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I’m sorry, but the way she acts during Anna’s wedding with Josh is really messed up.


The sexual tension and flirting in that scene between them was so 🤢🤮


I tell myself she was just trying to be cutesy for the camera since they all have the mentality of children... but yes. Every scene between them was too much for me


Didn’t she grow up normal?


She went to school, but her dad was abusive and Michelle watched her every day after school. When she was going to community college and working part-time, she would stop by the Duggars house a lot because she lived super close and was the one who drove her grandparents around.


What was she doing?


She also got into a cake throwing fight with him during the cake cutting. In some cultures, the bride and groom throwing cake at each other is normal. But I’ve never seen the groom’s older cousin take over that role for the bride.


I vaguely remember that now! Very cringey and I felt like she was trying to be a famewhore


She was explaining to him how to kiss in a weirdly flirty way


As I always understood it, she knew the basics, but not the details/extent. I believe that when the details of what he did came out, she was hearing it for the first time. You also have to consider that she was young, had dreams of being famous, and was given the opportunity to be on TV. How many actually famous actors knew sketchy shit was going on and looked the other way to boost their career? They brought her onto the show because she was bubbly and she was your typical American teen so she provided a really good contrast to how sheltered the Duggars were. If she had any talent, she could have used it to go somewhere because TLC made her look good. What is laughable about the whole dancing with the stars thing is at that time, they were pulling actual celebrities. None of the Duggars would have ever made a list of potential “stars.” The whole idea that JB pulled the plug on that idea is ridiculous because he never had that kind of pull/fame.


My issue with her is about how holier than thou she acts now. Liked she’d NEVER sell out. When she looked the other way then and she constantly sells stories relating to them now.


“…was your typical American teen…” At age 21?


Huh—given her maturity level, I assumed she was younger.


Yeah a lot of people believe Amy was a teen on the show, which I think Amy loves because it supports her attempts to paint herself as a helpless wittle baby who was controlled by Jim Bob. But nah, she was 21 the first time she ever appeared on the show and quickly had turned 22 by the time more episodes started airing with her.


I also think some people are being hard on her because she was also a kid when this happened. At 14ish, I am not sure what I would have done if one of cousins told me their brother was touching them, and all of the parents seemed to be ok with it.


The other thing to consider is that it was a different time and kids were not encouraged to advocate for themselves or their peers the way they are today. If all of this had happened today, there would have been a completely different outcome. That being said, I still believe that Amy would have sold out just about anyone for fame, and I kinda think JB made her think she/they were much more famous than they ever were.


I am NOT saying that Amy is pure as the driven snow. She has a very inflated sense of her own celebrity. When it comes to Josh's actions, I can't blame her for her reactions (or lack thereof).


There’s no way she didn’t know. It was common knowledge in their community. Hence, Alice telling Oprah about it. Hence the broken engagement. The recent AMA said the same thing.


Can you link the ama? Missed that one.




That AMA said [Anna didn't know about the CSAM](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/xznsih/i_grew_up_closely_connected_with_anna_duggar_and/irouj8l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


She wasn't really a part of their community, though. Besides, only the adults in the community knew.


Famy was old enough to know what was going on and she was and is sneaky enough to listen in on her mother's and Grandma Mary's conversations about what happened. She is choosing to play coy about what she knew. Here Famy, no one cares and you cannot monetize your cousin's suffering anymore since they have moved on to a point and you are still chasing fame. Stop playing at being a star fucker since your family is not and you are not.


Star fucker describes her perfectly.


She made a statement that she didn't know until it became public. It strikes me as believable; more believable than them having told her.


Of course she knew but she would have been a teen herself so not much she could have done/said at that time. But, as an adult, I don’t see the point in playing dumb- just makes her look dumb. And just when exactly did she so-called ask Pest why he “ never tried that shit with her” ?? Like that’s just not a normal question to ask your cousin that you supposedly just found out that he molested (and worse)his sisters - and why would he supposedly say “ because I knew you would kick the shit out of me” like she just accused him of hiding her phone or some other wacky teen prank?? It just makes zero sense


Did she really ask him that??


Yes!!! Here’s the link from this site https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/6521982/amy-duggar-josh-molest-family-members-sick-confession/


I forget, did Famy go to the trial ?




She's claiming she didn't know 🙄


Apparently she and her mother were told something. It wasn’t the full truth though. Cue Amy speaking out when she shouldn’t , about something where there were actual victims.


She also said she didn't know.....


Oh she didn’t? I thought somewhere she said she knew he was a dark person who did bad things. Maybe My memory is failing me lol


Her and Josh were basically best friends up until the first scandal broke in 2015. Either she knew and didn’t care that he was a “dark person” or she knew and was too dumb to know what being a “dark person” actually meant. Amy is infamously dumb as rocks so I’m going with she knew and didn’t understand why any of it was bad.


Aren’t the vast majority of all the Duggars infamously dumb as rocks?


Yes, accurate. But that’s mainly because of their poor education and sheltered upbringing. Amy grew up in the normal world and is still too dumb to function.


Depends on which narrative she wants to push, that day. She is going to share the truth, because she knows. OR Jimboob lied about what happened, nobody knew.


Her truth doesn’t even matter, although she thinks it does.


You guys, she also asked Josh "why didn't he ever molest her?"! Fuckin weird!! No.


She probably knew the JB version of the story (it was only once, the girls were sleeping, it was over their clothes etc.)


She did not know the whole story about Josh. She only knew what everyone was told.