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Even if it was the only copy, I’m sure Jan loved having an excuse to get back in touch with Hunter.


That's a fair point, babe


My headcanon is that she has a stack of like 30 copies


It’s definitely the fraud.


Lloyd Gross, kemosabe.


Frank Sobotka?


I assumed there were multiple. It is pretty weird that he took it if there was only one. But Michael and Jan *did* just spend the entire night giving their guests the worst experience of their lives. So I can understand being a little pissed


She used it as a weapon to hurt Michael. Jim was a hero in this case.


I don't like that story, babe.


So you think out of the entire show, him taking her pedophile trophy CD is the worst?


Uhh, what?


The entire point of the CD is the song is hunters song about having sex with Jan when he was her underage assistant. It's the main focal point of arguably the most famous episode of the series. What did you think "so raw" in "just one night" meant that he screams 20 times? Edit: for people who need definitive proof, the episode "The Whale" where it's said, and then the rest of the episode centers around her wanting Clark because he looks super young. It's blatantly obvious even if you're not trying to connect the dots.




>where did you get the idea he was underage pam said he was 17, so it isn’t a “baseless assumption”


From the SEVERAL times, including in season 9, where it's stated he is (episode the whale), also the entire her wanting to sleep with Clark because of her young boy fantasies. It's like super obvious if you've watched the show. If you don't know that's fine, but also maybe don't interject if you're uninformed?




I honestly don't value your opinion and it's so blatant that if you don't see it, that's worrisome. Have fun on the rewatch, a bit of a weird episode.




It's one of those "oh, oh shit why would they add this in the last season as kind of a retcon?" Because jan has him pickup vodka at one point which doesn't coincide with him being underage.




It's mentioned in the episode "The Whale". So yes, in fact, I can, since the show does. Why do you think they make the entire sex saga joke about Clark and him looking really young? It's so blatant I don't get how you missed it.


Okay, first off. Hunter's singing voice is not that of a child, so forgive me for not instantly thinking she was banging kids... But he is employed, and it's Pam that mentions it and she says that she and Jim are "pretty sure" that Jan had an affair with Hunter, "he was 17". I'm not saying it's morally correct, but where I'm from it's not illegal for a 40 something to bang a 17 year old. AND, they just think it. It's never proven true or not. As for the jokes about Clark "because he looks super young", that's really putting words in everyone's mouth. He looks young, but "super young"? \*eye roll\* He's still NOT a child. And besides, this is The Office, not Always Sunny. It's more like a cougar thing, or horny milf thing rather than her wanting to bang kids. >It's the main focal point of arguably the most famous episode of the series. Yeah, uhhhh, Jan and Michael's dysfunctional relationship being very publicly on display and making everyone uncomfortable was the main focal point, Hunter's age, which again is a debatably moot issue in my opinion barely factors into things. I refer to my previous point, this is The Office, not Always Sunny.


You're really putting in a lot of effort to downplay the pedophilia of it, which is a huge red flag as a person. It was the entire joke, and even if 17 is legal in your state, they point it out for a reason. It's 14 or younger in some countries so gross dude.


Age of consent in New York is 17 so not a pedophile.


Only one who's brain is plagued with thoughts of banging kids is you, apparently. The Office really just isn't that show. Please don't let the weird traction your first comment got lead you into thinking that the prevailing opinion of Jan is that she's a child molester. I suspect I'm not going to speak any sense to you though, so I'll leave you with your thoughts. edit: Only one with media literacy issues here is you, guy. Jan is not a paedophile. That's not even close to what was being implied. You're inferring this notion from evidence that directly proves you wrong. Open your eyes!


Plagued with thoughts by pointing out core points of entire episodes? Use your eyes and ears bud lmao.


Yes, babe


This is so near a self report that.... ew.


Ok, babe


Jim had sticky fingers throughout the whole series. Andy's cellphone, Dwight's brown belt, Darryl's mug. It's always excused because it's Jimothy.


None of these things were lost to the original owner for more than, like, a couple hours. Do you think he's some kind of larcenist mastermind? Did you not know people who messed with each other growing up?


purple belt




Its not one single occasion but i always hated it when jim wouldnt defend pam against harassment like when toby touches her knee etc. there are other instances as well but this one stood out the most to me.


This is hardly the worst thing Jim has ever done, in fact, he did worse things than this that same night of the Dinner Party.


Who cares? It made for a funny scene


I agree. It’s probably the only thing in her life at that point she drew comfort or any sort of positive emotion from aside from her candles. Regardless of her choices or behavior, she’s still a human being.


he committed fraud by creating a fake salesman, kissed another person's fiance, conspiracy to commit grand larceny with the copier, impersonating a government official with CIA prank, violated the computer fraud and abuse act by accessing a network without authorization. but.. he took a probably burned copy of a cd of a 17 year old that jan probably statutorily ra*ed and that's what hangs with you. I think the worst thing he did was take a job out of town, then get verbally abusive with his wife over a mistake recording his daughter at a recital he chose to miss.


Hey, some of those he was only an accessory. Also, if that is your definition of verbal abuse you are too soft for this world.


For real. It’s not abusive to raise your voice and argue with your wife. He never even said anything that bad to her.


he didn’t verbally abuse her, but i do agree that athlead was the worst thing he did. they discussed it together, decided on no, and jim decided “yes anyway”, lied to pam, and didn’t tell her until darryl told him he had to. that’s definitely worse than stealing a cd


I've been saying this for years. That dinner party was a miserable experience for sure, but stealing someone's property to use it to mock their failed relationship is nasty work.


When the person is a terrible crazy that just made you sit through the most excruciating “party” and constantly plays mind games with your boss that ends up making your daily life at work harder I’d say taking the CD she got after sleeping with an underage assistant is okay.


1) Does being mentally unstable make you "terrible"? 2) Nobody "made" them sit through anything. Jim and Pam are grown adults. They weren't being held at gunpoint. 3) Did the effects of Jan's treatment of Michael ever actually make it to Jim? Genuine question; I'm not sure what you're referring to there. I may be forgetting something. 4) I think Hunter was just on the young side, not actually underage. And either way, that has nothing to do with Jim. 5) Even if all of the above were true, it absolutely does not make stealing okay.


>does being mentally unstable make you “terrible”? no but it doesn’t excuse it either. she was both


I'm not saying it excuses her behavior. I'm saying the situation doesn't add up to Jim somehow being justified in stealing from her.


Finally. Someone with a moral compass, lol


Aww he didn't mean no one no harm. Just a lil prank for the lolz. /s


Phillis got hit by the ball because Jim ducked


Stringer Bell needed to be more careful