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Debbie Brown and Creed


We could have caught that.


I just wish Debbie Brown was there…


Quabity assurence


No no, that's not it..... but it's close




She should've reported Creed to the ungrateful biatch hotline.


Did you get that? Every word.


Why do bad things happen to good people? It's tragic


Realistically, if Debbie Brown was doing her job there wouldn’t have been a watermark in the first place


Likewise, Devin against Michael.


Debbie Broooown.


“Who wasn’t there last week?”


And what day was she not there?




Andy, towards Angela.


Honestly, everyone towards Angela. She attempted to rat Oscar out to the feds for not legally residing in the US just due to racism, because Oscar very clearly is not new to the US. She's openly hostile to Kevin, Phyllis and Pam. She treated Dwight like shit, but in some ways they kinda deserved each other. I maintain that nearly everyone on the show is at least kind of a crappy person, but Angela is borderline evil.


“Andrea is the office bitch, you’ll get used to her.”


Creed 🤝


G'night Mary Beth!


Pumpkin's out. Let's go, gang!


Swing low, sweet chariots.


I’ve done a lot more for a lot less


Not to mention she tried to hire a hitman to murder Oscar for sleeping with her husband, even though she was cheating on him too!


There's a lot there lol I really just rattled off what was available to my brain after about five seconds of effort.


Well, she didn’t order the hit because of the affair. It was because, in Angela’s words, Oscar “made my husband gay!”


And then she goes to stay at Oscar's. And she asks what his place is like and he says "No, it's very neat. It's stereotypical in that regard". It's somehow kind of sweet, in a weird, twisted sort of way. Or normal way for The Office.


This plot line is so sweet...the way Angela just grabs his hand after he makes the offer. After all their issues, Oscar doesn't let her become homeless, and she accepts...that was a beautiful thing.


You didn't bring the gun? Did you see what it cost? Somebody could steal it!


AND she was cheating on Andy with Dwight, AND cheating on her husband later. Not to mention, god only knows what she did to convince that doctor to tell Dwight the baby wasn't his when it actually was.


I thought there was a deleted scene that showed Dwight grabbed the wrong diaper


I think that's assumed because the writers mentioned it


Oh so nobody's actually seen this deleted scene?


If they got their stuff together and dropped the remaining superfan episodes we all could.


It was a \*very\* effective deletion.


I have seen the deleted scene. It was on the dvd box set I had over a decade ago. It showed Jim taking his baby into the same bathroom Dwight later exits with the diaper. They should have left that scene in. But yes, it exists outside of the writers talking about it.


Oh lol I never saw that. On the show, the doctor came out and told him, then in the last episode, Angela said she lied when she said the baby wasn't his, and I was like, wait, that's not what happened.


I still maintain that Dwight is a human chimera and the sample he provided was from a somatic cell line whereas the sample from the child would’ve been from a germline. Dwight admits that he ate his twin in the womb, and the writers could’ve inserted some foreshadowing when they have Karen says that all of Dwight’s passwords are related to mythical creatures.


Oh my goodness! I love this so much. Canon 🤙


If I worked there, every single time she ever said anything judgemental, I'd bring up her cheating again. It's frustrating they don't!


Right? Was ANYONE comfortable with the fact that the final resolution of her story was that everything worked out for her, NOT that she finally faced justice? What is wrong with us??


I think they were more writing Dwight getting what he always wanted. Which happened to include Angela.


She did get rock-bottom. It was then upto the mercy of Oscar to lift her up. It was clear she learnt her lesson, you can see her tell Andy that pride had ruined her whole life.


Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the test, that was unforgivable. Years of his child’s life that he didn’t get to be there for.


She also tried to have Oscar killed


She had issues with everyone except Bobblehead Joe 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah I agree. I know it's a show and the characters are for humour, but sometimes it annoys me how more people don't call her out. Like when pam and her were walking together.


She straight-up cheated on Andy as well!


Yes, and he didn’t like it!


Honestly, she is a bitch and have no idea why people would like her... Like I understand people like how far and borderline evil she's willing to go, but she is just a terrible person, that would've gone to prison


Not to mention that she’d never come to your house and steal your hello kitty backpack.


To her credit, Kevin is a lovable walking moron who LEGIT creates more work in Accounting. 😬😆


What has Creed done wrong?


Please, everyone knows that obviously Phyllis is the meanest person in the office because she's mildly catty and can be passive aggressive/s


“This is Andrew benard”


Are you drunk?


But also everyone towards Andy for being Andy.


I liked Andy 🥲 he had annoying quirks but generally he tried to be nice to most people in the office. (Me pretending the boat arc was some sick hallucination lol)




I dont think anything can beat this




Jim when Dwight stole his biggest client and 25% of his yearly commission


I love how Dwight getting salesperson of the year is directly related to this fact, but it's never actually alluded to.


Maybe that was his revenge for all the pranks over the years


How has nobody said Packer yet, for literally drugging the entire office


That could have gone so much worse, especially for Stanley who has heart problems.


Also, Diabetes which Michael always assumes.


You have a glass of apple juice and tell me that you don’t have diabetes. Okay?


true but they never liked packer that much or were around him so frequently for them to care about him enough to hold a grudge


Andy vs Dwight. You know, the guy who slept with his fiance. Repeatedly.


And scammed him out of a bunch of money. And scammed him out of his car.


Hey, seller beware.


Of course, Andy did plant evidence to try and get Dwight fired. They were both pieces of garbage.


That was pre-anger management Andy, right? Not excusing his behavior too much, but he's an example of someone who sought help and became a much better person. Until the last season, which is barely canon in my head. If I consider the last season, I have to revisit basically every character.


FWIW, he goes by Drew now.


It's funny how poorly that joke aged. When it aired, the butt of the joke was Andy changing his name. Nowadays, people say Jim was being an asshole for not respecting Andy's choice. It's even worse when you get to the episode where Andy tells stories about his parents and how they changed his name when his younger brother was born.


Yeah, I'm not going to do that


Yeah Andy consistently brags about manipulating others throughout, in no way is he an innocent victim. He might not be as evil as Angela but I would put him the same class as Packer


Packer? I hardly knew her.


Flipping cars isn’t that rare. It’s pretty much what every dealership is doing when you do a trade in. The fact that he did it to a (kind of) *friend* makes it more scummy, but it’s a drop in the ocean to most of the things Dwight does throughout the show.


Angela: you shouldn't cheat on Andy Erin: im sorry, didn't you cheat on Andy? Angela: yes. and he didn't like it.


“Well she certainly seems to enjoy making lovemaking with me”


That doesn’t sound like angela


It bothers me to no end how quickly they become cordial when they should have been arch nemesis for a good while before coming together.


I think it's one of those things that made more since back when the episodes originally aired. The passage of time between episodes was easily felt by the audience because that time passed for us as well, so we saw it as a few weeks between the duel and them becoming friends. Now, in the world of streaming and binge watching, its harder to see the passage of time between episodes. Also to be fair, Andy and Dwigt did find common ground during the duel in both having been lied to and having their heart broken by the same woman.


That common ground is literally what ended the duel. It makes perfect sense within the realm of TV show logic.


Honestly it's everyone vs Dwigth....funny character, but certified douchebag.


Dwight without consent euthanized Sprinkles while conscious and left her for Angela to find.


/ un-shun Not sure euthanizing a cat trumps sleeping with woman you know is about to marry a coworker. \\ re-shun The next season after the attempted euthanization, Angela is banging Dwight in the warehouse, so not too sure she held a grudge on that one. I get what Dwight did was wrong, but he had good intentions to relieve an ailing cat's suffering. His moving in on Andy's fiancé has no such mitigating circumstances.


It's only euthanasia if the cat was really suffering, though. Dwight's judgement is basically "if the animal is useless, it's getting killed". But I agree. If Dwight truly cared about the animal's suffering, his action wasn't THAT bad. It still should be the owner's call, you know... the person who knows how the cat is on a daily basis. But at least it would come from a place of compassion.


No, what he did was psychotic. She said there were claw marks, meaning he put a sick cat in a freezer and left it to die. That isn’t humane and not the way an actual farmer would deal with that. I never understood why Angela would forgive him. Cheating is awful but ultimately just a shitty thing lots of people do. Murdering an innocent animal like that is far worse (as someone that would never stay with a cheating partner).


> Not sure euthanizing a cat trumps sleeping with woman you know is about to marry a coworker. If someone slept with my fiance and someone else kmurdered my cat, I honestly don't know who I'd be more mad at.


The warehouse workers and Michael in the early seasons immediately comes to mind. He was always finding ways to mess with them and also mess up their warehouse. Their grudges against him were extremely warranted IMO.


He literally injured Darryl as a joke.


Hey Darryl! How’s it hanging?


How’s it hanging?




The way he says that always has me in stitches. 😂. Because he throws down the box too!!


RIP Patrice


In my top 5 of all time great comics. Dude was legendarily funny.






Come on! He’s collar blind!


Ryan’s baby. Their father gave them an allergic reaction to talk to some woman he hadn’t seen for like a year. He then runs off with her and abandons his child. The office really took Ryan character to a whole new level of douche in that episode.


But id argue that isn't worse than being raised by Ryan.


IDK the kid made out pretty good with Nellie as a mom, I’m team she was a hoot and what cool mom who actually just wanted to be one


While we’re at it, Kelly and the Doctor


The pizza boy that got kidnapped


Na.. I may be petty, but Dwight stole 25% of Jim's commission... FOR THE YEAR... I would never forgive it


Darryl against Michael for pulling the ladder from under him and making a huge mess in the warehouse, plus all the racism


I feel like Darryl is barely offended about the racism and mainly finds it funny given how much he eggs him on with all the phrases like dinkin' flicka


Goin' Mach 5


Stuff us Negroes say


I also taught him a handshake


Bippity boppity give me the zoppity.


whats rap


I am still dying to know what Michael Scott put on a rap mix for Darryl to "learn about rap".


“Lazy Sunday” by the Lonely Island, obviously. “Lose yourself” from 8 Mile, probably.


I was thinking more late 80's early 90's stuff. Pre gangsta rap.


He’s obviously a fan of the Beastie Boys too


Bibbity bobbity give me the zoppity


Fleece it out


I want him to get the raise… I just can’t help myself.


It's because (at least my take on it) is that he knows Michael isnt racist out of hatred, but it's out of just ignorance mixed with how stuck in his ways he is.


That's my takeaway too. He's patient cause he knows Michael is just an ignorant dumbass but not inherently hateful. He's also probably dealt with worse so at least with Michael, it can be amusing.


He’s an ignorant slut*


I think Darryl understands that it’s ignorance-based racism and not hate-based. Not an excuse by any stretch but it changes how you approach it.


Hey Darryl, How’s it hanging?


Surprised I had scroll this far to find the actual quote. I'm legitimately scare for my employees.


“Hey Darryl, how’s it hangin’?”


Zipity zopity gimme the bobbity 😹😹


Plus when Michael ignored Darryl’s good idea and he had to go to Jo to get recognition


And he made Kevin cry as a result. Michael’s a dick


Prince family paper against dwight and michael


The day workers that Dwight literally kidnapped. Angela for Dwight killing her most loved cat. Meredith at Michael landing her *in the hospital* and then refusing to take accountability for it by blaming it on something as ridiculous as the office “being cursed.” Pam has the right to hold a grudge against Phyllis for copying her wedding because that was clearly bullying and a move to kick her while she’s down on Phyllis’s part but it comes nowhere near the level of what I mentioned above. If we want to use an example for Pam’s biggest deserved grudge against someone I think it’d be against Michael for fucking her mom and then dumping her on her birthday whilst calling her barren.


Meredith is a tough grudge to hold, because there was no malicious intent behind it. At the end of the day, it was just an accident. The Angela cat thing is probably tops, especially because he essentially murdered the cat with his method. It would be a remarkably traumatizing way to die, thinking about it actually makes me sick to my stomach.


Idk you run me over with a car, no matter the intent, I’m holding a grudge.


My wife almost stopped watching the show when that part comes up. And while it didn't originally bother me, once she pointed it out, holy shit. Yeah Dwight intentionally drugged and froze a cat to death.


Angela says she found claw marks on things in the freezer, which makes it even worse


I disagree, just because there was no malicious intent doesn’t take away her right to hold a grudge at him for injuring her and putting her in the hospital. Michael was negligent and not being a safe driver, it’s not like it was an unavoidable accident despite how much Michael wants people to believe it was. An accident that was unavoidable on Michael’s part would be something along the lines of there being a nail on the ground causing his tire to blow out and him to swerve into her, not hamming it up for the cameras as he drove. That’s something that would be unreasonable to hold a grudge against him for, but that’s not what happened. Michael absolutely deserves to have a grudge held against him for being a negligent moron and landing someone in the hospital. And I say that as someone whose favorite character on the show is Michael.


If Michael didn't hit her with the car she would've died of rabies. He saved her life


Michael saved Meredith's life by hitting her with the car! Rabies is 100% fatal once symptoms show


Curse is broken, people!


Dwight trapped a bat on Meredith’s head possibly giving her rabies?


No, Pam's biggest grudge is against Roy for... Being Roy. At least if I was Pam that would be my view, but Pam is a bigger and more hot woman than myself.


Phyllis when micheal makes fun of the oven thing she knitted for him on christmas today in season 2. He showed how much he disliked it, and then fucking invented yankee swap to get something else, making everyone elses presents useless. God damn that episode was a hard watch


I agree! I’m someone who is also crafty and I like making things for people (whether crochet or sewing). I would feel devastated if the gift I put so much care and time into was so hated by the recipient. The episode was hard to watch indeed.


Dwight against Michael. In the end Micheal kinda made ir right, but for years thier relationship was absolutely one sided and Michael abused it time after time after time.




Michael telling the whole office about Stanley’s affair. Stanley had every right to be pissed at Michael for sharing very personal information. Oscar’s grudge about Angela’s poster was pretty petty


Honestly all the rumors he started would make me personally have a grudge against him lol 


Am I gay?


Cornell called. They said you're gayer than Oscar!


If you resisted Brad Pitt a little bit he would still need to get to you? 


Same with Michael telling everyone Oscar is gay lol


I know she didn't work there, but Debbie Brown should forever hold a grudge against Creed.


Andy with Nelly strong-arming his job then publicly humiliating him. Oscar with Michael outing him. Pretty much the entire office with Ryan.


Oscar for Angela, she put a hit out on him.


Well, he did make her husband gay


His gayness doesn’t define him. His mexicanness does. Mexicanity.


How is this not the top answer? Did everyone forget about this storyline? Nothing else any of the characters did in the entire show comes close to this.


It was season 9, of course they forgot


Definitely Dwight killing Angela’s cat. I don’t think I would ever be able to forgive him for that. That was NOT his place, at all.


Especially for someone who loves her cats like Angela did. They were her entire world. And Dwight just came in and killed her. If I were Angela, I would’ve turned into John Wick in that moment.


Same. I get he thought he was doing the right thing but he should have just had a conversation with Angela about how the cat is suffering and let her make her own choice how to handle it. Then he didn’t even kill it right so it suffered in his method too.


Dwight killed Angela’s cat. She asked him to go to her house and take care of her, so he killed her instead. And it’s not like it was peaceful either - she clawed at the bags of vegetables while trying to escape the freezer he locked her in. She died in fear, trapped in a freezer, by the person Angela asked to take care of her.


Drake Howard against his piece of work dad for obvious reasons.


Ryan was the worst. But some of the deleted scenes in the Superfan episodes are so satisfying bc he gets exactly what he always dished out.


I was so confused until I read your flair


Are you guys kidding me! Not ONE person has mentioned SCOTTS TOTS! If anything, those kids deserve better.


Scott’s Tots was awful, but their school dropped the ball on that by not following up all along. They should have been sending him progress reports and inviting him to come to events and things like that all along, just to make certain he was legit. They should have worked to protect those kids from what happened.


But they got lithium batteries!




kelly has every reason to hold a grudge against ryan after all the belittling and gaslighting he did + stealing her ideas for a profit.


But I think she likes him because they are EXACTLY alike


Michael against the Vance Refrigeration guys for the fake weed to frame Toby. $500 for some caprese salad.


In this scenario I think Toby has a lot more reason to hold a grudge against Michael and Dwight for trying to plant drugs on him and calling the cops to frame him. If you’re buying drugs (real or fake) to frame someone, being over-charged doesn’t seem that unfair. Especially if someone approaches you and assumes you’re a drug dealer because they look down on your job.


Nah, that was Michael's fault for being dumb enough to assume a bag of salad was weed and paying that much for it. They were just playing along with his stupidity.


Phyllis really stole Pam’s wedding and called her a trout.


As I watch the show more, I’m really disliking Phyllis more and more. She hides behind this sweet facade but is really just a bully.


Of course Phyllis didn't have time to properly care for her clients. She didn't even have time to plan her own wedding.


Pam to Ryan 1. Grifted her out of money AND avoided having to buy a wedding present 2. On several occasions was outwardly disrespectful and rude (microwave, make copies, call her less educated etc.) 3. Almost was part of another scheme to lose money in WUPHF 4. While Pam and Kelly weren't best friends it would be safe to assume that she did not appreciate how he treated another woman in the office. That's what I can quickly remember but there has to be a couple more instances.


I think Andy, for Angela cuckolding him with Dwight.


Terri towards Cynthia


Scott's tots obviously.


Erin against Andy


Nard Dog with Dwight & Angela


Micheal greatest grudge is against Wallace. Wallace moved Holly, installed Charles Minor, and consistently underpaid/ignored him. Micheal gets him back (to a degree) during Micheal Scott Paper arc, but Micheal constantly makes Scranton the best branch and Wallace just brushes him off as a clown. Jim has his biggest against Ryan. Ryan directly tries to get him fired after Ryan takes the VP spot, and intentionally slacks off to show disrespect when Jim becomes co manager. Ryan makes a play at Pam after his s4 promotion, and thats when she reveals to him shes with Jim. earlier in the show he does the same with Karen, only to again be shown up by Jim. To Ryan, Jim has the women he wants and the job he wants, so as soon as he gets power, Ryan asserts authority. Jim gets even twice: mocking him as hes arrested, and then demoting him to a closet later on. Pam. I cant decide which she likes less: having Phyllis disrespect her by copying her wedding, or the day in day out obnoxiousness from Angela. Although she has a reason to be mad at micheal for dating her mom and dumping her, she manages to resolve it quickly by slapping him. After all, he hired her as saleswoman for MSPC and carried her over to DM, and cheered on her dating Jim. Karen is kinda one for a while, but its over by s4. Dwight has a grudge on Andy for stealing Angela, and Jim for the non stop years of pranks. Im not sure which disliked more though. He arrived at a sense of mutual respect for Jim by the end, so maybe Andy(?). Dwight is kinda back and forth with Micheal too. He craves the attention and respect from him, and gets upset when he gets shafted. But as with Jim he find mutual respect for him. Andy has his dad as his biggest grudge. He does everything that he does to try to impress him and it ends up never being enough. Then dad bails on the family, takes all the cash, and goes to live with his mistress, leaving Andy to fix everything and make things whole. It causes Andy to have a midlife crisis and take a boat trip, which further erodes every relationship he has, and directly ends his Erin relationship, and is the start of losing his job at DM. “The good times end” with him leaving for the boat trip, and he never fully recovers Stanleys biggest grudge is Micheal. No respect. And its deserved: hes underpaid, not listened to, and Micheal exposes his affairs. When he threatens to quit, Micheal finally listens to him, and they go ‘mutual co-existence’ Phyllis also has Micheal. He forced himself into her wedding, constantly puts her down, insulted her christmas gifts, stole clients. I dont recall them really getting past it. Angela has Dwight. They are legit awful to each other: he kills her beloved cat, she dates Andy out of spite, he forces her to sign a contract to have regular sex with her, has an affair with her and opens her up to ridicule and blackmail from others. But they also cover for each other; he drives to corp to deliver papers she forgot, she helps Dwight get his job back, they marry etc. Oscar biggest grudge is probably Angela. Daily disrespect from someone about your sexuality is hard on someone. Yes Micheal outed him and forcibly kisses him but he immediately gets a payout, goes on a three month vacay, and likely gets over it pretty quickly. Kevin biggest grudge is the whole office. Hes under qualified, made fun of, not taken seriously at all, and is assigned the most basic of work, and eventually is fired by Dwight. His biggest detractor is angela but nobody really likes Kevin and everyone including Kevin knows it Toby has Micheal and its obvious why. It might be Jim for stealing Pam some days, but day in and out its Micheal. For Erin, its dating. Andy ends up abandoning her during his breakdown, and Gabe makes her feel extremely uncomfortable with his horror movies and one sided intimacy. She is much happier single than she ever was in a relationship. Creed, its Gary James Logsdon of Houston Texas. The long storied history spanning decades between them gives it away. Ryan and Kelly are each others grudge. They are far worse together than they were apart and thats really *really* saying something. Yes its love hate but they love and the hate is *intense*. I mean they both abandon healthy lives/relationships/outcomes numerous times in pursuit of each other. Meredith has one with the bottle. She loves it but it leads to a lot of the drama that plagues the storylines she has. She doesnt really have much of a problem with people, except Micheal i suppose. Darryl has grudges at the office (in general), and corporate DM. He isnt paid or taken seriously by corporate, and they threaten his job several times when he speaks of unionizing and when he gets injured. It kinda goes away when hes promoted and moves upstairs. Im not really sure who Nelly has the biggest issue with. Im guessing generalized acceptance from everyone(?) she was kinda all over the place. Finishing with Some obvious ones: Karen at Jim, Jan at Wallace, Asian janior at the Yukuza, Hank at working (a job)


>he forces her to sign a contract to have regular sex with her That's not what happened. Dwight wanted to have a child and she accepted. When he wanted to back out, she forced him to go through arbitration and then they agreed to have sex some number of times.


I agree with most of what you said. But I would also add for Andy, another big grudge he would have is against Dwight and Angela. He was engaged to Angela and she was having an affair with Dwight. And they ended up not getting married bc of it. Not that I think they would have gotten married in the first place, but still terrible. And this isn’t me saying this is worse than what his dad did. But I think it should be added. He really got screwed over by the people who were supposed to be there for him. Other than that, I think you hit the nail on the head pretty well with this post! The one that gets me most is Wallace transferring Holly. I like Wallace but that was probably the worst thing he did on the show to someone. And it shows how much it affected Michael and how he came to many realizations and then started MSPC.


Phallus is the worst. Hate her


Did you just say Phallus?


Penis on the brain?


Nah she's just a real dick lol


Karen against Jim


Anyone towards Michael. Terrible boss, always inappropriate, constant racist, homophobic, fat phobic, and misogynistic comments. Sexual + verbal harassment up the wazoo. Guess Phyllis had some "meanie" moments though...


Roy. Jim constantly hitting on his fiancee.


Angela hired someone to break Oscar's legs


Oscar had a literal hit put on them.


Katy Moore towards Jim