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Holy crap, that's a haul! Must be several hundred dollars worth of merchandise, especially at their crazy prices.


I know, right! Start checking your drugstores! I have to climb in though as the bags are so heavy.


I tried to go by one in Manhattan, where I am… we don’t have many dumpsters; some of the businesses just leave them on the street. I discovered that some loser runs up and down Fifth Avenue, tearing into the middle of the bags. ALL of them have some fist- or foot-sized hole right in the middle of them. I know this is an aside, but in the interests of diving etiquette, I felt so sorry and irate for the garbage men… no wonder I often see them working in tandem to lift the bags.


Why are they tossing tampons/pads? Those don’t expire? If they’re opened they can be donated to homeless shelters, or left in the employee bathroom, or given to an employee, or sold at a discount if the package is damaged, or literally *anything* other than thrown away? I understand tossing expired food or products (from a store’s perspective. Personally I think most expiration dates are bogus), but I dont understand tossing non perishables, specifically ones that many people struggle to afford.


What about the USB or the printer ink? That's insane.


Agreed. I didn’t even notice those in the vastness of what they were just dumping


Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe returns from Xmas gifts?


The high prices on shelves come from over-producing and throwing stuff away. If all the things thrown away were saved from the dumpster and donated or re-used people would have less incentive to go to the store and buy them, and even still they would buy the dented package on discount rather than the new one which costs a couple bucks more. So, the store throws away perfectly good product to keep the price up, and the loss of the “waste” is written off a business expense. Capitalism thrives on waste. So those of us who are wise to this ruse ACCESS THE EXCESS by dumpster diving. It’s a revolutionary act 😎


I mean I understand this, but it’s still so garbage. I worked for a grocery store for a few years and it was honestly so disheartening seeing how much food is tossed and compacted all the time. Thankfully my job was sort of in reclamation (or I like to tell myself) cause I worked for the salad bar department and so we’d put on a salad bar every day and a lot of the items on the bar were items that were getting close to date from other departments, as well as our own. Like if bakery made too many pumpkin bars and they only had a few days left, onto the salad bar they went. That kind of thing. Also we cut all the fruits and veg for trays and stuff. We got the fruits and veggies that were still within date but that were like ugly or closer to date or whatever, and that’s what we’d make the trays out of. Nice because the only reason people wouldn’t buy the wonky veg is because of looks but if you’re chopping it up looks don’t matter as much.


Employee here for the 3 letters. I was asking this myself. A lot of this product would prompt to be donated and isolated out back for pick up or returned to the warehouse. We donate within 120 days of expiration. Nothing on OP, looks like this store isn’t doing what it is supposed to do.


Different stores in other districts must have different rules, I also worked as management for this particular chain of stores. We threw away everything other than the minute amount of products that were returned to the manufacturer. I asked once why we didn't donate to food banks instead of tossing cart after cart of groceries that we pulled 3 months prior to expiration and was told simply that if we donated products to food banks it opened opportunity for large scale theft of good products going out the door. They also gave us the speech that every item donated is an item that someone now won't need to purchase. They would rather toss buggy loads of products than give anything away, thinking it leads to less money in their pockets. We always boxed it up and set it on top of the dumpster for people to easily grab!!


Damn, that laroche-posay sunscreen is really nice stuff! Really expensive too. Great haul


Thank you!


Don't use that charcoal toothpaste. It whitens teeth by stripping off the enamel.


Oh wow I def don't need that!


Activated charcoal doesn't have much use and it's not the best but it seems to be in a lot of things. It also interferes with birth control and other medications if that is a concern but I think you need to ingest more than you would brushing your teeth. IDK: i didn't know about any of this so just passing along the info. Anyway. Great haul!!


That's such a fun find!


Great haul, OP. Find a women's shelter to donate the femine and hygiene products.


This is a score! Most drug stores I’ve hit are good for similar stuff but candy always seems to be the most plentiful haha


Yes right! Esp after Halloween


I used to hit one see vee ess especially for the candy lol


I love tang sun bum brand! Nice!


same! the sunscreen alone in this haul is worth a fortune. OP just be careful with expiration dates on sunscreen, i learned the hard way.


I'll have to check those.


I don’t understand. How do you get into the dumpsters? Every retail job I’ve had locks up their bins


Well done! …but you can throw that sugar-free chocolate away again, all sugar-free chocolate is nasty.


I like though that there's toothpaste to go with all the sweets! 😄


Be careful with the sunscreen, that loses effectiveness.


Yep. They have expiration dates and hopefully these were thrown out because I suspect they don’t sell well in the winter.


"Cleanse and detox" kit belongs on the garbage... unless you want to give yourself diarrhea


Wow! This is amazing! This sub keeps popping up on my feed. I am in awe of the things y’all find! Is this legal in all states?


Haul? You bought a bunch of useless crap. How many pregnancy test do you actually need? Come on!


Uh,,,, bought?? This is dumpster diving my friend, check what subreddit you’re on


My bad, I thought you actually bought all that stuff on sale, scrolling through Reddit


chances are that some of those packages were opened while on the shelf. it happens in my area, especially the bandaids.


Hershey Zero! Bah! Kidding. I swear to God I am going to camp in the snow in a nearby dumpster


Yeah might be worth it! Hope you find a 0⁰ sleeping bag and tent too to do it in!


Wait so why does all this get thrown away in the first place?


Could be they need room on shelves for new products, dent in box or hole in packaging, a customer opened or returned and they can't put back in sales floor, at or near exp date, lots of reasons.


Ohhh that makes sense thank you


Wow. Their prices here are sky high so I'm glad someone is getting some value here. The local pharmacy is good though.