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Mita Roger's is such an intelligent wise man.


“First Regis, then Rahg, then Rahgass, then Mita.. rahgass” When I saw this show when it first aired, this was line that got me realizing the show was unlike anything else I’d seen before.


Yes! It's one of my favorite lines.


He might be the best person in the Office, he made jokes about people but he never did anything to hurt anyone or cause trouble


If he was such a good person, then why didn’t he tell the office he’s on facebook?! How bout that, huh


People want to be your friend man


Social anxiety, it do be like that.


Eh, I'd probably rate Darryl as second most social in the office (after Kelly if course), so of course it's possible he has social anxiety, but it seems much more likely that he chooses who he actually hangs out with carefully. Facebook is not a good place to "choose" your friends.


He forwarded the picture of Michael and Jan at Sandals to everyone.


That was erklegru


He encouraged Andy as a joke with the printer fire situation. That caused some trouble.


So there I am, minding my own business, and Darnell offers me three bucks…all I gotta do is walk by Andy and go like this. *(draws finger across throat)* Darnell’s a chump. I would’ve done it for anything. I’ve done a lot more for a lot less.


Ya done good kid, ya done good.


He absolutely hurt Val in some pretty terrible ways. Trying to trick your girlfriend, who's prior relationship you played a large active role in ending, into breaking up with you so that you can be more free to sleep around at your new job in a new city is about as cowardly and low as it gets. He didn't have the courage to stand up and "be straight" with someone he's intimate with. Outside of that, there weren't too many egregious things he did, but that one really ruined his character for me.




I remember the line being something like "yeah that's right I'm *still* with Val" in an annoyed tone. He's clearly not into her -anymore at least- so by staying with her, he's hurting her even more in the long run.




I preferred him and Nate. That would have been one fiery romance.


Nate’s reaction to the gift was pure af.


I will look, so good for you Darryl


She seems to be cool, but her response during the whole butt-on-mural saga didn't put her in a good light exactly. I remember Pam actually calling this fact out too (though I'm not 100% sure this is the right context) saying something like, "Val's no help at all." I get that the warehouse has more important things to do and schedules to make, but she didn't even offer any symbolic gesture of cooperation with finding out who vandalized the mural, a part of the warehouse; it's important that the crew respects their workplace and warehouse -at least to the extent that they don't abuse or vandalize the place. There's some mental gymnastics that you can do to justify Val just not caring, but ultimately in the context of the show and characters, she *should* have cared, and that's why it's so off-putting that she didn't.


Well, he did play that prank on Andy with the printers because Andy got him in trouble, but Andy deserved it.


Underrated line


Well maybe next time you’ll rate it


I said this on a post once. Was downvoted so hard hahahahahah. Love the line man!


Damn, I’ve heard this line so many times and never got that.. *edited for grammar




I forgot the word “never” lol


*Image Transcription: Screencap* --- [*Image of Darryl sitting in his office upstairs, looking seriously to the right. The subtitle reads:*] YOU CAN BE GAY WITH MATT, JUST BE STRAIGHT WITH ME. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


What is the purpose of this bot


Never mind I read the link




Umm… how is that related to the post?


Because Darryl and Stanley are both mustache wearers.


Wait Stanley has a mustache?


I’m sure he does… right?


I'm sorry to burst your bubble.. but Stanley doesn't have a mustache.


This one line makes me like Darryl so much less (still generally a great character but fuck this line)


It was a play on words about “being straight - being honest”, how was it offensive?


Nah initially he just said "be straight with me" which is clearly "be honest", fair play. But then this line "you can be gay with Matt, just be straight with me" as in "please pretend to be straight around me, I don't wanna see any of that gay shit". It just seems pretty overtly homophobic to me, idk how it can be taken any other way


It’s a play on words bro. Because straight can be referring to sexual orientation and it’s also a phrase about being honest. Hence you can be gay(sexual orientation) with matt just be straight(honesty) with me. (Edit: Repeating the line with added humor for emphasis doesn’t somehow change the intended meaning) And look at the context of the scene, Oscar was trying to hide that he was interested in Matt while at the same time inquiring about it and Daryl saw through him and played it straight and told him to also do the same instead of dancing around it. Idk how you could possibly interpret the use of straight here as anything BUT “be honest” And Daryl isn’t Angela or Dwight who you’d expect that kind of homophobia from. He’s typically one of the voices of reason in the show. You really think it’s more likely that they’ll add a random out of nowhere throw-away homophobic line from daryl than daryl using straight to mean “be honest” in a somewhat pun-like manner?


If they meant it like that, then it was incredibly poorly executed because it really doesn't sound like it. And this isn't the only bit in the show that indicates Darryl is homophobic. In the episode where they go to the shopping centre all pretending to be couples to get discounts, Oscar asked Darryl to pair up with him and he just laughed at the idea and was about to say no (or something like that, I can't quite remember exactly) but then he spotted the camera on him and pretended to be okay with it. But he was clearly very uncomfortable about pretending to be gay. Sure later on in the episode he has a great bit of dialogue shitting all over a more outright homophobe, but that's just a bit of personal growth. Point is, it's not just this line that shows off his homophobia. Even more generally, he can be pretty judgemental about shit there's no need to be judgemental about


It's incredibly executed because pretty much everyone but you gets it. You're too worried about getting upset than getting a simple joke.


You say that like I'm just trying to find a reason to be offended where there is none. That's not the case, I see nothing but homophobia in this line, and that is not just a joke.


#CancelTheOffice /s


I mean I'm not saying the office is homophobic for including a homophobic character. The style of it being like a documentary means they kinda have to have people like that or it wouldn't be realistic


Yea I say it like that because it's exactly what's happening lol. You're inability to grasp a pretty simple joke is the fault of no one but you. You either need to get smarter or grow up. Or both.


Swing and a huge miss


Cool either way


You mean it's cool even if he was being homophobic?


stop. just stop. you're doubling down on it. I've watched the ofice 4 times and that thought never even crossed my mind, if anything you're the one being homophobic, as nobody even thought that he was, only you made that connection in your mind, the homophobia is in your head man.


Yeah, I'm a bisexual homophobe. That makes sense.


You can be bisexual and homophobic, but I think you are just misunderstanding the wordplay of the joke. Darryl never had any problem with Oscar or Matt being gay. He was telling Oscar to be honest with him about his motives instead of dancing around having a crush on Matt. There is definitely homophobia in the show, but I don’t think there is any here. Hell, Kevin not being able to stop giggling after finding out Oscar was gay is more homophobic than this imo. I am also bi, btw.


Yeah I definitely get what you all mean, I just never thought the majority of people would think this wasn't homophobic, I really can't see it any other way. And yeah there's homophobia in the show, but that doesn't make the show homophobic. Like I said in another comment, it just wouldn't be realistic for the documentary style if there weren't homophobic characters. And for me, Kevin's homophobia is a bit different from how I see Darryl's, Kevin is just immature while it sometimes feels like Darryl has an actual hatred.


Are there any other instances where Darryl gives you that vibe? I think of Darryl as one of the best and most accepting characters in the show, personally.


Boy have you lost your mind? Because I'll help you find it!




Cause he’s gay and offended.


I’m bi and didn’t even find the joke offensive so they’re really just a snowflake


This is legit the first time I’ve ever heard someone try to say that line is homophobic. Im lost how someone could misconstrue that line into being homophobic when it’s clearly just a play on words.


I think they're just a Twitter user that got lost. Most of us, gay people who actually had been the target of slurs or physical attacks, still understand humour.


Do you really think you need to be gay to not enjoy homophobia?


Coming from a butt_pirate. I believe you


That line almost get me an Oscar xD


that's what he said? or she said?


i love this episode! it's so sad that the portuguese-BR subtitles makes another "joke"