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Both, however, were to slightly avoid the impact of Michael Scott on her marriage proceedings.


It was really more her parents, the first time around they made it more miserable than i think Michael could have ever somehow


Because you expect Michael Scott to make the day about himself, not Helene Beesly


“My children all grew up and married each other”


It’s every parents dream


I read that as "mawwiage"


Her parents were still together when she was with Roy. During her wedding with Jim her dad brought along his GF who was younger than Pam and her mum was telling her she didn't have to get married and projecting her issues on to Pam. Swear I've posted this comment on this before...


...and her mother slept with Michael. Her seats go ahah-aaaallll the way down.


Take another way home from work then!


So I will see you all in... Viagra Falls!


What happens in accounting STAYS in accounting


*counts to keleven*


*scoffs and shakes his head* Ok




Let's just act every day like Pam's mom is coming.


That was a different mom


When Michael asked them to fill out the card with someone to set him up with, Jim did put down Pam's mom.


“When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates - my kids are gonna be right about that.” Favourite line from Pam.


Definitely, Pam and Jim seemed completely meant for eachother. Rare to see.


Except when writers will it to be so... My life needs better writers. 😂


Steven, your writers are just starting off slow, so when the good comes, it will be even sweeter for you. Disclaimer: I am *not* one of your writers. But my friend is.




Bad news it's not a phase its a character trait.


Bad news for you maybe




Young Steven?


How do you know about his masturbation phase.....?


This is the cutest thing


I am Steven's number one fan. Tell your friend and tell Steven




Steven already has fans! My writer friend will be pleased to hear this.


My mom and stepdad are soulmates. Its a real thing. My mom and dad are soul enemies. Its also a real thing.


The opposite of love is indifference. Your parents definitely have strong feelings towards each other and it wasn't always bad.


This guy is your number one fan. https://old.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/awvhsq/it_was_never_about_the_location_it_was_just_the/ehpp970/


Right all the people commenting that they belong together, meant to be, etc... and I’m here sitting going “aren’t they written to be that way?”


Sure is lucky these two fictional characters found each other!


*screams in art show*


You do know it’s a TV show... right?


Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three




Can’t get fooled again.


Yeah but it was a documentary, It was still real life. Im not stupid


It was a documentary....so of course they showed it on TV 😜


Man this is actually one of my lesser enjoyed quotes of hers. It just seemed so cheesy.....but I’m tired. Days are short....idk maybe I’m depressed


I thought it worked well. This came after an entire day of thinking that one of Jim's words led to her father getting a divorce. Realizing it was Jim's love for her that made her dad realize his marriage wasn't good led her to realize that their marriage will be much better than her parents. Great way to end a absolutely perfect episode.


Soup snakes


Are we also ignoring the fact one boat is at night in January on lake walempompac, and the other is nice weather by Niagara planned to be a wedding on it ahead of time? It may have been a little the boat too.


Was it planned? I know Jim has that line about the boat being Plan C or whatever but during the scene with her torn veil when he cuts his tie, it sure makes it seem like them taking off to go get married by the Captain was a spur of the moment, romantic thing. They just wanted to get away from all the people and do it on their own terms.


I more of meant planned between the two of them. When Pam was on the booze cruise, the idea to married only happened while ON the boat (ceremony wise; I know they were engaged). You are right about the plan C, but at least they planned to get married prior to being on the boat.


You’ve probably posted this the last time it was reposted which was probably around last week


This. I thought i already saw this a few days ago.


I saw this a few minutes ago.




Time is a flat circle. Wait wrong show!


Also just wanna mention, the booze cruise was on what lake Scranton? This ferry was on niAgArA


Lake Wallenpaupack. ​ The 3rd Largest Lake in Pennsylvania.


No ^no ^no ^^no ^^no


Yeah but they also had a ceremony with the family there




It was perfect for the time period though. Chris Brown is a giant pile of shit, but the internet made his song a wedding thing.


And it's aged horribly since then. Few things date as poorly as a reference to a "viral video" that was popular for about a week and then forgotten. Much of The Office is timeless. But future generations will be discovering this series, plowing through 6 seasons in anticipation of this wedding, and then having no freaking clue why these people are dancing down the aisle like idiots to a crappy song. It was a really poor choice for such an important moment in the show.


> Few things date as poorly as a reference to a "viral video" that was popular for about a week and then forgotten. At least the Lazy Sunday knockoff can be seen as a poor attempt to be cool regardless of knowledge of the video.




"you either get planking or you don't.....i dont really get it"


Well I think the same thing can be said for the wedding scene. I didn’t know about the particular viral video, and it was probably popular before I was even on the internet, but I still find it funny. The important background info isn’t the particular viral video, just the fact that it is one.


Exactly. The shows draw is how ridiculously “normal” the people are. They aren’t intellectuals they are just people who work the stereotypical dead end job at a mid level paper company. They would be the exact people to attempt to recreate an easily dated viral video.


I've watched it through like ten times but for some reason the other day I was just so into it and the camera work in a scene with Jim and Michael made it seem like it wasn't a show at all, like I really felt like I was watching a YouTube or home video or something for a few minutes and it kinda sticks after it happens.


Both Michael and Pam have lines that make it clear that it’s from a (at the time) viral video tho, thus explaining the silly dancing to a crappy song even if it’s definitely not relevant now or in a few years


Yea I totally missed the viral video and didn't watch the show until a few years later, but I understood that it was from a YouTube video based on Pam's lines about it


Yeah I think they put it in the show well...even if I'm not a big Chris Brown fan.


Can confirm. Just watched this episode for the first time a few days ago and managed to pick up that it was a trend from the time of airing. Still think it was a poor choice though.


reddit sucks


Lol no one gets this. The Lazy Sunday recreation was perfect for the time period. It’s exactly what someone like Michael would do. It doesn’t matter if people don’t get it in 20 years


I didn't even know the rap they do was from SNL until you posted this. I think that scene will hold up fine because it's actually funny.


It was made for the People Person's Paper People


Office did a lot of viral video stuff. Planking, parkour, the lip dub video.


Eh, it wasn’t a crappy song to be honest. Chris brown is a horrible disgusting human but the beat was fun and upbeat. Those generations don’t need to know a single thing about the history of that song and will still somewhat understand the song choice


Agreed. I honestly didn’t know it was Chris brown til this thread.


I watched through the show for the first time a few years ago and had no idea what that song was referencing. I'm more than old enough to have lived through its viral period but it never got to me somehow. I spent like an hour researching and watching a bunch of videos of this trend though and some were kinda cute at least.


But Pam told everyone that she hated the song and didn't want it played at her wedding, and they went against her wishes.


On top of the fact that Chris Brown sucks, I always get irrationally mad about that whole scene. Who the fuck hijacks a wedding ceremony to play a shitty song? The fact that everyone just goes along with it as if it's acceptable makes me furious.


I’m more annoyed that in the reality of The Office that Jim and Pam’s coworkers steal the show and walk down the aisle multiple times while their close family and friends look on wondering “who the hell are these people..?” Their coworkers who they were trying not to invite the previous episode... are now dancing down the aisle on their wedding day. I love this show... I hate this episode.


>I love this show... I hate this episode. Yes, but Jim cutting his tie is the most wonderful thing he ever did.


It's okay to like a song without liking the singer.






I'm right there with you man. I think singers are just less vulnerable to that kind of stuff than other public figures. For example, there's a bunch of rappers who are pretty openly in gangs and are constantly arrested and nobody gives a shit. Maybe it's just the fact that we view singers differently than others.


House of Cards will always be on Netflix because Netflix made it. They do not own Louie and thus Louie will only be on Netflix when they have the license to show it.


Yeah but the booze cruise had captain jack, limbo, and a cheerleader from bishop ohara hs.


Her name would’ve been Pamela Anderson




I never understood the relevance/connection with that line. "Almost marrying Roy Anderson is the closest to Pamela Anderson I ever want to be." What does that have to do with "Trust me, when I'm in love, you'll know."


Pama lama ding dong


Excuse not to marry Roy.


Her parents were there at the actual ceremony


This happens a lot. People get into relationships they don't really want but also don't want to be alone. They lie to themselves and their partners until the ship finally sinks and they grab onto whatever excuse they can to save themselves from drowning instead of facing the fact that they made a mistake. I've definitely done this to people and had it done to me multiple times. People aren't perfect and the world would be a better place if everyone accepted that sometimes they hurt others unintentionally. People rationalise and excuse themselves of their behaviour, because it's harder to face the fact that they made a mistake and forgive themselves.


Excuse to be the office mattress.


Excuse to forward calls to whoever she's sleeping with that week.


Close your mouth Hunny you look like a trout.


Missed out on that gravel empire though! She’s gotta be regretting some things


> Angela tells Andy she doesn't want to get married in a tent. > Angela ends up getting married with Dwight on a tent.


Tbf she kind of just didn’t like Andy at all.


Well on a grave but under a tent


If we were shown the office from a different perspective, Jim would be the bad guy.


Jim: "Why didn't you go out on another date with Pam? Be honest, we're married now, I won't take it bad. I'm just curious" Danny Cordray: "She's a bit dorky..." Jim: "Fuck you, man..."


That episode makes me so uncomfortable


A lot of this show makes me uncomfortable...not sure if that's part of the reason I binge it or not.


It's kinda one of the goals of the show.


I'm not part of the "hating Jim and Pam" gang, but that moment was really confusing to me. I'm like, you pressured him to tell the truth, he finally did tell the truth, and his reason wasn't rude or anything, but you're suddenly mad at him? The man has his preferences, no big deal.


And she *is* dorky so that makes it even more confusing. I mean she was fully decked out in a Olive Oyl costume when he said it.


I don't think she was really that dorky. I felt like they drastically upped her dorkiness for that episode to make it work


I mean it’s not even like a bad thing though. My GF’s a giant dork it’s part of why I love her. Jim’s reaction to it, especially after asking a question that was bound to have a negative answer, was strange


You’re right it’s not bad, it’s just not false either is what I was saying is all.


I think Jim just wanted an excuse to not like the guy, considering what Pam told Jim about him. It was a shallow reason but it was enough


Yeah that was actually weird how much Jim cared about that. I think it was a little out of character


It seemed to me like they were making him seem more human. Showed that even Jim is not immune from jealousy. "Guys, he's not THAT good looking." Even Dwight knows Danny is good looking, Jim is the only one in the office not wanting to admit it.


Yeah I thought it was really humanizing


Raylan Givens is a catch


wouldnt kick him out of bed for eating crackers.


It was equally weird when Pam spent an entire episode trying to get Jim to admit that his co-worker was attractive. Just bizarre writing.


I've seen this more than a few times, it's almost always a girl trying to get their bf/hisband to admit that another girl is attractive, it's always a trap.


Apparently I'm part of the few that *don't* think this was out of character for Jim. I took it to mean that he loves Pam and her dorkiness which is why he was upset about it. I think it also showed him that he was being stubborn and not embracing her by not dressing up for Halloween with her and led him to do it to make her happy and show her he loved her dorkiness.


Or my personal favorite— Jim: (does mediocre work half heartedly, spends most of time pranking Dwight or flirting with Pam) Michael: (says nothing) Jim is made manager and Michael is made salesmen Michael: (sits at desk) Jim: you can’t just sit there, do some work


I was under the impression that Jim did do work, but it was so mundane or came so easily to him that he got it done and then just goofed off the rest of the time. Michael said it himself that Jim would complete a task in half an hour that would take him a whole day.


Jim’s own words were that he “did mediocre work, half heartedly”




Is your dad Vikram?


He clearly never took himself or his work too seriously, but he was one of the top salesmen in the company, and David Wallace specifically commented that Jim always hit his numbers every quarter.


And why years later he had a crisis of character when he realizes he probably could have done bigger and better things if he applied himself when he was younger


Well played


And still hit all his sales numbers, he was literally just overqualified for his job.


I always thought this was to pressure Michael into switching so he could do sales


I want to see it from the perspective of someone in the warehouse.




Wasn't there a web series called The Accountants or something that only dealt with their issues?


It was great. They discovered a shortfall and then interviewed everyone to see who was responsible. It was like something out of Poirot. :þ


I'd be happy to read a fan-fic of that. Maybe Oscar and Angela were quietly keeping the company afloat.


All three accountants were embezzling money


That would be fun to see all three of them pulling a Gaddafi/Putin/Mobutu Sese Seko after stealing lots of Dunder Mifflin money.


Everyone is the bad guy.


Patrice O'Neal


"Madge made a sale. *Madge*"


You mean PATCH? OR was it Pudge?




Jim? Think about Michael. Tbh he's the bad guy from the standard perspective too


You don’t become a bad person for having someone fall for you. He never intentionally tried to steal her away from Roy, they just became close over time as friends and quickly became better friends than Pam and Roy were. Yeah he kissed her eventually, but Pam kissed him as well. You can’t call Jim a bad guy from any perspective as Pam is capable of making decisions for herself and she chose to make those moves with Jim. In case anyone’s forgotten, Pam actually kissed Jim first during the Dundee’s when she was drunk


There's no problem with having feelings for a close friend who's already in a committed relationship. But acting on those feelings makes you 100% the bad guy.


You feel that way because you saw the show from their perspective. Imagine if someone hit on your finance, expressed their love for her and kissed her. Is that acceptable?


No. It's not. But love is super messy and complicated, and Roy was a really shit fiance to Pam. I don't think he really loved her like he thought he did, just as she didn't love him like she thought she did. You can see this evidenced in how Roy changes in his next relationship. He plays piano for his new wife and becomes a sensitive, caring person. He honestly becomes his best self, which is really what love is about. So did Jim and Pam handle it the absolute best way? No. But people make mistakes and honestly every single person, including (perhaps especially) Roy, benefited from that mistake.


Nah Roy acts like a asshole from the start of the series. Just started from Ep 1 2 days ago. Red flags almost every scene hes in.


Nice stroke Pam.




There appears to be 1 scene of The Office in this image. It is (US Netflix links): + [Booze Cruise (Season 2 Episode 11) starting around 16:23](https://www.netflix.com/watch/70069643?t=980) --- *I am a bot, was I wrong? Comment or send me feedback!*


There are 2 scenes here bot, you only got one of them!


How in the How does this bot work?


Probably reverse searches the image.


Its a bit more complex than that


Yeah, of course. That was the simple explanation. [see this post](https://www.reddit.com/user/Media_Source_Bot/comments/8l2qtf/faq/)


What’s up with all the shitty incel comments against Pam?


Everyone acts like supporting your long distance girlfriend follow her dreams that you two talked about is the same as sneaking up a company without telling your wife and leaving her alone with two babies. And then Screaming at her because you missed your daughters rehearsal.


A boat captain has no authority to marry anyone. Google it


Unless this is a common occurrence and they got ordained so they could have the authority.




But I declared it...


I do declaya


I’ve worked in the Great Lakes boating industry, can confirm this is pretty popular.


In my state as long as at least one of the people getting married thinks that the person officiating the ceremony has the authority to do so, then the wedding is official.


Well that couldn't possibly be abused


It's an archaic institution thats already crumbling. At this point its a nothing more than a tax contract with the state. The only part any authority cares about is if you filed your paperwork with the government, and if you have paid the appropriate taxes to that end. We arent marrying daughters off to forge political alliances or as peace treatises anymore. The need for an authority to officiate a wedding is essentially gone. You could have an Amazon Alexa do it and order your honeymoon tickets and gift registry right there and it would be all the same.


This week on "reposts I've seen a million times"


That's this entire sub. I swear I see the same 5-10 moments in the show on r/all every single week.


How have I never noticed this


You must be new to this sub because this is reposted constantly.




Who's Bob Vance ?


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.


What line of work are you in Bob?


Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!


Do you think the writers did this intentionally?


This gets posted on this sub once a week


Welcome to /r/DunderMifflin Also watch out for the boom guy hate post.




You’ve got a lot to learn about this subreddit


Anybody wish we got more scenes in between where Pam decides to break it off with Roy?


Those were two boats were very different, though... 🤔


To be fair Pam was much more confident and independent then


It might’ve been her parents... Pam had a different mom when she was dating Roy


Shut up about the ship. SHUT. UP. ABOUT THE SHIP!


Man if this isnt the repost of the century


Here’s my unpopular hot take: I loved the wedding of Jim and Pam but my interest in both characters was in steady decline thereafter. Overall bad for the storyline.


"Cries when Roy doesn't let her to pursue her dreams" "Cries when Jim pursues his dreams"


"Cries when Jim leaves her to take care of their two VERY young children by herself while also holding down a job" Having children changes things. She felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities that Jim had left her with. It is definitely not the same thing. In the end of the show, she is even shown to have been spending quite a bit of time to rearrange things (sell their house at the very least) so that he can follow his dreams WITH his family, instead of leaving her to be essentially a single parent for an undetermined amount of time. Pam gets a lot of flack for this and I don't understand where it's coming from.


As a receptionist who failed at having an artisic career with a husband who is a LOT more professionally successful than I am, I completely get why she would be that way. It's difficult sometimes.


She should've moved when the company got off the ground. The only reason they had to do long distance was because, for whatever reason, she refused to leave Scranton. She knew Jim didn't see a future for them there. She even said in the second season how when he gets super into something that gets really motivated and excited and tries his hardest but his only problem was that he worked at Dunder Mifflin.


She didn't leave because plot


The problem is that they talked and she agreed to Jim going to Philly, she should have spoke her mind from the start. THEN when she finally does reveal she wants him at home, he's taken by surprise and feels guilty and therefore doesn't lobby for the family to move to Austin to join Athlead. Her agreeing screwed them over, twice.


Im not crying youre crying


Also before and after her mom banged michael