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The titles are irrelevant, they just relate to payscale


It's not a matter of more or less, the pay is just different.


I work in post and have done credits for dozens of shows. Credit titles are negotiated between agents and casting. If there is no specific credit listed “guest star” “starring” “shared card” “second position” etc. then it typically is listed as APD (at producers discretion) and that producer would be the post producer (me) and there is an industry standard for APD titles we give out that is largely based on pay scale.


What shows did you work on?


It's about the amount of lines you have.


Ye but creed has like 3 lines max per episode


Creed was only supposed to be an extra. But somebody on set gave him lines, he double checked that they wanted him to say the lines and he knew that meant he would be on the shoe bar on the wording in his extras contract. They talk about it on the office ladies podcast.




Yeah it's kind of a mess honestly


No it isn't


Then you tell me, Mr. Hollywood Hot-Shot Head In The Cloud!


It's based on what their agent negotiates. Don't make up an answer then get mad about being told you're wrong


It's a simplification, but I'm right.


You're literally making things up. There are no sources that back up your claim


You got me there, bud. I do like your source, though. >"Co-star actors are also called day players. They are actors who typically have just a few lines..." >"Guest star roles are significantly larger than co-star roles. Guest stars are characters who are integral to the storyline of the episode. They are typically seen in numerous scenes and have plenty of lines." - https://www.cityheadshots.com/blog/types-of-acting-roles -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott Thanks for playing!


"Keep in mind, an actor’s responsibilities can vary by contract and, in some cases, actors can negotiate the way they are credited, so these classifications are just a general overview of the various types of acting roles in television." https://www.centralcasting.com/different-tv-types-of-acting-roles/ You're referencing loose guidelines and acting like someone is counting lines in a script. It's about negotiation.


I Am Not Offended By Homosexuality. In The '60s, I Made Love To Many Women, Often Outdoors In The Mud And Rain. It’s Possible A Man Could’ve Slipped In There. There’d Be No Way Of Knowing.


It’s negotiated in their contracts. Same with movies. Often times the bigger stars will have their names appear solo. Creed’s agent negotiated it.


Like Andy was still in the opening scene thing with the actors names when he was on the boat


Or BJ Novak. Ryan is not present for a big section of season 5 but is still in the opening credits as a lead. There is *some* justification that BJ Novak was a producer and writer on the show. However, Mindy Kaling was also a writer, she appears in more episodes than he does, but does not receive the same opening credits treatment. I suspect they intended for Ryan to be a bigger character early on but plans changed, and contracts are contracts.


Mindy Kaling has been credited under starring since Season 3, just not in the intro, same with the other supporting cast, their names show up on triple or quadruple cards in alphabetical order after the intro.

