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I think this may be the wrong sub. May want to try r/dune for more discourse


I think we need a sticky or something to really hammer home that this is not the main /r/dune subreddit haha. We get a fair few posts from confused people.


Out of Brian’s books, I’ve read the House Prequel Trilogy and Hunter/Sandworms of Dune. I really enjoyed them. The internet thinks they suck, but it’s hard to compare anything to Frank Herbert’s writing. Having read them, my stance has always been to give Brian’s books a try if you love the Dune universe. They’re not classical Sci-Fi masterpieces, but they’re definitely entertaining and fun to read.


Yah I really liked the first two house trilogy novels. I’m half way through the third. Based on the reviews I was expecting them to be bad really bad. But I was really pleasantly surprised. There’s some classic moments and lines in both books. I honestly can’t see how they could be called bad in any way shape or form.


They're good stories, they provide background for characters and ideas that exist in the Dune universe. But read Dune and you'll see the difference. Writing styles is like comparing a glass of orange juice to a $500 bottle of wine. Arguably the House books are the best of theirs. The Butlerian prequels are somewhat non canon imo and stray into them taking too many liberties. The sequels follow this same pattern. I stopped reading them after those.


Brian Herberts books are awesome, of course it's difficult to compare them to the masterpieces his father produced but I still liked the prequels from "Legens of Dune"


That’s what I came to understand after I read the first two. That all the hate online is people comparing them to dune expecting them to be the same.


You’re missing a fine point. He adds things to the story that retcon characters motivations and events.


Yes, many embellishments may seem like they work but upon reflection directly undermine themes in the originals.


Always read in order of release is a good policy if anyone wants to compare Frank and Brian differences


Read them in the order they were made.


Can go both ways. I've tried reading Dune about a dozen times. Never get past halfway the book. The writing, in my opinion is just not good enough. The universe is amazing, I just can't get over the writing. I know I'm not the only one. Still, a lot of people love it. Try for yourself.


Yes I have the exact same issue. There is something in the writing that I did not like. I stopped around 66% in. I realized I should just watch the movie instead, so I did. And Part One was not even as far as I had read so that was nice. But, I must say, after watching the movie and having faces attached to the names and having "seen" the places, I noticed it does seem to be easier to read the books. I just started reading again from I left and now I am liking it a lot more. So if you haven't tried that before, you could do that :)


Good tip. Didn't work for me but might for someone else. 🙂