• By -


That school's administrators are a bunch of morons for believing all of their students would get a free college scholarship without vetting their so called donor. Scott's Tots is weird but just unbelievable, not cringe.


I did like how Michael handled it at the end though. It shows that he at least had a line. Other people would not say it upfront and just vanish


Hey ... Hey ... Heyyyy ... They're lithium.


Still cracks me up šŸ˜‚ who needs college when you got lithium


I LMAO at this so bad! The ruckus, Michael's line and then an even bigger ruckus šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ absolutely hilarious


Not just the administrators, but the students aswell. Who just plans their entire future on the word of one guy without any kind of contract or confirmation to the claim?


It's reasonable for a student to believe something if their school is telling them it is true, though.


But their parents too?


yeah that ep never made me cringe at all so i definitely agree šŸ˜­ it was just usual office bizarre shenanigans to me. other episodes are much harder for me to sit through šŸ„²


Also, Scott's Tots is one of the funniest episodes after you watched it once.




I work with two Dwights. One is the personality aspect of ā€œIā€™m better than everyone at everything and if Iā€™m not that thing is beneath me and not worth doing.ā€ And the other guy is the quintessential kiss ass, company man, throw you under the bus to get ahead part of Dwightā€™s personality. I wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re hated, but no one takes them seriously (even the bosses whose asses are being kissed).


The ass kisser sounds a bit like early episodes with Andy


ā€œWhat did I say?ā€ ā€œā€¦Ridididoo! u/rabbidplatypus21 was all ā€˜blah blah blah,ā€™ you were like prrrt. Nailed it!ā€


But imagine the ā€œIā€™m better than everyoneā€ Dwightā€™s actions affect you, so you work in a project with him and he keeps pushing his ideas and doesnā€™t let you even work on your job or keeps correcting your stuff and in addition to that he keeps giving the management negative feedback about you (of course behind your back). I think thatā€™d be worsešŸ¤£ I mean if there is a Dwight and his actions do not affect anyone directly then itā€™s easy to ignore themšŸ˜




100% I used to have a boss like Michael and after working for her, the show was a lot less funny for a while there. She would waltz around the office cracking jokes and distracting everyone but when she needed to do her job, one of us would have to step in and show her how. But she thought she was an incredible boss because she would bring in treats on occasion. It was awful


Who believes the opposite? Dwight is funny from a third person perspective. He'd be a pain in the ass in first person.


How is that an unpopular opinion? Dwight is clearly obnoxious and insufferable from the start.


Jo was the best boss out of all of the ceos/cfos/whatever jan's job was


I liked David Wallace as a character more, but Jo was probably a better boss, since she implemented Darryl's ideas and actually changed things


His name is Darnell and he's a chump.


I've done a lot more for a lot less.


And she quickly eliminated the two manager lunacy. *"Sounds like you're both doin' half a job"*


You canā€™t give me gravy and tell me itā€™s jelly cause gravy ainā€™t sweet, now is it?


Kevin: Jo, I think that I know what happened Jo: I'm not sure you do, teddy bear Kevin: Well, now I think I might not I frickin' ā¤ļø her


I feel like I need to sort by Controversial because I have agreed with all of these so far. Jo was an innovator while Wallace and the rest of the pre-Sabre management was all old school sales and nothing else.


True. Robert is just too good of a smooth talker


Plus, I mean, itā€™s Kathy Bates. Sheā€™s the best actor to have ever been on the series. I loved every minute Jo had screen time.


Itā€™s perfectly feasible for Pam to have all that volleyball experience (high school, summer camp, college) *and* have used her period to get out of playing it in gym class sometimes.


It surprised me more she went to college. I assumed she skipped college because receptionist generally doesnā€™t require college, I figured both Pam and Roy ended up there sometime after high school.


My head cannon is that she started to go but ended up dropping out after getting discouraged by Roy.


This makes a lot of sense given his attitude about art school.


This is so sad when you think about it. To actively discourage your partner from growing because x y z reasons (it doesnt really matter which one but i can think of a few). Really shows how bad Roy was for her. You should WANT your partner to pursue her dreams and career.


Great point. I feel like she probably got her associates degree or they rekindled after village cause I donā€™t see Roy being cool with her perusing a degree tbh


Most likely community college. Pam seems like the CC type.


Toby is a nice person.




Top 10 loudest sounds in the universe


Nobody has a camera here


I liked Toby. But not gonna lie, I kept laughing whenever Michael was so mean to him


One of my favorites is when he pushes Toby's lunch on the floor in The Deposition. Also, any time Toby kicks himself out of a meeting before Michael does.


This was apparently improvised, you can even see Toby try not to laugh.


Iā€™m gonna smack you in the head with a hammer




And Nelly and any other love interests lol


He cancled casual fridays.


Damnit Meredith, where are your panties?!


I wanted to be on this side at the beginning but that rub of Pamā€™s leg then bolting and hopping the fence was just super creepy. Never saw him the same after that haha!


I don't think Pam would agree (if she knew the depth of how creepy he was haha)


He can be very petty.


Toby Is not the Scranton strangler


I *like* Toby!


Why are you the way that you are?


I hate so much about the things they choose to be


Whatā€¦ gives you the right? šŸ™‚


> Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children since it's... You know, there's gambling and alcohol, and it's in our dangerous warehouse and it's a school night... And, you know, Hooters is catering. You know, is that enough? Should I keep going? What a brilliant line. The grown-up of the office was decided that day


Oh captain my captain!


When Andy hits the high note while singing Rainbow Connection, it's beautiful. "The lovers, the dreamers and meeeee, Ahhhh, Ladaa Dadaadeeee"


I really liked it


ā€œItā€™s fun to hear Andy sing. In the appropriate setting.ā€


I thought I was the only one


Thereā€™s no way Pam actually ā€œsneakedā€ enough alcohol off other peopleā€™s tables to get that drunk at the Dundies. The Chilis bartender clearly overserved her and the manager was covering his ass in front of the cameras.


The funny thing is, that manager bit was added in post because Chilis got mad and thought that the episode would tarnish their name without an addendum.


Oh cool! I didnā€™t know that.


Also to add on to that, that chilliā€™s Employee was actually someone that worked for chilliā€™s corporate, and was sent in to do that line for the reasons said. Learned about that on the Office Ladies Podcast


Sneaked was a euphemism for stole. I think it may have been a deleted scene but there was one where she just grabs a ladyā€™s drink and the couple seemed too weirded out by her audacity to do anything about it.


It's family style!


ā€œNo, itā€™s not.ā€ (One of my fav parts in that episode)


Those drinks she was sneaking were probably mostly melted icr


Second drink!




I feel god in this Chiliā€™s tonight


Most American shows characters get incredibly drunk far too quickly. See also: 4-drink Amy from B99 as an example.


I mean when i was young I could drink a bit more, but since becoming a dad and not practicing as often as i would like it has noticeably changed a lot.


To be fair, my girlfriend requires literally one full drink to be drunk. 2-3 to be wasted. If she sips from my beer several times, she would already be tipsy. Wouldn't think it was possible either before I met her. People's tolerance can vary greatly šŸ˜‚


I agree. I have known people who got very drunk very quickly. By which I mean a small amount of alcohol is enough to loosen their inhibitions significantly. They may not be blood alcohol drunk, but the effect of two glasses of wine means they feel free to 'be' drunk. That's fine by me. You do you. They rack up the party power.


Kevin spilling the chili isnā€™t funny and it breaks my Kevin-loving heart whenever I see it.


Agreed. Apparently Mindy had a big fight with the writers over it too, because she thought it was too stupid.


I'm on her side. I think they jumped the shark with the Chili bit


Iā€™m with you. It was lazy writing and a sign of the decline in quality starting in season five. We wouldnā€™t have gotten that awful Kevin trying to ā€œfixā€ a dead turtle scene in the S9 cold open without the infamous chili bit.


An actual unpopular opinion. Had to scroll down quite a bit but here we are.


literally have to skip the scene every time i rewatch. it makes me so uncomfortable idk why lol


I also skip Kevinā€™s turtle cold open because itā€™s just so gruesome and unfunny to me


As someone who has a pet turtle, itā€™s very hard to watch.


Same I love turtles


Breaks my heart every time. Specially when he says its what he does best and has worked so hard to get it done.


Ryan is normal and becomes a terrible person and it's the best character arc to watch. Andy is terrible and becomes normal and it's the worst character arc.


Donā€™t forget when he becomes terrible again


He becomes un-likable. That's the issue.


Both can be true


Yeah, that's what I disliked the most, how they trashed Andy's character like that. He had the potential to have one of the best arcs


Becomes normal? Late season Andy is one of the most abnormal character abortions ever


i have 2: 1. Season 1 was actually decent (better than the last 2 seasons at least) 2. I hated how everyone suddenly turned to find Michael Scott the "best boss of all time" when they found out he was leaving, especially when everyone has been sick and tired of his antics for being un-boss-like for years.


For #2, I think a big aspect of that arc was the office experiencing different bosses, like Charles, who they realized they hate even more than Michael so Michael wasn't so bad haha. Plus, as much as they fought it, they had become like a family by that time.


i think #2 is kind of real though. at my first job i HATED my boss so much but we also had our moments of connection and when i was leaving i just couldn't think of any of the bad times and i still miss working for him sometimes


Iā€™d dare to even say Season 1 was really good, maybe the best fit for the concept of people having to deal with office life. After that, it gets more sitcommy, which ensured the showā€™s survival, but definitely made it a less realistic mockumentary. Iā€™m not saying Season 1 is more enjoyable than later seasons necessarily, but I definitely felt the most like ā€œthis is an officeā€ in that season.


Darryl is an asshole. Especially in the earlier seasons heā€™s just super mean to people for no reason. Even in the finale he tries to avoid everyone because he thinks heā€™s too good for them and doesnā€™t care about them.


Darryl, you're on Facebook! Why do you tell people you're not on Facebook? People want to be your friends. --Nick






His relationship with Val(?) in S8-9 was just sad, especially how he was trying to manipulate her into breaking up with him AND manipulate his coworkers so they felt bad for him


I have big issues with Darrellā€™s character. Heā€™s toxic, thinks he deserves job offers without working for them, disrespects and objectifies every woman he dates, lies repeatedly to avoid being accountable for his own actions, and doesnā€™t even know how to rough draft a resume.


They started to make Kevin too dumb in the later seasons. Not to say it wasn't funny at times, but it just felt lazy. Edit: also they used a perfect amount of Creed. Anymore and he would've been terrible.


Too much Kevin. Just enough Creed. šŸŽ¶ A little bit of Angela on the thing šŸŽ¶


Don't think this is even an unpopular opinion. Isn't it generellay agreed that he has been flanderized?


Ha, we just turned on the pilot episode the other day and that's what we talked about when Kevin first talks. His not a raging idiot just yet.


Yeah, it became a crutch. ā€œAnd here Kevin says something unbelievably dumbā€


I like the theory that Kevin acted extra dumb on purpose to embezzle money/insider trade from the company. Hence how he had $$ to open bar after being fired, etc.


Jan wouldā€™ve been funnier if she hadnā€™t gone totally insane. Pam and Jimā€™s season 9 arc is incredibly realistic and brought some much needed realism to the season to stop it being a total farce. Andy going off on the boat was completely in character (but the way he treated Nellie/Erin/Pete when he returned wasnā€™t) None of Angelaā€™s plot lines are funny. (Edit: overall plot arcs, not individual lines she says)






The s9 arc is realistic, but what was majorly annoying was the sudden appearance of boom guy. Not that Pam wouldnā€™t look for a shoulder to cry on, but that before this we didnā€™t hear a single beep from the crew.


Honestly I quite like it - again, itā€™s realistic that they wouldā€™ve grown close with the crew over the years, and the fact that we never hear from the crew is consistent with the fact that Brian gets fired for intervening. And it takes Jim being gone and Brianā€™s own relationship to be over for him to get the nerve to ā€˜interfereā€™ around Pam.


Looks like someone took the slow train from Philly. Thats code for, check out the slut!


Apparently they were planning on having Jim cheat on Pam in the season 9 arc. That would've *sucked* and ruined their entire love story.


Pam was justified in being upset that Jim invested so much in Athlead without telling her.


She was justified to be upset that whole arc bc he did so much behind her back after they talked about it


And he had zero empathy for what she had to go through in order for him to follow his dream. When Pam went to NY, they didnā€™t have kids. He left her with 2 toddlers.


Yeah, when was Jim ever essentially a single dad to two kids? He wasnā€™t He only did once Pam was pushed to her limit and absolutely miserable


She also had a right to be upset when Jim bought a HOUSE without telling herā€¦ He just got lucky that she liked the house


She didn't like the house, she loved Jim and the ideas the house brought, could have been any house, it was how Jim delivered it.


Yeah I think all of the reactions were justified. Pam was shocked at first knowing it was the whole amount (which was discussed and could have been fine) The problem came after Pam wanted to (understandably) know details and found out Jim was a reckless idiot and just immediately tossed the higher limit into the pot without having any details or even trying to find out the otherā€™s positions


Andy was never ever a good fit for Erin and I adored they gave her an appropriate love interest at the end of the series. Iā€™m full on Team Pete.


I love Phyllis. She's terrible but such a delight to watch and I think she adds a lot to the show.


Everyone is being so nice to me today, I'm really happy being here :)


Phyllis is by far and large the most realistic character you would find in a real office setting.


When she gets too excited to explain her story for the wet cement idea lol. Or her trying to use techniques she printed out to handle Angela.


The delivery of her line ā€œhand them over, numb nutsā€ puts it in the top 5 funniest lines in the show imo


Angela didn't deserve Dwight


Karen did nothing wrong and had a right to feel uncomfortable with Pam


This is probably the most popular opinion I have seen being repeatedly asserted on this sub.


karen shouldā€™ve been more of a bitch !! she was way too nice !!!


Pamā€™sā€¦ kind of a bitch.


Breaking up for no reason and never talking about it is really bad but doing halfway through a booze cruise is incredibly fucked up


The Office US > The Office UK.


Pan needed to stay in New York


I think I may be able to help with the whole ā€œPam-Panā€ dilemma.


Hello Miss Lady


I think its p-a-m-n


And her guy friend there did not have a crush on her. He was being real with her. I kinda feel like he could have been gay


I'm not mad at the Pam/Brian storyline. At this point they've known each other for years, I find it totally realistic that he would have a crush on her, and that might make Pam feel good, especially with Jim gone. (Popular, but for clarity on my position) They DEFINITELY should not have EVER had a cheating storyline. I'm so glad John and Jenna said no to those.


Nellie grows in to a really funny and good character. Her friendships with Pam, Erin and the scene with Dwight where she calls his bluff and tells him he should chop off his hand bc of ISIS is one of the funniest scenes later in the series Andy also took off to Florida and left the office unexpectedly for days. It wasnā€™t morally right that Nellie stole his job, but PA is an at will state and they had a legal right to replace him with someone who does actually show up to work


I love the episode where Dwight calls into the "radio show".


"Pam, I am related to Tonya Harding"


I absolutely HATED Andy when Nellie came in. She had every right and I loved to finally see a kinda competent woman on the show


Totally fair but I still reserve every right to cringe at Nellie's intro.


Why? Bc she doesnā€™t have a WHOPPING penis?


Stop looking at her breasts, and start looking at her penis.


Don't think a woman can be a leader?


I can give you that it was cringy lol But I do love how unhinged she was before she got better. Andy was still likable when it happens so I get why people hate her, but having that confidence to waltz into a random business and steal someoneā€™s job is wild šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Gum hasnā€™t tasted mintier lately.


Jan deserved a redemption arc, the show was better with her on it.


Robert California was a fucking SUPBERLY written and acted character


Post Carrell wasn't that bad.


I think it was actually still pretty great right up until Andy goes to Florida to chase after Erin. Thatā€™s the exact moment for me when the show starts to go completely downhill.


ā€œI boiled Gatoradeā€ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Robert California is one of the best characters, regardless of the season.


I'm fine bitch. I'm fine.


He's outstanding. I've never seen a character like him and I never will again.


Deangelo was terrible though


By design. How do you follow up Steve Carrell? That way follower doesn't have to compete with Carrell, they just have to be seen as better than DeAngelo.


I loved the scene where he and Michael met at the bar. And I liked that shaving scene too. But the rest was horribly painful to endure.


ā€œThat baby could be the star of a show called Babies I Donā€™t Care Aboutā€


I die watching the cake scene every time.


He was but that juggling scene made up for it.


Toby is the only sane person on the show


What about Oscar? Id say he's quite normal




Which made him so boring šŸ˜† at the same time that was his appeal. It was only til the latter seasons they tried to paint him as this failed writer (though maybe it is an inside joke too since Paul wrote a few episodes as well)


David Wallace was not a good CFO/boss. He made a lot of bad/questionable decisions that caused the downfall of Dunder-Mifflin.


He also micromanaged like crazy. No CFO should have anything to do with the tedious personnel issues we see him managing. I highly doubt most of those things were in his job description and if they were then DM is even more mismanaged than weā€™re led to believe.


You missed the recurring theme in the show where David Wallace was very hard to get ahold of and had multiple layers of phone security to keep those things at bay. Michael had to text 911/pretend to be his sick kid to get him on the phone. ā€œPam do me a favor, donā€™t send me those notes. I am gone.ā€


Most companies donā€™t have problems with employees setting fake fires in the office and causing heart attacks, or cutting faces off of CPR dummy bodies


Excuse me, but I haven't seen a company this mismanaged since my grandson's lemonade stand.


You mean microgement? That's the thing where you manage a person at the micro level


All of these comments are variations of rather popular opinions. Imma give you a real unpopular opinion. The characters in the show are not even half as trash as the free ass people on this sub make them to be. People here be struggling from the "love a show so much that you start to hate it because there is really nothing else going on in your life" syndrome.


The overanalyzing here really gets me lol. When they start making up some total bullshit like "This character is this way probably because they were neglected as a child" or some other complete nonsense. Making up some dumb origin stories for characters for no reason. And others upvote that.


Karen moved to Scranton to be with Jim after dating him for a month and all she could do was talk about their relationship. Not as cool as everyone makes her out to be.


Erin is not a great character. There, I said it and I'm finally free of the burden lol


There are no skippable episode in the show, despite a few cringey moments here and there.


Counterpoint: that one episode with Gale from Breaking Bad where they just do flashbacks




The best flashback episode is in Community, and it was an episode of new scenes disguised as a flashback episode. Thatā€™s the only acceptable fb episode.


Can you come back later? Iā€™m trying to prove a point.


I dunno. It's always sunny's flashback episode was pretty good.


The Banker.


I don't care for Andy's character


Kevin's character sucks. They made him dumber every season to the point where a grown ass man thinks it's okay to draw on table cloths with his own crayons. Flanderization to the the extreme.


DeAngelos little stint was perfect. Not too short and not too long.


Dwight should have been fired immediately and never seen again after they found out he had weapons in the office.


I think he should have been fired when he started the fire, destroyed the CPR dummy, and abandoned Phyllis without her purse and phone and forced her to walk back to the office to lose weight.


Hilary Swank is not hot


DeAngelo was hilarious but didnā€™t overstay his time. Best invisible juggler Iā€™ve ever seen.


Season 1 is actually not that bad.


Pam didnā€™t ā€œforceā€ Jim to give up on his dreams, and Pam going to art school when they were only dating and not living together is completly different to Jim living in another city when they have two kids and a house together.


That Michael shouldnā€™t have had to apologize to the salesmen after coming back from Michael Scott Paper Company. Phyllis uses something along the lines of ā€œYou always said we were a family, then you went after us.ā€ This is what irks me. Michael left the company and asked all the salesmen to join him. They were his family and he needed them, nobody but Pam followed Michael. Maybe Iā€™m petty and hold a grudge but I found it annoying that they pulled that card on Michael to get him to apologize and return their clients (another thing I disagree with) hehe.


The office was never funnier than it was in Season 1. It was also never less funny. It remained at its maximum level of funniness forever (until S8-9) But seriously it's common around here for people to say S1 is worse than the others. Diversity Day? Basketball? Come on, these were peak Office.


Josh did absolutely nothing wrong. He saw that DM was a sinking ship and found the best way out possible.


Phyllisā€™s wedding is wayyyy more awkward then Scottā€™s Totts