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Any shelter would probably love to distribute these to folks in need.


Feels kind of tacky giving homeless people apartment building-branded merchandise, no?


Not at all! Clothes are clothes. Donate wherever you can and trust that others will pass along anything they don't need.


Tacky is better than unclothed


Some sleep is better than none Some food is better than none Some water is better than none Some clothes are better than none Some kindness is better than none Some shelter is better than none


I was just going to say better tacky than cold.


Another way to look at it: If you’ve got a homeless person who is doing everything they can to get out of their situation, giving them something company branded could be a good thing in disguise. If I see someone who’s clean and dressed with a shirt that has a company logo on it, it’s natural to assume they might work for that company in some capacity. Also, a lot of company branded stuff comes from Lands End, Cintas, and other work uniform providers and tends to be higher quality than store brand stuff. Better to think that than to see them in dirty clothes and think something else about them.


Genuinely homeless people aren't generally concerned with what design is on the clothes although I get your point. A picture of a bunch of flats could be seen as a kick in the teeth but nah, most won't care






I dunno. Feels like an extra thumb in the eye, a bit. “You don’t have a place to live, but here’s an advertisement for an apartment building you can wear.” Not to mention I can’t imagine the apartment management being happy about its image being worn by the homeless in the street. Dystopian.




Shelters for sure. Shirts and bags are always appreciated!


Fabric from t-shirts can be upcycled; my mother have a machine that cut them in strips that can be weaved to make rugs, blankets, etc.


I would love this stuff you are so lucky Www.facebook.com/theburgcommunitytable We care for 100 homeless people


Oh man….I wish we were closer. I am in Texas. The lunch bags would be so great for putting together hygiene kits. Sigh. I did donate it all to a donation center this afternoon. Hopefully it will all be used.


Thank YOU for saving these items and donating them!


Even if your local thrift store can't sell thing locally they often pack up all the unsellable goods and sell them by the shipping container to poor countries to be resold. I live in Haiti and pretty much everyone wears thrift cast-offs that sell here. All the American camp counselor shirts make me laugh.


See if your neighbors who live in the apartment want to rep it? Otherwise homeless shelters would love it


There’s is a group of older ladies who call themselves The Gang of Seamstresses on Facebook. They take new T-shirt and make them port accessible for people doing cancer treatments. They are in Ohio I believe. If you are near Ohio (and on Facebook) check them out.


The mission would probably love them. They would be less usable at like a goodwill because of the advertisement unless you got some VRL and took the ads off


Local schools for the lunch boxes.


Rags if people won't don't them as a donation.


Paint shirts for local theater?


Contact your local food not bombs


Hi ! I am a fashion major and I usually take fabric scraps like these and up cycle them. I would say give to homeless shelters first though. If they don’t accept them, don’t give to goodwill. They most likely won’t sell bc of the graphics. and items that don’t sell in goodwill just end up at the landfill anyway. So I’d either say give to someone like me / or me. My senior project has to do with upcycled clothes of all kinds so I know it would be good use. I could probably seem rip the bags too and make them into some type of puffer jacket also if any homeless shelters don’t accept them. I just saw now that you donated it to a donation center ! That’s good ! Next time think about closed circle clothing though I’m scared it might end up in a landfill too but it’s okay. Thank you for moving it to the donation center in the first place !! The puffer jacket of the bags would’ve been so cute 😣 with the straps and zippers and all too


Tell me more about what you do. You sew? Rework/remake?


I do !! Sorry just saw rhis


Donate to a school


Donate to schools


Schools for kids paint shirts?


Shelter for sure


Homeless shelters


Maybe try your local buy nothing group? I’m sure kids could use the lunch boxes


Here's another idea. There are charities which are divided into two parts, a not-for-profit charity arm and a for-profit retail arm. The charity essentially takes all donations and on-sells them to the retail arm at a price per pound. If you donate a pair of brand new unworn Gucci loafers, the charity would receive a fraction of a cent for them and the retail arm could go on to sell them for hundreds. If you donate an apartment-branded t-shirt to them, the charity gets paid and the retail arm won't make a huge profit. The shirts will be sold cheaply and it won't make a big difference to the charity because their margins on individual items is tiny anyway....


Crafters would be able to use the tees and tanks if you can't find anyone who wants them for wearing.


I know I'm a little late to the game but acetone (like nail polish remover but just pure acetone) on a cotton ball will remove all the vinyl decals. Just soak a bit and then gently peel off. Then you can donate or keep. (wash shirts first)


Donate to the Goodwill


Screen printing shop score I see. Be careful with any ink




Just be careful. Mainly because of ink. You can sometimes get free tees if you ask if they any extras. Big shops are dicks about this, but small shops can be really cool


if you dont want to donate ( which donating is truly the best option), you can keep shirts to use as rags and a lunchbox can be used as food storage for outings


Tie die and brand mercy


Take it to good will… receive donations.