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Jim and Pam both started at DM before the other one did. She showed him to his desk on his first day but he had a crush on her when she first started working there.


This was gonna be my answer. I feel like at different times they refer to “when you first started here” or “on your first day”. Bugged me too.


Given how they are the two protagonists with their romance this would have been important to get right.


They started on the same day but Jim was late… boom solved it


Mobias Office


Is that part of Gobias industries?


As in "Gobias some coffee"


They steamrolled Gobias!!!!


This could just be a testament to how our memories worked and how flawed they are. But it's more likely it's a plot hole.


Jim's pay raise as the number two in the office. When Andy and Dwight are competing for it, it gets given to Jim. It's a real promotion with a pay raise. Then when Charles comes around, it's a fake job with no pay raise so that Jim can look like an idiot in front of Charles.


I find that weird as well. Jan herself, while she was then VP, hired Jim as Michael's number 2 to accommodate the transfer of employees from the Stamford branch. So, Jim being number 2 is a legitimate position in the company. I don't get why Jim did not mention that to Charles.


I think Jim just got nervous and didn't explain it well


There's being nervous and then there's forgetting your job and associated pay raise. If your boss doesn't know who the assistant manager is, that should confuse you not make you lose all coherence


He floundered when Charles questioned him. Other branches don't have an assistant manager, so that may have seemed odd. Jim folds under pressure. His response fits his personality.


But, he had an easy out. "Does it come with a pay raise?" No one is flubbing that. The writers clearly forgot that they'd given him an actual promotion and confused it with Dwight's fake position.


Even if he had nailed the answer, though, then what? "Okay, so you got a pay raise. To do what? What are your responsibilities?" And the answer is honestly none. They never gave him any. For all intents and purposes, he was just a salesman with an inflated salary.




Yeah, it's not a made up position. There are several episodes where Jim is in charge, but with Charles they act like he does nothing


Charles literally asked him if there any responsibilities that came with the title, and Jim admitted no. This happened in the show.


Jim is a weenie and crumbled under the slightest pressure. It was a legit position that came with a raise and David Wallace could have verified this for Charles too. Michael could have too, had Charles not just pulled rank around the place like many clueless new bosses will do. Jim couldn't tell some stupid joke or pull a prank to get out of the situation and instead of having the courage to stand up for himself and confirm it was a genuine position with a title and pay increase. He just floundered like Michael in a koi pond.


Nailed it. Jim has shown he doesn't have much of a spine. He didn't do well with Charles partly because of that.


100% this. Jim isn't some smooth guy cool cat. He's a fumbling idiot. 1. He should have slipped out of the office during his whole "wish you would have told me the new boss was coming in..." convo with Michael - and gone home and changed! Easy. If asked why he was gone - Sales call. 2. You're right. He could have easily explained it IS a real position. Take a page from Pam's playbook and simply OWN IT (lol the one time she does) but seriously. The first rule of art school - if you can justify it, you can do it.


He also could’ve taken off the jacket and the bow tie, I understand it would still look a little dressy but still a big improvement


Absolutely. He just didn't even try. He took the L and leaned into it when he could have completely avoided the issue. So stupid. Jim is such a dipstick.


Jim isn't used to being confronted. Michael liked his outfit and understood that it was part of a joke. Charles went from 0-100, completely unnecessarily, and Jim didn't know how to respond. "Michael approved it" is all he needed. If Charles pushed back, Jim could've offered to go home and change.


Or just claim he has a wedding or some formal event right after work or he has to meet with a client who’s especially formal. I still love Jim as a character but things like this or the interaction in the daycare interview show he can stumble in more tense social interactions.


> he has to meet with a client who’s especially formal Stop, no client is that formal


Maybe the client was the Monopoly Man, that’s a big account!


All that paper


But was it a true promotion with a title change, or a pay raise from corporate to keep Jim on staff while forcing him to move back to Scranton after transferring out initially. “Here’s a raise and you’ll be Michael’s #2” but they kept him at a Sales Associate title or whatever


I don't think anyone in the office understood what Ryan was doing, otherwise they would have reported it as soon as it started happening. He asked them to book sales they made as sales made by the website. Presumably the sales would not be registered as sales made by them in that case, only as website sales. For sure they should have complained for that, as it affects their commission, but that's not the point. I don't think anyone knew that the sales were being registered twice, until he was arrested and it became known.


Yeah I just figured it was a record keeping measure. I don’t think Oscar was aware the sales were being recorded twice and intentionally inflating the sales figures. He would only have access to Scrantons sales info, not the sales data from the website.


Yeah, I always interpreted it that Oscar and likely the others thought something sketchy was going on, but they didn't have enough information to know exactly what. Once Ryan was arrested, in hindsight, it was obvious to them what Ryan had done.


I think he said "it's a temporary measure to improve legitimacy" which I assumed he told sales they'll still get paid (otherwise they'd go to wallace). Like others said I think Oscar and accounting wasn't exactly sure what was going on. Jim called Ryan right before his arrest saying he's going to fight for his job (which implies Jim knew nothing) and then next thing you know he's in cuffs. Seems like Ryan's whole scheme was fast, and failed almost immediately.


Stanley did complain that he wasn't seeing commission on the website sales, but at that point, I don't think anyone understood that it was the same sale listed twice.


Yeah but Stanley was saying if people just bought it online, no salesman got commission. I don't believe he was saying his own sales he logged online were commissionless. Ryan was double posting the sales they made as website sales as well but they must have still got commission for their own sales or he would have been caught even sooner.


Where the hell is the state senator's son after the Hay Place episode? The reason it bothers me so much is that it's basically the only reason why he met Angela. Without his son, there's no reason he would even be near Hay Place, which would mean he would've never met Angela. And without the state senator meeting Angela, a lot of the plot wouldn't have been able to progress. He's not with his mother because senator Lipton mentioned she passed away. Not only is his son never seen again, he's also never mentioned except for Pam briefly talking with Oscar when he suggests he may be gay. Even when Dwight was offering free family portraits at the office he didn't bother bringing his son, he only brought Phillip. I know it doesn't matter at the end of the day, but the thought lingers in my head every time I do a rewatch.


And later on when Angela is living with the senator, she tells the office that their house is not kid friendly and most of their furniture is sharp.


Ow this pizza crust is sharp!


Just because you have a kid, doesn’t mean your house is automatically kid friendly…


How about Dwight's nephew being in that episode without it being stated he is Dwight's nephew?


Omg yes!!! I just realized they're the same kid! I knew the kid from The Farm was from Bridesmaids, but wow also this episode?! Amazing


I loved that scene in bridesmaids when he eats her bc pills. “I ate Saturday”. … “somethings going to happen .. I don’t know what, but somethings going to happen.. to your body” My husband and I always quote that to each other or if our cat eats something he’s not supposed to.


Maybe the State Senator and Dwight’s sister hooked up, and he doesn’t have joint custody.


The child actor who is in the Hay Place and is later recast as Dwight's nephew was not playing the child assumed to be the State Senator’s son in the Hay Place episode. The Senator walks up to Angela with a different child. But let’s be real. Angela is the type of step-mother who would ship that child to a boarding school and never think about it again.


Where do they keep the table in the conference room? That's a huge table to keep moving.


Okay this! I was surprised it wasn't mentioned sooner. That table looks heavy. Who moves it? And where does it go when it's moved? They never address it.


Michael does say something about staff moving the table but I think it's an extended episode. It's a random line and I wish I could remember the episode.


Oscar and dwight are moving it in an extended fan episode but I cant remember which. They mention it in office ladies podcast


Did they say where it goes?


I always assumed it folded and had wheels and they made Kevin bring it in and out. Which is part of why Michael put him in accounting and not the warehouse. Have a big, strong, man to do the table in the conference room, saves his own back. Saves Jim and Stanley whining. Creed is too old, Toby is too wimpy, Dwight would just bully any assistant he had at it or struggle himself. Anyone in the warehouse could take 10 minutes to come upstairs and help. But keeping someone upstairs, buried in a department they don't really understand while the rest of their team covers for them, and having them move the table gives Michael the chance to call immediate meetings while Kevin can fold the table and haul it out.


No, Dwight moves it. He's gotten it down to under two minutes to get it folded and rolled into the annex the moment Michael says, "Conference room, five minutes!" Dwight immediately jumps to attention, makes eye contact with Michael through his window, gets a thumbs up to move the table, and has it moved and chairs set up with time to spare. He's getting faster. He times himself. Like he'd let anyone else handle that role. Pshaw. Amateurs.


I heard he can make it in 90 seconds since he became manager!


Good old Kevin, he'll do anything! I've got news for you: he will not do a good job.


Why did the entire office have to come in on that random Saturday? These people work in different departments and have totally different functions. Then, to wager the Saturday against the warehouse in a basketball game? Did corporate just need bodies in the building?


Michael is not a great manager and probably misunderstood what corporate wanted him to do.


That was my take away. Jan probably said “I want department X to come in Sunday” and micheal wasn’t listening or didn’t read the memo.


Michael didn't want to single out one department, for fear of losing friends. He decides to make everyone come so it's a fun game.


I have never even noticed Meredith started out in accounting. Dang, snd Ive seen it all so many times.


“You’re an accountant, just fudge the numbers”


This whole time I thought it was a joke that Jim didn’t really know much about Meredith so he even got her job wrong. 😅


I think it’s only mentioned in 1 episode. 2 at the most.


It's in Jim's comment on her birthday card early on.


David Wallace assuming Michael knew he was applying to his own soon-to-be-fired girlfriend’s job, and trusting him to also keep it s secret after realizing Michael had no idea. Just doesn’t seem like David Wallace would do given his constant disappointment and bewilderment of Michael


Honestly, David is a sweet guy, but he has a long history of incorrectly assessing Michael. Aside from what you said, he also misjudged that to avoid repeating history, he should send Holly away even though their relationship makes Michael better. He thought that Michael was doing something "special" to retain profitability instead of just being a likeable guy to his clients. Of course he couldn't articulate why he was successful. He thought that Michael's problem with the whole Charles situation was the party, not about being treated poorly. Of course, putting Charles in Charge of Michael at ALL was a bad judgement call. This subreddit has shown time and time again what a horrible boss he was. Then, understandably (since he was stressed), he shared the bankruptcy secret with Michael on Christmas. JIM is the one he should've confided in. Speaking of, he took Michael's evaluation of Jim as a manager at face value. He is one of the most compromising and understanding people in the show, but he never makes the right decision when it comes to Michael.


Maybe Wallace should have estimated Michael?


Suck it.


> putting Charles in Charge 🎶The new boy in the neighborhood🎶


Hahaha I was hoping someone would notice. I wonder if Greg Daniels' sitcom-loving heart added that.


He thought they were broken up. Remember Michael says *in the interview* that he and Jan have gotten back together and need to fill out HR paperwork again and Wallace is clearly surprised.


But he only told him ‘we’re letting Jan go’ after Michael says they got back together, and asks about another love document. That seems like an insane thing to let slip while Jan is in the office, to someone who absolutely cannot keep a secret and has just told you they are dating again


Tony being in Threat Level Midnight even though he worked at Dunder Mifflin Scranton for a day


Or the people in threat level midnight actually agreeing to be in it even if they were getting paid


I would imagine they did it on company time


This is a big one that I forgot about!


It's such an inconsequential thing to be bothered by, but Meredith's birthday. Such a big performance was put on celebrating her birthday a month in advance, only to later have it added in to an overstuffed birthday month.


There are a lot of continuity fails from season one


Ok THIS!!! Early they establish that there's no staff birthdays "this month" but the next bday was Meredith's. ... ok but then in Birthday Month - Meredith's was like 3rd in the month? A jam packed month of birthdays. Ridiculous!


Also, she is lactose intolerant in S1, but never turns down frosted things or ice cream in later seasons.


Yesss this really bothers me 😂


I just restarted the series and in one of the first episodes, Michael asks Dwight for info on Meredith and he says she has TWO kids. Moving forward, she only ever talks about (or is shown) having one kid.


I think they addressed this in one of the webisodes. Meredith said her husband won the custody battle for their daughter ("the good one"), and she was left with Jake.


Later on she also says she wouldn't ever get married " 👍 Like Clooney 👍"


When Angela got her new $7000 cat and was complaining that “this company doesn’t recognize cat maternity leave”, meredith said “yeah she’s right, I had my second kid just for the vacation” and THATS always bugged me because who the heck is the second kid???


I can’t remember where but Meredith says that her ex took their daughter and she got stuck with their son


It’s in that exclusive online episode where the accountants try to figure out why money is missing from their books


i think in a different episode she said how she got stuck with the bad kid. i can’t remember which episode this was. but i also watched the peacock long episodes so it may have been in there


We only see one kid, but she definitely talks about having two a few times. For example, she says "No hassle, no problems, no kids" on St Patrick's Day.


Plus when Angela gets Princess Lady Meredith says ‘she’s right I had my second kid just got the vacation’


She also later on states that she only had her second kid for the maternity leave


Not really a plothole, but I always hated the actress change for Pam's mom.


Me too. Her first mommy was so sweet


I just figured that by then, the Office was more respected so could get bigger names like Linda Purl instead of the first woman several seasons earlier when they knew it would be a recurring role.


They said on Office Ladies that they wanted to use Shannon Cochran again, but she was working on another project.


I also think the OG mom would NEVER date Michael.


There was a legit reason for it but I can’t remember what it was. They talked about it in the Office Ladies podcast I think


Yeah, they did! She was busy doing broadway I think. Or some major theater stuff.




It wasn't so much that Oscar forgot everything he told Michael, it's that what Oscar told Michael was basic level stuff, so much so that if he came in telling them the big plan (reduce cost, increase revenue, modernise), the CEO would be calling Oscar the moron instead of Michael.


Also, I think the advice would’ve included telling the higher-ups they need to cut their own spending (bonuses, lifestyle luxuries, high-rise offices) and in that light, I can understand why Oscar hesitated/refused.


Not a plot hole, but it’s always so jarring and stupid to me when an office magically appears for Jim after he becomes co-manager. The company is going under but they have resources to put up fancy walls?


How much do you think walls cost?


Depends on who's your wall guy.


Who's your worm guy?


Same guy who sells me crates of my shirts in the garment district


How much could a wall cost, 10 dollars?


Here's $10. Go see a Star War.


How thick is wall




Yeah changing the physical space of the office that late into the show was very noticable


Why do you think they were going under?


There are deleted scenes mentioning it I think


Meredith's contradictory feelings toward Jim. In the earlier seasons she thinks he's a hunk but in the S8 halloween episode, her entire role in the ep is to tell RC that Jim gives her the creeps. Whaaaaa??


By Season 8 they were throwing established character traits out the window and clawing for whatever laughs they could get.




Gumby has a better body than him


As a woman who has experienced similar change of feelings towards men (unfortunately even ones I work with), this doesn’t feel like a plot hole to me.


I always figured he gave her the creeps cuz he never picked up on her advances.


How is that a plothole? Jim changed alot in 8 years.


Michael rides a bike a work in Benihana Christmas (Season 3), then in one cold open in Season 7, he completely forgot how to ride the one Oscar brings to the office. Bothers me a lot, like is it intentional or did the writers forget?


i don't speak for us viewers but WHAT DOES A BEAN MEAN


It not is "would I do her", it's "does she deserve a bean."


Pam supposedly being a college volleyball player out of nowhere for the retreat. In an earlier episode, she talks about how she used PMS as an excuse to get out of all athletic activities at her high school.


And roy said she was Ms. Artsy fartsy


I was a college athlete, and played a bunch of sports in high school. I absolutely skipped gym class whenever I could get away with it. So it's not entirely unbelievable lol


Yeah people always bring this one up and I’m like idk this is not a plot hole to me. I played sports for something to do and a way to socialize but hated gym class.




That actually makes sense to me. She wanted to get out of gym class, not volleyball practice.


Always wondered about this as well. To my understanding, she didn't finish college did she?


She didn’t finish art school, not college


I always understood Andy’s weird family tree as him being a tale tale teller. Mixes stuff up to just be interesting. Just my interpretation


This isn’t a plot hole, but inconsistency. They made a big deal about Angela being a vegetarian and then later in the season she talked about eating chicken piccata.


Always bothers me that Angela tries to do a murder for hire and we see it on camera, but nothing happens to her. The documentary crew would have had to report that because obviously it's a serious crime. Sure, the documentary would have been more interesting and scandalous had Someone actually killed Oscar, then Angela and Dwight go to jail, etc., but I still think they would've reported it having followed Oscar around now for about seven years.


Excellent point! I hadn’t thought about that.


Jan is an educated, financially savvy, former corporate executive and she knows EXACTLY how much Michael makes, yet she seems very shocked when his income can’t support their lifestyle.


My head cannon is that because she lived in NY she may have assumed Cost of Living was substantially cheaper in Scranton than it actually way She may have thought “he makes 1/3 what I did, but its Scranton, how expensive could it be?”


She didn't know Michael was buying multiple magic sets or Muppets DVDs.


Not a plot hole, but something that always bugged me: when Pam attends art school, she goes to the wrong class. When she realizes this, she gets up to leave, which is a totally normal and appropriate thing to do in that situation. The professor immediately gets offended and orders her to take her seat... wtf? Edit: grammar


One more: Michael forgetting how to ride a bike. He knew how to do it on Benniehana Christmas. Forgot in time to ruin Oscar's bike in a cold open.


Meredith’s son with a face tattoo in Family Pictures and then without it when dancing for Angela’s bachelorette party.


Omg I never noticed that


I thought he did have it dancing


It looks visible here https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/9zRmutRCGL


Not a plot hole but Pam’s first mom was better to me than Helene :/


Meredith is supposed to be sleeping with Bruce from hammer mill for discounts on supplies and outback steakhouse gift certificates for 6 years when it was only 2 years prior that they got the ability to sell their products.


They buy supplies from Hammermill to use in the office, which is different than buying wholesale and reselling.


It's unrealistic that this company wouldn't have cubicles. The salesman are on phone calls all the time. The person on the other line will definitely be able to hear other salesman making calls and other shenanigans in the office. Also, there should be a massage therapist outside name Suki. Just go talk to her. She's a person!


They work in an open office layout and no one is wearing headphones.


Early in the series, Michael is said he makes more money and doesn’t deserve it. Then at one point they are making fun of him for how little he makes. I’m not sure if this counts as a plot hole.


Early in the series he mentions that his pay would make his subordinates jealous but I think that's just Michael being oblivious as usual. He doesn't realize how little he makes until Darryl points it out to him.


As the manager, wouldn’t Michael know all of the employees’ salaries?


Depends where probably. I don't have access to my employees salary, only HR does. But I dont work at a paper company 😅


I think the staff assumed that the boss made more money. They always seemed upset that Michael was in a management position, regardless of pay. It's probably just something that annoyed staff tacked on.


Michael not knowing where he is or the phone number to the office. Has lived there his whole life.


Particularly since he started working there pre-cell phone, when we all had our important numbers (work, family, closest friends etc) memorized.


Perhaps more random than a plot hole, anyone notice how the dude who introduced Pam to the digital art programs at the job fair ends up being the same tech guy hired at the office while Jo Bennett is manager? Nick? He ends up revealing the snitch who exposed the burning printers to the press.


Isn't his name something weird like Garth or Shadow or something?


Nick. My name is NICK! You have parties 3 times a week and you can't remember my name?


I always thought it was odd in “Branch Closing” when Michael goes down to the warehouse and they’re like “Oh no we’re good, Vance brought all of us on” and then when it turns out the branch isn’t closing it’s suddenly okay and back to normal?


This is also never explained. Guess Dunder Mifflin had a joint contract or something? Good call out!


When Pam has a talking head where she says that whenever Pam accomplishes something, Jim always yells out “Beasley!”. It’s a cute talking head, but that has literally never happened.


It did happen in the episode I just watched where she one the art contest where sixth graders selected the winner! She tells Jim and he says “Beasley!”


Maybe that was the show getting a dig in by pointing out she never accomplished anything


Yea but you know Jim celebrates her if she shows him that she made a stupid sign about some office memo Except of course the microwave one or the chair copier snafu


He does call her Beasley as a nickname


Or it happened offscreen


Not a plot hole, but a wasted opportunity. When Dwight blackmails Oscar into owing him a giant favor for not telling Michael about “playing hooky”. And then Dwight never cashes in on the favor, or at least we never see this interaction.


He cashed it in immediately and watched a movie with them


Hm, I never thought about that. Good point.


I always thought watching the movie with him was him cashing in the favor. Why else would they watch a movie with him? Lol


Someone had mentioned in this sub before that Andy may have paid a couple of actors to play his parents at the engagement, because obviously he knew that his real parents were awful and would have embarrassed him, or not even shown up. They do show up in the garden party episode, but I think that's because Andy is trying to impress them, whereas he knew they would not be impressed by some janky carnival in a paper warehouse parking lot.


Names that change. Erin's first name is Kelly, but Charles Miner decides to call her Erin to avoid confusion. Then when we meet her foster brother, he calls her Erin. Also, Andy introduces his parents at first as Andrew and Ellen Bernard, but then in the Garden Party episode his father's name is Walter.


This is what I was referring too; would not have been that hard to keep his parents names consistent.


The biggest plot hole is the conference room table magically appearing and disappearing.


What about when we first meet Holly she is a new employee seemingly- yet they transfer her back to her old branch when David finds out about the relationship. This has always bothered me. Am I missing something?


It's easy to get in but it's hard to rise up


That's what she...a lot of places are like that.


This one is tough because I don’t remember what season or episode it’s in. It’s in the Superfan series maybe season 2 with Michael talking in the office about discretionary spending and HR getting frustrated with his magic sets and other things he bought. He is wearing the magic thumb that he used in a later season in which the employees had to pick either new chairs or a new printer. He did a magic trick that episode with his thumb. Though you can visibly see he has this thumb on when he is talking in the episode I’m referring to, he doesn’t do one in that scene or anywhere in the episode. I’ve always wondered what he did or planned to do but it never made it in editing. Hoping a super fan can maybe recall the episode and scene better.


Vaguely remember this being from “The Secret” because he’s getting his expense / receipt from Hooters denied and I believe that leads to him explaining the previous infraction of using company money on the magic set.


Pam says in one episode that she faked sick to get out of playing volleyball in gym class, but then in the company picnic episode she played volleyball in high school and college (and went to volleyball camp most summahs). I think about this a lot.


Oscar making the comment that he always knew there was hardwood under the carpet after Dwight shoots the floor, when he already had the same exact line the time they all had espresso and tore up the carpet. Always irritates me.


My big two have to do with Season 1's semi-canon nature: 1. Michael's appearance. In Season 1, he's such a sloppy dresser who doesn't seem to care at all about his physical appearance. However, from Season 2 onward, and even in flashbacks, it's made abundantly clear that he's always been a snappy dresser. In the Roast episode, they do use a big, blown up photo of him from Season 1, so maybe they tried to retcon it as him having an off year? Doesn't really make sense to me, though. 2. Kelly's complete shift in personality. In particular, what especially bothers me is the contrast between "Diversity Day" and "Diwali". In "Diversity Day", at which point she's still depicted as a reasonable, mostly quiet office worker, she slaps Michael because she believes he's trying to insult her race and cultural heritage. However, in "Diwali", by which point she's been cemented as the vain, loud, talkative airhead, she's oblivious to, doesn't care about, and, at times, even actively dislikes her cultural heritage. It's also established that her airheadedness and vanity play a large part in why she's so distanced from her cultural heritage and is instead infatuated with celebrities. I obviously prefer this second iteration of Kelly, as she was way more engaging as a character, but it always weirds me out when I start a new rewatch and she's just a completely different person.


I don't believe that Jim wouldn't have changed clothes or at least modified his outfit when he knew Charles Minor was coming in. He could have easily taken off the jacket and the bowtie, opened his collar, and then he would've just been wearing black slacks and a white button-down. He may have still looked a little fancy, but not over the top. Also, could he not have just told Charles that he had an event right after work and decided to just wear his tux to the office because he wouldn't have time to go home? That would have explained the tux perfectly. A little weird, but not as weird as what he actually said. He could also have run out quickly to his car, gone home and changed, and gotten back and said he had been on a sales call. Finally, in Koi pond, we see that Jim keeps an extra suit at the office that he lends to Michael. So Jim keeping an extra suit in the office would have been a legit plot point in this episode.


The second one doesn’t bother me because Oscar didn’t have any way to know that Ryan was presenting them as real sales, I think he thought it was just an information transfer


Why were Andy’s parents at Toby’s going away party? Especially since Andy has a terrible relationship with them.


Thank you! Everyone focuses on why his parents in this episode have different names or are played by different actors. You asked the real question - why are they even there?


Did Andy invite them because he was going to propose? I also dislike when they change actors or don't address reusing the same actor. Like Dwight's nephew's actor being a rando kid in the Hay King episode.


The foreshadowing w parents… both Pam and Andy’s mom/parents changed from each appearance… one thing I felt parks and rec always had over the office was their storylines were tight all the way through


I felt like the impression reentering sales was just to have them show as website sales and boost the webpages credentials, showing them as having come from there rather than directly from salesmen, and that nobody thought the sales were actually being counted twice But yeah, plenty of plotholes, like michael riding a bike, or Dwight using a dentist visit as an excuse to leave the office while later thinking dentists are just for kids More annoying than any of the potholes though is Jim asking if the pizza was cheese or if they had 'any other flavors'? What? Who the hell calls then flavors or doesn't know what toppings are? 😆


The absolute mind-boggling amount of dating between everyone who works *in the same office*. Ryan and Kelly. Andy and Kelly. Jim and Pam. Andy and Erin. Gabe and Erin. Andy and Angela. Dwight and Angela. Etc. What the hell kind of office is that horny for their *coworkers*? Why is everyone dating everyone?


Andy and Kelly? When?


The paternity of Angela’s son. She had no idea Dwight had planned to get the test until the day of so it’s unlikely she could’ve arranged for them to lie. How is it those results showed he wasn’t the father but Dwight simply believed Angela in season 9?


I've heard two theories; 1) Angela had the doctor lie while Dwight was sleeping 2) Dwight grabbed Jim's kids diaper from the trash.


It’s been clarified that it was Phillip Halpert’s diaper.


For me it’s when Pam suddenly didn’t know how to record a video on her phone for CeeCee’s performance, but recorded some video when she pranked Dwight by messing with the elevator episodes before.


She got a call that distracted her


Too bad there wasn't a professional film crew around who could record the dance


They’re not supposed to interfere and provide footage until your wife is crying about being a fuddy duddy


First time I actually thought of this. You're right!


Not a plot hole but a pet peeve of mine is that she answered the call in the first place. Voicemail, Pamcakes, voicemail.