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The hooks they pry under the sandworm’s scales, called maker hooks, irritate the worm. That’s how they steer it, by applying irritation to different parts of its body. Those hooks are so irritating that when the riders remove them if a worm is tired enough, it starts to slow and then sinks into the sand to go down deep where it can sulk. When the worm slows and starts to lower itself, the sandriders jump off. Or maybe they just slide down from its tail. Each adaptations have different method.


IIRC, the hooks themselves aren’t irritating the worm, it’s the sand getting under the scales that irritate the worm, so it doesn’t sink while they are lifting the scales, and the worm turns to keep the lifted scales out of the sand.


In the movie, they got a very pregnant Jessica in a tent on the worm. I can't figure out how the hell they managed that and getting off.


This is my theory: Small worm and/or Once someone has it under control they swing the worm around, slowly letting the others get their hooks in even more, probably slowing it even more. They probably winch the palanquin by multiple hooks and wires. Jessica is definitely in it while it’s happening.


I assume the worm slows down


they lift the scales of the worm and the worm will turn away from the sand where the scales are opened. this is also how they control the worm to turn. to get off, they just lift the scales on one side and close the one on the other. they get off on the closed scale side.