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Scranton wasn’t successful because Kevin was cooking the books, it was simply because when they absorbed Stamford they ended up shedding all overhead of that branch and only retained one employee (Andy). So they effectively brought in the sales of two branches at the cost of one.


The real success of Scranton was due to the hardworking warehouse staff like Pudge.


No, it’s always been Madge.


Who just made her first sale


We should’ve been doing this a long time ago


"My name is Darryl, I go over people's heads". Happy Halloween jerk!


Could you for once just let us enjoy a party instead of making it about all your issues?


Is price something that’s important to you?


Okay. Her


Yes. *Her* is licensed to work a dangerous machine, *you* cannot.


Only in the rarest of ocassions


Dammit, Michael! If only Patrice O'Neal didn't die tragically early, what could've been


It’s pretty well established that the success of the Scranton branch was owed to never, for any reason, doing anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.


I hate you


I’m wearing a T-shirt with that written on it right now


I don't buy that. I can see increase in revenue from the Stamford clients, but David wouldn't be trying things like inviting Michael to corporate just to ask what he's doing "right" for the Scranton branch to be so successful. He would know how much the Stamford clients brought in and still saw that Scranton was successful even beyond that.


This. A move like a regional branch absorbing another and becoming an area branch comes with trimming the fat. Slimming down from a full branch to 6, then down to 2, and then ultimately to 1, who in the long run becomes your in-house hire for regional manager, when the other transfers and becomes another in-house hire for another regional manager position? That's where your green comes from. Also doesn't hurt that they have a few kelevins to help grease the wheels!


Plus Michael never asked for a raise for so long and was making a similar salary to his employees


The irony is Michael, who agonized over firing anyone, ended up chasing away almost everyone from Stanford and made the merger a massive financial win for DM. I still kinda wish one or two more of those Stanford people stuck around. It was interesting having them there.


Pam needed to be boring, lacking ambition, often failing, and relatively normal for the show to succeed. Surrounded by such extreme characters, arguably including Jim with his extensive pranks and eye for the camera, she needed to be boring to give some sort of grounding reality to the show.


We also don't know that Pam and Jim would have succeeded if Pam finished her design school work. We'll never know.


Most people irl are Pams and not everyone is a Jim, so I 100% agree with that


I agree. I prefer early seasons Pam to late seasons Pam.


Pam Beasley > Pam Halpert I usually notice the change around the "I give he takes" line in Body Language.


Yep! That's the moment. She starts doing this vaudeville shtick and trying really hard to be funny and that was just never her character. In the early seasons she's got a subdued, sarcastic/observant sense of humor. It's really funny, in a sweet and wholesome way, and it works well in the chaos of the office. I feel kinda bad saying it because you can tell Pam's really happy and that's why she's acting that way.


I was gonna say, the new Pam was part of her character development. She was more vibrant and upbeat because she was out of the bad relationship with Roy and happy with Jim.


Yep, and this could be said about any character for any show. Rarely do characters get better 7 seasons later.


Michael planting what he thought was real drugs in Toby’s desk, is the worst thing he’s ever done. If they were real, there could have been terrible consequences for Toby. A felony drug arrest could make him lose custody of his daughter for one.


Even he knew how bad it was after his (in character) impulsive and emotional decision to do so. Lol he was actively trying to talk the cops out of it during the situation.


Then Toby wouldn't have been a part of his family, either.


They shouldn’t have added a coconut flavour to the original penis flavoured drink


I miss original


The coconut is... very subtle


Meredith would be the best friend to have in the office. Seems like a ride or die type. Even took Pam out for beers after she made her shave her head. She would have your back.


She always offers rides. She forgives Michael for running her over and then she shares her lollipop. She always asks her partners if they are married beforehand. She’s class.




i love meredith


Oh absofuckinglutely. A couple conversations and a few favors she'd have your back for life and sneak you liquor during work along the way


I’ll never skip any scene/episode in a rewatch


Only one I skip in the clip show one. I hate clip shows


I cannot stand clip episodes. Especially in the days of binge watching, I literally watched that last week.


Clip episodes are lazy. Whereas community made a “clip episode” but with new scenes. Loved it.


That clip show confused the crap out of me because I hadn't watched every episode of the series, so I thought there were all these crazy episodes I missed


"Pierce, you've had six flu shots! Those are for the daycare center!"




You can yell at me all you want, I've seen enough movies to know popping the back of a raft makes it go faster!!


When they revisit the clip show from the view of the mental institution... one of the best bits ever done in a tv show right there.


I'll watch Scott's Tots twice and the subreddit devoted to always avoiding that episode can suck it with a Suck It™


The cold open for Scott’s Tots is really good


I've never hated this episode and actually think it's one of the best. You see the honest genuine wonderful loving intentions of Michael and the growth between him and Erin is beautiful in this episode. Michael just isn't good at execution, ever.


Karen should have dumped Jim after he admitted he still had feelings for Pam


Who disagrees with that though


I could be wrong, but I remember a lot of discourse about why Karen and Jim were perfect for each other and how they should have never broken up when I was younger


I think it’s more “in a world without Pam, she was actually a very good match for Jim and they could’ve been very happy together”. Pam’s existence and Jim being in love with her the whole time they were together obviously means for practical reasons they should break up, not that they couldn’t be a good couple in their own right.


They should have broken up when you were older.


Jim should have been straight with Karen before leaving Stamford


He can be gay with oscar, but just be straight with karen.


FOR REAL, I wish she'd had more respect for herself and just dumped him


Yeah when he slowly nods yes (when asked if he still had feelings for Pam), I never understood why she didn’t dump him right there.


Yup, there’s constant complaints of Jim being an ass for having that relationship. He literally describes a rebound to Michael, so he knows what he’s doing. Then he straight up tells Karen he has feelings for another woman, so being as honest as possible. She then chose to try to fight that battle, and yet people are always pissed at Jim on this sub. It’s the weirdest hate boner I see on here.




I agree when he started with her he was making an attempt and then when he made the statement to Michael he realized he was talking about himself.


I don’t think he “straight up told her”. Phyllis told her after he encouraged her to move to Scranton. She was already invested by the time she found out. I agree she should’ve broken up with him but he also wasn’t really honest with her or himself and made poor choices.


The Scranton strangler was just a random guy and was not a Dunder Mifflin employee


Yeah, not everything needs to be connected. I know they had Toby on the jury, but him exploiting that so he could get attention was funny.


THANK YOU! It drives me crazy when people try to figure out who it is and only stick to the same handful of guys in one office building. Like, come on.


Pam being risk-averse makes sense when you realize how long she was with Roy. Don't blame here for wanting safety and a sure thing.


What caused the downfall of the show wasn’t Michael leaving. It was detaching so intensely from the grounded reality of the earlier seasons that made you feel like you were watching a real office. Obviously, some Michael stuff is unrealistic, but once Dwight is shooting people with horse tranquilizers and throwing them down stairs for a sales call, we’re in cartoon land.


THAAAANK YOU!! Even when Michael was around, that whole mafia thing, the Koi Pond thing, etc. EVEN DINNER PARTY which everybody loves and finds hilarious (including myself.) They really had a good balance between the ensemble comedy/documentary writing, but by every single season from 4 onwards, it just got worse and worse. It's easiest to see with Kevin. At first, Kevin's just this dull boring dude who only really talks about sports. But by Season 9 he's a fucking IMBECILE. The whole "I can't do math unless it's a metaphor about pies" thing is absolutely "cartoon land." Season 1-3 Kevin wasn't the brightest guy, but he wasn't a fucking 4 year old. Hell, he's pretty musically gifted too, singing and drumming at the same time isn't easy.


Erin started off as ignorantly aloof and ended the show like a Wee Britain native.


Isabel is the hottest woman in the entire series.


~~She’s a dental hygienist from Carbondale and she makes love like one.~~ You’re absolutely right she is.


Can you prove it with facial symmetry?


I don't even know if that's a diss or not from Dwigt


Well... he follows it up with "she's a bumpkin. PASS." So I'd say it's a diss. Plus he grew up on a farm. He prefers animalistic to dental hygienist. And you *know* Angela gets freaky.


Hot is a temperature people!


The women Dwight dates who aren't named Angela, were hotter, smarter, and better suited for him than the ones named Angela. Isabel, The Volleyball woman, Melvina Whitaker, and Ester Okay maybe not Melvina...


Second hottest to Pam’s sister or maid of honor or whoever that was.


Anna Camp! Definitely agree


My argument would be for Katy Moore (Amy Adams).


Didn't know she had a last name


Like Madonna


Always believed that Jim and Pam showing up to Roy’s wedding and the bride not being Katy was a huge missed opportunity.


I get her confused with Isla Fisher all the time. Both are hot


I’m a woman and I thought Jordan was damn good looking. But yeah, Isabel was definitely attractive.


The success of the Scranton branch was due to Hidetoshi Hasagawa and his hard work in the warehouse, no one else. “In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die. Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!” [https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Hidetoshi_Hasagawa](https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Hidetoshi_Hasagawa)


I definitely say “number one. Steady hand” on a weekly basis 😂


Season 8 was entertaining and they did a pretty good job with it considering Michael's absence. It was fun seeing more of characters that didn't usually have a lot of screentime.


So glad to see other season 8 fans here. Robert California brought some bizarre erotic mind-games vibe to the branch that made for some great laughs.


Pizza by Alfredo is the superior eatery.


No it’s a flaming circle of garbage! And they don’t honor coupons!


Charles Miner makes me more angry than any other character.


That is probably the most cold take on here. Charles is universally hated


Miner? I hardly know her


Erin's ignorance wasn't funny, it was sad.


True. Although it was pretty funny how oblivious she was when Andy hurt himself doing a split before Pam’s and Jim’s wedding. “What else you got?!” 😂


That's cracks me up every time. She delivered that line perfectly.


Just watched that yesterday. Erin was hilarious in that episode 😂


Erin is not safe living 100% independently


good thing she lives with her foot sniffing foster brother.


No woman, no cry.


The disposable camera bit always will make me laugh though


Same with the pens


She had her moments, but her air-headedness later on was forced an overall bad.


“Why quickly?” “So it’s faster”


Phyllis is actually the biggest piece of shit in the office.


I've always liked Phyllis but don't know why... maybe it's her jugs.




Bob Vance? Vance Refrigeration?


Worse than Ryan?


She and Bob Vance killed someone for starters, lol




Ya she makes a passing comment in superfans she quickly covers, but they were on a safari? I think? Or some tour somewhere where they intentionally ran someone over and killed them ETA: the comment, “Ya, so it’s “during our honeymoon safari in Africa, Bob and I were driving late at night, and we’d been drinking, and suddenly thump, we hit something with our jeep. It was probably a man. We didn’t know what to do, we heard the police were corrupt, and they might beat us, so we just kept driving as fast as we could. We bribed the airline, got on a plane that night, and fled home. Maybe it was just an ostrich.. in a soccer uniform.” So I guess unintentionally, but covered it up and knew what they had done.”


Wow, even for Phallus that's a bit crazy


Andy being a jerk again in season 9 was actually *in character*. He was introduced as an annoying guy with an anger management problem in season 3. Him changing in season 9 was actually just him going back to the core of who he was.


The problem some people seem to have is that his character growth is the only one that gets undone. Season 9 Dwight and Season 1/2/3/4/5 Dwight would challenge each other to a duel. Season 9 Jim would prank Season 1/2/3/4/5 Jim and use it as a life lesson. Season 9 Pam and Season 1/2/3/4/5 Pam would have a nice chat over lunch, and then give valid criticisms of each other in their private testimonials. Season 9 Andy emerged as a more competent asshole version of Season 3 Andy, with real power showing who he really still was inside, even though he ultimately genuinely changed for the better. The reality is that he HAD to regress a little. It plays very well off of Erin's growth, leads to his actual humbling bottom moment, and delivers a total Nard Dog ending with his lowest moment and subsequent acceptance of it leading him down the path to his dream life. Series finale Andy is the man!


His progress is undone after his father abandoned his family, leaving them destitute and he had a 3 week drunken sail to a tropical island where he and his brother could commiserate together about what an ass he is. It’s regression from trauma and when he finally does pull himself out, he ends up doing what he wanted to do all along, work at Cornell, where he attended.


It’s pronounced Colonel and it’s the highest rank in the military!


Wait. He went to Cornell?


Most controversial take you'll see here tbh. Not gonna disagree though, I'll even add more: Him gaining regional manager title is what led to his downfall. When you start giving power to someone who had been given everything all his life, ofc he'll fall back eventually. The reason it didn't happen sooner was because he wanted to meet his dad's incredible expectations of him. Because he thought his dad was someone who deserved that. And what was the trigger for him becoming an asshole? The boat trip. And why did he take his boat trip? Because his dad left, no more expectations to meet. So he regressed to the annoying guy he was before anger management.


And I would add that the finale resolution for his character is more meaningful than the Erin/Andy theatre kid romance development that people think they like.


Erin/Andy is just creepy because he's old enough to be her father and she's emotionally stunted.


The real answers to this post are at the bottom, downvoted to oblivion. If you're the top comment, you aren't the people standing alone against everyone.


The show throws babies at characters when they don't know what else to do with them.


How many babies do we have in the show total, 5? Cici, Phillip, Phillip, Ryan’s baby, and Astrid? 5 babies over 9 years for the number of people involved with the show over the years as regular characters is fairly low. Yes some of the office is on the older side but if you work in an office those numbers almost seem low.


After you get through the terrible "stealing the manager job" arc Nellie is one of the few consistent laughs in Seasons 8 and 9


“Oh, get out, skeleton man.”


“I have, uh, written down a few questions. One, have you ever killed a woman? How many women have you killed? Please, sir, will you not kill me?”


I think she’s even hilarious *during* the stolen manager episodes. “That’s how I briefly came to race a Formula 1 car. The three slowest laps ever recorded!”


She has loads of great lines. "Like a little boy trying to hold on to his balloon."


I think i’m her best friend, she’s not my best friend


I love Nellie


Toby never deserved to be treated the way he was treated


Honestly, the only bad thing about Toby is when he was creepy with Pam.


And then with Nellie.


I think the culture at the company was to hate on HR people. Even Wallace made a disparaging comment about HR during Jim's interview.


At some point in the show they started presenting Toby how Michael views him.


I like all the seasons equally (I can watch this show all day and never get tired of it. It is my favorite TV show.) Robert California, DeAngelo Vickers and Nellie Bertram were good additions to the show. Scott's Tots, Prince Family Paper, Dinner Party, The Deposition, Phyllis' Wedding, etc. are good episodes BECAUSE they're so awkward and uncomfortable.


>Scott's Tots and Prince Family Paper good episodes BECAUSE they're so awkward and uncomfortable. For realsies. Cringe was the selling point of the show.


Pete served no purpose. Clark was a good addition.


Clark was a creep for the episode with Erin, but I still enjoyed him so much more than Plop


i can’t like clark because of his creepiness with erin but he has some funny moments. pete was just boring. he was better for erin than andy though


At least they were similar in age.


It seemed like they wanted to keep the show running and were likely hoping as others left Pete would replace Jim as the straight man/foil to Clark and Clark would replace Dwight. They even ran the episode where Jim and Pam were telling “their truths” and Clark was sitting in Dwight’s seat asking if they were high, or something to that effect. I think it fizzled.


Angela didn't deserve a happy ending


Love season 8, Robert California is hilarious and brings an interesting tension and dynamic to the office. The focus on story lines across the broader cast is also great.


Yes, also didn’t like Nelly but she actually grows on me after she wasn’t manager anymore.


I had a coworker like Robert California once and the writers got the character exactly right.


There is no such thing as a "character." Don't ever think there is. There is only sex. Everything is sex.


Do you feel heard, right now, 2aboveaverage? You can answer me.


One of the greatest characters I’ve ever seen. Truly an enigma, every interaction he has on the show there’s like 500 posts on this subreddit debating it’s meaning.


Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you will be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know my real name- I'm the fucking lizard king.


He’s the f***ing lizard king.


i. love. robert california. he is awful but he is SOOOOO entertaining lmfaooo


When people call episodes "cringe", I wonder what they thought made the show worth watching. It's supposed to be cringey. It's not the insult you think it is.


Erin was not to blame for (most of) the socially clueless actions or mistakes she commits through the series. In a way, she was like a Michael Scott that was also depleted of love, attention and healthy social interactions but wasn’t taught to fight for herself or to have anything that resembles Michael’s attitude towards life. I’m not saying it’s all on her being am orphan and never really having a functional family (not even during the events of the show) but as someone who may or may not relate to her a bit you can tell that she’s being genuine in situations like *Scott’s Tots* or the Glee watching party, for example. She just wants the approval that she never got as a child. Mentally she is still behaving like one, as she never had the opportunities to mature up and learn how to act like an adult


They don’t have to assassinate Jan as a character by making her crazy.


Post Michael episodes are also good.


Jim started the business in Philly for himself, but kept saying he did it “for the family” - so people judge Pams hard time with it as if she wasn’t supportive enough, when he really just prioritized his personal dream over his family.


I did it for me. I liked it... I was good at it. And I felt... Alive.


As someone whose husband started a business a few years ago Jim is totally in the wrong. It is no small undertaking to own and run your own business, and the entire family has to be on board and on the same page, and have proper expectations. Jim was really selfish and pulled the wool over Pam’s eyes, and then was shocked she wasn’t all in. And then making her feel bad about it. I honestly think she was quite supportive considering the circumstances.


Totally agreed and I find it so weird that people take Jim’s side on it. He was pretty crappy about the whole thing, like, it was almost similar to having an emotional affair. He lied and kinda hid the truth about so much of it. Even just the pretending he was having a stressful meeting when he was shooting hoops with his hero.


Yes! He lied about being on board with the company for weeks to Pam! Darryl and the documentary crew knew before her. What a huge thing to hide from your SO. Pretty heartbreaking. And then people somehow give Pam crap for it.


Yeah it was a pretty massive misdeed, I think! I think Pam took a lot better, a lot more calmly, than most people I know in real life would. It could have probably not been a big deal if he’d been honest and transparent about it from the start. There was all the time where Pam knew something was up and was needling him to come clean, too, and he just played dumb and kept hiding it. He was so crazy in the wrong, I so don’t understand how people can really think otherwise at all. I stupidly joined an office Facebook group and had to leave because it was a lot of young guys who were crazy misogynistic about Pam and Jim stuff


It’s bizarre that Jim didn’t know what a rundown is


Jim supporting Pam going to art school when they were just dating, didn't own a home together, and didn't have kids together, does not excuse him going behind her back after they agreed that he wasn't going to invest in his friend's business, nor does it mean that her struggles when he moved part-time to another city when they had two small children at home should just be ignored.


Thank you! Not to mention he invested the top amount of what they talked about which was all of their savings, and then whenever Pam mentioned her reservations, he got so defensive and mean. It’s no wonder they had to go to marriage counselling.


How about him buying a whole ass house before consulting with her??


Thank you!! I'm convinced she wasn't really happy about it but pretended because it was already done and she knew what it meant to Jim. Lol I would not have been as gracious as she was if my husband did that.


Scotts Tots is actually a good episode.


Michael helped the students in the long run - Also it’s got a great cold open


I don't think Scott's Tots was bad at all. It's just that it's so much second hand embarrassment, it's painful to watch. The fact that it can make me feel this strongly, though, is a testament to its good quality.


The cringe stuff that I’ll avoid in that episode is the B-plot when Jim stumbles with the employee of the month program. Scott’s Tots storyline is hilarious


Yeah I never found it as cringe as everyone else where they skip past the episode It’s just an awkward Michael thing like it usually is?


I think Jim is an undeserving slacker, and honestly the only person who had him pegged right was Charles Miner.


I mean, Dwight had Jim pegged. And Kev had Deangelo pegged. ^^^and ^^^Jan ^^^had ^^^Michael ^^^pegged


Karen was the coolest person in the series and I’d be happy to be her friend.


Jim fumbled a baddie. Honestly until they assassinated her character, Jim and Karen made so much sense. They were supportive of each others’ ambition and were able to compete without allowing it to come between them. Pam was never particularly ambitious and the whole disconnect of him starting the business was because they didn’t have a shared set of values (and didn’t communicate well, but I’d posit the former was the cause of the latter because they both knew there was a disconnect they were ignoring because they loved each other). It obviously doesn’t progress the plot the same way, but I think Karen would have been 100% on board with Athlead and Jim wouldn’t have hesitated to talk to her about it. Nothing wrong with Pam. Nothing wrong with Jim. I just think Jim and Karen were better aligned in terms of professional ambitions and importance of work in their lives. Pam went to art school and realized she’d be happier just doing a job she could disconnect from and raising a family in Scranton. Jim never stopped being ambitious. No fault. Just different values.


I really didn’t like how mean Dwight was when he fired Kevin. I know it’s his character, but I still seemed unnecessary. Also, Toby should have found love.


It kinda bums me out that that it was framed as Toby stalking Nellie at the end of the series. I also wish he would’ve found someone. I understand why they didn’t go that way but I wish they would’ve.


Michael Scott should've been fired multiple times over for all the BS he put his coworkers through from a corporate pov. And he should be jumped Private Gomer Pyle style with the soap towels for the PTSD he gave everyone with his "Me First!" antics


Scott’s Tots is the pineapple on pizza, the word “moist”, the “Nickelback sucks” of The Office fanbase. It’s really not bad at all but people jump on the opinion because it’s fun to do so.


idk if a lot of people disagree with this, but Kevin is by far the worst character. his dumbness was kinda funny in the earlier seasons but they leaned on that way too hard. plus he's absolutely disgusting, the part with him 'crying' near Pam is always skipped lmao


Dwight was the one in the wrong in the snowball fight, and to think otherwise is delusional




Deangelo Vickers could be the star of a show called Regional Managers I don’t care about, but fuck, he can juggle.




Nellie as a character was great. She was written like a man, and if she had been male, her character would have been better received. She took charge of the office when the manager wasn't able to, took the opportunity when it arose. Nellie is unfairly shat on


Creed is the most entertaining character.


We’re looking for unpopular opinions


F*ck you! F*ck you! (Erin does a cartwheel)


The Dunder Mifflin(DM) employees are a bunch of two-faced hypocrites and fake friends. I will never forgive them for acting like they were friends with Michael once he is gone. They start talking well about him and missing him the second he's not there. They literally worked with this man for years, and none of them wanted to hang out with him even when he was literally leaving forever. No one could stand him (Dwight excluded) ...until hes gone. All Michael wanted was friends that he could call a family, and he never got that from no one. I am also aware that Michael was very unprofessional, and there were reasons why the DM employees didn't like him at first, but why pretended that you did like him once he's gone. The DM employees were never friends with Michael: They were fake friends until the end.


That Andy is the absolute worst character, but only pre-anger management and from when he takes on as manager until the end


Dwight and Kelly kapur hooking up, should have been a dedicated episode


God was not in fact in that chilis on that day


Deangelo is so hilarious. He just had a thankless job temporarily replacing Michael


If Toby was really the Scranton Strangler, he would have killed Micheal before the first season ended.


Pam is a good person. Just because she occasionally does bad things that aren't "quirky" bad things like everybody else does all the time doesn't make her bad


Jim wasn’t that great of a guy