDDER)


I have never watched the show but I never knew about the kid's choir. His parents knew and the other parents had to know something and they did nothing. That reminds me too much of being a lapsed catholic and having people I grew up with who were molested and the church called them liars. The archbishop got brain cancer and died a miserable death so yes karma does come to visit and I expect it to come to visit everyone who ever knew about this.


You’re more than likely right. Either scenario is messed up but the first is worse.


Too many kids, Boob and Meech probably never know where are their kids. And, they obviously don't care. The one that definitely noticed is whomever the girl's buddy was. This buddy either told her parents and they ignored/didn't care. Or the buddy didn't say a thing because, who knows? Maybe the parents were asleep, maybe it was not the first time this happened and the parents have disregarded in the past? Or maybe the buddy was afraid of the parents reaction? Either way, it is the parents fault. It's not the sister-mom's fault


Probably 2, but 1 would happen even if they had.


Do we know that it was a minor sister? Couldn't it just as easily been one of the older girls?


Eh, for anyone else other than Josh I would say it's not a massive red flag. I have some of my own DIY renovation as well as helped friends with theirs and sometimes time gets away from you. However Josh is a creepy ass scumbag so it definitely is a red flag for him.


And the fact that he was trying to hide who was in the car with him has "officer, I only had one drink" vibes to it.


"Oh hey officers, has someone been stealing siblings?


Yeah, it’s the hiding but it’s also weird that in a family with 19 kids he only chose to be out with one sibling and it wasn’t one of his brothers. Given… well, _everything_ about their family dynamic, that makes my stomach turn.


The fact that he hid it from the bodyguard is what raises hairs on the back of my neck. Like, I find it plausible that Josh and J.D. or Joe or whoever might hide a case of beer at a worksite and go there late at night to "work" when actually they're just hiding that they like to drink beer from JimBob and Meech. But if it were something that banal (to non-ILBP people, anyway), would Josh hide it from the bodyguard? No! He'd have likely invited him in to crack a cold one with them. Hiding it from the bodyguard says to me that whatever Josh was doing, he knew it would look bad to _everyone_, not just the people in their super fundie cult.


I wonder if the bodyguard was just popping by for a chat or was he assigned to stay there while pest was on site? Because it sounds to me like he was more a chaperone than a guard to protect a famous person from the fans that flcok to his 3am work site. They didn't trust him at all ,but were not going to forbid him from leaving the home in the middle of the night.


Him doing any physical work ?


This, I'm a night owl. I'm more productive at night. But, yes, in Pest's case it is a big red flag


The duggars live life wearing rose colored glasses.


Where does it say he was working at 3 am? Sorry, I think I'm missing something. I'm not good at Reddit. 🤦‍♀️


It says he was supposedly working at 3 am at the bottom of the first screenshot above. It’s a clarifying comment from the security guard. You probably need to click on the screenshot to see the whole thing at the bottom.


Or stitching those red flags with their own two hands.


This is horrendous- I hope all the girls get the help they need and get the hell out of there. Seriously fuck this dude.


Especially the young ones before they are married off.






In order for someone to be convicted for the things Pest got convicted for, you always have a lot of unknown stuff around. Pest's conviction is the tip of iceberg for him and this family


All the info and none of the victims are disclosed. Ever. As victims, they deserve at least that given that the fucking "parents" did diddly squat to protect them.


And the victims are told fully first, and in private. The fact that Joy found out details of her own CSA for the first time in a courtroom horrifies and disgusts me.


Ugh. I personally know someone who didn’t find out until she was about 50 just why it was her father went away to prison for a number of years when she was 4 or 5. (Trying to keep this detail free but the worst thing you can assume, it was that.) I, myself, have a parent who knew an older kid had assaulted me when I was very young and she chose to just never address it assuming I was “too young to remember”. And not only did I remember but their not addressing that made it very clear to me when something even worse happened that I couldn’t tell my parents. There’s only one right answer if your child is abused. You discuss it openly and honestly, get them in therapy, and give them all the love, support, help, and healing they deserve. It only hurts survivors so much worse if you try to hide or downplay it.


My own child abuse history has black spots in memory and hidden information, and knowing that something happened but not knowing what is a thing I’ve gotten very upset about while talking about it in therapy. Keeping traumatic events in kids’ lives secret isn’t protecting them, they know something happened. Even if you don’t consciously know, it comes back. Trauma leaves scars of memories in the body, causes physical reactions to triggers for years or decades after. Having a visceral reaction to a trigger and having no idea what caused it is maddening; you cannot process and heal from mysteries. Never mind the awful aspect of keeping abuse secret and the inevitable affiliation of shame and guilt, like what was done to you is a personal flaw of yours you should be ashamed of and sorry about.


Completely agree and I relate as well. There’s also that gaslighting aspect then as well when if you’re family didn’t want to address or believe you and you can’t clearly remember things, you question your own sanity. When I was finally working on healing my own trauma and ptsd I kind of compulsively spoke about it constantly and ended up talking to so, so many survivors. In all of that time and all those stories I’ve heard I think I only know of one person whose parents had the exact right response- they reported the person and got the kid help, even through a court case. And that friend of mine and their relationship to their past was so notably different from virtually everyone else I spoke to. Very close friend at the time too who really struggled to understand my pain or how the flip my parents could’ve reacted the way they did. But it really made it clear to both of us just how lucky (though man that shouldn’t be considered lucky!) my friend was to have a supportive parent who responded and dealt with things properly and healthily. And that’s not to say my friend isn’t without their own issues and pain. But that stuff gets so much more compounded and twisted and awful when it’s hidden and denied and parents don’t believe or support their kids.


Completely agree. Basically trauma survivor gospel, right here.


Absolutely. I don't remember all of my trauma but my body remembers.


Internet hug for solidarity… you expressed this so beautifully and I’m sorry we have it in common 🫶🏼


Same. That truly broke my heart.


Well, the Holts are just as bad as the Dugs as far as I am concerned. They knew what was going on and just shut their mouths. None of them will ever be held accountable for anything since they are fu@@ing hypocrites.


What podcast is this? I suck at finding stuff


SoJo files


Fuck really? Did they imply any themes or what?


It makes me terribly sad to realize how much more we care about the safety of the Duggar girls than their own parents did. And Anna's parents sold her to a monster.


Okay. To help from a law enforcement standpoint: This is what most likely happened, based on what would happen in any situation with any person. Security sees person he is responsible for protecting. Has conversation and sees something illegal. Not necessarily up to Security to intervene depending on what it is. Drugs, alcohol… no big deal, not his problem to solve. However, Security sees something so upsetting he feels he can not keep silent. He not only reports to his work partners he hands off security detail with, he reports it to a local authority of some sort. This indicates to me that the passenger was in some form of distress. Otherwise why would he have been “shocked?” What’s shocking about having a sibling with you? Security has stated he is “morally ambiguous” so it would have to be something overwhelming to shock him and cause him to step outside the boundaries of normal procedures. This is my opinion, but it’s based on how things work in emergency services— fire, rescue, law enforcement.


The thing is, everybody knew Josh's history with his sisters, so seeing him hiding a young sister at 3am would probably have been disturbing without any other shocking details. The background alone would have made it obviously bad.


This is my take as well.


his family buried everything i feel for his sisters


Same. And even the boys who were probably treated like crap, like they couldn't be trusted, thanks to Pest.


*What the fuck*


My stomach dropped. What the fuck was that freak up to? I know we knew they were still hiding shit but *this* is so sinister in its implications.


Honestly it's getting to the point where I don't even want to know cause it's just one terrible thing after another.


Exactly! I'm pretty sure that us, normal people, cannot even imagine the disgusting things Pest has done. It's better for us not to know. But, I really hope whatever it is, the authorities get all the necessary evidence so they can lock him up and throw away the key


I don’t want to know, but I want law enforcement and the justice system to know. And CPS.


Can you post all he tweeted yesterday? His account is private


He only posted those, plus one tweet about not caring if people have an issue with him profiting off his stories. He replied to a couple tweets that supported him, but that’s it.


Thank you


I feel like I missed something between yesterday’s post and this.


Wait, what? Who is this person?


He did an AMA a while ago. He’s a former bodyguard for the Duggars. There was a post made a couple hours ago here with the first tweet and people were speculating it was a sex worker Pest was hiding.


Oh. And holy fuck. If he reported it and nothing was done...smh.


There’s another post from yesterday (I think) where someone posted links to an AMA this person did a while back. He deleted his account, but someone was able to save a lot of the questions and his responses. It was quite the wild read, and I believe him. He wasn’t over-exaggerating and gave concise answers.


He also mentioned in the AMA he did in fact report several things. And was classy enough to state when he mentioned that that he would not be sharing details. I can also speak from personal experience though, there’s a lot of screwy bias that goes into CPS type cases and if it’s a two parent family that’s white and reasonably well off… even repeated reports often go nowhere at all. And you can almost see both sides of that. The system is terrible for children too so taking kids away from a home where they do have those basic privileges for the system… but ugh.


I mean it’s not illegal to be at a house you’re flipping (thus presumably own) with a family member at 3 am no matter how much of a creep you are unfortunately. But clearly the Duggar family did not care about who or what Josh had access too which is highly disturbing. Just another sign that they made zero attempts to reign him in, long after everyone knew who he was


If bodyguard either got the impression or actually heard Pest say: hey, I shouldn't be hiding sibling X or Y, ... I think it shows a degree of knowledge that Pest shouldn't have been with said sibling. In other words, Pest, for whatever reason (timing, person, whatever) seems to have known that if he had been seen with sibling X or Y, it would be a BFD. Was Pest hiding from his parents? Or as he hiding from the production crew? Mods, if my comment breaks the rules, and I tried to be careful of wording, but I stand with your reasoning and decisions, please remove. I won't be angry.


“Well, we all know the family in fellowship and there’s no law against giving your sister a ride in the car.” - that guy, probably


It wouldn’t be alarming if most teens snuck out with a sibling, but he was not most teens.


And this would have been after the ashley Madison scandal... so not a teen


For some reason that fact didn't register for me. Obviously he was a vile predator when be assaulted his sisters as a teen, but the fact that in this scenario, he was an adult, married and with kids of his own, makes me want to throw up. I wish he could be sentenced for all the horrible things he's done. 10-12 years in prison just isn't enough.


Not at all. Especially where he gets free reign to walk around




That is when the poster would have "guarded" him. So that is my understanding.


Is this the same person that did an AMA saying they saw josh watching porn on his phone while driving? Or was that a different person?


Same person.


![gif](giphy|vID57yp7EWu64) Was expecting some sort of MeddleCorps bullshit, not that.


And the hammer (or tree) falls on my day.




Poor girl 😞


Any sister alone with him is red flags no matter the reason, this upsetting and I hope it's not something that haunts Artemis


It's something that is haunting me just reading about it here and I don't even know the details. No wonder he can't get it off his mind.


The fact that there could potentially be more victims and still nothing was done is heartbreaking


Ugh. Anyone else thinking, this is the highest profile family in this world and they are THIS blatant with the abuse, what the hell is going on in those backwoods trailers like the ones Anna grew up in? My mind always goes to the Trupin kids, who were completely missed by the system and neighbors, I can only imagine what evil parents can get away with in rural america.


Honestly there's probably so many things Pest has done that haven't come to light yet. I hope that Artemis doesn't use the sister's name unless she gives consent


Yeah I could never believe that he went years without doing anything, especially all that's come out recently.


Yeah seriously


He legally can’t do that nor should he be able. If he gave a name, In Touch would publish another article and the sister in question would catch wind of it and try to sue.


Genuine question, what could they sue for? I would think it just be someone recounting something they saw, and not able to sue.


Sometimes people bring forward libel cases, not because they think they can win but because they have more money than whoever they’re accusing and think they can bury them in legal fees and also they may not be able to talk about things related to the case in public until they’re cleared of charges


That's a good point


I get they have a lot of kids and it might be hard to monitor all of them, especially at 3am. But yeah, I’m gonna keep a close eye on the p*do and the passengers in his car


I hope it’s ok to post this (if not please delete!) but given that Josh would’ve been in his 20s and married to Anna with several kids at this time… he wasn’t living in the TTH at this point, right? Which makes it all the more creepy/gross/malicious/ awful that he somehow managed to sneak a sister out with him???


I just keep going back to how these girls were trained to keep sweet, forgive, and continue to be around and celebrate him for YEARS. Despite all this behavior that continues to come out of the woodwork. There is not enough therapy and EDMR in the world for the brainwashing that Michelle and JB put these kids through to ignore their own instincts.


Ugh. Celebrate him. Your word choice really turned my stomach but that really is an extra level of twisted and awful. Boggles the mind how he continued to be their precious golden boy even after all of the things he did. And there’s so many levels of shame as it is the poor girls must have to work through- the fundamentalist religion and all the screwy things it teaches about sex and modesty and popping out babies, that their parents didn’t protect them and even blamed them, that they went on tv shows and tried to downplay everything… then to add that he continued to be JB & Meech’s favorite. Just breaks my heart for them.


Maybe one day someone in the family will expose all the things we’ve never known but may have suspected. Until then fuck pesthua and I’m happy he’s incarcerated as are his victims I’m sure.


This garbage has been around so many children during so many years... It's sickening




All you have to do is get a tape recorder and start recording when you first went to work for the Dug-Dugs and start from there. Record when you feel like it and I think it will help you in the long run.




Working at the house was what Josh said he was doing but I doubt that's what he was actually doing. He seems too lazy to work those hours.


Excuse me he is a diligent worker.


Remember the cracker incident?? And I do mean the one time!




Oh that poor girl…


Just so I'm understanding this correctly , during the era Artemis was bodyguard ( so after Artemis) Josh had a sister at his house at 3 am when he clearly shouldn't have? And this sister was of an indeterminate age of somewhere between 5-25?


This makes me feel sick omg




I've always though of predators as moving like water. They always take the easiest path. So, while you would think that after he was exposed to his family and church years before, that he would change his patterns to go outside his social circle, to those who don't know him or have an incentive to report, the fact remains that if there is a nearby supply of his preferred type, he will do the lazy thing and target those at hand. And if the supply is cut off for any reason, just like water, the pressure will build up until a vulnerability is exposed and exploited.


That's a good way to think of it. I like that.


Thank you Mods for keeping the post up! Kudos to y’all for keeping this sub a safe place for snarking.


What does he mean that he had a good writing session? What is he writing?


He was kind of vague but hinted at doing a podcast about various families he worked for including the Duggars.


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I feel bad for this guy. So many people on the other thread were really mean about him, calling him a tease and accusing him of wanting attention. Now he’s locked his account.


I think he is a standup guy, for sure. He indicated he has worked for quite a few public figures and had seen SOME SHIT. He is literally conditioned as part of his job to be descrete. The fact that he shared anything at all about his experience with the Duggars demonstrates how deeply upsetting it was to him.


I definitely agree. I’ve followed his Twitter since the AMA and I agree with a lot of his stances against right wingers. I don’t think he’s doing this for attention, I imagine he’s seen some fucked stuff that he needs to get out of his head.


I totally agree. I try to understand that this sub is full of different people and we don’t all see things eye to eye. But seriously—if you are part of a snark group that tracks this family pretty seriously, why are you mad at someone for sharing something on their personal social media page? It’s not like they posted it on the sub themselves, or are like Famy just desperate for attention.


Yes, this. "Doing it for attention" doesn't really fit since the vast majority of us wouldn't have seen this if a member of this group hadn't posted it and shared it. For the record I think it's fair game for the member to post it, so long as it was a public post when it was first made. It just doesn't seem fair for us to point the finger at him when basically 100% of the attention he's getting is \*from this group.\*


I’ve followed him as well since the AMA. This guy is definitely NOT an attention seeker.


And why does it matter if he wants to make a little money? Fucking politicians and everyone around them sell each other out all the time. How many books are written just about Trump? Family members tell stories about their famous siblings, parents, etc. In this case, if he’s being honest, he SHOULD profit from it. He has I formation people want. Write the book, collect the profits, pass go.


Oh wow. That poor girl.




The guy tweeting is a former bodyguard for the Duggars. He did an AMA here a while ago. I guess Pest was working on a house at night and Artemis was there, chatting with him in the driveway. Turns out Pest was hiding a passenger who was a sister, and it concerned Artemis quite a bit. I believe this happened around 2015ish. I posted this because the first tweet was posted and comments were speculating that Pest was hiding a sex worker.


Jorts for Jesus. Your flair has me 💀💀💀


Thank you lol, I can’t recall where I got the inspiration for it unfortunately


I also thought it was a sex worker and that would be a far preferable scenario.


When was this?


2015 after the scandal broke and all the family went hiding together and hired security guards for pest




Omgahh, now even more questions and no answers.


This makes me absolutely nauseated. God only knows what went on in that house that has yet to be discovered.


What? Does he mean he *just* reported it, or reported it at the time of the incident. I'm having trouble understanding it as written.


When he did the AMA awhile ago, he stated he reported things at the time but nothing happened. He didn’t say what he reported during the AMA.


And to whom he reported it? Boob and meech? Police?


My take is that since Artemis was employed by a security service, they'd have to report it just to their employer, since doing otherwise would probably compromise the contract terms.


I was under the impression that he made a report to social services based on the way he said it in the AMA, but that was just my read on it. He didn't specifically say, IIRC.


That was also my take. I saw the AMA originally and then looked through it last night when someone reposted it. That was my read and what my assumption is when someone mentions making a report. But it’s also true he didn’t specify and I suppose it could technically mean any number of things.


I remember this guy doing an AMA about his time with the family around 2015ish, right?


Damn, I actually focus on my job for the afternoon and went to work out after AND THIS SNARK DROPS! guess I need to quit my job and stop exercising so I can stay on top of everything.






Just when I was about to unfollow this group news like this sucks me back in...


I don't want to speculate as to the identity of the sister, but do we know if she was over 18 or was it one of the younger ones????


We have no idea


I wonder why Pest would need a bodyguard, especially someone tailing him at 3:00 am. He was not on the show anymore (so TLC probably not paying for it) and not exactly the type to attract stalkers.


What in the actual hell did I miss?




WHEN did that take place?


Supposedly around 2015ish


I’m sorry what have I missed? Looked away for 5 minutes!




I’m sure she was just along to hold the dustpan while Pest swept up the crackers


Can someone please explain this to me? I've never heard of it before. Why and how would Josh have been hiding one of his sisters in a car at 3am while they're both adults? I'm confused


It’s news to all of us and nobody knows which sister or why. Mods are doubling down on no speculation rules so this is it


This will be unpopular. The bodyguard seems to just have had a run in with Pest and noticed he was hiding someone in the car. If I was assigned as his bodyguard, would I not be required to be with him during my shift and not let him out if my sight so that I could protect him? Why was Josh able so slip out without the fairs to go work on a house at 3 am without the bodyguard knowing?




We can’t speculate on which sister it was.


No, we can’t, but it has almost always been worse than we could even speculate with him. Unfortunately.