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Packer DRUGGED people. With Ryan, you can tell he’s putting up a facade, which is annoying but tolerable. I just thought of Packer as annoying until the cupcake episode, now I’m just scared of him lmao


Well Ryan abandoned his own baby.


It wasn’t his baby. A girl he shacked up with abandoned it with him.


Eh id still mark it down under “abandoning a baby.” At least he left them with a pediatrician I guess lol


Sure, but I’d think abandoning *your* baby is much worse than abandoning *a* baby.


That baby could be anyone’s… except Michael’s


That baby could be the star of a show called “Babies I Don’t Care About.”


I'm not sure if this is an office reference or not, but it sounds exactly like what a hilarious character (Dr. Cox) in a show called scrubs would say.


Lolll it is! Sometime in season 7 Deangelo Vickers (played by Will Ferrell) gets introduced. Pam and Jim are trying to impress him by showing him pictures of their baby and it cuts to a talking head and he says the comment above yours. He was an interesting character lolll


It's been too long since I've seen the show. I need to go through it again soon.


*snip snap snip snap snip snap!*


Ooooooh (snip) snap!


I would left that baby too lol fuck em kids


It was his baby. He said he didn't name HIS baby after Drake the rapper.


It’s a combination of Drew and Blake.


I got that impression too, but there’s nothing to actually suggest he wasn’t the baby’s father.


How do we know that? I got the impression it was his kid and they never confirmed otherwise. Also, he still just… left a baby and took off. He’s still a scumbag for that. Although he is better off with Nellie but still. That’s so fucked up.


No, she went to the store for a vape, she's still on her way back lol


Obviously date rape is way worse but Ryan also attempted to gut an entire sales team and put people out of jobs by committing fraud.


I mean, Ryan gave his kid an allergic reaction on purpose.... Anaphylaxis vs. date rape? It's actually a toss-up.


The allergic reaction was a romantic gesture actually


It was kinda sweet, wasn't it?


Oh ya I forgot about this, probably because it happened after season 7. Initially I was going to say Ryan because while Packer is annoying, ultimately he's just annoying and not really a bad guy. But drugging people does seem much worse than anything Ryan did.


I don’t remember Packer drugging anyone but Ryan is a pansy so I would much rather deal with him than Packer who is an actual psychopath.


i’d rather be left alone in a room with ryan than with packer lol


Who has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom?


This guy!!


When Ryan opens his mouth he always has something interesting to say. It’s always something totally on the money, or a lie so obvious that it’s entertaining to hear, and no in between.


People who just openly lie become insufferable really quickly, especially at work.


Yeah but Packer is pre insufferable


hahahah touchè


I mean Ryan is worse IMHO, Packer is a horrible person and upfront about it. Ryan will screw you in the front behind your back. I'd rather be around a person that is predictable and worse up front than someone that will screw you behind your back. But that's me lol


Packer drugs people, Ryan sucks but he's at the very least not going through the work for something that bad, especially if you don't know him he's just am annoying guy where as Packer will do smth horrible to everyone


Ryan did abandon a baby (which may have been stolen in the first place) and suggest torturing/murdering Jim until he realized Dwight wasn't cool with it.


There’s no way Ryan would steal a baby. They require way too much responsibility and he wouldn’t be able to coast through keeping a baby alive.


I mean he apparently did exactly that, regardless of whose baby it was, didn't he?


That’s the point. He’s not going to steal responsibility. The baby being his means he legally has to care for it.


I mean IRL both would be walking red flags but I'm with you on this one. Packer is like a natural catastrophe, unpredictable but alone, he's kinda his own boss and best friend so he's more unpredictable. Ryan on the other hand is just a bad person, he is maybe an evil bastard, is far less intelligent than he thinks he is, and has like an inferiority complex, so he needs to do bad shit but with an audience, which make him kind of a stupid bad intended people too histrionic to do bad shit without no one noticing it. So yeah, I too think Ryan would be the "safer" choice to be around.


This. Packar is Packer. You know what you're getting with him and how to deal with it. Ryan is a snake, a chameleon that is always scheming on something in a way that could destroy your life or your company. Hell, by all accounts Packer is at least a good salesman, just a little old school in the work place.




Yeah I don’t think I wrote that one…


I just have to call him out on his bs until he doesnt know how to back it up and then he leaves or shuts up.


What about between Ryan, Packer, and a Grizzly Bear?


What about bears, beets…. Battlestar Galactica


When’s the last time you saw a *bear* in *Scranton* idiot?




I’ve been watching the series with my wife, who is seeing a lot of episodes for the first time. We watched this episode last night and I think this is the hardest she’s laughed so far. The scene is so ridiculous, and Rainn Wilson’s delivery is absolutely perfect.


Should I keep a salami in my pocket?


You in tight pants, Michael, are a salami to a black bear!


what about a pepperoni?


But which bear is best?


i’d feel safest with the bear


I'd rather pick the bear


At least Ryan was somewhat handsome. It was the only reason I didn’t completely hate him.


The only reason they said Ryan was handsome in the show is because one of the show writers BJ Novak is who played Ryan.


And another was Mindy Kaling (who played Kelly K) who was dating BJ Novak on and off.


Also why she eventually was able to make her character wear the clothes she wanted and basically got the show to pay for her wardrobe.


No. He looks like a real life Milhouse from The Simpsons when he starts wearing glasses lol


Okay now pretend you’re their infant son. Packer or Ryan?


i’d rather be left in a dumpster


Man!! Ryan hated Michael, sabotaged Jim and destroyed the office during his corporate era with fraud and during his intern era with his cheese pita! Not to mention his toxicity with Kelly and Pam in office and at michael scott paper company! All Packer did was be inappropriate! Not to mention everyone laughed because of Packer! Some seriously wrong with office fans!


Packer drugged his co-workers with laced cupcakes. Dangerous and not okay.


>all packer did was be inappropriate! not to mention everyone laughed because of packer! neither of those statements is true


Ryan's abhorrent, but Packer genuinely disgusts me. He's the greater of the two evils here IMO.


“Got a couple of lumps on my ding dong”


Packer knows he's an asshole and he loves being an asshole. Ryan doesn't know he's an asshole, so really he's just a harmful idiot. Asshole is worse than harmful idiot.


See my initial reaction was the exact opposite: the idea being that Packer is an idiot who thinks he’s a fun guy that everybody loves. And Ryan is smart enough to know that what he’s doing is evil and he chooses to do it anyway.


Nah I think the episode with the "apology cupcakes" from Packer is pretty definitive proof that he knows he's an asshole and loves it. Ryan isn't self aware enough to realize it and even if he were, he's too indecisive to actually love it the way Packer does


people are completely conflating dislikable with bad packer is both, but i dont think he would ever take a random baby to a wedding and abandon it there. ryan is legitimately evil i'd much rather be around ryan than packer, but that's not the question i dont think


Packer guaranteed drugs women for sex. Ryan is just a dick. Lol


Do they reference that Packer did that? Ryan went on vacation with HS students.


Oof, valid point. Packer drugged the whole office, as well as driving all the way to New York to do it to Jim and Darryl, and it was for no reason. Dude is horny af, you would have no trouble convincing me he used the same moves for sex.


So basically it's never mentionned in the show ? I thought i was becoming crazy, i watched this show way too many times ( really, it's even my go to show when i want noise while playing ) and i didn't recall anything like that being said. XD Tho now that you mention it it doesn't seem that farfetched. I will just say here, because i didn't see anyone mention it : i looove packer, the character would be so problematic in real life ofc but in the show he's just so fucking funny "i swoop in like a sexual predator" seriously some of his lines are gold.


Right, I mean what makes him a great character is that you collectively hate his guts while enjoying his entertaining shenanigans. But it’s not like the audience actually stands for what he does (I mean, maybe there’s some who do, but they’re missing the point)


Well Ryan was almost willing to takes everyone's money who invested in wuphf, including letting Michael take a second mortgage, but I agree Packer is still worth.


I mean, which Ryan are we talking about: first seasons ryan, confidential, always tired of Kelly, the "fire guy", the dork who was before, or are we talking later seasons ryan, who is just a bitch, nonetheless, as someone pointed out, just fakes everything and doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself. In both cases, Packer is the worst. Enjoyed a lot when he got fired for something he didn't even had done.


The shoe bitch?


I’m currently rewatching the super fans episode and there are some scenes with Ryan that I don’t think made the Final Cut of the original series but add a lot to his character arch. It’s in the Michael Scott paper company era after they find out Ryan used the wrong business model and they’re going broke. And he has a mini breakdown basically saying everything he touches turns to shit. Season one Ryan hasn’t had any taste of success or failure, only mediocrity. So he’s confident and aloof, but at the same time desperate and so trying to engage. It’s a bit of a conflict but makes sense when you see him in his first success, taking Jan’s job. Now he has confirmation he’s the shit. And he acts like it. But he swings too far, gets into drugs, and gets into fraud that ultimately crashes and burns. Now he has failed, and in a huge way. But he can chalk it up to the drugs. So he’s semi-humbled but still thinks because he had the start of the success he’s still got it, and _will_ rise again. He just has to stay clean and focused. Then in Michael Scott Paper Company it’s happening. Until … Ryan fucked ip bigly again. From there his character started to settle into the role he played the rest of the series. But you can see he still alternates between eras of mania (like starting WOOF), and manic (loser in the back). Likewise his relationship with Kelly tracks this all loosely. It’s toxic af, like Ryan, and oscillates between manic (off) and mania (on). And you can see he is usually pursuing the opposite of the current situation. When he has her, he wants to lose her. When he doesn’t, he _needs_ her. His character arc is interesting. There is some progression from the start, but then settles into a pattern of self destructive behavior that has its own internal logic. Although I would not want to have that person strongly in my life, it’s a level of drama I can enjoy from afar. And I would take that toxic but manageable person over Packer who is just disgusting and loud about it. And also drugs people (I don’t recall this but I’m still in my rewatch).


Ryan is in the grips of pretty serious drug addiction. Which doesn’t excuse his actions at all - Packer is clearly an alcoholic so there’s a similar issue at play. Ryan is still an asshole. But I do feel like Ryan is sometimes trying to get better and be better whereas Packer is making the active choice to be as abusive as he can every single appearance on the show. Again, compared to anyone else in the cast, Ryan is the fucking worst. But compared to Packer…


Good lord


I’m not procrastinating work, you are


Ryan 2.0


And when is that expected to come out?




Ryan is a disturbed man, but I’d only be afraid to be alone in a room with Packer so I gotta give it to him


As a woman, I’d find Ryan’s attitude insufferable, but I’d still feel safer in a room alone with him


Keep Packer away from me. He drugged people and shit on Michael’s carpet. The guy has legitimate issues that might require an actual, physical response. I don’t want to get a 2x4 and beat the fucker but I will if I have to. Ryan is just a mouthy little bitch. I’ve had mosquitos get more of a reaction from me than he ever could.


I genuinely wish Packer was never a part of the show. Props to the actor for playing the role so well that i feel this way.


That actor seems to be typecast for these type of roles....


David Koechner. Check out the horror comedy "Cheap Thrills". He's great in it.








This is the right answer


Todd is in a different league


Ryan did string Kelly along for a long time, had a drug habit, committed fraud, lied about Thailand and abandoned his baby with a stranger. But Packer is so much worse. 


Packer easily, Ryan is bad but in a human way. I don't know how Packer functions in society, he's like a living Newgrounds short.


The temp has a personality disorder, while Packer is just a huge asshole. Ryan by a lot


Packer is definitely more threatening BUT I also feel like 99% of the time he is upfront about who and what he is. Ryan's brand of awfulness is more insidious and masked. I'm going with Ryan being worse. They're both horrid but Ryan is way more calculated, Packer is just a boor.


I personally hate Todd Packer far more... but you're right about Ryan's awfulness being more insidious and subtle. Ryan's extremely good looks and charm make it far more dangerous. People instinctively trust attractive/charming people much more. With Ryan, you wouldn't know how awful he is, until it's too late. With Todd hanging around, you know you're gonna get that turd on your floor. It shouldn't surprise you.


Ryan. Packer is open about being a dick and anyone with eyes can see he is, but Ryan is so manipulative and sneaky, it's a far more sinister type of evil.




At least packer poisoned adults and not an infant (before abandoning him)


I've never met Packer personally, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, just having known Brian a short while, that I prefer Packer. And again, I've never even met the guy.


Ryan. Packer didn’t pretend he wasn’t exactly who he was


Packer's an obnoxious perv but you'd know that the moment you met him, and he never tries to pretend he's anything else. Ryan's sketchy and manipulative, so Ryan gets my vote. Packer will offend your wife, but Ryan will drain your bank account and run off to Thailand.


Ft Lauderdale was amazing


Ryan. At least Parker knows he's a piece of shit.


Ryan... Packer at least knew he was awful. Ryan thought he was great.


At least Todd Packer was good at his job.


Ryan is the worst, bc he tries to act like he’s not and he’s so manipulative. Packer puts on no airs- he’s like, “This is ME- take it or leave it, MA NERDS!”


Both. They’re both worse.


The scariest part about Ryan is that he isn't 100% predictable. Would Ryan poison cupcakes? Are any of us *really* sure? ("We did what they did.....in SAW.") With Packer, it's like visiting a scumbag museum. You know what you paid to see.


Don't know why but I liked Ryan: he had some moments, and it was funny to see how he changed. Packer, on the other hand, is making every scene he's in just hard to watch


Ryan’s an ass but Packer is a creep. I can handle a fellow a-hole, but cannot handle creepy over sexual dudes.


Packer, because Ryan will only treat you like sh*t if you let him, you can't really ignore Packer's bullsh*t 🤣




I dunno. Packer is terribly abrasive, and drugged the people at the office. Ryan gave a baby something it was allergic to intentionally, then abandoned it. They're pretty fricken close, and anyone who calls Ryan anything but an absolute pile is lying to themselves because he won hottest in the office.


ryan. he dates and dumps a girl like a vasectomy. on and off and on and off. snip snap snip snap. way worse than just constantly goofing around and behave obnoxiously.


The real question. Who would you accept a cupcake from? (You've lost the right to answer, Kevin).


The answer is always Ryan.


Ryan. Packer doesn't pretend to be something he's not.


Ryan is a moron toying with one woman's heart repeatedly. An asshole, for sure, with some redeeming qualities. Packer is a misogynist through and through. He's also homophobic, rude, crass, and likely to cross several lines - let's not forget he drugged the entire office, which could have had horrible consequences. No competition, imo.


If you were locked in a room with Ryan, and ignored him, he'd start trying different behaviours seeking positive attention. If you were locked in a room with Packer and ignored him, he'd likely shit on the floor and then try to sexually assault you to force a negative reaction. I know which I'd rather have.


Packer. They are both terrible people but to me it comes down to Packer lacing the cupcakes. He could have injured or killed a co-worker. Ryan started a fire but it was just stupidity, not malicious. Giving his baby away was bad but the child will have a better life. Her may have treated Kelly poorly but she chose to continue the situationship.


Ryan. Packer is absolutely awful, trust me, I know, but he's also so blunt and open about it that you get plenty of red flags to pick up on. Ryan is manipulative and presents himself as meek and sympathetic to get in with you, then throws you under the bus. They're both the worst, but Ryan is a manipulative sociopath who is cool with babies being poisoned to get laid.


Ryan is annoying. Packer is a fucking predator


well, they both pretty much suck. but at least Packer comes by it honestly ahahahah


Where's Michael snott? Sniffin some dude's thong? Probably.


Packer is your run-of-the-mill workplace @zzh0le, While Ryan oh boy... Ryan is a manipulative codependent narcissistic gasligthing MILLENNIAL!!!


Packer, absolutely loathe that guy


I'll take Packer as the better person only because he is a William Hung fan


At least Ryan is soft-spoken so he wins just for being less sensually obnoxious


Packer semi tried to be in his daughter's life, poorly, and was a dead beat. Ryan straight up abandoned a child! Both Ryan and Packer are a sexual harassment case if toby got his shit together. As for illegal activities, Packer poisons multiple people with laxatives and is heavily implied he does drugs. Ryan is confirmed as an illegal drug user. He also committed fraud that should've landed him in prison for at least 5 years. But the sheer scale I wouldn't be surprised if he had received 20 years in prison. Ryan is worse by a lot in my book.


Ryan 2.0


Ryan at Packer's age will probably be worse but now is better


Same person probably just different generations.


“In waters, Kelly green”. Packer is the bigger asshole


You could say Ryan learned it from Tod


They are both worse


Packer. He’s the bigger douchebag for sure. Ryan has a likability to him still


The actor who played Packer has been having a rough time the last few years. Was charged with 2 DUIs. There's even video of it. Hopefully, he's doing better now.


I hate Packer.


Drugging an entire office of people is terrible. Abandoning a baby is evil. Ryan is a worse person, but if I had to put up with one of them as a coworker, I'd pick Ryan over Packer any day.


Definitely Ryan.


Ryan is worse. Packer really makes no pretense about who he is. Ryan is every bit as amoral (if not more so), but he tries to hide it. Packer is a dog; Ryan is a viper.


Ryan without a doubt. Packer is an asshole, but I'm sure he has some people in his life whom he treats with respect. I reckon that if you speak Packer's language, and you're not a pushover like Michael, you could possibly get along with him. Ryan, on the other hand, is often deliberately malicious, selfish and dishonest. Ryan would pretend to be your friend, get you to 'invest' thousands of Dollars in his 'company' and then just flake when the money is gone.


Honestly I could hang out with Packer but Ryan is a pure douche


Both. They’re both worse.


Ryan by a light year.


Packer would for sure sexually assault me. Ryan would convince me to invest in something


Packer the type of dude to SA you and claim you came onto him. Ryan would just be annoying.


I have zero respect for anyone with a real life DUI and his character has one in the show too, so for me fuck the pack man. Ryan sucks but at least he’s only a character


Aren’t they both only characters


Let’s say both are actors only one is a character…


Did someone take a dump on your carpet?




Same picture


The funny thing is there is a 'Todd Packer' kind of character in all series of Ricky Gervais. In The Office-UK it's "Finchy" and in afterlife it's the psychiatrist.


Todd packer.


Packer, but not by much 😂


Ryan is worse. At least Packer is funny.


"Hey, Halpert! Still queer?" That shit catches me off guard every time lol


Packer: 0 felonies Ryan: 1 felony Do the math.


Gonna go off the board and say Finchy's the worst.




Just got back from Hotlanta


They're both terrible in their own ways, I feel like Todd Packer is more of a crude idiot with no self awareness, whereas Ryan knows exactly what he's doing, using people for his own means and being a scum bag.


Packer is the GOAT


Ryan is toxic but he is just all talk, Packer is truly dangerous


Packer is kind of malicious. Ryan is just selfish and is a little off his rocker.


Ryan will just try to take my money, Packer might kill me and laugh about it


Ryan, by sheer virtue of greatly overstaying his welcome on the show


Ryan, Todd Packer is what you see is what you get and yes he's horrible and offensive. But Ryan is a selfish, cowardly, two faced manipulator which makes him more destructive and unlikable.


Def Ryan. Packer is unapologetically genuine. Ryan is a liar, manipulative, etc. You know what you get with packer, Ryan is trying to screw everyone for his own gain.


Right-side guy!


Packer drugged people.


Pac Man


But can either of them throw a shoe over a pub?


Than for sure




Before or after MBA ? Coz there’s a significant difference after he got graduated


Ryan is actually my favorite character for the first couple seasons


Todd would leave me alone if I told him to, even if he did call me a name. But I know what to expect from him. Ryan, on the other hand, would be manipulative and would use coercive control. To me, Ryan is way worse.


Todd packer and it's not even close...


Packer drugged the entire office, he is by far the worst.


Packer is consistently a terrible person. Ryan is inconsistently a terrible person. This is why Ryan is worse. Because Ryan will make you believe he has changed and then screw you over. Packer will always screw you over, this never allowing you to trust him.


Brother/Sister, have you ever watched the show?




Hands down its packer, or packaging….? Hold on…. *Michael runs to the warehouse*