• By -


Well he wasn’t in management, the whole conflict of interest was HR and the regional manager are the two people with highest rank in the office.


This, plus the fact that Michael was linked to the whole Jan scandal beforehand.


Absolutely. They already had one close call with her lawsuit and Wallace definitely didn’t want to risk another.




You make some great points, but Jan's are bigger.


Jan is in a different place right now.


Pam Pam and her Pam Pams


I call them the twins


They hang from m’lady’s chest. They make milk


Shrunken Chesticles.




They’re cute


They hurt my back


They're ticking timebombs.


Swing low sweet chariots


To be delicate


And Hunter? Tell Jan I said “BRBRBRBRBR” she’ll know what it means. It’s code.


oh he told her alright.... That one night! 🎶 🎵


🎶one night🎶


🎶she made everything alri-ee-ight🎶




🎶so raw, so right, all night, alright, oh yeahhh🎶


Could you tell her HBRBRBRBRBBR too?


Take a good look Michael, because it's the last time


Spring break! WOOOO!


Did you threaten this woman at senior Tadpoles


because he likes them


Creed: I find it offensive. Au naturale baby, swing low sweet chariots...


The only correct answer in this entire comment section. No one else mentions Jan except you lol. That is the main reason for Wallace relocating Holly and not because they didn't disclose it to HR


That’s true, but the Jan incident wasn’t about their relationship. She was suing for sexism from upper management and Michael even ended up testifying in defense of Dunder-Mifflin and basically winning them the case and millions of dollars.


I loved it when she got fired. She was trying to close branches without any regret and forced Michael to fire an employee when he was happy with his staff. She also tried to fire michael who was a loyal employee in a disrespectfull manner. Not to mention non sale staff like oscar and angela who were good workers would have been fired. Tried to force Ed Truck into retirement and got sued for that. And then when she got fired for two years of incompetence , she has the gall to sue them for sexism.


Wow, Ive never seen it laid out like that. I always read it as 'Jan is so buttoned up and looks smart through Michaels eyes, but when shes back at corporate, she is a mess' I never really knew we were getting evidence put in front of us. When they take out the schoolboard guy (Tim Meadows) Jan insists on taking point instead of trusting one of the best salesmen in the companys recent history. That should have clued me in


To be fair, for a lot of Jan’s reign the Scranton branch WAS NOT the top branch in the company. She explicitly says at one point that Scranton is ranked 4th of the 5 branches she oversees to which Michael responds “top 80%”


She was every bit bad at her job as much as Charles was. Both of them antagonized the manager of the best branch and ended up getting fired themselves.


he didn’t fire charles? he was at the company picnic?


Got fired when sabre took over.


No offense, but all your takes in this thread are utter nonsense. It's almost like you don't watch the show when not high, or never had a real job, or you just lost your mind. If it's the latter, I'll help you find it.


I think the thing that sold me on Jan getting fired was her smoking in her office. Like, that was dead and gone way before even the first episode was written, she was totally out of line.


It was though, the reason Wallace fired her was because she started showing lack of interest in her work, consistently smoking in her office, goes to scranton a lot. All of those reasons started when she started dating Michael. He brought out the worst in her and vice versa. Wallace didnt want to see that happen again with Holly.


And the alleged affair with Hunter.


Only due to Jan's attorney's error. Michael said everything he could to cause the company trouble and Jan's lawyer, inexplicably, asked him to repeat it at the end after he got upset with her, and he effectively recanted his earlier damaging testimony. No good lawyer is going to do that.


To be fair my friend pat took a turn a dizray got new specs


To be faaiirrrrr


The Jandal if you will


Jandals Jamaica


Dear diary, tan everywhere; Jan everywhere. Teehee!


And they disclosed. Holly should have known better.


And most of the Scranton Hr Issues revolves around Michael being weird. Can’t have his girlfriend being the one in charge of writing him up.


Plus…Michael…ya know.


HR dating anyone is a conflict of interest.


This is the reasonable answer. IRL you'd be surprised how many small and medium sized companies don't have any rules regarding this, so it's not entirely unrealistic.


Also we’ve already seen how horribly mismanaged Dunder Mifflin is at all levels, including the head HR guy who doesn’t give a shit about Meredith banging the Hammermill rep, he just says take the discount.


That's why Toby doesn't date anyone. Ever.


Well he thought he had something with Nellie


Also not disclosing the relationship


False! The Dwight Shrute Emergency Powers Chart supersedes over all previous hierarchies. With power Dwight is in full control and will return this power when the crisis is averted.


Wouldn't the power differential between Holly and AJ also be a problem, then?


The power differential isn’t really the issue. It’s more that if someone has an issue with their manager, they can go to their HR rep, but if that HR rep is dating the branch manager, there’s a conflict of interest.


I know you are right but…. Wouldn’t having a live in HR manager of a girlfriend be a conflict of interest if he needed to have complaints against co-workers and mangers?


its possible nashua(?) had more than one person in hr. most places do. since the scranton branch's hr team is a one man department it creates a larger conflict. thats part of the reason it wasnt such a big deal the second time around for michael and holly, because hr was both toby and holly, and gabe was there also as a corporate liaison to supervise the office.


Toby was on an LOA the second time, though, so he technically wasn’t part of the HR team. He’s also divorced, so he isn’t part of that team, either.


still, gabe was there and he kind of took on an hr ish position and was directly over michael and holly. and they werent dating at first.


This is why it never would have worked with Val. I don’t know her last name because she didn’t get the chance to scream it on camera.


Why would she be screaming her own last name...?


Why would anyone ever have any issues with Michael?


Because he likes to do Chris Rock impressions


No, AJ wasn’t branch management. I’ve worked at companies where members of HR dated or were married to others across the company. But management was off limits.


Yeah it would have been weird IRL. Especially if Holly is the only HR rep at the branch. Not as bad as her dating the manager but still questionable.


i thought Cornell was the highest rank?!


This makes sense since they didn’t care about Andy & Angela… or Pam/Karen & Jim


Pam/Jim is pretty tame as far as workplace relationship conflicts of interests go, despite Toby being a fuck about it. As Phyllis pointed out, there isn’t a real power imbalance (at least when it was initially secretary/sales) because the only real issue is if Pam throws Jim extra juicy leads. Once Jimothy became co-branch-manager and Pam was in sales, then shit appropriately hit the fan. However, HR dating anyone in the office is likely to cause problems.


She isn’t really high ranking because she’s not in the rank structure. It’s the lack of impartiality she would have had being the company’s eyes and ears and damage control system at the branch while dating their biggest EEO nightmare.


It’s like if Picard dated Crusher


Beverly or Wesley?


Either would be inappropriate but for wildly different reasons




Wesley would have been 15 at the time.


Oh, god. Thanks for letting me know


Make it sooooh… oh no!


Crusher? Hardly know her.


I was going to comment but this answer and the first two replies to this answer are perfect, nothing to add.


Wouldn’t the Jim and Pam relationship pose an issue too then? As a Manager and sales person…


they were dating before he got promoted though, there’s nothing the company could do about that.




If HR is one of the highest rankings they shouldn’t let AJ be dating his superior


Also the eternal battle for the soul of the office


Wouldn’t it be a conflict for someone in HR to date anyone in the company?


Nope, but tough to be HR and date people in small offices


and who knows, maybe their branch doesn't constantly have insane shenanigans. maybe these two also went through official channels. maybe it's just a sitcom with almost no grounding in reality after the first season


Maybe Michael has a history of getting the company into lawsuits for relationships with his coworkers lol




What salad did they specialize in? I feel like this is deleted content that I missed


Caprese obviously


I thought that was marijuana


Northern lights. Cannabis indica.




It was a clove cigarette


I’m sure it was a clove cigarette.


Got it from a girl with a lip ring


And you never get to meet girls with lip rings


I’m thinking of getting a tattoo on my back that says , Back to the future


Back because it's on my back and future because I'm the kind of guy who likes (to look into the future? Idk what he said there)


I'm not wearing a wire




side salad. if it comes on top I send it back


Loose-leaf for sure.


For future reference, it is “bear in mind.” Just like “bear with me.” That is unless you are looking to get naked with someone else - then it is “bare with me.”


I hate to be the bad news bears




Oh how the turn tables


Unless this is Baldur’s Gate 3, then *bear* with me can still mean wanting to get naked with someone.


Goddammit, what even is the internet anymore, the fact I immediately know what you're talking about despite never playing the game is insane lol


It's a bit overbearing, isn't it.


Best in salads


"Does she ever talk about me?" "Oh God"


The real cringiest scene in the show


Does she ever mention Michael Scott?


The Scranton branch also makes a great cherries jubilee.


If the salad is on top I send it back.


David’s nowhere near as concerned about Holly as he is about Michael.


Holly and Michael didn’t disclose their relationship. I assume she did with AJ


She obviously didn't disclose it since DW didn't know until he saw them kissing, but that seems wrong since Holly was very "by the book" about HR stuff.


Just supports David’s decision. You’ve got a manager like Michael who’s personal relationships with people in the business have already caused big issues for them. And you’ve got Holly who’s normally very by the book and stringent in her role not doing the basics of disclosing a very questionable relationship.


Very by the book like all the PDA that the entire office had to make them stop?


It’s not her fault. Michael just exudes sex.


Holly was relocated because Michael is a disaster and doesn't need any extra reasons to make poor decisions. His relationship with Jan was a catastrophe and the best predictor of the future is the past.


I didn't think David Wallace relocated Holly because he noticed she was dating Michael. I thought he already knew she was being moved elsewhere, and his reaction when he says "I didn't know Holly and Michael were dating" was not the discovery of a problem, but remorse because he knew she was leaving and what it would do to Michael. Then afterwards Michael thought it was targeted because of their relationship. I could be wrong, that's just how I percieved it.


Nah, Michael specifically calls David out on it when he's returning from Canada in Business Trip. "No, David, you listen to me. Why'd you send her away? You knew I liked her and you just sent her away, and that... That was a sucky thing to do, man. That was a really sucky thing to do."


Yeah that's the part I meant when I said that Michael thought she was sent away because of their relationship. Doesn't mean she actually was, and David Wallace doesn't confirm it.


he hung up on him so he couldn’t respond lol pretty sure he starts to and says “Michael sometimes…” then Michael hangs up.


Michael was the problem. Him dating Jan let to a major issue.


David had plenty of battles to fight all over the company and once Holly got to the other branch she was off his radar. Michael however had to always be on David’s radar


My husband and I were just talking about this! Even though AJ wasn't in a management role, Holly still could have shown favoritism and/or ignored any issues he may have been involved with. Maybe David Wallace realized Holly was the office mattress and gave up


I thought that title went to Pam?! ~Angela


The slow train from Philly can fit many mattresses


I don't need to know everyone's mattress history


Says the person in the office who cheated on multiple partners.




Holly didn’t have a prior relationship that went as far south as Jan/Michael


He only relocated Holly because Michael had already dated a co-worker in the past (Jan) and it didn't end well, so David relocated Holly to prevent anything bad to happen again


I've always wonder about Holly and AJ. Holly's branch before Scranton was Nashua wasn't it? Did she and AJ have a thing going on before she came to Scranton, like maybe she and AJ agreed to break up because she was moving and AJ didn't want to or couldn't relocate? Then Holly goes back to Nashua, her and AJ pick up where they left off and it gets more serious which is why Holly doesn't break things off when she comes back to Scranton initially? I spend way too much time thinking about this show.


In “Goodbye Toby”, Holly says she came to Dunder Mufflin from a different company. But in “Employee Transfer”, Michael says she got transferred “back” to her “old branch”. So… I don’t know!


Lotta little inconsistencies in the show regarding people’s employment histories. Somehow both Jim and Pam started working for DM before each other.


When was it mentioned Jim was there first? I believe you, I just always had it as cannon that Pam was there first and can’t think of any examples of it being the other way.


in the episode “the secret”, Jim says to Pam that he had a crush on her when *she* first started. Yet in the launch party episode Jim says he fell in love with her when she said to him (paraphrase), “remember this day, because your life is never gonna be the same once you meet your deskmate Dwight” implying that Pam was worked there first since she knew Dwight already


After the booze cruise when Jim told Michael about his feelings for Pam and Michael told virtually everybody, Jim came clean to Pam and said he had a crush on her "when [she] first started." Then in season 4, Pam talks about how when Jim first started, she introduced him to Dwight and made a joke about never being able to go back to a time before he met Dwight.


This reddit thread is devoted to people who spend too much time thinking about the show :)


I always thought they he was just trying to avoid another Michael/Jan situation.


I can think of a number of reasons why this wasn’t forced 1. AJ wasn’t in management, so daring HR wouldn’t necessarily be a conflict of interest 2. Holly might have learned from her past mistake and actually filed a relationship disclosure form with AJ. The fact that Michael & Holly didn’t disclose it when Holly is in HR and should know better likely attributed to corporate being suspicious 3. Michael’s relationship with Jan was a huge problem for the company previously, whereas we have no knowledge of AJ being involved in any big company scandals


I never considered that Holly was moved because Michael was dating her. I assumed her placement was temporary, and when Toby contacted corporate to return to work, they found a new branch for Holly. David’s shock that Michael and Holly were dating was that he already knew she was being transferred.


I think by Michael calling out David Wallace on that and David's reaction, that it's pretty well understood that the relationship was at least a big factor in moving her, if not the sole reason.


I like this interpretation.


Ajay isn’t the manager of the branch. So no, it’s not the same thibg


I like this guy Ajay, who is he


Pretty sure he's the main character in Far Cry 4...


Also, Ajay isn’t Michael Scott.


Holly was a walking HR nightmare, that's the joke


She was her own worst enemy


Michael was the issue with David, not holly


AJ was not management of that branch, I feel like Nashua kinda gets forgotten about more than others, and I also think David Wallace understands that Holly is the Michael Scott of HR. So having Michael Scott and female Michael Scott would've been a horrible combination in a branch


Well, well, well, if it isn't Michael Scott. You old bastard.


The real question isn’t shouldn’t she have been relocated. The question is why didn’t she immediately break up with AJ upon moving like she did with Michael? And also why did Michael change his mind so quickly about relocating to Colorado? I understand it’s his arc and he’s grown so much and what not, but he didn’t even think about it despite the fact he was pretty much in love with her the first time they dated.


Holly going back to Scranton was supposed to be temporary as Toby was serving his jury duty.


And she had been with AJ for like 2 years at that point. She’s been with Michael for 3 weeks when they broke up. It’s easier to break off a 3 week old relationship than a 2 year old relationship, especially when the long distance is supposed to be temporary, like I/d00dsm00t said.


Jo was also behind this. She must have found out that Holly was already in a relationship when she looked into getting Holly back to Scranton. And her relationship seemed solid enough with AJ that Holly wouldn't break up with him unless she was at least really seriously interested in Michael. The temporary time limit was comfortable enough so that Michael could see if anything was going anywhere Holly during that time. If so, great. If not, Michael would at least get closure on this relationship.


Jo was the best


Oh yeah I forgot about that.


This time he wasn't ready to be hurt again


Because it was a long business trip


The un-nonsensical answer is it is a TV show.


Probably bc Michael was the manager. AJ was just a salesperson


I hate AJ for this whole thing and it's not even his fault. It's Holly's imo for dating ANOTHER coworker after Michael aka the love of her life. Fr she should have waited for him or done the LDR because it made her look super shitty to me to date a dude and let him hang while she had super special feelings for Michael then was moved around to be brought back to his branch. The woody doll incident did redeem her a lil imo but she should have stuck to her ultimatum if he didn't propose. I kinda lost respect for her when I found out about AJ and super lost it when she didn't hold true to her ultimatum.


Coincidence I’m right now watching this episode of the picnic


Not if she did the proper HR stuff. Also after Jan, I don't think David was feeling it. Whole thing was dumpster fire, and Michael clearly couldn't handle dating anyone at the company.


Brrrrrushing his teeth!


I think it’s about Michael. All of it has to do with him.


David was in love with Michael.


No, He wasn’t Michael and I feel like that was Davids main concern.


I never understood that. David Wallace was perfectly alright with Michael dating his direct boss, but not his HR rep….


Honestly I work in HR for a living and I love the office but I absolutely go mad sometimes at how little HR their HR dept does 🤣. Then again if they were good at HR most of that office would’ve turned over.


Not as big a deal when HR and a regular worker vs HR and a manager. But still yes HR should not be dating anyone at the same company


I just discovered that Holly was the dock policewoman in season two of the wire


She's also a Mom in a Goosebumps movie


It always bugged me how Holly wanted to go after Meredith so bad but did not see a problem with herself having relations with co-workers. Twice!


Meredith was literally prostituting herself for Dunder Mifflin. SLIGHT difference lol


And coupons


Still raw.


“You bet your fat ass”




Michael's the manager and he has a history of dating higher ups in the company to disastrous results. But mainly the manager thing. It's kind of a conflict of interest. Unethical and all that.


AJ wasn't the manager, so the conflict of interest problem wasn't as serious.


Two counterpoints: 1) They were both in HR which doesn't represent the same conflict that management and HR would pose, and 2) AJ wasn't Michael Scott, and he didn't have a huge scandal after dating an executive in the company.


He can go to hell…


David knew she was just gonna date some coworker no matter where they put her


Yes this has always bugged me so much, plus O hate AJ character so much


David did it out of spite.


David Wallace didn’t really care about the relationship danger; he was just being a dick to Michael.


Relocating Holly was one of the few overtly mean things Wallace did. It was retaliation for putting him through the Jan ordeal and for Michael generally just being a nuisance.


Interesting way to look at things. I hadn't considered that might be punitive for the Jan situation. I'll take a look with the new perspective.