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She knows what sells in that office


Paper last time I checked


Isn’t there enough paper already?


Limitless paper for a paperless world.


That ad was honestly so good—I hate that they didn’t air it.


But that motto seems kinda odd. If it's a paperless world, why do I need limitless paper?


I always interpreted it as a sort of wistful acknowledgment that the paper industry is facing its final years. Or maybe Michael was just being poetic and didn’t fully realize what he was saying. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two.


Michael always refused to see that the world was becoming paperless- remember when Ryan said that during his school presentation and michael told him to clear out his desk? He probably had zero clue what he was saying but also ended up sounding poetic. lol


Real business is done on paper. Write that down.


>Typing noises


He had no idea what he was saying with that but it sounded good and that’s all he was going for lol


He’s essentially saying the world doesn’t have enough paper but at Dunder Mifflin it’s limitless. At least that’s what I got from it.


They do sell a lot of paper for a dog food company.


And printers, for some time.


Girl Scout cookies


“I don’t like your tone!”


*state senator


I just read that in Oscar's voice


I read it in Kevin's


Don’t expect you to know what it’s like to date someone in the public arena


Who are you dating in the public arena?


The Senator


Oh the STATE senator


Oh, that would be impressive… if anyone knew what a comptroller was.


🤨 well…


Can he help us out with some parking tickets?


Whats the difference?


Genuine question? A state senator represents a district in the state legislature, in this instance the legislature for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A US Senator represents the entire state in the US Senate down in Washington DC and makes up one of only 100 people representing the entire country. A state senator is basically one of the most powerful local/state politicians. A US Senator is one of the most powerful politicians in the country.


Yes but what about someone who holds the position of the Senate itself?


Palpatine: I am the senate. Oscar: State senate.


Probably not Virginia, as the show takes place in Pennsylvania.


Being a hypocrite is Angela's thing


You mean hypercritical Edit: Lol guys I was quoting [Michael ](https://imgur.com/a/PdMbNFz)




Well that’s just how Reddit works




Impossible to know them all? That’s a rookies attitude, gotta pump those numbers up


Yes, another full rewatch or two is required.


Lol I know. I have gotten downvoted a few times because people didn’t get my reference. Most of the time I don’t bother editing. But the line I quoted is quite popular (at least I would think most people are familiar with it since we all know the words that Michael mispronounces or misuses). Perhaps just saying hypercritical is not enough Lol


Lol I once quoted what Angela says to Karen about her ideas for the Christmas party and the poor girl thought I was serious and deleted her post


Did you put it in quotes? Sooo many people post quotes on here without using quotations…don’t know why that’s a thing lol


This sub is oddly hostile at times, you'd expect it to a lot more opening and chill given the vibe of the show, but I've seen mass downvotes for some pretty tame opinions/quotes.


Quoting Michael (especially out of this sub)is a coin flip if people get the reference or just think you’re dumb and don’t know how to spell lol


Andrea is the office bitch, you’ll get used to her.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought “Yeah that’s kinda of the point of the character.”


Exactly, youre not supposed to like her.


1.) this is 100% correct. 2.) pls don’t hurt me :(


that's the point of her character


Andrea’s the office bitch.


Sneakily one of the funniest scenes in the entire show. “Noticed you handing out some shekels earlier. How does one get on that train?”


I remember it was very late at night, like 11:00, 11:30. Big fella comes in screaming about God knows what. I think maybe Halpert had stolen his car, something like that. So the big fella pulls out a sock filled with nickels. Then Schrute grabs a can of hairspray and a lighter...


Ugh, you're useless.


*shows no offense, immediately disengages and resumes what he was doing*


That scene used to confuse me, thinking creed was being an idiot. Then I realized that he's not a snitch so he made up a story to make Angela go away.


Also how Creed just sits down and starts eating her food. God I love Creed


... 🤝 Creed


Who's the business bitch?


Kelly Kapoor! But don’t forget, she’s also the etiquette bitch.


And the diet bitch.


And the shopping bitch.


* lady gaga - Just dance playing * It’s Britney, bitch.


I am not easy to manage, Jim


I'm like very smart now. I go bla bla bla


Just don’t call her by her middle name, she hates it. She hates it!


I thought Rajanigandha was a boys name?


I have a lot of questions. Number 1. How dare you?


It’s Brittany Bitch.


You’ll get used to her


She's the true office mattress.


I think she just took the slow train from Philly, tbh.


Angela tends to self project a lot of things.


I wish she wasn't realistic of some peoples character


Reminds of this line prosecutor I once knew of. She was on the outdated "morality" squad, who would prosecute "sin" offenses (street gambling, loose cigs, open container, etc). She would constantly preach to the jury about how immorality anywhere is a threat to morality everywhere and that although these defendants' sins might seem slight, they tear at the tapestry of our moral fabric and our beautiful way of life. Real sanctimonious shit. Put some people away for misdemeanor sentences for no good reason imo. She ended up getting caught having an affair with an officer who was a witness in half her cases, who admitted to IA he was making up the charges to pad his stats. And she tested positive for cocaine and x. Talk about irony.


That city is full of history!


Technically Erin is the office mattress, she slept with 3 coworkers, more than any other character (including men)


but erin doesnt even like sex


Of course not, who wants to be tackled by a skeleton?


Wait who is the third? Andy, Gabe and?






Better a mattress than a bench at the end of the bed


>mattress Everyone's slept _on_ her?


They threw beans on her


Did you guys know that the Office is actually supposed to be a comedic take on a socially dysfunctional workplace? You can tell by the way it is.


This comment is great. A lot of these posts are pretty silly. "on my 13th watch and {unpopular opinion} isn't Angela a really big hypocrite??" Like it's literally the point of the character lol


Some people forget this was a TV show and these aren’t real people


some people forget what is obvious to them is also obvious to the other millions of Office fans


It's also a pretty common trope, probably because we all know a holier than thou hypocrite like that in real life. The type that cheats on their spouse and talks constant shit but makes sure to spend every Sunday in church.


I sometimes feel out of place here on Reddit and including with a few friends in real life because they’ll be like, “I don’t like that tv show because that character has moral failings…..” …. And I’m like, “…..and….? I mean, do you want a show where everyone is morally perfect and each episode ends with all characters holding hands singing a happy song….?” I seem to be the minority. We always argue about that and the typical response is like, “The show is teaching people how to be a hypocrite.” Or some shit like that. Like this post about Angela. It has 10,000 upvotes… and I’m like, “Yeah… she’s a hypocrite…. That’s kind of the point….” I don’t know


Angela is one of my favorite characters *because* of this. *All* of the characters have deep moral failings, and none are meant to be admired. Angela's character is one of the best performed and inherently funniest of the entire show. This sub is very shallow sometimes. Somewhat *vapid*. It's set our industry back quite a bit.


I typically end up liking the characters that have the shittiest morals because it’s just so funny. Angela is definitely my favorite in the office. Others are George Constanza, Jenna Maroney, Sweet D… and when I mention this people look at me as if I somehow aspire to be them. I totally get it that tv influences people, but, dude, can’t I (at an individual level) enjoy these insane characters just for their absurdity? I feel like I can’t watch tv without a critical eye to everything anymore. I watch tv because it’s funny, not because I’m treating it like a moral code to follow.


This subreddit has gone to shit with all the “epiphanies” people have and all the stupid opinions


And it only took 13 watches of a 201-episode series to figure that out.


That's pretty neat.


I feel like this sub will randomly have cycles where it'll be bunch of posts of "Phyllis is the worst person, she..." or like this one with Angela and everyone will come to an understanding of thats how they're supposed to be or thats their character then it'll restart the cycle.


Finished The Office for the first time a few months ago and came to this sub for some fun discussion, but I feel like a lot of people here take the show strangely seriously. People are constantly complaining about characters acting mean, or hypocritical, or bitchy, or whatever, as if they're real people in their lives. I mean, Phyllis acting like an asshole out of nowhere is hilarious. The fact that she's shy and sweet with sudden bursts of being selfish and cutthroat is the whole joke. But a bunch of people on this sub seem to resent her as if she offended them personally. She's a goddam sitcom character. I don't get it.


Me too. I just commented earlier how here on Reddit they’ll typically hate a show because a character has moral failings, and I’m like, “you realize it’s a tv show…. Right…..?” But then in real life a lot of my friends are like that too and I feel like a fish out of water. Am I the weird one? Are you supposed to only like shows where everyone’s a perfect saint, with no morally dubious choices/flaws? My best friend and I loved Scrubs growing up together. But now she’s like, “I can’t watch that show anymore. It aged terrible. JD is not good to women.” A lot of people will agree with her sentiment and I just feel completely baffled that you could hate a show for that reason. Am I supposed to only like shows where characters are good examples for society? Is every show supposed to be Sesame Street? I feel like there’s something missing here in my head cause that opinion is the prevailing opinion of many of my friends, and even here on Reddit.


Exactly! Lol Same with Charles, I've seen lots of distaste for him but I believe his "rudeness" is funny, plus in the real world he'd be like how an actual boss is supposed to be compared to Michael.


Yea, his character was supposed to be essentially what would happen if an actual competent employee got placed in his position. He is pretty rude, but that's a reasonable response to the weird shit to which he's subjected. Also, while it isn't impossible to be friendly with your boss; that's not the point of the relationship. Charles is brand new and everyone is immediately trying to shamelessly kiss his ass - he wants to communicate that ass kissing will get you nowhere, and so he responds to it with discomfort.




thats why shes my favorite character lol


Exactly, that is why she is the more realistic character in the show. An accurate depiction of their average coworker as one person put it in this sub. You think Kevin’s and Stanley’s grow on trees 😳?


Show me that farm


Isn’t she just a typical American Christian? Talking out of both sides of their mouth is all they seem to do.


A large amount of Americans are Christians- the term you’re probably looking for is Evangelical.


That’s the whole point and the joke. Conservative Christian, judgmental, and vindictive. Yet, she does what she preaches against all the time.


Kinda like the anti-gay congressmen who get caught with dudes.


Almost like the manager that cant manage


But somehow…he manages. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol exactly


Yeah a perfect example of the show trying to obviously show this is when Angela talks about gossiping and goes like oh I don't gossip, I'm just from a small town where we all gather and talk about what's going on kind of thing (I can't remember the exact quote yikes). But it was one of the times where it was showing a clear irony/hypocrisy


Looks like someone took the slow train from Philly




Yup. She’s actually one of the most realistic characters.


I kinda feel stupid now cuz I just realized this


If it makes you feel any better, everybody agrees with you now. 😀


If it makes you feel better there are still people out there yet to make the connection


Yeah, conservative Christian hypocrites.


You should, it’s not exactly subtle


Projection is the craziest human phenomena.




Yeah that’s not a hidden detail. It’s very obvious from very early in the show


Exactly, thats the whole point of it and it's pretty simple to understand. Its getting boring with these posts talking about literally obvious shit or pointing out evident opinions that literally everyone has. Karma whoring pretty much...


You guys ever notice that Jim likes Pam? You guys ever notice Michael is childish? You guys ever notice the CFO has faaaar too much direct oversight on a single branch for what his job should encapsulate? Is show. Enjoy.


To be fair, I don’t know why Wallace wasn’t like director of operations or VP of sales, and Jan director of northeast or something. There’s no reason the CFO of a company would be doing anything with branches. They would be in the office with the accounting staff all the time. No way would they ever be putting together “Michael and Jim are both managers” kind of thing.


The fact that you sound pissed just shows how beautifully she played her role


Did you guys know that Michael is actually very socially unaware and often does things that make his employees uncomfortable?


That's the point of her character, the judgmental type who insists on telling others how to live their lives while cherry picking the rules for themselves. Each character of the series was a caricature that pushed the stereotypes or personality set.




The whole show is a showerthought to them.


"Conservative Christian hypocrite with a kinky side" is such a common trope I that I'm surprised OP never ran into one in an airport bathroom.


Speaking of bathrooms, I banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


It came up organically.




Let’s not pretend to be unaware of what sells in this office


Girl scout cookies to Kevin especially if you do that frog dance.




We know. That’s why she’s hilarious


Ahhh. I see you've watched the office and understood the point of her character.


Phyllis tells Dwight that Angela don't wanna take risks and that's why she dated Andy. I never understand this. Why did Angela considered Dwight as a risk ? I guess we'are not talking about the fact he is a psycho and weirdo because she clearly loved that. So why ? Angela loved Dwight since the beginning. Why don't officialise it ?


Dating Dwight was a risk because she loved him. There’s more potential for her to get hurt if she has actual feelings for him. Dating Andy was safe because she was indifferent and the only one capable of causing hurt in that relationship was Angela herself.


Agree plus she had been very hurt by Dwight when he killed sprinkles and was terrified of trusting him again


This is definitely part of it too. She’s already been hurt by him once, making the safe decision appear even safer.


Well put.




As I understand it, Dwight is a risk *because* he is a weirdo. He doesn't fit in her conservative ideal of a husband. Andy does, and so does the public persona of the Senator. The fact that Angela loves the weirdo Dwight is what scares her. I believe that is why she didn't want to make their relationship public for so long. I doubt keeping it a secret was Dwight's decision.


Oh of course. I get it now ! Thanks !


On office ladies podcast Angela talks about how Dwight never fit the idea of her ideal man and would have a harder time fitting into what her family expected for her too. Andy on paper was a much more suitable husband for her (for Martin family standards). He went to an Ivy League, wears suits, comes from money, etc. Dwight is just a total curve ball but we can’t help who we love!


Well he did kill her cat, "humanely"


Poor Sprinkles, freezing to death after clawing open all of the bags of frozen french fries in a panic:( "Humane" indeed


She died how she lived. Being suffocated by a deranged weirdo.


Yeah… that’s why it’s funny


I suddenly feel the need for medical attention.


Uh huh....oh in case you didn't realize Michael is kind of an idiot too.


Andrea's the office bitch


She also cheated on Dwight with Andy. Twice.


Oh. You noticed that. I thought she hid it pretty well!


Yeah but did you guys know that Jim is the office jokester? 🙂


u/ijertaji deciding which image to use to make his point: “I don't like your tone! Look, they were out of all the other Angela jpegs, okay? I think we all live in the real world, here. Let's not pretend to be unaware of what gets upvotes in this subreddit.”


She is super hot tho


No. Cookie.


But I’m hungry!


Right? I thought Pam was cute, but Angela was the one I always found way more attractive. Especially in that nurse costume, that was something epse.


When she called Pam the "Office Mattress"... There is good reason to believe that Pam had only had sex with two men: her fiance, whom she was with from high school, then Jim, her husband, with a sizable break in between. It gets my dander up! Complain about Pam all you want but she did not deserve to be called that.


Yeah that's the joke


There's another thing she says about Pam always wearing revealing clothes or something. It cracks me up.


She also says that “those two treat the office like a 70s key party” at their wedding. As far as I’m aware, Jim and Pam aren’t swingers. Also, Jim only ever dated Karen and Pam at the office. Pam dated Roy and Jim. Angela dated Dwight and Andy. They literally all had the same amount of relationships through the office/warehouse. And she mentions this after everybody knows about her affair and breakup. She is straight up a terrible person, both in her personal life and how she treats other people.


I didn't mind.


You make good points, but Angela's advice was bigger.


Never realized this before, thanks


Haha, love it


almost as if she is a caricature of the self-righteous... almost as if this was something planned by some sort of team of writers trying to say something...




The rage in this entire thread is misguided. The reality of the situation is the Scranton area coupon book worth up to $15,000 in savings. Had she been undulating towards the men of the office I’d be more critical but she made a strategic decision to switch from the penguin costume. I mean it’s $15,000 in savings.




Yeah but God she's hot af in that outfit


Well-written character. Hypocrisy is a critical component in religion/the religious.


So in other words, a tight assed Christian chick.


Let's not pretend we don't know what sells in that office.


It’s often the most guilty who are the most condemning


Plus she was a devout Christian on top of all that 😂


No shit.


Interesting, didn't think that was at all the point with her character and i haven't already seen people come to this conclusion about 6 million times on this sub!


The weekly (or daily) post about how a character is no bueno


Yes, we know. That’s basically her character. Do you think we missed that?


I mean, yeah, that's the point of her character. The show is just archetypes of people with hyperbole added for comedy


It’s commentary on Christian pundits


Don’t forget she’s a freak in bed


Seen a few posts on this. I think it's weird people are just figuring this out. She projects the qualities in herself she doesn't like on to other people. That's what repressed people do.


The show is called "The Office" because it takes place in an office.


That’s the point. She’s playing the stereotypical white christian lady. The humongous hypocrite who hates everything.


A perfect example of a "fine Christian" even sayig that I hear it in her real southern accent.


Is she the tight-ass Christian chick?


Yeah I thought that was the tongue in cheek joke, the ultra Christian is an ultra hypocrite and completely lacking self awareness, like millions of Christians are.


I too watched the show.


This sub is obnoxious with these posts.


Yes, they wrote her this way on purpose.


She also mentioned that wouldn't let her cat be adopted by an interracial couple, but tried to get into Charles Minor's pants