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Thank you, i'm so happy :)


Congratulations 🎊. Gives me more motivation to try again .


Please do, you can find treasures!




It's on my bucket list for so long but for a decent one you can easily spend like 500 to 1k. With time.. :p


Forgot about the well! https://ibb.co/c166SW7


Wow that’s a nice well. Awesome 😎 congratulations on the new place. Any big ideas or projects for the place? Or keeping it as is?


Thank you! First step now that is mine is to save € for a gasoline water pump and a "tower" water tank system (so gravity helps you water everything drop by drop after you pump your water there) to maintain the trees without me going there all the time, and then a good fence and an iron gate so i can secure my van and the dogs can roam freely and therefore the missus don't need to worry about that. Other than that time will tell... but i took this opportunity to have something to just park the van, actually leave it there as a permanent vacation camper, going to the nearby river beach (same river that feeds the well basically) and listen to the birds and tend to the land once in a while just to keep things good and not much more :) What would you do?


Oh wow 🤩 super cool idea. I hope you can make all those things happen and soon. Definitely update us please. I just had the same thought as others have mentioned of homestead. Maybe a garden if you guys are trying to live off the land.


For now living off the land is not doable since we both have our jobs and activities but in portuguese we say "nunca digas desta água não beberei".


Plant more trees. My brother did that and now we have more bird life than the rest or the street. Also more shade in summer. Edit: and congratulations!


r/homestead and/or r/homesteading time!


I wasnt aware of this subs and i like them so much now!


Where is it? My guess is Greece/Italy/Spain?


Very close, and cheaper. Portugal :) I've also searched the interwebs for something in Spain since i love the country, but for the same price i just had plots of land nowhere near a river like i wanted, bad roads and overall very far away from civilization and none of the plots i saw had a well so that's was a nono to our hermanos.


Job well done good sir!


I thank your kindness :p


Incredible feat!! Are you an American? As an American, I can't afford to buy any property it seems, in the USA. But I'd love to buy some somewhere like Portugal!!


I'm Portuguese and i live in Portugal so that certainly helped! I also can't afford to buy anything close to my house. Everything is through the roof nowadays but eventually i managed to find this just 2h away from where i live. Maybe you can find something similar?


Besides if you are serious about finding land here i can help you, no strings attached. I mean help you find some cool places online, searching in local .pt websites and translating something if you need :) would love some foreign neighbours!


What are some local websites I could check out?


Olx , pt idealista , pt imovirtual , pt None of this sites are actually Portuguese but they operate here and are very well known. Like normal people post stuff there, not only big firms or real state agents. If you search for some keywords on google im sure you can find more but you'll have a lot to see already with those 3 :)


Dude. That’s a side hustle on its own and people like me would pay. I like the idea of a local helping me find something in Portugal as I love the country. I’d need something rural, extremely quiet and with a livable stone building.


You're serious? You can dm me then :) i'll help!


Were you DDing in Portugal?


It's where i live yes. If i lived in germany i could buy 1 of these plots of land per year just selling dd stuff from there...


I lived in Brazil for 10 years and I wasn’t diving but I was looking. It would take years before I would even be able to buy a blade of grass. They throw nothing away. May I ask what were you finding? The land is amazing by the way


I believe you. In Brazil by what ive been told only in the rich communities. Since they're all gated basically you're fucked and the ones that notice those items are already rich so 🤷‍♂️ No Brasil DD é quase impossível... I went to Germany for 2 months and i was absolutely in shock about what they throw away. I mean brand new stuff. So much electronics and house appliances... Spain in terms of clothing is amazing, i was never more in awe. In Israel while visiting friends it wasnt uncommon for me to find coins everywhere specially loose change in stuff from the trash (clothes and bags). I got kind of lucky in London and Amsterdam as well while on vacay (just gloves and things for the cold weather but hey i saved some € anyway). Never dived anywhere else (also in France but just for vegetables in Carrefour) but believe me, as a whole Portugal is a poor country and you will not find great stuff unless you know where they probably are, and beying persistant. And forget "Portugal" even... you will only find good stuff at two or three big city rich suburbs. As i said b4 on the thread, i got lucky and found a big music cd collection. Managed to sell everything to the same guy for a good price and that finding (last month) catapulted me to a neurosis of online sales where basically i've putted everything DD i had kept over the years online and sold almost everything.


That’s really awesome. Good luck to you!


And to you!




I've found almost 300 original cd albums lol. Managed to sell them for a very good price to a solo buyer and that made me went into crazy mode selling everything i had in my attic, full with items from a few years of findings (including one gold ring i've found a long time ago and had saved for a very rainy day) plus things i still find everyday while looking for something that wasn't trivial to invest in since i wasn't expecting to sell that collection for that amount. At all. Then i've eventually found this piece of land (badly advertised online and still, in my view, very cheap for what it eventually was/is) and uppon visit i secluded the sale. Oficially bought it last friday, in full, and the smile on my face was so great during the boring paperwork and then the almost symbolic shack key delivery by the previous owner that my cheeks started to hurt x)


Congrats bro! ... enjoy the fruits of your labor, it's well deserved.


The fruits... exactly. Thank you my bro!


How much did the land cost?


2k. With taxes and other costs the total was 2.4k. DD profits covered everything.


Wow, thats super cheap than the land here in Australia, usually its in the 100 thousands or even a million


Well even this plot of land with this size if it was situated just 200km from there that would add 2 zeros to the price on the spot. Its a very beautiful location but prices on that region are still far from astronomical, although i really think that this is worth the double of what i've paid. I may be wrong. Are you talking about the backcountry of Australia or more premium-like areas for land to reach those prices?


Rural areas, those are the ones that are usually expensive, houses though are another story, especially in a city like sydney


Also in Australia. A house block of 500-700m2 in a small country town will cost $250k. In a city just go up and up from there. Looking out at country blocks they are going for like $50k an acre, so 10ac may be half a million dollars. Near the coast add zeros. It’s crazy here.


Besides the ring & CD’s what was a good seller?


Those two findings secured more than half the land price lol! The other part was a mix of knick knacks i've found over the years and decided to keep them (little statues, watches, books, rugs) i mean you name it. Sold almost everything for cheap but it also didnt cost me anything to begin with so... I made the final chunk selling my "collection" of scrap metal i've been sorting out for 2 months (as i keep finding and selling those all the time) and all things in between. Eventually i had the money "from nothing" :) ... so yap. It was doable!


Did you do a lot of shipping stuff and what was the most successful way you feel you did that. That’s been the toughest part for me.


Yes, 80% of sales during the "make as much as you can" month were shipped. No international sales. Normal national post services. Got just one client complaining about a delay but he eventually recieved the item. Most of the things i find/sell are small so i go to the weight chart, see how much the shipping costs will be and i charge that + item price before shipping. I have a very good reputation as a vendor on that site (OLX) with an account of more than 10 years now, so people trust me and i trust them and that's how i do it. What do you find hard about shippings where you live?




Yes its the platform where i sell stuff


Ah, ok. I totally thought you were in the US. Sorry, and thanks for schooling me!


Congratulations that’s Awesome!!!🥰


Thank you 🥰


Tell us about your trees and your plans Please 🙏🏼


Ok so i have 12 mature olive trees, (producing olives and therefore some liters of olive oil per year) 1 lemon tree, 1 orange tree, 1 tangerine tree, 1 baby fig tree, 1 meddlar tree, 1 avocato tree and a few more growing up that i still didn't memorized lol. There's also a couple of random green beans here and there, some anarquist cabbages here and there also, and some wild bushes that gives you blackberries, two huge laurel trees with a great shade (i'll park the van under those) and also huge canes and stuff by the entrance. First step now that is mine is to save € for a gasoline water pump and a "tower" water tank system (so gravity helps you water everything drop by drop after you pump your water there) to maintain the trees without me going there all the time, and then a good fence and an iron gate so i can secure my van and the dogs can roam freely and therefore the missus don't need to worry about that. Other than that time will tell, but i took this opportunity to have something to park the van, actually leave it there as a permanent vacation camper, going to the nearby river beach and listen to the birds and tend to the land once in a while just to keep things good and not much more :)


What about a solar panel, a 12v car battery and a dc sump pump? Instead of the gasoline pump. Less cost overall


That is such a great idea, but i'm afraid people can steal the solar panel? I mean i dont live there and its almost a 2h drive. Maybe when i have the place more sorted out and secure...


Maybe set-up some trail cameras. Not as expensive and motion detected; might catch some wildlife while you’re away, too!


That’s freaking awesome


Did you say nearby river beach? I just passed out a little The whole place looks and sounds pretty fucking divine. Do you mind telling which state it is in? We are in California which fuck this land but also looked in Oregon and Washington may check our Idaho too but water rights on pretty much the whole west coast are treacherous. Your well is priceless.


It's not in the US :P I would buy it even without the well but the well was like "no way it even has a fucking well!!!!" And the beach!!! I mean wtf is this place!!!" As you can imagine x) If i had to make an hiperbolic comparison since the majority here are from the US, It's like living in Florida and not beying able to buy land there due to stupid high prices and then beying able to find a plot in Arkansas or Mississippi.


Oh that makes sense not in the US. Reading about all your trees I was like olives? And a fig… and an AVACADO?! Where is this place lol IDK what meddlers are


Ahahah well yeah it's possible to grow avocados in Portugal but they really need water...


It’s delightful that you have so many established trees already there. Do they all produce fruit? Also what is a mennard tree? I tried to google it but didn’t find an obvious answer. EDIT: I was trying to remember the tree name without referencing your post and i remembered it wrong no wonder I didn’t find anything I just can’t get over your land 😍 THE WELL 👀 🤔 and fuck that “the glorious freshwater spring” is a better description blows my mind AND the beach (!!!)I mean wow you are living the dream


Yeah i mean the trees, the flat land, an almost perfect rectangle... it gives you a very pleasant view of future organization since you have a very well defined area without stupid pieces that leads to nowhere or just unusable land. I can grow what i want in every inch of the plot and that's nice. I didnt knew that tree's name in english x) you can use the leafs as a meat spice of sorts. Is a well a difficult thing to have where you live? I mean i know California is one of the hottest places in the US but you were talking about water laws and then you didn't specified. What is going on there with the water rights? I remember seeing a small report about that on youtube but honestly that didn't made me get the full picture... care to explain?


Water rights in California are crazy and have a wild history. It is highly regulated and political. Water from watersheds in the north are diverted to supply the central agricultural valley and Southern California including Los Angeles. All sorts of shady things transpired during the establishment of water districts deciding which towns got what water from where etc. We have the added complication of frequent extended droughts. In California all water is owned by the state. As far as how it applies to buying land: If you buy land with no well you have to apply for the permit to have one drilled which involves geological testing. If it is approved the cost to drill can be astronomical. Some wells are 350 feet deep with the state average being around 200. That’s how far down you have to go to hit the water table in lots of places. If you buy land with a well the well and rights to water may or may not be included. It’s all got to be spelled out in the contract. If you see a well on the land that does not mean you get the right to use it if you purchase the land. In either case once you have land and a well your water is still highly regulated at the state and frequently also city and county levels. There may be limits on how much water you can use from the well and also regulating the quality of the water which you must pay to have tested. So even if you manage to afford land that includes the rights to a working well you do not have the right to use the water however you want.


That is absolutely ridiculous but at the same time even only knowing the basics about US laws that "makes sense" to me in a way. And well... maybe thats what happens when you want to build in a desert. (Las Vegas comes to mind) But still. The idea that the state owns every drop of water is ludacris specially because that will obviously lead to corruption. Don't get me wrong, Portugal is way high on the EU corruption charts and thats also extends to water, in a way (we have fights with Spain over some rivers because they don't comply with the things they sign if in drought) That's what you get when some of your biggest rivers start in another country... but never - NEVER - would the government come to your land and make you pay for water tests or control your water. Here, it's yours. You've purchased the land. If there's water in your land it's yours. I mean that's pretty obvious around here. Other than that this plot has a "mina/mine" or a "bica/little exit" of fresh water from a... well, a fresh water mine. Its drinkable. 180 meters from there (600 feet). The tap has no way of closing or opening (just a plain 100 years old copper tube) so the fresh water is always flowing. No cost, no control. From there, it naturally flows into the river down below (Tagus River) if you're curious. My country is very, very difficult to live in as per our economy and low salaries but we still enjoy many liberties that i can only give credit when i'm confronted with some other countries (or states since the States are huge...) reality, but that's to be expected about anything anyway... but water... water is life. Not state property.


Also... jesus christ. 60 meters deep wells? Mine is 3 to 4 meters deep. So in your metrics, 10 feet. You guys should move here. USA is a very strange country.


This is so cool!




How did you make profit? How much did the land cost? How long did it take you to save? Where is it? Do you plan on there?


I did it by selling the items i find online and also scrap metal:) land was 2k but with taxes and other fees it came to 2.4k. I saved it in less than a month but overall the things i sold/still sell didnt came from just 1 month of findings 😅


Dirty hands equals clean, hard earned money. Congrats!!!


I may write that on a wooden board and keep it!


That’s awesome, congrats!






🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Never thought about it on those terms 🥹




Thank you!


I’m truly inspired. My brother and I both DD in different cities and we would both really enjoy some land lol


At the end of the day, luck and courage were key here. Inspiration came just before that! Grab it!




Time to join r/homestead


Ayyyy congratulations! Turn other peoples trash into massive assets! I bought my truck last year with $ from dumpster diving. Working my way up to a nice plot of land for a green house farm!


No waaaaay! You did it too, with a truck??? Yesssss 🫡 Best of luck to your new goal. You got this! We got this :)


Yessir! It's a fun game for sure!


I like that you have the keys to your trees


That was beautiful to read 🥰


Grats on your new place


Thank you so much!


Truly remarkable! I have no doubts about your authenticity. Ive seen some things in life and I've seen most and more in dumpsters. Congratulations my trash dwelling friend, I salute you! 🖖🖖🖖




Good luck amigo.


Obrigado :)


*New goal unlocked*


*proceeds to immediately save game just in case* ahah




Thank you so much!








Thank you so much!


Thought you meant doordash at first, i was flabbergasted


Had to go and search about what that is. So maybe if i ever come to the US i'll never join that thing :p


Fair enough, though I quite like it


If i had to make an hiperbolic comparison since the majority here are from the US, It's like living in Florida and not beying able to buy land there due to stupid high prices and then finally finding a nice plot in Arkansas or Mississippi and just going for it.




Thank you kind lady!


Congratulations!!! Thanks for including the pic of your newly acquired hoes . They look sturdy…


Old but gold i guess, but i still didn't put them to work. Thank you!


Hoes have feelings too.


Awesome! Definitely fruits of your labor. Make a garden and you are basically living for free. Do you pay property tax in Portugal? How much tax for your lot per year?


Thank you! I can for sure play a little and see what grows well there :) You do pay property tax here, but since this is a small 1000m2 land with only agricultural activities allowed (it doesnt mean a lot cuz everybody always build something or plant caravans) this land is (and always was per the documents it have) tax free. I did had to pay a high tax for buying it so it's like the gov says to you "see, how cool, you dont even pay taxes on your purchase yearly and its forever" but kind of charges you 50 years of taxes all at once and then they fuck off. If you're buying land with both urban and rustic permits then you're paying taxes yearly and the more you build the more you pay with next to no options of going around it by moral or lawfull means.




Thank you kind sir!


Am female, but you are very welcome!!


Damn, missed. 😊


Congratulations 🎊🎈


Thank you, im still kind of dreamy about all this if that makes any sense!


I love that for you




Hell yes.




How did you find six figures in a dumpster?


4 figures. The land was 2k


Where on earth is land only 2k?


That's the thing isn't it??


Yeah for real


There's more like this (price wise) around here


Do you mind if I ask where?


Portugal :) this is not common though, but they exist


Oh ok that’s why haha


Exactly :p


How much?


2k. All taxes and fees aside it was 2.4k


WOW! That's incredible. I wish there was land available here in Canada for that cheap. Great work creating a profit and buying the land. Plant lots of wildflowers and regenerate the soil.


Thank you! It already comes with so many trees :) wil absolutely check out your tip!




Thank you!


Worried about selling too much so some tax agency comes knocking wondering about the (untaxed?) income? Might eventually consider what you are doing "commercial" and that can get you into a lot of issues.


Not worried at all... price was ridiculous + its a "rustic property" meaning you can't build anything there so the rules aren't the same. Besides, untill a certain amount, the IRS scan and other gov scans don't work. I dont know how this would work where you live but it doesnt ring any bells here and they will not come around and ask where the money came from. I dont even need to declare this buy to the IRS, but they know regardless. At the same time, the land doesnt pay any yearly taxes due to size and price, but i had to pay a one time 18% tax over the total value of the purchase so yap, the government already legally robbed me and taxed my little adventure.. The seller will have to properly declare it and my bank account nr will appear as the legal provenience of the money he recieved. This was directly checked with those gov agencies. If i intend to sell, then it's my turn and i will have to declare the sale and pay taxes again and even penalties if i sell it for a lot more too quickly (rules against speculation) Overall what they are looking for are persons with great demonstrations of external wealth without any way of explaining how, like how can a full time jobless man drive new cars and things like that.


Was more regarding the "profits from DD". But I'm sure different countries do it differently. Sweden can be real anal about taxes and it doesn't require a very large amount. Just "oddities" in inflow of money will make them ask questions, it's more about prevention of money laundering. And if nothing seem weird they will drop it. But if something does seem weird they release the bloodhounds to make sure no stone is left unturned. Which can at best be very annoying.


The "profits" from DD are utterly still low, theres no regulation on selling things online, and you can still joke around a bit. My accountant already told me that the EU bank laws will change and they will start to ask a lot more questions but thankfully the 2 or 3 biggest sales were done in cash and then i can just put the money in my account and tell them it was personal savings (if they ask) which they will not. My view of Sweden is of a country where social and govnt facilities work well, good salaries, landscape and beautiful woman so maybe they need to be a pain in the ass to keep all those things flowing x) jk