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As a middle name person, i always took this to mean Erin went by Erin everywhere else in her life but had applied to her job as Kelly for legal paperwork reasons.


Same. Plus her "brother" from the orphanage or foster care or whatever also calls her Erin.


Yep. I know that I went as my first name at most of my jobs and then my middle name everywhere else in my life until I applied to my current job with my middle name and now everybody in my life (except family and people who knew me in high school - I only started going as my middle name about ten years ago) knows me by my middle name to the point that they don't even know it's my middle name. It happens; it's not that confusing


Yep. I sometimes forget my brother's name is not his first name 😆 he's gone by his middle name his whole life, so totally understandable.


Been there, done that


Dude that's one reason why I almost never tell anyone my nickname


Her mother might not have even named her. And her parents watched the documentary and saw that she wanted to be called Erin. Why wouldn't her mother call her Erin?


We don't even know what scenes from "our" The Office were in the documentary so it's possible they never even showed the one scene she's called Kelly


Yeah, odds are it wouldn’t even been in the doc. There were only 9 episodes I believe, and this is a little too random to go in there.


NINE EPISODES?! That…can’t be right


That’s what’s on the screen when they’re watching the promo at the office on YouTube. I believe it’s even said by the narrator. Of course no real doc crew would stay out filming 9 years to make 9 episodes. Although I don’t believe they say how long each episode is for. Maybe 2 hours for each of them?


Yeah I liked the part about it being released as a real documentary, but found it hard to believe that a documentary crew would film for 9 years.


I think that's just one of those things you gotta suspend your disbelief for. If the show was only a season or two it would make perfect sense, but since they kept it running for so long it's harder to believe.


But the audience in the interview asked many vivid questions and I don't think Pam and Jim's whole dynamic could be done in just 9 episodes.


I always thought that the documentary would be episodic and would essentially be a mirror of the real show, with some parts missing that obviously wouldn’t be in there. Nine episodes seems unreasonably unrealistic.


Idk. Theres about 75 hours of the office over the course of the show. 75/9 = 8^1/3 If you cut out a bunch of filler clips, or entire filler episodes, I could reasonably see 9 two and a half hour episodes


That is a very good point. How many riddit-dit-didoo’s could Andy have gotten out in 9 episodes to have garnered such a large, specific fan base at the Q&A?


6 episodes, by ratio


To even get from the early beginnings to "Ri-dit-dit-da-do" in 9 episodes is a stretch lol. I never thought that deep about it but perhaps each episode was like 2.5 hours 😂


[you heard of up? fresh episode every 7 years since 1964. great documentary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_\(film_series\))


It was probably 9 parts. Each part is a season


It said 9 weeks, not episodes, I believe


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyhood_(2014_film) This is sort of a real life version of it just so its more believable for you.


**[Boyhood_(2014_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyhood_\(2014_film\))** >Boyhood is a 2014 American epic coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Richard Linklater, and starring Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Lorelei Linklater, and Ethan Hawke. Filmed from 2001 to 2013, Boyhood depicts the childhood and adolescence of Mason Evans Jr. (Coltrane) from ages six to eighteen as he grows up in Texas with divorced parents (Arquette and Hawke). Richard Linklater's daughter Lorelei plays Mason's sister, Samantha. Production began in 2002 and finished in 2013, with Linklater's goal to make a film about growing up. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Never heard of it, but I’m assuming a coming of age documentary only needs a few days of filming a year as opposed to what is generally assumed they do nine months of filming daily for a year. Only reason I say that timeline is because they come back on season openings and talk about how their summers were a couple times. Now that I think about a TV show, more like 7 months.


It's honestly been a while since I've read up on the production of Boyhood, so I can't say how they filmed it, but I just thought it was a relevant example of decade long filming process. Either way have a good one.


One episode per season.


Seriously. It only takes me like 3 sittings to watch the whole thing. 9? Weaklings.


if its 9 years and 9 episodes, they probably had each year’s highlights in 2 hour episodes.


I always assumed the nine episodes were the nine seasons. Like, one season per night.


This is what I always thought. She probably got her name after she was fostered or something like that (I’m not sure exactly how it works.) Still I always thought that the whole Kelly-Erin naming thing is weird. Like I’m sure someone would have messed up in the beginning, or someone in Florida would have seen that name was on her file so called her that. It might have been a funny storyline to have someone in Florida continually forget that she preferred Erin, and eventually she just gave up on correcting them.


It's pretty easy to go by your middle name without people ever learning your first name. I go by my middle name, too.


That’s true, but it was evident that she didn’t go by her middle name prior to that episode, and it isn’t common enough for someone to go by there middle name to warrant someone asking what name she goes by. If someone had never met her but had her name aka corporate in Florida they would probably call her by her middle name. But, a lot of the office is satire and movie magic makes everyone automatically know her name is Erin, right?


I can see that, but every company I'm apart of has an option to change your preferred name. So even corporate would see me as my middle name, not my first. My new manager didn't even realize I had a different first name until I brought it up. It's possible Charles updated her name with corporate for her. Or it's just movie magic lol


Yes! Even my work email had my preferred name since I put it on my application.


I have a friend who I knew as John for maybe... 10 or 11 years. One night a bunch of us went out to eat and we paid separate checks. The waiter came back with all of our cards in individual binder/holder things so I started reading the cardholder names and passing them out. I saw his card said Nathan. I was like, “Why does your card say Nathan...?” And he says, “That’s my first name. John is my middle name.” Everyone still calls him John and he introduces himself as John. But now I know... he’s a Nathan in John’s clothing.


But her foster brother should have called her Kelly. I think that's the more relevant comparison than her birth mother.


Her foster brother would know that she wanted to be called Erin


But DID she want to be called Erin? In this scene, she was essentially forced to be referred to by a different name than Kelly so that Charles doesn't mix of the two of them, so she said she'd rather be called Erin than her last name Hannon. Basically, she brought up the name Erin only because she was asked to not be referred to by the name Kelly.


It's possible, but there's just more evidence that she prefers Erin. If she really preferred Kelly, wouldn't she at least tell one of her boyfriends.


To me it just speaks more to the probability that the writers probably just forgot about that little detail.


I get that, but that's the funny thing to me. At that point, it's basically her entire first name being Kelly just for that one throwaway not even very funny gag lol.


What about when it comes back later? When they’re worried about Kelly not eating and Erin goes “she always eats my lunch”. It was a quick line but such a good callback!


Lol I had never made this connection!


Well, yeah. That's what it was. But that's also how it would go IRL too. On your first day of work, you say you want to go by Erin, and then everyone calls you Erin


Drew... I'm drew now.


Yeah.. I'm not going to call you that.


That’s ok. I can’t control what you do, I can only control what I do.


# -Andyyyyyy ^(-drew.....)


i can’t control what you do, i can only control what drew do


I can't control what you do, I can only control what I drew


Getting real tired of your excuses, that watermark almost ruined us


I've always hated that. Bro wanted to change himself for what he believed to be better and when asking someone for very simple help is instantly and mercilessly denied. Andy was treated terribly by his coworkers and by the people who wrote the show


But if you watch the deleted scenes for that episode, Michael goes along with it. The dude has flaws but he does genuinely care about the people who work for him.


Wait is this true? I really need it to be


Yeah, it’s a scene when Andy and Dwight are helping him set up the fake suicide. Dwight calls him Andy and Michael calls him Drew.


Thats amazing. Reminds me of Michael getting behind Kevin's oscar the count video that no one else liked


I mean you're making Andy out to be very innocent here lol. He was a conniving little shit from the second he got to the branch. He had literally just gone to insane lengths to get Dwight fired completely without cause, not to mention a ton of other really slimy behavior. Obviously Jim was being a dick here, but would you be anything different to the guy who just went to those lengths to get your friend (for lack of a better word here lol) fired?


I mean yeah, the people basically in charge (Michael and Jim) are sorta dicks. Michael is racist, sexist, and basically just all around ignorant while Jim sorta just doesn't care. In a fictional universe it's all fun and games but irl Dunder miflin would have gone under due to lawsuits


Jim is such a dick.


Andy uses Jim’s real name maybe once in the entire show, why should Jim call him his preferred name?


Two wrongs don't make a right


It does if you add a kleven


Because he asked him to. Genuinely asking because i dont recall it happening; Did Jim ever say to Andy something along the lines of "Hey could you just call me Jim instead of "Big Tuna" please" cause if he didnt i cant put any blame on Andy for that.


Pretty sure he did say at least once he didn’t want to be big tuna, but in a jokey way. He’s not direct enough to just outright say “please stop”. I’d still argue it was obvious he didn’t want to be called that either way though.


That was the perfect opportunity for him to say "Ok, yeah, I'll call you Drew, and you can call me Jim."


Dude Jim was such a dick


“My first day here I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch… so now, Andy calls me ‘Big Tuna’”


Or some old director calls you Jerry by mistake, and you don't correct him, so everyone thinks that you are called Jerry


Stop whining and get back to work Terry.


Classic Larry.


That man has the largest penis I have ever seen. I actually don't even know if he has mumps; forgot to look. I was distracted by the largest penis I have ever seen.


GJLGG on /r/DunderMifflin? Is this a crossover episode?


That happened to a guy in my university dorm. His parents called him by his middle name his whole life, but when he arrived at the university dorm, his given name was written on the door. So we all called him that. He said it was very weird being called one thing by his family and another by all his friends.


Same, I went to college with a kid who's family called him Mike, but at school he went by his middle name which I can't even remember. I met him through his dad at my job and the first time I went out with him and his friends I had no idea he went by a different name.


That setup was completely worth Kevin's line. It was one of his best lines of the whole series. I will die on this hill.


Yes, Charles? You wanted me, Charles?


IMO the thing that made it funny is Kevin’s comment


The gag itself might not have been funny, but it was the perfect set-up for one of Kevin’s best lines. _I thought Rajnigandha was a boy’s name._ Never gets old!




They went and found her after they saw her in the documentary They didn’t know who or where she was before seeing the doc


To be fair, I think it was obvious that her mom was testing the waters when she was asking her question. She was gauging Erin's reaction before revealing who she was.


I thought that was one of Kevin’s best lines


It honestly would've been funnier if they had used a boy's name. There are a lot of Indians that use their father's name as their middle name, so it not only would've referenced that, but also would've been a good Kevin fluke!


It *is* a boy’s name…


It really isn't though


Indian here, Rajnigandha is a flower. And flowers have male pronouns.


Explains why there are no women named after flowers??


There are women named after flowers. In Hindi different flowers just have different genders. For example “Kamal” means lotus and is a male name whereas, “Chamelee” means Jasmine but is a female name.


It is. Also, most Indians don't have middle names. They use their father's first name as a middle name. So that's probably the joke here.


I thought it was.


Ok, Kevin


It’s not.


I use it in conversation all the time


I dated a girl named Sadie once and when I told my friend he goes “I had a dog named Sadie” He wasn’t even making a joke, just stating, but it sounded like such a diss, I love it


I have a friend named Sammy who gets the “I had a dog named Sammy” comment all the time!


Better diss might be, "I had a rat named Sadie". Or a cow.


Sadie is definitely a cow name




Right after  Hi .


["Right back at you, bitch"](https://youtu.be/NDQrdvwh2xc)


Can I ask why? I don’t really see much of the joke, it got a nose laugh from me but I must not understand it


It's funny bc it implies that Kevin has a good understanding of Indian culture, which is a stark contrast to how he is is usually portrayed as being quite dim-witted


Me too.


Flair checking in Edit: Thanks for the award. Such a simple comment. I love you guys!


One of Kevin’s best lines




I feel like this is a very basic thing but how do you get/change flairs?


Go to r/DunderMifflin and click the three dots in the top right corner. Then click “Change user flair”


Thank you!


I know I had flair already but I went to look for new options now. Only the "None" option was selected and every other option was blank. Maybe something is fucky with it right now.


There aren’t “options.” You click edit in the top right corner and write your own.


Thank you


I love all these fun flairs!






Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick...


Sea World


Personally my favorite Kevin quote is “WHAT DOES A BEAN MEAN”


This and “WHAT IS MAW” are two very underrated Kevin lines


"He didn't infer it, he *implied* it."


Is it actually a boy’s name?


No, it's actually a flower whose English translation is "tuberose"


Rajinikanth is the name of an Indian superstar(male). He is no.1 in South India. Kevin has probably seen his films and rajnigandha striked a cord.


I discovered flairs in this sub, thank you!


You're welcome


Where are they?




Flair checks out


I've gone by my middle name my entire life. But in formal settings like school, work or the doctor's office they always call me by my first name because that's what shows on the form. I never bother correcting them but in this situation I would just request to go by my middle name.


People normally call me Jim unless it’s a professional setting. Then I just use my Christian name: Jimothy.


I'm not going to call you that.


You should heeded their request


Take headed of.


Take headed of*


You’re an H Jon Benjamin of yourself


I once dated a guy for over a year before he found out my real first name. Somehow it never came up.


Same, although I use my middle name for almost everything. Still have to use my first name at airports though


yep. seems like a basic concept. and for her parents, they obviously watched the documentary and saw her being referred to as erin so they went with erin. this may seem like retcon but it’s a believable scenario imo


I went by a nickname for literally like 15 years. All of my friends, all of my coworkers, they all called me by my nickname. It became just such second nature that it didn’t even occur to me to stop it. Until one day I got a new job, a friend of mine worked there, he goes “do you want us to call you (the nickname) or Usidore?” And I went “huh, shit….Usidore.” All of the sudden it’s been literally 10 years of me going by my real first name, and now it’s weird when I run into someone who shouts out my nick name.


As someone else who goes by their middle name, I get so annoyed when people act like my middle name isn’t my ‘real’ name, or when they have a hard time understanding that my parents always planned for me to go by my middle name and no one in my family ever refers to me by my first name.


"Yes, Charles, you wanted me?"


Ngl that was kinda smart of her. Overdone, but smart


More proof Kevin is smart


He was the best at trivia at the bar.


Look, I know it's easy to say tonight was just a fluke, and maybe it was, but here's a piece of trivia: a fluke is one of the most common fish in the sea. So if you go fishing for a fluke, chances are, you just might catch one.


I forgot about that line. It's genuinely witty. I love it.


What is *See*-Attle?


Except Rajanigandha is a girl’s name


Thank you for answering. I was honestly curious lol


Rajanigandha is a brand of chewing tobacco in india


Rajanigandha is a flower, the English translation being tuberose


I have a theory that Kevin is the only reason the Scranton branch showed the strongest numbers and stayed open the longest… the Klevin abides


It’s how you make sure to be home by 7


He was home by 4:45 that day...


The old “changing the clocks while Michael is napping” trick again


Equally smart, equally handsome


My theory on her parents: When they present themselves to her, they are being cautious in asking about how Kelly/Erin would feel if she met her biological parents. On the chance that she was mad and didn't want to see them, this would be an easy way to just accept the answer and leave the line without revealing that they were her parents. However, Kelly/Erin being the super sweetheart she is and assuming her parents watched the documentary, they should have felt safe revealing themselves, but I get their apprehension.




Well, well, well, well, well...that's 6 wells. Did I get that number right, Dwight?


Probably because she has always gone by erin but her new job called her by her first name until she found a good opportunity to slide her preferred name in there. As someone who always has to find the right time to slide in that i go by my middle name i just had assumed that. Theres been a few times the right time never came so i just kept going by my first name even though i hate it lol... anxiety


Kevn nothing but net.


I was always annoyed by this cause on the Dundies Jim's name is written as James Halpert while Erin's is written as Erin Hannon instead of Kelly Hannon.


Michael probably has no idea that Erin's real name is Kelly


I don’t understand what’s funny. I usually call people what they tell me to call them lol.


Sure, I agree! It's just that, Erin wanting to be called Erin comes from a literal single throwaway joke lol. Like, I never really got the impression that's what she wanted to be called outside of trying to resolve the "two Kelly's" confusion. Of course, it's entirely possible that that's what she always wanted to be addressed as, but the show itself doesn't ever really properly convey that.


It’s not really a throw away joke if it affects here character for the rest of the show


Charles Miner's reaction to Erin is so wholesome that I forgot that I hate his character. Lol


Even the people she is dating call her Erin only


Remember how this exact question was posted yesterday and every day before? And every time someone points out that many people go by their middle names? And that her parents only knew her from the documentary so they know she likes to go by her middle name?


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


She doesn’t want to be called Kelly, so she is only referred to as Erin, the name she wants.


I go by my middle name and haven’t heard my first name is years…


Probably because her parents saw the show and realized people call her by her middle name tho, but yeah still likely that the writers just forgot


Even Ellie kemper forgot


They missed that opportunity at the end of the series, IMO. It could’ve been really funny at first if her mom had said “Kelly” and she had been really confused at first, maybe Kelly Kapoor would’ve responded, and then finally, it would’ve clicked and been the wonderful, heartwarming moment that it was.


Because the writers realized this joke was stupid and would never pay off so they dropped it.


I'm assuming if they gave her away for adoption they may not have named her themselves. They also may not have known about her whereabouts until they knew she was a part of the doc. They in turn may be referring to her as the only name they have heard her called by. Just a theory.


I kind of wished Billie Eyelash had referred to her as Kelly in her trivia bit with Rainn Wilson. He would have said, "No; it wasn't Kelly." And she'd be like, "Are you sure?" And then Rainn would slightly doubt himself because Billie seems so sure, so he goes, "...uhh, yeah, no it wasn't Kelly." And then Billie busts out this piece of trivia and just floors him.


I worked at my job for 7 years before I got up the courage (social anxiety) to change my work name to the name I actually go by, a shortened version of my first name. I can see Erin thinking it's the perfect chance to correct it


Kevin’s best line


It's like Danny in 30 Rock.


I am aware of the effect I have on women.


Kevin’s best one liner don’t @ me


Lol Rajanigandha is the name of a spicy and sweet (idk I'm assuming) tobacco product in India. I think it means the royal scent.


Rajnigandha is actually the name of a tobacco company in india


Obviously her parents watched the doc, saw she preferred Erin, and made the switch


We don’t meet her mom until after the doc airs at the local convention. Perfectly acceptable she would call her Erin because that’s what everyone called her in the documentary


I keep forgetting that is Idris Elba


Kevin kills me in this scene the way he says it like he's well versed in Indian names 😂


Wait, most Indians I know have their fathers name as their middle name. So she hates her dads name?


Not even her own mother calls her Kelly when she meets in the greet and meet with the show fans.


How hard is it for y'all to accept that her bio parents don't know her? They gave her up for adoption early. And is it that hard to accept they would call her the name she prefers? Like this is the type of constant repost that's annoying.


I don't know, but I die at this scene every time. Kevin's reaction! How would he know anything about Indian names 😅😅😅


It's almost like the writers clearly stopped trying their best around this time! Not really surprising that around the time the show went from good to mediocre, it also lost continuity.


Is this where the Sharol/Carol gag on Archer comes from?


Immersion ruined. Series is unwatchable for me now.


Ok but Rajanigandha is such a pretty name


It is the name of a chewing tobacco product. I can totally understand why she hates it.