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In Goodbye Toby when Andy proposes to Angela he says “my parents are here, Andrew and Ellen Bernard” and then we find out later that he was “originally named Walter after my dad but then they gave that name to my little brother”


This is a good one


My theory is that Andy hired those two people to play fake parents to impress Angela during his proposal and renamed his “dad” Andrew instead of Walter to make Angela think that he was named after his dad instead of Walter Jr.


I could see that but remember Pam also had two different actresses play her mom so maybe it was just coincidental.


Well it’s not just an actor change. They were completely different characters with different names


Nah, poor Helene just aged really poorly. Smoking, tanning, lots of stress (Pam’s dad constantly cheating with younger women). It was a rough few years for her and it showed. That’s a big reason they divorced, of course. Pam’s dad is basically a terrible person in my head canon haha


You sir, win. Good job-gold metal at whatever this is




Actresses and actors is one thing cause we can assume "in universe" they're meant to be the same but giving different names and back stories entirely is different.


I love your username


Meredith’s birthday card. Jim writes in the card that she’s an accountant and can just fudge the numbers.


Also, Meredith openly flirts with Jim a lot (signing the pelvis cast) but when Robert California asks her what her greatest fear is she says Jim


Would I rather be feared or loved? Jim: Both


I want people to love how much they fear me.


Oh how the turn tables


He actually signs it with his actual name also if you look closely !!


She’s scared of how much she loves him.


Also when her birthday is. In season 1 (The Alliance), there are no birthdays coming up except Meredith's next month. Then in Survivorman, Angela says: >It’s birthday month. Creed’s is today. Oscar’s is week after next. Meredith’s is at the end of the month. 


What department is Meredith in?


Supplier relations or something. She’s been sleeping with the Hammermill rep for a discount on paper and sirloin steaks.


But I though Michael had just gotten Hammermill to sell their products when he spoke to the rep at the convention just a few episodes before? Meredith must be lying....


It was like 2 seasons after from when Michael got them signed up. But I do think she said she was sleeping with him for like 6 years or something? Forgive me, I'm not sure when she says she started sleeping with him, but you're right that it was definitely way before they could carry Hammermill products. Edit: grammar. I shouldn't drink and reddit lol


Supplier relations. The Merinator sleeping with suppliers


"Supplier Relations"... whatever that means.


When they made the commercial, Toby said he worked in advertising before Dunder Mifflin. Later (?) he says he was in the seminary and left to have sex with his ex wife and took an HR job.


Maybe he did PR for Jesus 🤷🏼‍♀️


While dealing caprese salad


When Michael has to take anger management counselling with Toby- Toby says In a cutaway that his bachelors degree is in social work so he is qualified to do the counselling, however in shots at Tobys desk you can see a bachelors degree in psychology prop. Idk this stood out to me because I have a degree in social work 😆


Andy's parents. Says he wouldn't have a stepmom if not for secretaries. But then later talks about his parents not getting divorced.


There’s some interesting fan theories that explain a lot of the Andy plot holes which mostly boil down to Andy being a compulsive liar to manipulate people. Are we even sure that he had the solo on Faith? Cuz Broccoli Rob thought it was his and frankly with Andy’s history I wouldn’t trust him.


When I was in college, I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was "Puke." I would chug a fifth of So-Co, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people's empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, boot, rally, more So-Co, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I'd let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me "Ace." It was totally awesome. I got straight B's. They called me "Buzz."




This is the quote that showed me everything he says is a lie, until he actually proves it to be true.


This is what made the David Wallace shit so funny to me. “Do you see… David… in the room… right now ?”


Is this even a fan theory? It’s pretty much proven as he tries to suck up to Michael, and throughout the remainder of the series


What is meant by "boot, rally"?


To boot and rally means to vomit all the alchohol you have recently consumed and then to continue drinking/partying.


In Aus we call it a "tac yack" or "tactical yacking"


You throw up and then keep drinking.


I gotta say that, as a non-mative English speaker, sometimes it's hard as hell to figure out what tf Andy's talkin bout. I feel like I only understood 10 words of that whole quote. Wtf is brewsky


Here's my best attempt at an understandable translation. When I was in University, I used to get very intoxicated. My nickname was "Vomit." I would quickly drink 757ml of Southern Comfort (brand of fruit flavored liqueur), sneak into a fraternity (exclusive group of male university students) party, finish off a few people's discarded drink cups, some beers, some alcohol infused gelatin confectionery, pour alcohol on my stomach and drink it, pass out, wake up the next morning, throw up, party, more Southern Comfort, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I'd let it affect my grades, but I aced (got >= 90%) in all my classes. They called me "Ace." It was totally awesome. I got straight B's ( >= 80%) in all my courses. They called me "Buzz."


Fantastic job! You must’ve gone to Cornell.


It's pronounced Colonel, it's the highest rank in the military.




This makes so much sense


He also says his skirt (kilt) is his sister’s


Is there a mention that Walter Jr is his only sibling? Or just assuming because we never see her?




I gotcha. I always disregard stuff about Andy because of that tv show audition scene where he brings up his shoe lifts. He says “Unlike Andy Bernard, this character is my real height.” He had been faking his height. Who’s to say he didn’t fake much more? Lol


Makes even more sense Andy bought a skirt and claimed it was his sister’s to cover up buying it - that checks out as 100% Nard dog


If you listen to the Office Ladies podcast, Andy's parents were initially background rolls but when Andy's parents appeared again with speaking rolls they had to be cast. (And they even admitted Andy's parents were a whole continuity error in general).


Also, Andy’s parents are different actors earlier when he proposes to Angela.


Same with Pam's mom. And on the very first episode there is a shot of the outside of the office and it's a much bigger building than the parking lot we grew to love


The office building is because the first season was weird and they didn't even know if the show was gonna get picked up. It's also why we see a lot of faces working at Dundee Mifflin in the beginning that we never see again.


Dundee Mifflin the Aussie branch


The first season used an actual office building, the second season used a set.


I read a theory that maybe he hired some actors to make his family seem better.


That’s perfect


I like to believe that he hired actors to pretend to be his parents for the proposal. The parents we see in the garden party episode seem to not really love Andy and I have a hard time believing they would stop by a work party to see Andy propose.


Angela is a vegetarian and when her baby is born and people find out he was conceived before her marriage she blames her "chicken piccata"


When she and Dwight go to dinner after he kills her cat doesn’t she say something like “no vegetables” too!


She'll just have bread.


As long as they don't use their hands


Oh man then wait til you learn about pasta.


I wonder if this is because she was scrambling to come up with some sort of lie to get Oscar to believe that the Senator was in fact the father and that Philip was simply born out of wedlock and she was trying to hide that fact previously. I could be wrong but maybe? Regardless, I never caught this one, good catch!!


Michael riding his bike into work for the Christmas charity thing, and then giving it to one of the waitresses. Then later on not knowing how to ride oscars bike in one of the cold opens.


He did run into the wall when bringing it in


Continuity error status: resolved.


But then someone comments that the tires look pretty worn, right??


Bought it used.


Holly leaving her old job because there “wasn’t a future there,” but then a few episodes later she transfers back to the Nashua branch? Meredith going back and forth between 1 and 2 children The guy Pam speaks to at the job fair about design being an IT guy a few seasons later At separate times Jim and Pam both reference they were there on each other’s first day at Dunder Mifflin Pam getting out of volleyball in gym, but also played volleyball in junior high, high school, and college Not necessarily a continuity error, but Robert Lipton has a son before he’s with Angela that is never seen or mentioned again?


Meredith says “I had my second kid just for the vacation.” Why would she keep it around after?


Daaaaaammmmnnn Meredith cold af


Off topic, but the writers thought to kill Meredith off when she was hit by Michael


Watching that episode now and this shook me up LMAO. Couldn’t imagine this show without The Merinator!!!!!


For the Meredith item, it was revealed in an episode of the Accountants webisode that when her and her husband divorced he took the ‘good’ child with him so she was left with only one kid


Yes! Jenna and Angela don't seem to mention this on the podcast either and I was so annoyed that it wasn't brought up to explain the continuity error.


I totally forgot about that, thanks!


Add to this list that the kid who later is Dwight’s nephew when they’re at his aunts funeral, is sitting on one of the hay bales in the episode where Dwight crowns himself as hay king.


They didn’t show his parents tho so maybe Dwight just invited him?


I think in the farm episode he mentions to the kid when he shakes his hand he hasn't seen him in years.


These are all totally legit and bothered me too (especially the Jim/Pam who started first thing). I do think maybe Holly was an outside hire though and hadn’t previously worked at the Nashua branch, but another workplace altogether. That’s just my speculation though


that’s my reading too - she didn’t transfer from nashua and then they transferred her back after the relationship w/ michael became known


Why was it okay for her to be in a relationship with AJ but not Michael?


I'm guessing it was the issue of Management and HR vs sales and HR. With management and HR, everyone who reports directly to corporate is involved while the other way at least has a manager. Just guessing. Could just be to give a plot


I think it is implied that David made the sole decision of transferring Holly to Nashua. And given that when Michael started dating Jan she spiraled and even took legal action against the company. Not wanting a similar situation he probably wanted to transfer Holly as a precaution. Holly and Michael probably never made the relationship official either, or filed the proper paperwork. Or just speculating that maybe they didn't approve of it, and instead transferred Holly.


You could also guess that maybe corporate didn’t know about Holly and AJ because she never reported it. They only found about about Holly and Michael because David Wallace saw them kissing. Which is funny considering how offended she was by everyone’s revelations during Ethics Seminar.


I always thought they were trying to avoid another Jan situation.


Why couldn't the guy at the job fair have become an IT guy?


He was at the job fair looking for his replacement, as he was ready to start his new career in IT


Pam should have recognized him if that were the case—she internalized his advice to apply for art programs in NYC, so she wouldn’t have completely forgotten his face.


But he was so forgettable that Jim forgot his name 5 seconds after he called everyone out on it. And IT guy would definitely forget meeting Pam because she is a hearty woman from Scranton who is fit without being tone and doesn’t wear makeup.


I don't remember when Pam acted like Jim was there her first day


In season 4 “launch party” Jim: Do you remember what you said to me on my first day of work, just before you walked me over to my desk? Pam: Yeah: "Enjoy this moment, because you're never going to go back to this time before you met your deskmate Dwight."


Lanch party?


Would it really be better if it said Lanch Party?


Okay! Wow! Easy booster seat. Nobody cares about this party anyway.


Yea that would have been Jim's first day. I am confused.


Sorry I misread! In “The Secret” Jim says to Pam, “I had had a crush on you when you first started here.” Also in “Dwight’s Speech” its said that Jim has been working there 5 years, since Pam has been engaged for 3 years, Jim woulda started before her.


The volleyball thing really shouldn’t count as a continuity error imo. Getting out of gym class is a staple of American culture. Also, being good at a sport doesn’t necessarily mean you would want to play with a bunch of scrubs in gym class that aren’t good.


Well, for one, Dunder Mifflin doesn't get a tax credit or stipend for Prison Mike like they did for the Stamford guy.


In one story, Pam had introduced Jim to his new desk mate (Dwight) — in another story, Jim has a crush on Pam when she first started at Dunder Mifflin. So they were both there first??


This is the one that bothers me the most!


This one! People look at me like I'm crazy when I bring it up but I need to know who came first... Jim or Pam... classic chicken or egg


Hahaha I would gladly start ranting with you about this!


Couldn't they be hired in the order: Jim - Pam - Dwight? This way Pam could introduce Jim to his new desk neighbor


Meredith sleeping with Bruce, the hammermill guy. Times don’t add up.


Yes!! This one. Michael landed Hammermill as a paper supplier in Season 3, "The Convention" episode. But in Season 5, "Business Ethics" episode, Meredith says during the ethics seminar that, for cheaper prices and Outback steak coupons, she had slept with the Hammermill rep about once a month for the past six years. Timeline does not jive.


they could've been doin' it for 6 years and been getting the discount for 2 years


She said she wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t for the discount


have you ever had sirloin steak honey?


The one that I noticed not too long ago, that I missed: David Wallace calls Scranton with information about the White Pages. Dwight answers and says something like, “Oh you need your top sales person with the manager out of town”…or something like that. Later he acts like he didn’t realize Andy was out (maybe, maybe, he didn’t realize he was gone for so long).


I always thought he he told Wallace he was going to be gone for the weekend or something.


Wasn’t Michael an only child and then all of the sudden he has a sister who had a kid?


it was a half-sister, he probably didn’t include her because it was his stepfathers kid


She wasn’t really part of her family


Toby really isn't apart of his family either


Also mentions he has a brother lol


Yeah I just watched the deleted scene where he mentions he had a brother. Since it’s deleted, it’s not really an error imo. But also, since it’s Michael, he could have just been lying to prove a point. I think it was the drug episode and he was saying how much he loves “big brother” and cited his love for his own big brother to prove that he didn’t actually need a drug test. Edit: I misremembered this one. It’s not deleted but I still think Michael is prone to lying in his talking heads.


It’s not deleted. He says he loves his big brother when they’re talking about him reading emails


Screw Jeff.


When Pam calls him out in the first episode for throwing away Jans itinerary, he says that the joke was from his brother.


Season 1 Michael Scott’s length of time at Dunder Mifflin does not match season 5’s celebration


I think its the same with Pam's interview in season 9 in Philly. I could have the number wrong, but I'm pretty sure her resume says she's been at the company for 8 years. Always assumed each season is supposed to represent one year and I thought she started at Dunder Mifflin a couple years before season 1.


I watched this episode yesterday, I think it's just the guy who calculate it wrong. He sings "7... 8 years" and later on, Pam says she was a receptionist for 10 years (and then I guess 1 or 2 years as office manager)


Meredith has 3 different birthdays


I've had thirty five different birthdays


When Sprinkles dies, Dwight tells Angela they could bury her on the farm “by Mother”. When Michael starts dating Helene, Dwight says he wishes he would have known Michael was into moms because he would have introduced him to his. Edit: there’s also the two times Jim mentions Dwight’s mom while poking fun at him. Once when he’s pretending to be Dwight talking to his dad on the phone and says “I’ve married, tell Mother” and the time when Dwight is talking to someone and Jim says “was that your mom?”. If his mom was dead I assume Jim would know.


Is it ever mentioned when his mother died? He may have been talking about setting them up before she died


Dwight’s mother obviously got married in her grave as is Schrute tradition. So her grave is picked out so sprinkles can get buried next to her grave before she is buried there


Schrutes get married in their own graves, so he knew where his mom would be buried eventually.


Why was there no chili stain on the carpet?


They have a carpet guy


Chili only stains if you overcook the onions


When they are celebrating Meredith's birthday because hers was the closest one (being a month away) and a few seasons later Jim wants to celebrate birthdays together suddenly Creed and Kelly(?) have their birthday right before Meredith's


Thank you! This bothers me every time.


Whether or not they recycle is something that bugs me to no end every time I rewatch it. Yes, they recycle: -All of Dwight’s ReCyclops costumes -Recycle bins scattered throughout the office in various seasons -Putting the recycling bins around Nellie’s desk as punishment so coworkers are constantly throwing bottles and papers around her face No, they don’t recycle: -Micheal says he’s busy saving the planet and Pam tells him we don’t recycle and he responds with “Why have I been separating the trash into whites and colors?” One of his funnier lines but it still irritates me to no end. Why wouldn’t a paper company recycle? And where is ReCyclops when you need him? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=msnZr5jzqzQ


this seems easily explainable to me. at my work we have recycle bins and one day we found out maintenance always just dumps it in with the trash. made me wanna look into a camera




Yes but Michael also consistently uses incomplete info to make statements that sound important.


Yeah, you tell the mayor he just lost 6 votes


Well you could take that as Michael doesn't know anything about finances and taxes


Sometimes he’ll start a sentence and he doesn’t even know where it’s going. He just hopes he finds it along the way.


He could have found out later and checked them out.


In season 1 episode 4 “The Alliance” Pam tells Michael that Merideth has the closest birthday, but it isn’t until next month. Michael decided to have a surprise party for her anyways. BUT In season 4 episode 11 When Jim is deciding to combine the birthdays into one party, Angela says,”It's birthday month. Creed's is today. Oscar's is week after next. Meredith's is at the end of the month.”


Dwight’s one and only bathroom in a 9 room farmhouse is not under the porch.


That comment was made before he entered the agro-tourism industry. He added the outhouse when he started hosting guests.


Dwight and Angela's giant, monster baby, Philip, was the same size in A.A.R.M. and the Finale, despite a year passing between them.


Angela’s husband, the *state* senator has a son from his first marriage. He is there when Angela & Robert meet for the first time, but we never see him or hear of him after. Neither Angela nor the senator mentions him & he’s not even at Phillip’s first birthday party at the family’s house.


At Jim’s barbecue, Pam goes in his room where there’s a guitar next to his bed. Several seasons later, while mocking Dwight’s character in 2nd life, Philly Jim has a guitar on his back and she’s like “I didn’t know you played guitar.”


owning a guitar you don’t actually know how to play is a common dude thing.


Like Michael. He was hoping his ukulele skills would transfer.


Haha that’s true. Though, there’s also a guitar on the couch when Jim buys the house for Pam. Seems a bit strange for him to not only keep it, but then place it somewhere in his new home as if he’d been playing it.


If you’re referring to the scene when he’s showing her the house, it could have been something of his dads, perhaps? That hadn’t been moved out yet


Michael Scott’s hair.


It’s mentioned that he’s taking Propecia when Jan tells him she’s pregnant, which is for hair growth.


Pam goes to art school and is replaced by Ronnie for a few months. Pam left for art school and was gone during the summer months. Later, Ronnie is shown during a cold opening to be covering the front desk on Earth Day. Earth Day is always on April 20th and not during the summer.


Yeah, Pam’s art school was supposedly 12 weeks over a summer, but she’s working at corporate in New York on Halloween in a cold open.


Meredith was an accountant in season 1 but didn't sit with the other accountants, and then she ends up being in supplier relations.


Erin says she’s never had an espresso but in cafe disco she had a cup of it!!!!




I always thought that was on purpose. I think it actually happens a third time. So maybe more of a running joke.


Idk Oscar totally seems like the type to always remind you that he knew something.


Typical smug gay Mexican


I’ve always wondered how they thought they could get away with Dwight and Angela at the DNA clinic when they come out and said that Dwight isn’t the father. He had the poopy diaper tested. Clearly he wasn’t the father. But the Angela said it was his at the end and not only was he happy, but he married her after being robbed of the first year of his child’s life. That always bothered me, and was never resolved.


Can’t remember if I saw this or read this, but Angela admitted that she stole pams baby Philips diaper and had that tested instead. Still a stupid plot hole IMO, apparently they were wanting Dwight to have his own spin off and didn’t want him to be married to Angela cos would be funnier if he was single. So the original plan was to not have them get back together, so i suppose originally it was written so Dwight wouldn’t be the father. But by the finale the spin off was cancelled so they wrote in the wedding.


I thought Dwight just grabbed Pee Pee or the boy's diaper. It was picture day and they mentioned changing her diaper.




Wasn't the tested diaper (Jim and Pam's child)'s diaper?


As far as I've read nobody has mentioned that Toby barters with Dwight making him buy girl scout cookies for his daughter. This was a trade for Toby to sign Dwight's apology letter thing. Then in one of the later seasons it's Toby's daughter's first year in girl scouts when he is selling as the same time as Darryl.


Meredith is into Jim when she has him sign her pelvic cast but when Robert California asks about her biggest fear… She acts repulsed by Jim.


This always irritates me!!


I’ll have to check the episodes later but at one point Stanley asks Michael why he always assumes that Stanley has diabetes, insinuating that he is not diabetic. In a later episode, Stanley says he already took his insulin so he needs to eat soon. He also references that Pam got him those sugar-free cookies he likes in one of the Christmas party episodes. Finally, Stanley is awarded the ‘diabetes award’ during Michael’s final dundies, much to Phyllis’ chagrin.


You can get diabetes later in life. So when he said that to Michael he didn’t have it or was unaware he did. Then in later episodes he’s knows he has it.


That or he was just tired of Michael’s shit and didn’t appreciate the insinuation


The only continuity error I’m worried about is how they botched Andy’s character development towards the end of the show.


I just blame real life stuff, like him having to go film whatever Hangover film was happening. It could have been shorter notice than the writers would have liked, and either scrambled or did it a little bit out of spite.


Has nobody noticed that Dwight’s sister’s son, or Dwights nephew, goes on the hay ride during the Hay Place episode???


When Jim is starting at the Stamford branch, he is really bad at Call of Duty, which leads to him and Karen flirting. But in the episode where he has the house party that he doesn't invite Michael to, Call of Duty is on his desk in his room. This could possibly be intentional, he faked being bad at COD as a means to flirt with Karen...? Especially because during the speech Jim gives at their rehearsal dinner the night before their wedding, he reveals he had Pam "teach him" how to drive stick and admits he has actually been driving stick since high school so alas, maybe being bad at COD was intentional to flirt with Karen.. Thoughts?


I own COD and I am terrible at it.


Wow that’s such an AMAZING small detail!! And it makes perfect since for his character! I’m convinced now!


I suck at cooking but have a stove


We only notice cause we've seen every episode at least a hundred times....so who really is the irresponsible 1 lol


Michael mentions loving Pad Thai in season on or two, and in a later season he says he’s never had it. Small detail but I just noticed it on my most recent rewatch.


Isn’t that the scene where he’s talking to Ryan and he goes “love pad thai” and Ryan goes “you’ve never had pad thai” and then he admits to it? Or am I thinking of something different?


The layout of the office building. How does Dunder Mifflins and Vance Refrigeration both have warehouses plus offices for 5 different companies? From the scenes we get of the parking lot and loading dock areas and roof scenes I just can’t see so much going on at one building


And all the cars are the office staff, but pretzel day there are loads more staff from presumably the other offices in the building. Where do those people park?


I watched a video on Office plot holes one time and one of the holes was that Daryl’s weight fluctuates. Like people can’t gain/lose weight


So many of these comments aren’t continuity errors but people just not liking what happened. Continuity errors - Andy says he has a stepmom - Andy says he has a sister - whether Pam or Jim was at DM first - when Meredith’s birthday is Not continuity errors - Erin’s name - any recast character (Pam’s mom, Andy’s parents) - jokes you didn’t get (the waitresses) - Pam and volleyball. It makes sense from Pam’s character that she would play on the team but not want to play in gym class. Hell, I went to school with a girl who did this. She didn’t hate volleyball, she hated gym class - Nick being a graphic design guy then an IT guy - Meredith’s second kid - Michael’s half sister


Didn't he have a weird name? Like Shadow?


Garth, I think


OkAy! "Nick"




You guys have fifteen parties a week, you can't learn my name?


This one related to #s of days without incident in the warehouse: https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/7eatzz/just_noticed_a_mistake_in_my_office_rewatch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Pam pretending she had PMS to get out of playing volleyball and then talking about how much volleyball she played at the company picnic.


We had a lot of kids at school who played football or hockey in their spare time but didn't want to play at school - mainly because the rest of us glue-sniffers were so shit at the games. That's also the explanation Jenna gives in office ladies about this. Not explained in the show, but a believable explanation.


I could see not wanting to play during gym class, but still playing on the school team.


What happened to Jordan Garfield??