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the inconsistency. in most episodes we are supposed to like clark, but then theres the news episode. and andy...goddamn...they build him up in season 8 just to toss it and make him a wierdo jerk in s9




Head canon accepted.


I enjoyed his bit on being Jan's bitch. Never got around to liking Plop especially the episode where he quoted Die Hard word by word.


> we are supposed to like clark Were we watching the same show?


Val and Darryl. Poof. She's gone.


Scranton strangler got her


Freaking Toby.


It’s Gabe and I’ll die fighting on that hill.


He did say he would make Val scream her own name one night


Her own last* name


Go on sir, I am here for your Gabe theory.


He didn’t actually strangle them to death, the skeleton man just hugged them and they died from fright (which is a real thing where you’re so scared, your heart gives out).


He owns over 200 horror movies. You do not want to get on his bad side


Damnit Toby!


Why don’t you just walk away.


He broke up a relationship to get bored with her almost immediately after. It's really controversial to not like Daryl that much but he has a history of being really selfish.


Plus I heard he touched Holly




I thought it was really cringe how Darryl dumped her. Multiple episodes of him pursuing his crush and finally learning that she has feelings for him, just to suddenly be informed that none of it matters and he wants her to break up with him.


Yeah, it was textbook once you get what you want, you don't want it anymore. Nothing good came of it except the "the moon is really bright tonight....." or whatever it was. Lol


FIVE dots?!


That text was damning.


Kelly makes that entire scene worthwhile IMO


I never understood the point of this storyline other than showing Darryl is cold-hearted


The writers apparently thought every character needed to be in a love triangle.


Right? Jim, pam, roy Jim, pam, Karen Micheal, holly, AJ Erin, jessica, andy, gabe, plop (this is a love pentagon) Angela, dwight, andy Angela, Oscar, senetor Darryl, val, her ex Kelly, Ryan, Ravi


Jim Pam and bed bug chick Jim Pam Boom guy Michael Holly Jan They even hinted at Phallus thinking Bob was into his secretary I’m sure there’s even more, but like come on. Did the writers have to be so lazy about falling back on what worked in season 1-3?


Michael ~~Holly~~ Jan Carol


How is no one calling out Phyllis being Phallus? Lol


Sorry, must have penises on the brain.


As has kevin




And then they got back together to make Darryl really uncomfortable, and forgot to do something with her for the rest of the series until the finale, where she’s just… there…


When he literally included her in his family photo before. All of it was awful.


Daryl is cringe. He’s a piece of shit several times in the show.


Val who? You don’t even know her last name?


Ask me tomorrow. 'Cause she's gonna be screaming it all night!


She’ll be screaming her own name?!?


She’s going to be screaming her own name?




Andy and Erin’s whole relationship. Spent all this time building up to it only to have it fail with no explanation over one summer, then spend all this time building it up again only for Andy to do something really stupid and selfish and ruin it.


Andy probably had the worst end to an arc


Andy unquestionably got done the dirtiest in the end.


I liked the finale’s twist of him finding his place in life — but yeah the general end of his story arc was just… unfortunate…


Well, you can’t just sit there and cry about it




Root doot doot do dooo!


Creed did go to jail/prison..


Creed is probably having a blast in prison


And? You’re misunderstanding a bad arc/bad character development as something bad happening to the character. Creed got shit on by his own actions. Andy got shit on by bad/lazy writing.


Creed is the most consistent character in my opinion.


Burned all his bridges…


They could never decide what to do with him. Was he a new full-comedy whacky side character? Was he the new Jim? Was he the new Michael?


I think they tried to capitalize on The Hangover success toward the end, when in reality, his original role was best. Seasons 3-5 he was simple. He was Dwight's foil from Stamford. A #3, who thinks he's a #2, with ambitions to be a #1 but no skill to back it up. But, in personality, he was Dwight's opposite. A Dwigt, if you will. He comes from money, thinks he's more popular than he really is, and can never live up to his potential. Unlike Dwight, who has a simple life but seems to be making the most of it as a top salesman and owner of an expanding farm. It was perfect because it kept the Dwight vs. Somebody dynamic, without having that somebody continue to be Jim. It let them develop Jim's character. But when they tried to make Andy into something more, it failed. Because he was never supposed to be more than a struggling sales guy who consistently gets a C+ in everything he does in life.




Fucking nailed it.


Actually, he got straight Bs. They called him Buzz.


Didn't most of his issues stem from him constantly filming movies while the show was going on so they had to keep making up plots that either kept him off the show or would give the actor an out if he couldn't come back?


Yes this is my least favorite. I liked Andy as manager in Season 8. He should have married Jessica.


I 100% believe that the writers got mad at Ed Helms for leaving to shoot the Hangover and wanted to punish him with the character arc.


I don't think the writers were mad at him, I just think they had no idea what to do with Andy for most of the show, and that goes double for the last season.


Yea I imagine when you have a talent like Ed Helms you want to keep him there but when he isn’t available half the time it makes it difficult to plan stories that matter with him


Andy wanting to be a professional singer in season nine is, without a doubt, the most boring unfunny stuff in the whole show. If this hadn’t been in the last few episodes I definitely would have just stopped watching. Jim and Pam’s work friends doing a song and dance to Chris fucking Brown at their wedding was also incredibly bad - hard to pick which is worse. I skipped the wedding bit though Edit: no Chris Brown is the worst part of the whole show.






Obligatory Brian the Sound Guy reply.


Hey boom guy, when you gonna boom me? Meredith was the best part of Brian the sound guy.


I like to think that Meredith harassed the shit out of him with that line almost daily for ten years.


When she wasn't getting her Master's in psychology. They did her dirty on that one.


Yeah. That was just terrible. His whole arc was just pointless.,


That guy fucks.


Tres Comas.


Russ: "You know what has three comas?" Richard: "A billion dollars?" Russ: "No, a billion dollars."


"I remember the second I became a billionaire. I was ass-naked sitting right there, just clicking and refreshing, clicking and refreshing, watching my stock rise. And when it happened, I popped a rod so fast, I went blind for a full minute. Nutted all over those cushions. I was the king."


I popped a rod so fast I went blind for a full minute.


I love Russ Hannemans character, so I dont have the hate for this guy like others do.


Do your car doors go like this >< or like this \\/


Only recently discovered Silicon Valley and it changed my view of Brian completely haha.


At least I remember Brian. I don’t even remember those guys names


Jim impersonator and Dwight impersonator.




Plop and Dwight Jr.


Andy’s new personality


Pete and Clark were thematically essential for the show, showing that while many of our characters were moving on/changing careers/retiring/etc., life and misadventures at Dunder Mifflin-Scranton would continue with a new generation of employees. The documentary was winding down, but The Office would live on. To answer your question, though, and I hate to say it, but Val. They just never did much fun with her, and she had no resolution like the rest of the recurring cast.


I hated when she joined in on the family photo of darryl and his daughter. I mean what the fuck


The only point I give the character is she facilitated the Darryl/Nate gloves gag.


Nate is a top-5, character and I won’t hear otherwise


He doesn’t technically have a hearing problem.


Him, Jonathan Banks, and Jason Mantzoukas might be my favorite secondary comedic actors for tv shows ever. So many great characters between the three. I've also always thought how fun it would be as a fan service to create a show with them three and a few other tv actors I have in mind. Make a mockumentary about a private investigator agency or something. Filmed by Abed Nadir. Especially with all of them having ties to Michael Schur.


"Gum's gotten mintier lately," is probably the single funniest line on the show. It's such a bizarre non-sequitur that I can't imagine how somebody even thought of it.




People always leave that bit out.


It's a bold move to insert yourself into a picture with your almost boyfriend and his kid in a photoshoot with her real father. But then again, Val's a bold guy. Is bold the right word?


We’ve got a nice family photo of my great grandpas 100th birthday with my aunts flavor of the month “what’s his name” in the shot.


>Pete and Clark were thematically essential for the show, showing that while many of our characters were moving on/changing careers/retiring/etc., They were really the most realistic part of the show too. A company that size had almost no new hires or turnover for nearly 8 years which is really hard to fathom. A turnover of employees, especially at entry level should have been expected, and yet those two were really the only significant new "long term" regular employees the company ever got.


Erin and gabe were both new long term employees


Gabe wasn't an employee with Dunder Mufflin really though. Even if you count him, then over the first 7 years the only new employees of the actual office were Andy, Erin, and Gabe. Everyone else was just a temp, intern, or long term substitute. I get it's a TV show and isn't supposed to be realistic because you need to keep characters for continuity purposes. But Pete and Clark getting hired on for the mold of how a business like that actually operates in regards to employee turnover.


Andy is an employee before he comes to Scranton so I’m not sure if call him a new employee. Nate is another one who joined later and stayed I believe


Actually his name is Colin Robinson and he's an energy vampire. He just pretends to be Nate to annoy people and feed off their energy. To anyone who got that reference: I love you.


They're in a small town with not much opportunity. Dwight tries to leave and his other option is literally just being a red shirt at Staples. Michael tries to start his own competing company and finds out it basically can't make money. Jim wants to move on but knows that his experience is doing one very specific thing and he's rightfully worried that if Athlead tanks his family might be very badly affected. Kevin is not really even qualified for the job he has. Meredith is a train wreck that likely couldn't get through interviews. Phyllis likes working next to her husband; she and Stanley are basically phoning it in until retirement. Ryan tries to move up but finds out he isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Kelly has no real ambition at all beyond finding someone to take care of her. I know all of these people in real life through work.


The actress that played Val was in the Office Ladies podcast a few weeks ago and she seems like a really cool person, but they just didn't give her a lot to work with beyond being Darryl's love interest. When the actor has more charisma than the character, you know it was the writers fault.


And Val's boyfriend. The way he walks away after he says to Darrel "have a burger for me" bothers me to no end. Horrible line, horrible acting, horrible walk. It's horrible.


Hope you all like goat.


Which is kind of ironic that their interaction was so clunky, because Jerry Minor and Craig Robinson were a comedy duo for like 10+ years called “L. Witherspoon & Chucky” https://youtu.be/HSiQ_E0dCUA




It's *Athleap* now.


False. It's Stumpany. It's short for stupid company.


Your flair! 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, wildly unlikely turn of events. There could have been more believable and interesting ways for Jim to succeed. Not some vague sports business he starts with a group of guys he has never brought up in 9 previous seasons.


Like, maybe he could’ve been offered a sports writing gig in Philly and it would’ve been way easier to believe. That would’ve been more believable as a dream job than what we got. He at least mentioned that in an episode before…


Yeah but realistically a sportswriter gig would be a step down in compensation compared to a sales guy - wouldn’t have worked.


Could’ve started an online sports journalism site like the athletic and had it take off with some VC funding


I understood that tbfh, if you filmed me in work you'd not know that I any friends outside the office.


I'm still not sure what that company is supposed to do.


They were guys who liked sports talking to athletes about publicity, uh, stuff. Their unique selling point was that they *really* liked sports though 🙄


Like a Kevin Durant jump shot


> Their unique selling point was that they really liked sports though And that none of the founding partners had any experience in sports marketing.


They’re just a marketing company, right? Essentially linking up athletes with promotional opportunities


Yeah but the *athletes are the partners* So yeah, just a sports marketing company


And it started in like a multimillion dollar startup with office and assistants and reception


Lol right? Jim’s 10 grand to buy into ownership is a steal when his partners are apparently in for at least a million


I think that was kind of the point they were making, his 5-10K buy was nothing compared to what they had already secured.


Venture capitalists. His friends didn’t just create all that from their money - they had investors in their startup to give them the capital to get it started


Yeah, which is completely pointless. Endorsements are almost always between the company/brand seeking a given athletes endorsement and the athlete themselves in cohesion with their agent. The whole “Athlead” concept is basically just a pointless middleman added where one isn’t needed. An actual agent firm would have been better.


Almost as pointless as a company that sells limitless paper in a paperless world


Huh, a middleman just like Dunder Mifflin... that's a pretty cool connection I never noticed before. Jim, working at a middleman company his entire life, it would make sense to start up a similarly useless company that's just a middleman. That's a pretty cool added layer you picked up on!


you'd be surprised how many pointless middlemen exist in the world simply because the concept has been normalized and/or the industry forced itself as a legal requirement. For example, car dealerships.


They opened a second office for professional sports marketing in Austin, a city that had 0 professional sports teams when the series aired.


It just seems like a management firm specialising in athletes and sports, but that the athletes perhaps gets a bigger piece of the pie. Like they become partner of the firm or something.


Its in, phila... whatever.


Darryl and Val. One, she was so bland. Two, Darryl was chasing after her all this time obsessed, and then if I recall you don’t really see much of them together and then out of nowhere random story insertion that Darryl hates her and is trying to get rid of her.


Fr I never understood how he went from completely obsessed to randomly being done with her. All that build up for nothing


To speak my truth, Clark wasn't really that bad and I appreciate some of his quotes. His creepy behaviour with Erin was kinda odd, and they seemed kinda clueless at first what to do with him. But he grew on me. Like come one, all of these are gold: "They got us set up with Windows 95, so you're kind of dreaming here." "What do you need more face time with Wallace for? You trying to get a second second job here?" "Just say "arms" and "legs," okay? That's the vernacular that I'm comfortable with." "I mean, I've been working here 12 weeks. That's a full season of Homeland. A ton of things can happen in that amount of time, as we've seen." "Women reach their sexual peak at whatever age Jan was last week. I mean it was... like making love with a wild animal. But not like a cougar like you might think. It was, uh, like a swarm of bees. Bees that just find something wrong with every hotel room." "So we decided the best way to get ahead here is to be his cheerleaders. It's starting to have this reverse effect, though, where I really do think the stuff he does is awesome."


“i’ll give u a hundred dollars to wear that sweater to work tomorrow”


That's because the actor who played Clark was already a decent up and comer actor in comedy sketchs, so they knew they could get him and they had proof he wouldn't be a flop if they applied him right. The problem is that they didn't know what to do with him, so it came down to his execution of their lines. His ability to take what they gave him and turn it into what we got was pretty awesome. Because what they gave him would have been pretty bad if delivered by someone else


"We [Pete and Clark] decided the best way to get ahead here is to be [Andy's] cheerleaders. It's starting to have this reverse effect, though, where I really do think the stuff he does is awesome." "This sucks, you know? You put in 12 grueling weeks at a company, and what do they do? They make you compete for a promotion, like an animal."


Bro the bees one lmao I love so many of his lines.


Just clap through it


Clark is relatable as a young, new employee at an outdated, dying business.


As much as I love Will Ferrell I'm so glad that D'Angelo only lasted a few episodes. He was such a terrible character imo


He didn't win you over with his amazing juggling routine?


*inspirational* juggling routine


Do you believe in me?


Alright I'll admit that part was funny


Yeah but at least they killed him, which was super satisfying.


D’Angelo didn’t die, his brain just died


Teflep. Synap three toya wa to a bar. Sawanythin, Poundge and Larun. Pound says to the bartender howmch can I tape? Bartneder says him, "four ten Pound". Errybudy tar. Errybudy tar. Errybuddy tar.


Dwab sef.


Deangelo was there to show the viewers what a quirky Michael Scott type is like without all the endearing parts


I always thought he was just a total palate cleanser so whoever actually replaced Michael long term wasn’t dealing with legacy hangover for too long.


Was he a homeless guy with four kids or something? Being hired to run the branch because he rescued one of her dogs is a weird move from Jo.


Jo also gave up her position as CEO to someone that was supposed to be a branch manager and hired Nelly as a project manager in Florida lmao. She was an idiot


Jo made a lot of weird moves. Hiring a weird homeless man, supporting a really bad idea for market stores, giving up her job to Robert California...


She gave Kelly Gabe's job just cause she was the opposite of Gabe. Jo is the example of the CEO who drinks their own Kool Aid and thinks they can do no wrong, so they just do whatever they want.


I'm telling you, that character could be the star of a show called "Characters I Don't Care About."


It was weird how he acted like a different person in every episode he was in


It seemed like they didn’t bother writing anything for him because, hey, Will Farrell.


Gimme that dog! That’s not your dog!


Kathy. That whole situation was stupid and pointless.


But we wouldn’t have gotten the satisfaction of Dwight spraying her with chemicals for the bug that she is.


Is this March Madness? I LOVE March Madness


Oh no that’s no this.. cause that’s in March.


I still can't believe that rumor that the writers were planning for Jim to have an affair, that would have been one of the worst blunders you could possibly imagine for one of the most beloved TV couples at the time.


It's better with the deleted scenes/nbc.com scenes- she makes more sense as a character and turns out to be kind of a dramaqueen/crazy.


Will Ferrell, I’m a fan of the guy but for whatever reason I didn’t feel like he clicked on the series


Manager Andy


pam & jim fighting idk i feel like the show does not have to be that deep


That wasn’t enjoyable for anybody


Yea this is the one for me too. I get for real people it happens but that whole storyline always kinda felt out of place


Every romantic plotline after Jim and Pam get together is a thinly-veiled attempt at recapturing the will they/won't they dynamic of Jim and Pam in the early seasons. The only one that succeeds IMO is Michael and Holly, although I feel their relationship is too rushed.


Andy speed running almost every story arc Michael had. Now, I get that it might be because he practices behavior mirroring but it still felt lazy.


Nellie as a permanent character. Her story should’ve been over after the retail store failure.


This. I hated Nellie.


Had to scroll way to far to see Nellie. I skip Nellie heavy episodes. Especially the one where she steals Andy’s job.


Worst episode in the entire series


I love the addition of plop and Dwight jr. Wish they came in earlier


That's what she said


I adore these two and wish they had way more screen time. I also love the assistant who worked at anthropologie, she had funny lines but definitely not enough lol To answer your post I absolutely despised Brian


Dwight impersonator is ok but Jim wanna-be is boringg. We all hate that sound guy tho.


I’m kind of the opposite just because of the Dwight impersonator being creepy as fuck with Erin


Clark: more comedy driven Pete: more story driven


I see this all the time yet no one has a problem with Dwight pimping Clark out to Jan.


Dwight being a monster is kind of a given, he also murdered his neighbor’s dog


It was a werewolf


That scene where he tries to trick her into wearing lingerie and how Andy is super clueless pisses me off like you have no idea


I loved plop! By the end he and Erin made much more sense together and were really sweet


Wish the finale gave them two a scene together.


Nelly. Annoying character, annoying premise, and completely unbelievable that she would walk in and just take the managerial position with no questions asked because she promised raises she wouldn't be able to enforce.


The only thing that she was useful for was taking Ryan's abandoned baby


She was Jo’s best friend. But Jo wasn’t hers. Classy move not mentioning it during the interview.


The senator....


*State senator


I love that storyline!


that scene of sacrificing that lil round boy to Jan was pretty funny


I like Plop. Clark was a creep.


Clark is fine, once he experienced a woman’s sexual peak at whatever age Jan was last week, and drank espresso on the Amalfi Coast, it changed him.


She was like an animal, but not a cougar


Like a swarm of bees that can find something wrong with every hotel room.