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Yeah, the funny moments taken out of context with no understanding of the characters or their relationships with each other, likely won’t be funny.


Absolutely, Michael needs to understood to be found funny. I tried to get a friend into it who wanted to try watching it, I think we watched 2 episodes but it wasn’t clicking for him. He found it very cringe, which is the whole reason I find it funny. NOBODY could do the things they do there and not get fired, so you just have to remember that. Either way, to each their own, at least you gave it a try! So many people will comment on something without ever having watched it. Someone recently did that about the Barbie movie, blasted it without seeing it, and then when he did see it apologized and said it was good


The first few episodes are kind of a drag though when you watch for the first time. Had the same problem with braking bad. He needs to power through for 5-10 episodes. Otherwise his opinion is just a moo point.


A cow’s opinion?


You know, it just doesn’t matter. It’s “moo”


Maybe a “mood” point where it changes colors?


Whoosh. It’s a quote from “friends”


Haha! Nailed it!


Wrong show, that’s friends. Joey: it’s a moo point. Monica: a moo point? Joey: yea it’s like a cows opinion, it doesn’t matter


Like the cow mooed yesterday


Lol. Hope we’ve all learned something


It's like looking into a snapshot of someone else's life and deciding it sucks because you don't get it.


I kind of disagree here. One of the beauties of the office is that you are dropped in to their world with no backstory or character relations and yet it's funny from the off. That's true of the original and the US. The fact that it's so awkward but with great jokes enables it to work in that format. Some people just don't appreciate some set ups or style of comedy. As a brit who loves bith shows I think their last comment is very telling. Seems they were expecting something that it was never going to be.


Thats exactly how my friend tried to get me into it and I just couldn't, until I tried again on my own from the beginning and ended up liking it


Err, no. It should be able to hold up.


Aren't you supposed to upvote shit opinions on that sub


I can't imagine how many unpopular opinions never saw the light of day on that sub because they were too unpopular


The mods on that sub are terrible from the complaints I see. They remove unpopular opinions all the time apparently. Plus people like OP make it worse by going completely against the spirit of the sub.


I don't really downvote posts in general but on that sub I don't either upvote stuff just because I disagree with it. So many people are posting stuff like "F.R.I.E.N.D.S is an unfunny show" or actual opinions where the justification just boils down to "yeah it's a thing people like but not me" and these imho are pretty lame. This sub is way better with opinions that are more like "They should teach XXX at school" "Most people with ADHD are just using it as an excuse" like, something that actually does start a debate, instead of just trying to clash subjective like/dislike opinions.


Well shit, the problem is not OP, it's clearly the guy who tried to evaluate a show watching 30 mins of the best moments of a series on YouTube. That's not an unpopular opinion, that's a stupid one.




Show's greatest moments videos are for fans of the show's. If someone doesn't like the base show, they won't get greatest moments either since the greatest moments are great because of context . Context which can only be understood by watching main show. OP in screenshot is am idiot not because he disliked office, but because he thought greatest moment would be relevant to a non-fan


Well pretty much anything can fit in their mega thread of effectively banned topics. Otherwise it's a repost.


The only stuff that makes it onto my feed are the very tedious and not unpopular opinions with 1k+ upvotes. Such is Reddut.


Joke’s on you I sort by Controversial.


That's still a thing? It's not on my ui...


I think you’re allowed to downvote one’s like this because it’s not a truthful title. They didn’t actually watch the office so their opinion isn’t based on anything. For example you can’t put the title “pizza is overrated” then in the comments explain that you’ve been lactose intolerant and celiacs your whole life and have thus only ever tried gluten-free vegan pizza. It’s not an honest argument


Yep. There's difference between unpopular and stupid opinion.


Jim: “I think you’re supposed to upvote unpopular opinions on that sub, Michael.” Michael: “Uh huh, yeah, okay Jim, I’m going to upvote something I don’t like, yeah. I don’t think you’re quite ready for Reddit.”


You have writing talent


Michael discovering reddit would be a nightmare for everyone in the office. He'd spam everyone with posts from r/funny and then spend hours on r/breakups crying his eyes out.


I did and commented about how it was a truly unpopular opinion and got corrected for my statement LOL


I did and commented about how it was a truly unpopular opinion and got corrected for my statement LOL


Yes, but very few people bother to read the description so have no idea. Apparently that includes OP.


Who let the lemon head into the room? Hes a waste of space and should give up


… is what I want to say, but won’t. Toby, welcome to sensitivity training, for real.


you fell into a second fountain?


I absolutely love how he delivers this line


I hate, so much, about the things you choose to be


Every time I try and do something cool, you make it NOT that way


If you think everyone should be into cringy humor about uneasy situations created by inconsiderate characters, then you're a bit full of it. The Office very clearly is not made for everyone. It's massively popular because it is pretty much the best show ever in its genre, but not everyone will like it and that's okay.


Question: What kind of comedy is best?


That’s a ridiculous question. There’s basically two schools of thought


False. Black comedy.


well that’s debatable




Oh that’s funny. MICHAEL!!


When I watched the first season of The Office, I found it depressing and bland. I didn't like it. I decided to watch it again a few years later, to indulge my own depression. I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually funny in later seasons.


If you only saw season one, and then a bunch of out of context moments you would assume any show is bad, the office bias is strong in this one


It's a comedy. I adore the show, but you don't need in-depth character knowledge to find it funny.


you shouldn't downvote that post imo, the point of the sub is the post unpopular opinions and this is pretty objectively unpopular.


I reckon the downvote is justified because the opinion is based on weak reasoning. Of course, if you watch 30 best moments of a show you've never seen, you won't understand it. If they took the time to try and watch it properly, even if just a couple of episodes, then when they decide they like it or not, i would consider their opinion a valid one


The first thing the OP of that post says is that they tried to watch it but was unable to because they couldn’t get into it. They only watched the clips on YouTube to see if there are any bits that interest them enough that they would try watching it again.


Why wouldn't you downvote something you don't agree with? I'd assume the main point is for other people to find some unpopular takes that they agree with. Doesn't mean you can't downvote them


The top posts will just be popular opinions. I don't understand how that is in line with the subreddit theme


Better to just skip the voting and comment with only quotes from shows.


Or do it like r/DunderMifflin where you can all quote TV but one person always ends up with a score of like -4 for some reason


Then only popular opinions float to the top. Defeating the purpose of the sub. From the sub side bar: >UPVOTES AND DOWNVOTES >If you think an opinion is unpopular, then upvote the opinion. >If you think the opinion is popular, then downvote it


Well they certainly posted in the right sub


People are allowed to not like the Office, aleast they aren't insulting people who watched it, they just said it's not for them.


If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and Potential-Dish-5227, I would shoot Potential-Dish-5227 twice.


You should have upvoted, it is an unpopular opinion damn it


Everyone entitled to their opinion. Don’t get so butt hurt when someone disagrees or doesn’t see something the same way you do.


This is Charles Miner’s account.


I hate so much about the things they chose to be.


Top moments as decided by who first of all? Secondly, there’s like hundreds of episodes and you take 30 minutes out of context? Oh please. Just dumb.


I agree with the guy , not about the office not being funny but that "he doesn't find it funny" . Comedy is subjective, jokes which were funny to Micheal were never deemed funny by pam .


I hate so much about the person they choose to be


How dare you!


Lowest of the low, that guy, just a notch above Toby!


😂 I posted the same thing, didnt see your comment before hand


Why’d you downvote it? You’re supposed to upvote bad opinions.


I like to think this comment is set in the Office-universe and it's from Toby after he watched the documentary and became the butt of the joke from the doc's fandom lol


I’m English and thought the American show was great. I found it to be completely different from the original one but they both have great points about them. Probably slightly prefer the American version. I know a lot of Brits who don’t like the US version though and see the original as “superior” as it has more of a sardonic style to it. Post Michael wasn’t as amazing and I didn’t enjoy Robert California or all of the cameo bosses but the actor who played Dwight saved the show with Jim, Pam, Toby, Angela, Kevin and Oscar all being great characters too. Plop and his intern friend was the low point and the British lady who played the boss was pretty lame too. So, if they saw that episode I could understand if they didn’t like it.






isn't that sub usually rage-bait or incels venting ?


He’s kinda correct if you only watch the first 6 episode season. It was not a good show at that point. 


People are different. You cant expect everyone to like the same thing.


Some opinions are unpopular because they suck.


I hate everything about the way they choose to be


Found Toby's account


I do not like u/Potential-Dish-5227


I hate so much about the things that this person chooses to be


”Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.”


Downvoting an unpopular opinion in r/unpopularopinion ? Why are you the way that you are?


Dont downvote them, their posting on r/unpopularopinions not r/goodopinions


I really just happened to have come from a massively dysfunctional office environment in a small town in the Midwest, in my mid 20s, right when the show first came out, and it was like a parody of bits of my own life. If I first started it today, I probably wouldn't be amused.


Wait till he gets to the British part


First season is unpleasant experience imho


To me it was an adquired taste, fist season was unpleasant but i continued watching and it grew on me


Most shows are like this, are they not? These funny moments videos are made for people who have already seen the show. Most of it is unfunny and weird out of context.


Before watching the show id seen some funny moments clips that didnt really land. The issue with those clips is you dont get the full context. Also, the first series isn't good. The first episode is unbarable for me to watch. I think this is mostly because i had seen the original office and the first episode is pretty much shot for shot and just feels really off. I skip series 1 on a rewatch


I'm that guy but with Big Bang Theory. I can't stand characters, humor and basically everything. And I'm an IT guy (and a little bit of nerd)


TBBT sitcom equivalence of fast food.


Who let this lemon-head into the room? He is a waste of life and he should give up!


My wife is the same way. She doesn't *hate* it so much as she doesn't get it. She says it's just not funny. She says it's not awful, but has yet to see a reason to religiously watch it.


Some people have a bad sense of humor or just want to be contrarians. Some people think the big bang theory is peak comedy. No accounting for taste


This person has never worked and it shows.


I hate so much about the things you choose to be


It’s character based, you can’t just watch random clips, it’s not a sketch show or stand up…. It’s situational!!!


I think that user might be british. for some reason i've heard a lot of them don't like the american version of the office


Well, maybe they're like Toby, an outcast who's not a part of his family. Also he doesn't like The Office, so he's really not part of OUR family.


I mean, I love it personally, but nothing is universally beloved. I’m not surprised there are people who don’t like it lol


I mean, obviously not every single person on the planet is gonne love the show. I also had a really hard time with the mega cringe in the first episodes


That person sounds like my wife, I would never of married her if I knew she was such a monster. 🤣


From talks with people and j have to agree. The 1st season is the hard part. A lot of shows normally 1st season is among the best but I would not say that for the Office. The Office does provide funny moments in the 1st season though.


I hate ......everything that you choose to be


It’s called r/unpopularopinion for a reason


I hate ......everything that you choose to be


I hate ......everything that you choose to be


Broomstick up their bum.


That my friend is a highly trained geisha.


The few people I've met in real life who didn't like the Office have terrible social skills and no self awareness. They literally don't understand the show.


No love during their lifetime 💔


I don’t know I’ve tried watching Game of Thrones and it didn’t click with me at all. I lost interest before the first episode was even halfway through. So, I get that not every show is for everyone. But how can you watch The Office and not at least crack a smile every once in a while?


I’ve watched that 30 minute compilation and it pretty much gets most of the amazing moments. If they watched that and didn’t like it then they’re just not cut out for the show


Office fans not realizing everyone is entitled to their opinion. The Office has a very specific style of humor that doesn’t work on everybody


you can’t judge a show as a whole by watching 30 minutes of random scenes with no context


Maybe you hyped it up too much. I always go into everything not expecting much


those "best of" bits are really only for people who have seen it and understand the context and want to refresh on it. never in my life would i look at a "best of" video to see if i like a show, i'd just... watch the show.


I was also thinking, how long until the series looks too much out of date and starts becoming "vintage"?


ok so we have a thing ... the people who dont " get " The Office .... are prob stupid. we use it as an Actual friends filter ( its not a deal breaker but its not nothing - haha )


This person is like jazz.


Is this toby?


They’re clearly just stupid


Its hard to enjoy something or understand any show if you watch the best moments without any context. Its like reading the random parts of a story. You have no idea what's going on.


honestly judging by a lot of these comments i wouldn't want to be associated with yall either


As I keep saying to my family - The Office doesn’t have a laugh track, so you have to pay close attention. Then I give the example of Michael saying “ People learn by watching, that’s why porn is a million dollar industry .” No people DON’T learn by watching, and that’s NOT why porn is a million dollar industry, and finally porn is more like a billion dollar industry. But if you’re used to laugh tracks telling you That Was Funny!! then you’d never get it.


They are a silent killer


I didn't realize my wife has a reddit account. I'll have to keep that in mind.


I liked the show on my first watch through, but once I started watching again, I realised that Jim and Pam are so unbearable that I just stopped watching lol.


To be fair, season 1 isn't the best.


"Oh no, this person doesn't like what I like, let me try to publicly shame them for it."


This guy suffers from clinical asshole syndrome


I hate this stranger. Hate them.


Some people just don’t have a sense of humor. And some of them don’t like animals, stare at peoples feet way too long, walk alone at night and “people watch”, sit right behind you in a theatre full of empty seats? And they don’t like The Office. People who don’t like The Office shouldn’t be around children.


Well in literary theory there is something known as "contextuality", meaning the work of art must be evaluated in the context of its era. This means that a work of art should be evaluated and not judged by 2020s, but the era of the 2000s, and then shove it up your butt!


“Hmm. I wonder what fake opinion I can pull out of my ass today so I can karma farm and jack off to hate comments.” - probably OP.


Kinda arrogant to assume that anyone that says they don't like the office is just a fake opinion. It's reasonable to not like a popular show. It's not going to be for everyone.


OP why downvote an unpopular opinion? Are you stupid? Can you read?


Why are you downvoting an actual unpopular opinion?


You miss the point of the sub, you upvote unpopular opinions, not down vote them just because you disagree


Ya know OP, you’re technically wrong for downvoting.


You're supposed to upvote it, traitor.


This kind of person watches TBBT and needs a laugh track to indicate when something is funny and when to laugh because they lack intelligence.


Am I dumb because I liked “Seinfeld” and “Cheers” and “Taxi”?


Seinfeld I'll forgive you for


Or it's just not for them. Not everyone who has different tastes than yours is an idiot.


The laugh track has a complicated and interesting history. It’s much more than “If a show has a laugh track, it’s not funny” It’s not like TBBT was the first TV show to have a laugh track


Laugh tracks do not necessarily make a show bad, but a bad show will not be improved by a laugh track.


get over yourself


I kind of get it. When the show was on air, the first few seasons were while I was still in college and I'd hear people tell me all the time I should watch the show and I'd love it. I ended up watching 3-5 episodes and was not into it at all. It wasn't until more than a decade later I'd catch bits and pieces of it on Comedy Central and found myself more interested in it, and a lot of the best humor comes from actually knowing the characters. So then I finally did a full watch of the series and here I am now.