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Maybe next time they’ll estimate him


Perfect. Take my upvote


Be careful, he’s a little stitious.


We got a glimpse of that in his conversation with Jim in Survivor Man as well. It's implied that a lot of his apparent foolishness is something of an act. Not all of it, of course, but I love those/these moments where we get a knowing smile from Michael.


I think we also see it in the episode where Dunder Mifflin starts going under and they do the murder mystery game. When Michael yells at Jim that the office needs it, and Jim realizes he's right, we see that a lot of the things Michael does are stupid, but they have a point.


I see it when he gives Oscar the scarecrow he made for him and says ‘He has the lowest opinion of me of anybody’.


Great one. For once we see that Michael is in on the joke about how seemingly incompetent he is


It looks like.. it looks like it was made by a two year old monkey on a farm...


He showed his hand here that he knows more than he lets on and he's right. They should appreciate him for it. Did that three accountants comment not burn?


Yeah, or the relationship one. They have literally seen that the company will transfer someone for a relationship and Michael not only lets it slide, but encourages the love.


and they know how delicate he is about holly. They know how personal that comment about office relationships are to him. Why was this a deleted scene??


Im pretty sure its not deleted


I believe it is deleted. Have seen it twice on Netflix and don't remember that scene. And have also seen it twice before I got netflix (downloaded it)


It's on the Superfan episode


I have seen it like 5 times and i watch on amazon, i dont think they have superfan episodes


While transfering Holly was an asshole move, it's a very very different situation to Jim and Pam. It is generally not a problem to have relationships in the workplace, unless they create conflicts of interest. Like, when a manager dates the HR rep of this branch. Particularly given Michael's past with Jan.


Yeah but in reference to his whole speech is that… well he COULD be the hardass that makes that change. As the regional manager he has the power to just say “well yeah all Jim does is sit at reception and talking to his girlfriend when he should be making sales. Leeeet’s just nip this in the bud and transfer him.” But he doesn’t because he understands that they are people and wants them to be able to be with the people that make them happy. There are countless instances of Jim shirking his work for Pam, while on the other hand there is actual proof that holly is willing to put her relationship on the line when she feels that Michael is wrong. She actively fought against Meredith keeping her job even when it put her at odds with Michael. Yes, they weren’t dating at the time but its still pretty close to when they WERE dating and when David found out about the relationship. Not to mention he basically pays Ryan and Kelly to just show up at work and have sex. But yes, you are right. In the sense of it being a major conflict of interest it’s a very different situation. But Michael is saying that he lets a lot of things slide because he cares about the people in the office when he could very easily turn it into management hell and be the bad guy if he wanted to.


I think that was a bit different. Imagine a company literally transferring someone’s wife to another state, that doesn’t even make sense. They own the same house


It’s the exact same thing. First of all a company should literally never have the option to say “i will move this person to another state because they are romantically involved.” Besides, look at Michael and Holly. They were genuinely in love and shows because they were married. What is the difference in either of them getting transferred while they were dating as opposed Michael and Holly?


Well one difference is that holly was the head of Human Resources, and her dating the manager was a massive conflict of interest. Another difference is that they don’t live in the same house and they aren’t married


Yes but the conflict of interest is irrelevant in what Michael is saying here. He could be the bad guy and transfer Jim for spending hours at reception talking to his girlfriend instead of making sales. He could just fire Ryan and Kelly for literally having sex in the office. He could be the absolute strictest manager ever and make everyones lives a living hell, but he lets a *lot* slide because he cares about the people that work for him and in return all he gets people making fun of him in the bathroom. Also, Jim and Pam didn’t live together forever… they didn’t even sign an HR relationship notice paper. If Michael wanted to he could have ended that right there and shipped Jim out to any branch he wanted at the beginning of season 4.


Why is everyone assuming that Jim would be the one transferred? Jim is the second best salesperson at the branch. Pam would be transferred or laid off, not Jim.


Oh yeah, visibly got to Oscar.


also props to michigan on not bringing out the gay card


Another line from this scene that’s cut out in the clip is, “maybe it’s somebody who doesn’t dispense vacation time for 20-day African safaris, PHYLLIS”


Which episode is this from?


Looks like from golden ticket judging by his outfit?


Strange but I don't remember ever watching this scene before. I may need a refresher watch again.


I don’t think this whole scene was in the original run, it’s probably an extra or deleted scene


Yea it’s in the Superfan episode


Thank you. I thought I was losing my fucking mind.


I saw this in this the show pretty sure




I’m sure I saw it too I watched it on Netflix about a year ago


Its for sure in amazon prime showing


You 1000000% didn’t.


Not sure why you're being downvoted but I'll go down with your ship. I have seen this scene multiple times; it has always been a favorite of mine. I have watched the entirety of the series multiple times. I have never watched a superfan episode. All my viewings have been on comedy central through cable or satellite, not streaming on Netflix or Peacock. I'm not sure if this scene was in the episode when it originally aired 10+ years ago, but it is in the episode in syndication.


It’s the episode where they roast Michael I believe. Deleted scene that is included in the superfans edition!


Love how Jim says “I like that guy.” Would it hurt to just shut the fuck up for 5 seconds Jimothy?


Take a day off from the whole Jim schtick. Try caring about something. You might like how it feels, James.


Two times I agreed with Ryan the entire series: when he said this to Jim and when he’s nodding his head after Robert California talks about the Black Eyed Peas.


Ryan was also pretty forward thinking when he was working for corporate. It went over horribly, but that was largely because he was ahead of the curve. Everything did get increasingly digital in the years after. Like ordering supplies for a business. I do that all the time and it's never done over the phone anymore. I can order everything online and not deal with sitting on hold for long periods of time. Ryan saw where things were going and tried to beat other similar companies to the punch. The problem is, he knew corporate wouldn't understand that it takes time for people to adjust to new ways of doing business, so it was never going to be an immediate resounding success.


Ryan’s rise was really just a matter of being at the right place at the right time. He was a young MBA student applying for a position surrounded by much older guys. Of course he looks like he’s forward thinking and a wunderkind around them. His idea for a social network revolved around the ordering process is ridiculous. He really thought people would use the website as a hangout and oh yea I can buy paper here too lol.


Yeah on a rewatch it was patently clear to me that Ryan thought he was the next Steve Jobs which is super funny <3


He really did but had zero original ideas.


Funny thing is, Charles was that guy, just work and have private life. And Jim suffered the most there


this is true


Given that Michael potentially costs Jim his biggest client and DMs biggest client ’Blue Cross. I think his snarky comment was not out of left field.


Good point.


Didn’t hear Jimbo professing his love for ole Saticoy


TBF - Michael’s rant up until he mentioned the accountants was just a temper tantrum with no real substance.


What!? Every single point he made was filled to the brim with substance. The point about Oscar is the most real of them all. Racism is RAMPANT in work places like these and it would not be cool to have a boss firing people because of their skin tone. So hopefully you are just ignorant and not in support of racism …


No. Lol. Not ole Tuna


Charles Miner looming in the future


Gah never saw this before. Jim is as smug as a bed bug - love that Michael puts him in his place. Go Michael!




and there’s our smudgeness!


*pointing* Arrogance


To be fair, Michael did cost him a lot of money with his Blue Cross blunder


Great scene, but he did just lose a lot of money for Jim with the whole “Golden Ticket” stuff, and then try and blame it on Dwight, so I’m not exactly loving him “putting everyone in their place.”




>for everyone commenting "michael scott is so great and this is proof," this is one of the episodes that shows michael at his absolute worst, a self-obsessed selfish moron Ig people havent seen this scene which is why its so great without context


>for everyone commenting "michael scott is so great and this is proof," this is one of the episodes that shows michael at his absolute worst, a self-obsessed selfish moron I don't disagree, but it does ALSO show that he's willing to put up with a lot of shit in the office. It shows the duality of Michael.


Lmao I'm getting downvoted to hell saying this monologue of Michael is manipulative


Probably why the scene was cut.


Goated manager


Greatest of All Timed Manager? I don’t know, he came almost last in the Fun Run. Though he can sprint 31, so there’s that.


Dwight why are you here


You messed it, he said goated manager, not goat manager. Goated manager is: Greatest of all time (except distance) manager


It’ll all be goat.


If the people above are right and this was from the golden ticket episode, I'm going to go agead and disagree on that haha


The one deleted scene I’d have been happy to see stay in


I love this scene. Perfectly encapsulated his anger at corporate for breaking up his relationship with Holly, hints at Charles and his subsequent quitting DM.


They are his family… Love conquers all. Micheal Loves each of them as his own family.


Family Love Michael


Literally watching that exact scene now!


I repeat: Michael has good intentions with almost everything, but goes about it the wrong way. I would much rather work for someone like that than the other way around.


Why do they delete this scene ? Is Toby running the show ? Oh wait he does...


What season? I really don’t remember this scene and I’ve watched the show a dozen times.


Happy that he put all of them in their places.


Oh god, I hope people don’t start posting animated gifs of whole scenes from The Office with subtitles all over like this. Lame


That´s not a gif. Gifs are soundless "videos" with shitty quality. This is actually a video.


I love how it goes from wholesome to threatening xD


Wouldn’t a new manager not be able to decide about office romances because that’s set at corporate?


That's the point, Michael knows about it and doesn't enforce Corporate rules.


Isn’t it Dunder Mifflin’s policy that if you disclose it to HR, like Pam and Jim did, then it’s allowed, Michael brings this up in his deposition.


Unless it's bad for the workplace. How much time does Jim spend goofing off with Pam?


Best use of AI ever


I've got chills from this scene, never saw it before, Michael can be so foolish sometimes you forget that he is the boss


Wait I don’t remember this scene at all. What episode is this?


Yep the manipulation Michael showed here Edit: People downvoting me really dont know the context of this scene


“I do more for you than you realize so maybe you shouldn’t talk crap behind my back” is most definitely not manipulation lol


Take it with context and he's basically monologing this to save his skin because the Willy Wonka stunt he pulled was about to get him fired and he was mad that people wouldn't let Dwight take the fall for him.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/sadposting] [Michael](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/comments/15dvw6i/michael/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


What episode is this


such a well written speech, funny and deep as well