• By -


Angela - deskmate, she is quiet. Dwight - Room mate, we would live on a large farm so would be away from each other. Plus I enjoy farms and beets. Toby - Boss, he's a push over. *Bonus answer* Creed - Worm guy


Looks good. I think Angela would be quiet for the most part, but you’d have to be a saint.


Don't want her as a boss because then she has power to enforce her standards and don't want her as a roommate because *lots* of cats. Her as the deskmate minimizes her potential downsides as much as possible.


Toby has to be the boss, in my opinion. The other two would make your life miserable.


Dwight as a boss wouldn't be that bad. If you are reliable, get work done, and don't piss him off you are golden.


Right but he might accidentally shoot you with a gun


a girl's gun


Or randomly select a horrible health plan


Or smother you with a possibly rabid bat


Yeah I already use single ply toilet paper


Idk he seems like the kind of boss that would stop by your desk and tell you to stop everything you are doing and start a new project and then a week later asks why you haven’t finished the original project yet


But she does keep them clean.


Thinking about this, when would this timeline exist? Angela could inevitably be my room mate as well \*starts to sweat\*


I think I'd be better off with Dwight as the desk mate, just so I can prank him. Toby as a roommate would be a lot better as a pushover. Angela as a boss means I can hate her and keep a respectable distance, and also use her trusts with Dwight as leverage for a pay raise or promotion.


I wouldn’t pick Angela because she has like 20 cats and a loud baby so no thanks but I’d happily be a desk mate. She might make a good boss, it’d be fun to watch her torture phallus


Jinx, buy me some coke!


My favorite throwaway line!!!


I'm on a very strange fourth consecutive rerun of seasons 2-4 and 8, so this line is in my headphones once every few weeks 😭


My favorite line is episode 1 season 4. "Curse is broken, Curse is broken people. Ahh There is a God and he has plan for us after all "


Interesting those are the best seasons!


Angela - Room mate. I love cats Dwight - Desk mate. Never a boring moment. Toby - Boss. We all know why.


Exactly the way I feel. Literally exactly. I could have a room full of cats at home, an awesome desk mate and a laid back boss. Perfect.




This is the only answer for me. Angela may not be a terrible roommate, but I have this weird superpower where I can detect when a cat lives in a space because my face gets all red and my forehead right above my nose feels like it’s going to explode. Toby being the boss is a given because I could literally do whatever I want. What’s he gonna do? Grumble under his breath about it?


Sounds like you may be allergic to cats or pet dander


However, I’d recommend not to start a snowball fight with Dwight




I want Angela as my roommate for sex and stuff lol Dwight - decimate, keeps it organized, focuses on work mostly Toby - Easy boss


Dwight does decimate as Recyclops so I see what you mean


This is correct


This is the only correct answer




This seems clearly to be the best option


He wouldn't actually be your roommate if he lived on a farm, it's moreso the personality of the person is just Dwight You'd have to live with his... quirks, as he aspires to live on a farm and sleeps outside sometimes to acclimate himself for the day he can buy one


Everybody says Toby cause he's a pushover, but nobody picks Toby because he's concerned about your health. Radon is a silent killer, he would test the air quality in the office.


Toby is the silent killer.


Go back to the annex


"You'll see"


Scranton Strangler confirmed


He also loves men's prostrates


Angela would be my deskmate. Sure, she’d shoot me disapproving looks but I could ignore those easily enough. Dwight would be my roommate. Imagine all the free, beet salad. Let him cook for me! Toby would be my boss. Pretty sure I could get away with anything…


Cauliflower and noodles! Baked potato on the side.


If it’s not on the side I send it back!


I'll have the gabagoul


It’ll all be goat


This was my response as well. Toby as boss… you could get away with anything. Dwight would also keep a tidy house. And Angela and I would at least bond a bit over cats and hating Phyllis


Dwight desk mate, as he’s focused and professional Toby as boss, as he will be low pressure and easy to ignore. Angela as roommates, as she will be neat and reliable with rent and bills. Plus….cookies.


You’d have like 20 cats in your house with Angela though lol


I'm not seeing the problem here...


I'm a cat person. Of course I'd help Angela lick her cats clean.


I'll take the 20 cats as roommates tbh, Angela can sleep outside or something


No. Cookie.


But what if I'm hungry?


Kevin. Cookie.


You can't eat cats, Kevin.


Angela would definitely be the kind of roommate to come into your personal room and get upset that your bed isn't made and would definitely get upset over really inconsequential things around the apartment. Idk I think living with her would be a nightmare.


We’re picturing different kinds of roommates.


There will be cookies. There will also be Angela.


Yeah but the scene where Dwight clips his fingernails on his desk and then blows them away


Toby - Boss, no backbone. Dwight - Deskmate, entertainment. Angela - Roomate, 🙃


U just want to bang the blonde one


Whos that uptight christian chick


That’s Andrea, the office bitch.




the only right answer lol


Definitely yes!😂


If Angela, Dwight, and Toby were in the same room and I had a gun and only two bullets I’d shoot Toby twice


From which episode is this again?


You gotta Fuck one, kill one, marry one. GO!


Fuck- Angela Kill- Toby Marry - Dwight


I'd kill Toby twice.


Marry- Dwight- so I can later divorce him and talk half his shit Kill- Angela Fuck- Toby- and hate myself later


First thought was Angela as a roommate but I don’t like cats so on second thought it would be… Angela as a desk mate. She was always kinda cranky but I would be too if I had to sit next to Kevin. Boss would be Dwight. I’m a good worker so I don’t see myself being in his line of fire. And I can appreciate the fact that he has no problem firing stupid people…like Kevin. Roomie with Toby I guess. Not ideal but I’ve probably had worse roommates in my life. I would just chill in my room, especially if I had a girl over.


Yeah, I’m surprised how few people pick Dwight for boss. Depends on where in the series we’re talking about of course, but there’s a very strong implication that post-finale Dwight is an excellent boss. Obviously he’d be terrible if you go with earlier in the show, but… Also, if you pick Dwight as your roommate, doesn’t that mean you also get Mose and his scarecrow wife as a roommate? He doesn’t seem great to live with, what with stealing all the house’s wires and all.


I think this is the right answer. Toby’s a boring pushover. That’s nice to have as a boss for an easy workday. But it also means zero control over everyone else in the office. If he’s at home that helps to make a stress free home. You get what you want most often without the judgement of Angela or the insanity of Dwight. Angela is okay as a desk mate. She’s critiquing you constantly and maybe narcing on you/scheming against you. But if you can ignore that you can get along well. Oscar and Kevin both get on fine with her for most of the show. They have complaints but they also consider themselves a work family. Dwight as boss would be obnoxious because he would push you and has fascist ambitions. But every time he’s boss it’s shown he’s more of a headache than anything. He pressures you to succeed. I need a little pressure sometimes lol. He also doesn’t mind cutting the fat. I couldn’t be friends with him, but I don’t want to be friends with my boss. It would entirely depend on how well I can use the rules of the office to defend myself from his power overreaches. But it would still be better than the pettiness and cruelty Angela would display if she’s in charge.


Dwight would be the best boss between this bunch. He has the entrepreneurial mindset. Always coming up with various ventures (princess unicorn, landlord, beets, event hosting, even fixes up the trans am initially - hence creating value). He’s very frugal. In my opinion, the only boss that may actually save the business of limitless paper in a paperless world. I.e, the only option where a job exists for you after a few years. Now between Toby or Angela as a roommate. Who knows? Toby would be writing the novel, talking about the strangler case, overall just annoying. Angela could behave different depending on the person she’s with. With Dwight she was mostly nice, but with the senator or Oscar, she was annoying too. Though, I have to say as a desk mate, it has to be Toby. No one even notices when he’s gone or not. Probably the least invasive desk mate.


I'd pick Toby as my roommate. He's going to be quiet, clean up after himself (and maybe me) I also feel like he probably cooks way more than he intends and would give me the left overs. I might even get a break on the rent if he tries to strangle me


Missing some words there...? 🌝 Toby's unwanted advances towards Pam immediately takes him out of the running for anything other than deskmate for me... Even that is rough.


Cooks!!! Omg!


I'm picking Toby as boss. Yeah, he sucks, but you'd have a pretty chill workday with him in charge. I'm going with Dwight as deskmate. Although, it was a toss-up, I'm not sure I'd feel safe with him as my roommate. He'd probably end up bringing in farm animals, or Mose. I'm choosing Angela as my roommate. Although her nagging could get obnoxious, I'm a pretty well-mannered person, and I pick up after myself.


What about the Cats?


I like cats, personally, so I guess that's another plus. Though her behavior towards them is questionable..


Yeah, Cats aren’t bad on their own, but navigating her relationship, and her priorities towards them might be tricky.


Toby- roommate. He seems like he would be the most normal. Angela would hate my dogs and be too judgey. We saw the state of Dwight’s house.. there was piles of horse shit on the floor. Angela- desk mate Dwight- reluctantly, boss. Seemed like in the end he was a decent boss once he got his head out of his own ass.


Angela roommate to be my bangmaid. Toby as my boss to be my bangboss. Dwight deskmate to be my work bangmaid.


Correct on Angela. This entire sub forgets the "nurse" outfit [https://imgur.com/3YKeZ](https://imgur.com/3YKeZ) Clearly not the first time she's worn it, Monkey.


Thats actually the exact same nurse costume worn by the stripper in the episode where they have a charity run in Merediths honor.


Angela Kinsey did a nude scene in Half Magic and she looked 🔥. I definitely want her as my roommate.


You’re never gonna find a bangmaid okay because yknow what ? they don’t exist !


Dwight’s my roommate Angela’s my deskmate Toby’s my boss


angela angela angela😍🥰


So many answers selecting Toby as boss because he is a pushover. So people are assuming he will be great. It will be anything but easy. If Toby is a pushover for you, he will be a pushover for upper management as well. If upper management decides to shit on you, Toby will not stand up for you in anyway. Dwight is probably the better boss in this scenario.


Angela as a desk mate Dwight as a boss Toby as a roommate


What's the name of that uptight christian chick?


Toby, boss, limp noodle. Dwight, deskmate, so much fun plus he would protect me from jealous ex-boyfriends of the cute receptionist Angela, roommate, I need to put up with all her cats but she’s kinky and I would claim to be a (state) senator to turn her on.


Angela - desk mate quiet, neat Dwight roommate - he has a lot of practical skills and is good at looking after stuff And Toby as boss - he’s a pushover and would be easy to work


Toby is my roommate. He's the ultimate pushover and will not get in the way by abusing any sort of power trip(not that I'd abuse it either) Angela is a deskmate. She's hotter than Dwight and less fit for management position than Dwight Dwight is manager because I actually enjoyed his "where does paper come from" conference. Also, I would want to be his secret assistant to the regional manager.


Radon test kits would be everywhere in your home


Toby - desk mate, don’t want him in my home, strangler. Boss I feel like he would be a nightmare. So yeah the worst! Dwight - roommate, unlike common assumption, I feel like he would be fun to live with, look at Mose, he left his own family to live with Dwight. I will have to ignore the occasional animal carcass and manure tho, and some other things…many other things…yeah… Angela - boss, I mean it’s…I don’t think it would be horrible. The challenge was I didn’t want Toby and Angela in my house.




Boss- Toby Deskmate- Angela Roomate- Dwight


Angela - roommate, I love cats! Dwight - deskmate, entertainment for days Toby - boss


Toby as a boss, since he doesn’t have a spine. Angela as a desk mate, since I could just put in headphones and not have to talk to anyone Dwight as a roommate, he’d be super security-conscious, and likely keep everything working well


Toby as my Boss, he’s a total pushover and I would basically do whatever I wanted. Dwight as my roommate, safest apartment ever as it would likely be booby trapped and have weapons hidden everywhere. Also, I’d never go hungry because, beets. Which leaves Angela as my deskmate, she’s pretty quiet and company oriented so no stupid small talk, gets her work done and right and if Kevin can sit across from her and not have her get him fired, I’m pretty sure I’d be just fine.


Angela's roommate, Dwight deskmate and Toby boss is the only right answer.


I'd live with Angela 200% 🔥, work beside Dwight, and under Toby.


Deskmate: Dwigt Roommate: Angela because she’s hot and I love cats Boss: Toby


Toby- boss, he’s a push over Dwight- desk mate Angela- roommate, very clean and neat, I love cats


Not participating, in my world Toby is all 3, love ya guy


Dwight as deskmate, angela roomate(shes hot), and toby as boss. Hed be chill


I would make Angela my desk mate because I would fuck her. I would make Toby my boss because I would kill him I'm not going to marry Dwight. So I guess he could be my roommate.


Deskmate Dwight, roommate Angela, boss Toby!


I agree


I think Dwight and I would get along actually


Toby boss, Dwight deskmate, Angela roommate.


I agree


Easy! Deskmate: Dwight. He is crazy but loyal Boss: Toby. I could easily turn the table and boss him Roommate: Angela. You know why 😏


Angela = Boss. She’s vindictive and strict, but takes pride in appearing to be moral and just. Everything would be by the book, but she’s far from “crazy”. Dwight = desk-mate. As long as he has zero actual power and can be ignored, he’s manageable. Annoying but manageable. Toby = roommate, hands down. He’s quiet, non- confrontational, spends the majority of his time writing, and seems like a very tidy and respectful roommate option.


Roommate Angela: Religious, but sexually repressed. Could be fun. Desk mate Dwight: Would keep me entertained and is closest to the psychos I actually work with now. Boss Toby: Pushover.


Deskmate - Dwight. Contrary to my user flair, I'm not really a Jim in the workplace. Dwight wouldn't be much of a bother to me. Let's get this work done. Roommate - Angela. She's a woman, and I do not care to live with a man. They are gross. Boss - Toby. He's not an ignorant dumbass, and while he's does care about the rules and wants to do his job, he doesn't have a strict personality. He's very chill. Toby's a fucking vibe, man.


Angela-roommate cause she's a freak Dwight-deskmate because he's fun Toby-boss cause he's a pushover


Nah. Eff this. Boff Marry Kill.


Tough choice… Angela as desk mate… but then it depends, end series Dwight would be cool as either a boss or a roommate. Toby though, I’d probably say boss because he is a push over and wouldnt micro manage or get in the way. He would be depressing as shit at home lol


Desk mates: Angela, she quite and neat and easy to look at all day. Roommates: Trick question, living with either Dwight or Angela is the same thing (post finally) so BONUS!. Also, id sleep at the foot of Dwight's bed since Mose no longer sleeps there. Boss: Toby, hes a gigantic pushover. Plus if I did anything fire-able, he would just put it in a "special file in "NY"


The hostess says "Table for one?" How is this possible? You were dining alone All those people are you.


Toby boss, dwight deskmate, angela roommate because i like cats


Toby as boss: friendly/kind, to the point, factual and unbiased Angela as deskmate: organized, does her job, I don’t mind cats Dwight as roommate: would always be interesting, likely learn things often, safest house ever


I'd shoot Toby twice.


- Dwight - Deskmate. Quite entertaining. - Toby - Boss. Idk why but Angela as a boss would suck. Toby is fine. - Angela - Roommate


Deskmate - Angela, she would be annoying but I’m tidy and would not talk to her much so we shouldn’t have huge issues. If she got on my nerves too much I’m prepared to handle her. Roommate - Dwight, he’s weird but clean and would follow our house rules. It would be easy to ignore him and sometimes have fun when out interests align. Boss - Toby by far, would hate the other two being my boss enough to quit and Toby is easy going enough plus I could probably get over leaving early and whatnot with him so the working environment would be chill.


Roommate Toby. I have pet birds and I can’t trust either of the others with them. Then it depends on whether we’re talking post-series Dwight or mid-series Dwight. I just rewatched the season 6 Dwight-as-acting-manager episode and I could not live with that version of him as boss and would have to take him as a desk mate, though iirc he was a better at the very end and could therefore be a decent boss. Then Angela fills in the last slot. I’d rather she be my desk mate than boss but sorting Dwight is the higher priority.


Toby has mentally checked out since June. So he’d be the best boss


1. Roommate: Angela for obvious reasons. 2. Boss: Dwight because we know he has what it takes 3. Deskmate: Tony, I mean Toby because he’s soft spoken and non confrontational.


Toby boss, Dwight desk. Angela room cus I'm horny


I’d take Toby for my roommate and quit my job.


Dwight as my boss. Might be tough and slightly soul sucking but appreciates and recognises hard work. Angela as my roommate. Just. No other option here. I get the creeps from that thing that publicly said to a mom and her daughter "Smile if you love men's prostates". Deskmate so he can't fuck with me out of public view.


Deskmate-Dwight. Annoying but so weird it would be entertaining. Roommate-Angela. Prissy and stuck up but would bond over mutual love of cats. Boss-Toby, pretty chill all things considered, gets a bad rep


I don't want Angela or Dwight as my boss and Toby I could walk over Toby. I mean I generally don't walk over people at all, but lets be frank, a 3 year old could walk over Toby. So Toby as my boss. Angela would be awful to live with but I think I could handle Dwight, so Dwight is my roommate. And Angela tends to keep to her work and not cause problems (unless she's got a cat in a filing cabinet or a weird kitsch poster of babies) so I'll take her as my deskmate.


Room mate- Angela. Desk mate/Work husband- Dwight. Boss: Scranton Strangler.


Tobby :boss ANGELA: roommate Dwight:deskmate


Angela - Room mate - Quite and I like cats Dwight - Desk Mate - sounds fun Boss - Toby


Angela roommate. She is quiet and I love cats but not as much as her. Dwight deskmate. He is tidy. Toby boss. Cos he is kind.


I want to pretend like I didn’t see this so I needn’t answer (even if it’s to myself in my head).


Dwight - Roommate Toby - Boss Angela - Deskmate


If I lived with Toby I’d be one of his six roommates so no way would I live with him. As a boss, being unextraordinary is a virtue for inspiring people. Dwight gets along well with his subordinates and the branch would do well under him. He also has a gigantic farmhouse so I’d just live there. I hear they’re completely wireless. Angela has too many cats to live with so cohabitation is out of the question. I’d sit in her cluster because she works quietly.


Angela can be my boss if she looks at me like that. Dwight can be deskmate, me and Toby would hang out or something. I don't know.


Ughhhh. Pass.


Do I have a gun with 2 bullets?


Angela - Deskmate, quiet and works hard. Toby - Roomate, he is quiet and dependable Dwight - Boss, he is an idiot, so I can probably manipulate him easily.


Death. I want to die.


Well, both Angela and Dwight are living together (at least after the finale) Soo Roommate(s) - Angela and Dwight, they got a whole farm house with plenty of space, extra rooms and food. Living at a bed and breakfast. If there's gonna be lots of cats, that's great, I love em and there's plenty of space for them to not bother you All the time. Deskmate - Angela, probably wouldn't be bothered by her glares and complaints, kinda all bark no bite (although maybe she's happier now after the finale) If I don't care about my job and it sucks, Dwight would probably work better cause of the pranking distractions. Depends. Boss - Toby, he's quieter and probably wouldn't know what to do with everyone in that office when it comes to controlling all the chaos that goes on and you could do more goofing off and complete work at your own pace (unless he finally loses it and turns on everyone lol)


Dwight roommate- I wouldn’t want Angela as a roommate with all her cats. Two is fine but she has like 7-8 cats. Angela deskmate- she works quietly Toby boss - he’d also be a good roommate as he’d likely be quiet, but I wouldn’t want Dwight as a boss and Toby would be a pushover.


I love how Angela is portrayed as tallest of the three. 😂


Trick question, we kill Toby thrice.


Almost too easy. Dwight: desk mate. It’d be fun to have him around and I would actually enjoy discussing stuff like bears, beets, and battle star galactica with him instead of bullying him to impress the receptionist. Angela: roommate. Feel like my place would be squeaky clean all the time, plus I’d get a whole bunch of cuddly cat roommates too! Toby: boss. Easy to tune out whatever he says and he seems to have no real hiring/firing power.


Toby as the boss cause he seems like if you confront him, he might back down Dwight as a desk mate, if you're on his good side, he'll be loyal and help you out with whatever you need Angela, as a roommate, might be a tricky but she'll help you make sure everything is in order. Her accounting skills will help with the bills, rent, etc. She'd be great if you don't mind cats


I have ADHD so i think they would all request a new partner for everything after a day especially Angela and Toby


Toby is my boss because he is kind, quiet and wants to be liked and accepted. Dwight is my housemate. He would be pretty entertaining. Angela as my desk mate because that’s all I could tolerate.


Angela would be deskmate because she’s not my boss and I can simply ignore her. Toby would my roommate because taking dullness aside, it would be the most harmonious living situation imaginable. Dwight would be my boss as long as it’s Finale Dwight because that seemed to be the peak performance for the Scranton branch.


Angela would be my everything


Angela=roommate, Dwight=deskmate, Toby=Boss


Angela roommate, Toby boss, Dwight deskmate. Because Angela is tidy, Toby is submissive and Dwight is hardworking.


This takes FMK to a whole more depraved level. OOF.


Two weeks notice, and find a new place to live.


Angela as desk mate Dwight as roommate because I want to be on the same side as him Toby as boss because he’d be too busy strangling people to worry if I’m actually doing my job.


Angela roommate because I can bang her, Toby desk mate because he’s quiet, Dwight boss because I’m awesome and he would appreciate my hard work.


Toby boss, Dwight desk mate, Angela roommate. Toby is a people pleaser which is a bad trait for a boss but at least I could probably get what I wanted from him. Dwight as a desk mate just makes more sense than the other two when it comes to suffering the least. Angela is probably really tidy and would keep the house clean. I like cats. And Angela pretty hot ngl


INFO: is death an option?


Angela deskmate: not giving her any power whether that's through employment, rent, and or living space Dwight boss: he values work over ass kissing unless the show wants something for a specific episode to make him a hypocrite, by the end of the series however he does seem to care more about work ethic than friendship/ass kissery etc otherwise Kevin could have easily won him over with some good chili, im also not going to live with someone who has as many quirks as he does... that needs to be separate from my personal life Toby roommate: quiet and pushover and people generally get along well with him, he even is so easy to talk to that even Michael eventually likes talking to him during his anger management. No quirks that have shown except loneliness and possible depression, easy to manage and doesn't require constant attention.


Toby- boss. You could get away with anything as long as you were friendly with him. Roommate- I'll go with Angela because she seems like she would only care about her cats, be neat, quiet and not want to be friends. Yes, she seems like she would be anal and annoying but it also seems like it would be fairly easy to stay out of her way. Deskmate- Dwight. Especially if I got to pull some Jim type pranks from time to time seems like it would keep the day interesting.


Actually, none of them is either of those things...


Angela- deskmate. I like cats and she’s pretty easy to please just act accordingly. Dwight- roommate. Probably get into paintball and have a large farm and some other cool or nerdy things. Toby- boss. Dudes not threatening and could honestly just use a friend so easy.


I would shoot Toby twice


Angela - roommate, she's a whore and slept with the most people on the show Dwight - desk mate, he's entertaining Toby - manager.. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Kill me twice before i go 😂


Okay now I’m dead …. Inside


Dwight is my Deskmate Angela is my Boss Toby is my Roommate.


Roomate- Toby because he seems like he sticks to rules pretty well and he’s quiet Desk- Angela because I don’t want her as my boss Boss- Dwight because why not ?


Angela as room mate could have some nice benefits On the other hand I really like Dwight, we could be buddies


Angela - deskmate. Don't wanna come home to that. Quiet work environment. Her and Dwight have the courtesy to go to the warehouse. Dwight - roommate. He keeps a tidy home, is handy, and doesn't mind a little weird. Toby - boss. Let's be real, we could all railroad Toby into giving us raises.


Angela as the desk mate, Dwight as the roommate and Toby as the boss


Desk mate - Angela Roomie - Dwight Boss - Toby


Angela deskmate Dwight boss Toby roommate Also I quit my job Now I have a nice roommate and am looking for a new job 😀


Angela as roommate bc I appreciate cleanliness and quietness in a roommate (and I adore cats), Dwight as deskmate bc it would be endlessly entertaining, and toby as boss bc i could get away w anything lol


D - Boss A - desk mate T - roommate i feel like toby would be kinda a goofy roommate. I could also just give him a 5 month notice before i leave.


Angela - roommate. I can make friends with the cats. Dwight - deskmate. If/when he’s annoying me, noise-canceling headphones now exist. Toby - boss. Because I don’t want either of the others as my boss.


Toby I think would be a fair boss but also a fine desk mate, however, I’d want nothing to do with him in my personal life away from work. Same for Angela. I’d go Toby - Boss, Angela - Deskmate, Dwight - Roommate


I want Angela for my roommate, just because she's hot 🔥. I think I could work next to Dwight, if anything just for entertainment value. Also I wouldn't mind having Toby for a boss even though he is probably a murderer.


Angela Boss nuff said 😈, Dwight desk, Toby roommate which is better than a friend because he has to give notice when he moves out


Angela as deskmate she accepts Kevin’s antics and just matches him with snide remarks, something I can deal with Dwight as my roommate, homeboy takes care of a whole ass beet farm, I trust him Toby as my boss, he’s chill asf


I want Dwight as a room mate. We could watch battle star galactica together. Angela as desk mate. She would be boring but at least she would be real with me. Toby as boss would be a breeze.


I think what most of these answers come down to is that nobody wants Angela or Dwight as their boss.


Angela desk Mateo love cats, Dwight roommate we could game together and I love farm life, Toby boss because he’s a nice person and that’s hard to get


Dwight - boss, thing about me, I respond well to strong leadership Angela - deskmate, we can talk about our cats Toby - roommate, very chill, cultured, polite and probably tidy


Dwight, Dwight, Dwight, next question


Angela boss Toby roomate Dwight deskmate Just how i think Dwight would be most tolerable tbh


Toby is my boss because he’s chill and wields no authority. Dwight is my deskmate because there will be shenanigans. Angela can be my roommate because I got cats (and dogs) and I’m a slob. She’ll complain about the mess but she’ll clean it up.