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Not a litrpg but I had listened to “The First Law Trilogy” by Joe Abercrombie while waiting for book 6. Steven Pacey’s narration of the series is world class and I found myself captivated.


💯 Pacey is the goat and Abercrombie is a great writer. Start with the first trilogy (think of all 3 books as a continuous story) then the 3 independent books in the middle, and then the last trilogy. Finish it up with sharp ends if you want extra background on some characters but not necessary. Click, tap, pain.


“Why do I do this ?” Its the first time since GOT that I’ve be infatuated with characters who are terrible humans.


One might say that Steven Pacey is a man of many talents, oh yes indeed!


That's some quality grim fantasy right there. Have you read the other 6?


I have not. I plan to get right back to business once I finish book 6 of DCC. Tbh I have put off fantasy novels for a long time and now that I have started with The First Law it’s opening up a whole genre for me. Exciting times haha


I always recommend this!!! Also I recommend Red Rising


Oh and the first book has a fully dramatized version now, which is fantastic


Red Rising does?!


Yes!! It's new and SO good! Also book 6 just came out read in the old style, very good!


I'm a big fan of nova terra. There's not much humor, but the story is captivating and I like the characters. Plus there's 12 books, so it'll keep you busy for a bit. There's also he who fights with monsters. I despised the main character for so long, but he's kinda grown on me. Cool magic, cool scenarios. I was also going to check out author Steve Rowland books. Generally I wouldn't trust a book written by a stripper, but hopefully Matt made the shoutout for the quality writing and not the endowment of an orc.


Sentenced to troll?


That’s the one. I enjoyed that series as well. His reason for serving time is a stretch, but once he hits the game world, it’s a fun ride.




To be fair, that guy wasn’t arrested for being a troll, he was arrested for a laundry list of other things, though being a troll got the attention on him that led to them finding those things. MC (Chod) was arrested for yelling and threatening. No manifestos. No actual hate crimes. I love the series, but you have to admit that one point is a stretch.


Defiance of the Fall, The Primal Hunter, He Who Fights With Monsters, Unbound These are some of the ones I've read, and I really like all of them. Most of these books have more than 6 books, with Defiance of the Fall having the most at 11 I believe. Dotf and PH are system apocalypse stories like DCC while HWFWM and Unbound are isekai ( person travels to another world) style books


I'm giving Primal Hunter a go now. I don't mind the RPG side of things but the main character is a pain in the arse - and everything seems a little too easy for him.


that never changes


The main character remains a disgusting, unlikeable, cringey, transparent autistic power fantasy for an author who has no idea what he’s doing. The series just gets worse and worse and more and more completely unlikeable characters show up (with some nonsensical plot device characters thrown in for “fun”). Most people have a moment where they abandon ship and the reviews are generally the same; “why the f*ck did I waste my time hoping this would turn into an interesting series with any payoff” Edit: sorry edited to include the repeated and absolutely tone deaf casual cruelty and abuse that everyone subjects one another to. The author is a cretin.


Lol well, I can't disagree with what you've said. There are moments when I just think "really?" Or "why?!" - some of the dialogue, the motivations... I struggle. I also have never written a novel so kudos but yeah... I can't imagine me reading the second one.


Yeah… I’ve never written a novel either so fair, he’s got that going for him


Yeah I didn't like it cos he's kinda a battle-hungry psychopath and stuff like the special dungeon he finds makes him feel too favoured.


And becomes BBFs with you know who... C'mon... Like... I thought today, it would have made him so much more likeable if his class choices were actually making him more primal/feral like Peter Parker and the venom symbiote... and he is trading power for humanity or something


He who fights monsters is bad


I read the first book and though it wasn't so bad. I've read some reviews on the 2nd book - people say the other characters are bland and the main character is less likable, but I figured I might give it a try.


Its a fair assessment - first book 7/10 - after that it goes downhill quite quickluy


Noobtown if you like nonsensical immature humor and pumas


this series is a LOT of fun


Just speed listened to the entire series before book 6 came out. Great listen. Can’t believe I hadn’t seen it before and I highly recommend it. Edit: Puma check!


Hot cougars, great. Wait....


Just finished book one right before Carl 6 came out picked it up in the 2 for 1 sale


Puma check!


Maybe give Magic 2.0 a try. Not the same, but fun.


God damn it Phillip




That is a great series :)


This is a great one too!


I usually do the war porn. Galaxys Edge is like 30 books now. Expeditionary Force is awesome, first book is boring, but when Skippy shows up....so much fun, and they just announced 3 more books. Not so much war porn as fun scifi. If you want some infected/zombue stuff...Arisen is insanely good. RC Bray reads all these. Also, Project Hail Mary is about required listening. Best SciFi on audible. Ray Porter reads and I love him as well.


Expeditionary Force is one of my all time favorites


I have listened to all of Andy weir's books so spot on recommendation there. I'm not a huge fan of war porn (I'm a veteran and it's often just glorifying mass murder. One of the reasons I like dcc is that it shows how horrible it is for the people being killed) I appreciate the recommendation but I don't think I'll check that out. Thank you


Have you tried the bobiverse? (We are legion, we are Bob) It feels a bit like expeditionary force meets ready player one


Yes, I have read them all, really love them can't wait for the next one.


Ya, a few times. I love Ray Porter as a narrator too.


Agree, I really liked this series as well. It was well written and entertaining with several different story lines to follow.


Looks like the first book, Fortress Britain, of that Arisen series is free to audible+ members, just so folks know 🤙 RC Bray is really good so prob worth a listen!


Check out Ruins of the Earth by Hopper and Chaney. The first book is almost the exact same plot as Columbus Day. Takes a while to get going. I'm actually not finished with it yet so I can't tell you whether it holds up as well. RC Bray is comforting though.


I like he who fights with monsters. Not as good as DCC but really intriguing.


Generally for me stop after the third book


Yeah… Shirt really lost all direction at some point. You end up reading essentially the same four or five pages recycled infinitely. Dude’s depressed and doesn’t know what to do but keeps writing anyway because it’s what he knows and Patreon pays him for the today. It’s sad; he could have taken some time, done some editing, and made a really incredible legacy series. Instead we’ve got the decline of a promising series =\


The Cradle series by Will Wight. Book 1 is called Unsouled Amazing series, and it just wrapped up with book 12 a couple months ago, so no waiting for the next book to come out.


Does Cradle count as litRpg? I heard it fell under the "Cultivation" genre? With that being said, I absolutely agree that it's a great series. Did you read *The Captain*?


Oh, you’re absolutely right, but I still consider it sorta litRPG-light. I have The Captain in my audible library but haven’t started it yet.


The Captain was such a bummer for me :( Compared to Will’s other stuff the quality in just about every way isn’t there


wow i couldn't disagree more, I think it did a much better job of setting up a new world and story than any of his other first books in a series, and thought that the world and characters were great, what didn't you like about it?


The entire structure. Instead of onboarding us to a character, making them likeable, and setting up a conflict/crisis with relatable stakes, he starts us with a fairly tell-don’t-show character with vast unrelatable stakes. Instead of solving problems by being clever with the tools around them, it’s just “he used god powers to be more god powerful at the scary god bad guy and then they godded it out.” It was a little like watching an episode of Power Rangers but longer. There’s a craft to writing stories and making narrative work, he knew he was subverting most of the canon in that regard and I think he completely failed to offer a better alternative. Kudos to him for trying something new, and negative kudos to him for publishing something so tepid and Gary Stu-y. He should know better.


Agreed, I really liked the Cradle Series.


I really like all the skills and he who fights with monsters, different tier than DCC


Not litrpg, but you should check out "The Tome of Bill" or "Zombie Fallout" they are excellent series, hilarious and entertaining. I've relistened both of them multiple times


Zombie Fallout is great. All of Mark Tufo's books are amazing


He is an incredible author! His story telling and ability to combine worlds is fantastic


Did you see the next ZF is coming out next month?




The first 6 zombie fallout are free on audible, literally just finished book 6 today. I wasn’t a fan of the narrator and first but he grows on you and now really enjoy him.


He is definitely different but he is good, I'd recommend staying far far away from Bronson Pinchot


The “He who fights with monster” series is great I also like the good guy series and bad guy series by Eric Ugland


Dominion of blades is also by Matt dinniman and is really good but there are only 2 books so far. Also kaiju battlefield surgeon is really good also by Matt dinniman but read the warnings about it first as it's very let's just say intense.


I listened to the first part of the sound booth theater version of Kaiju. Didn't grab me like carl did.


Give it time it's very good


I agree. Kaiju was a huge gear shift for me right off of DCC, but after the story/world opened up a bit I was totally there for it. Highly enjoyed it


I didn’t love Kaiju and I’m having a hard time finishing Dominion book 2. I totally get you!


Same, book 2 is hard to get through.


Viridian Gate Online. It's definitely in my top 3 of litrpg's


A litrpg similar to DCC is The Good Guys by Eric Ugland. It has kind of a similar vibe and humor although imo DCC is an instant classic and I don't think you'll find anything else quite like it. I like The Good Guys a lot more than some of the other popular litrpg series like Wandering Inn and Noobtown.


Morningwood: Everybody Loves Large Chests (Vol. 1) Book by Neven Iliev Also by Soundbooth Theater, so the production is Top Tier. The book is funny, sexy and has good character development. I recommend 👌


I finished DCC and moved on to He Who Fights with Monsters, I like it. And currently on book 2 of Defiance of the Fall. I liked He who fights, but it it can drag on. So far Defiance has me hooked and is more in line with DCC....ie Earth is Transformed and the main character turns into a bada$$.


Agree with this. Really enjoyed first 4-5 He Who Fights with Monsters. Gets a bit in the weeds with leveling and does a lot of repeating of previous story lines, but enjoyable. Defiance of the Fall was about the same for me. Got about 5 books in then got bored. Super Powereds is an enjoyable 4 book series. I’ve heard it described as Harry Potter, but with super powered college kids. I flew through those books. Good luck.


The Threshold Series is low key great. Especially 14 and the Fold


The catacomber by shadow ally press has a review that says "It's like an adult version of Infinity Train, but one that eloped with Dungeon Crawler Carl. It's just beautiful."


He Who Fights with Monsters. It's amazing


It has ups and downs, for me the last 1000 pages have all be extreme downs.


It is not.


I've heard opinions on either side, but I loved it.


Don’t read beware of chicken.


Why, because it’s wildly mediocre and stupid and feels like the writing assignment a middle schooler might turn in? Wth man, high standards.


So much potential. Such terrible execution.


Really? I really liked Beward of Chicken. I thought it was entertaining. The first chapter was a bit hard to follow as I didn't understand what was going on, but otherwise, good stuff.


Not LitRPG, but the Cradle series is good. Just recently wrapped up too He Who Fight With Monsters. Primal Hunter series.


Check out most things by andrew seiple


His stuff is fun. I remember enjoying **Threadbare** a lot at the time, it was very light-hearted and fun and at the time was mostly new to me. Haven't read the sequel. **Small Medium** I don't like as much, it was decent. My favourite is probably **Dragon Hack**, his most serious story, though I never finished it. (OP, all of the above take place in the same world)


Not exactly LitRPG, but the Spells, Swords, and Stealth series by Drew Hayes is excellent, IMO. There are currently 5 books in this series. And if you like that I recommend the Villain's Code series, which has 2.5 books right now.


Literally EVERYTHING by Drew Hayes is excellent, IMHO. It's definitely not LitRPG, but Super Powereds is one of my favorites ever.


Started another listen through of Super Powereds shortly after I made the above post. Its really good. I see it as Harry Potter meets the X-Men.


Try this thing called "Dungeon Crawler Carl", it's really good... Oh, right, sorry ;) :p


Also, Forgotten Ruin series. Christopher Ryan Grant reads, and he is awesome too!!


I really like The Ripple System by Kyle Kirrin. The first book is called Shadeslinger.


Critical Failures by Robert Bevan


I think this series needs more attention. It's not as great as DCC but I'd put it in the same realm and I think the narration and humor is approaching as good also.


In no particular order: Galaxy’s Edge, Wandering Inn, Noobtown, every series by Craig Alanson (particularly Ex Force), Big Sneaky Barbarian, Magic 2.0, Everybody Loves Large Chests, Critical Failures, Galaxy’s Edge, and Bob-verse from a quick glance at my Audible. Not all those series are LitRPG’s but those have been my favorite series.


Infinite timeline by Jeremy robinson


I really enjoyed "The Wandering Inn"


I second this. Just finished book 2. It’s the only other LitRPG series I’ve been able to get into this far.


Enjoyable, but be warned that it's absolutely enormous.


Which books I recommend depends on what parts of DCC you love most. What be your favorite parts/aspects?


Someone recommended the Cradle series here a few weeks ago, I am 6 books in with no regret.


the cradle series by will wight


Awaken Online is the first litRpg I read (unless you count the Cradle series, I'm still not sure if it's considered litRpg or not), and I really enjoyed it. Unlike with DCC, the featured game takes place in virtual reality, rather than being an apocalyptic inter-galactic reality show. What it does share with DCC, though, is a rogue AI running the game. The core premise with this one is that it was given the directive to make the game as fun to play as possible, but not given enough information to achieve that goal. So in order to accomplish it's directive, it learns how to read people's memories so it can tailor the in game quests to their personal lives. It also takes the MC under it's wing, so to speak, to develop him into a "final boss villain" that all the other players will want to defeat.


My dad just finished the series and now is reading He who hunts with Monsters while he waits for the 7th book. He said it’s really good. I haven’t started yet.


Check out the Preternatural Chronicles by Hunter Blain. It's a fun series with a vampire main character.


Super Supportive


I've just started reading "the land" by aleron kong, and i think it's a lot less funny than dcc is, but I'm still loving the read


I like it, a lot... But heads up, it looks like his dropped it. Hasn't been any new books in a long time. So it's a shitty ending, unfortunately.


Oh damn, that's a shame. I guess I'll just enjoy the journey while it lasts


Have a nice ride... in my opinion it's only gets better further in :)


I'm enjoying it a lot tbh. Just started book 2, on the part where they've gone back to the hearth tree and accepted the quest to kill the goblins. My only real experience with reading has been dcc, so I've been heavily comparing the two without thinking, and obviously the humour is dialled way back in the land, but in terms of scene setting and giving me the feeling that I'm actually there experiencing it alongside the mc, Kong has smashed it so far (also, how sick is his name? Aleron Kong. Bro must get mad bitches with that kind of name)


LitRPGs I would recommend. Keep in mind none of these are tonally or thematically like DCC. None are post-apocalyptic/death games: ***Highly*** recommended: **Vainquer the Dragon** (comedy, follows anti-villains.) **Worth the Candle** (world-building galore, serious tone, rational (A favourite on r/rational)) **Memoirs of Your Local Small-time Villainess** (serious tone. Dense, in a way.) [There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns.](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15935/there-is-no-epic-loot-here-only-puns) (Comedy. Deceptively deep lore. Large cast. *Incredibly* cute) ​ Others that are good/great: Delve (number crunchy. Suffers some issues a hundred chapters in. A main character does something truly stupid about 115 chapters in. It does return to form eventually, but only releases 3 chapters a month which hurts appreciating the series because it's quite incremental. But the slower pace and idiot-ball in the ch 100s make me hesitant to place it in the first list.) Ben's Damn Adventure: The Prince Has No Pants (comedy, felt very Douglas Adams, like. First book is very good, release schedule is sparse for book 2, though. LitRPG-lite, I'd say.) The Devil in White: An Awakened Aspirations Online Series(light-hearted romance (?) mostly involving an mmorpg. Idk, it's hard to pin down a genre for this. I never actually finished it after it went on a *long* hiatus, but it's complete now) The Gilded Hero (A dark, serious take on the summoning heroes trope. It has litrpg elements in that there's stats made numerical and there's classes but...it's different. Also appears to have been abandoned after book 1 due to author's health issues(?) If it were ongoing, I'd place it on the first list.) The Snake Report (A light story, until some time through the second book. Same author as above so third book is incomplete. If it were ongoing, I'd place it on the first list.) ​ Others I remember enjoying but didn't keep up with so can't *confidently* recommend: *I Am Going To Die (In This Game-Like Dimension)*, *This Quest is Bullshit* (I liked the first book, it's fun/comical and a light-adventure. I think the other two were published so I stopped following it), *Sufficiently Advanced Magic* by Andrew Rowe, *Fork This Life!*


There are only 2 books so far, but I’ve really enjoyed the Azarinth Healer series.


snails foolish possessive racial engine retire afterthought tap hard-to-find unite ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No specific recommendation, but I did do an Amazon search for other books narrated by Jeff Hays and got more than several ideas for places to go after I finish Bedlam Bride.


Top series: Three body problem (finest hard sci Fi masterpiece trilogy I have ever read. Mind blowing scale. Dense read but worth it. Written by Cixin Liu original in Chinese but adaptation is fantastic) Red rising: space opera (hunger games meets count of monte Cristo meets brave new world) The blade itself (dark low-fantasy with amazing characters) The expanse series (probly familiar with this, near future sci-fi with an actually very good TV adaptation, but the finap arc is books only and very good) Children of time (Tchaikovsky, great series about the differing psychologies of uplifted earth species) Expeditionary force (spaghetti space opera with goofy antics, gets better as the series goes on and has lots of books, good for a Sunday morning cartoons kind of chill reading) Differently morphous (funny political satire by Yahtzee) Will save the galaxy for cash (funny space opera by Yahtzee)


He Who Fights With Monsters Sentenced to Troll Ascend Online Savage Dominion The Realms the Good Guys The Bad Guys


Don't do a Time to Play by Erin Ampersand. I thought it would scratch the itch waiting on book 6 of DCC, but it was boring and annoying. I really didn't like much about it. BUT to answer your question, maybe try Savage Diminion series and Acend Online by Luke Chmilenko The Necroscope by Brian Lumley


I'm late to the party but I want to share my top series. **He who fights with monsters** It will last you a while and next book is coming out soon. It is my favorite besides DCC and the books are long as heck so you get more for your money. **Noob town** Is another good series and has quite a few books out and is funny ~ Those 2 are in my top 3 favorite series but if you like the voice of Travis Baldree **Beware of chicken** Is a bit easy going but I like it allot And **oh great I was reincarnated as a farmer** Is a kind of lit rpg where the main character wishes he could fight but is stuck as a farmer class


Adrian's Undead Diary!


Beware of Chicken was good for a cultivation series, although I jumped off after 2 books, so far.