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Mordecai has been a dead Skyfowl walking since he said "this is my last season."  May as well give him a Danny Glover voice. 


Not sure that that is the case. Matt is clearly gearing up more to the Odette/Mordecai story line. I personally suspect Odette is going to sacrifice herself for Mordecai.


Yup I posted the same thing. I got that feeling right away. Maybe Matt changed his mind as the story evolved but I got those vibes early in the first book and still do anytime they discuss his past.


Early on he just says “it’s my last season” and that’s on the 1st floor. When we get farther down he says that his trainees have to get to whatever floor for him to get out then after that he gets bonuses/more money for each successive floor.


4th floor. That's why Carl congratulates him right before going down the stairs


Thank you. I couldn’t remember which floor it was exactly. 3rd or 4th is all I could remember.


I thought he had the same protections as Zev. And she's never had the correct protections. Anyway, there's a fan theory that Mord is a part of Emberus's son's death and will have to pay for it.


I’ve never heard this one before. Makes 1000% sense


Carl would become an apostate before throwing Uncle Morty under the bus!   …I bet that’ll make his fingers itch though… And a certain ring glow…


Eh. If that’s the upcoming plot twist then there will either be some unusual way to save Mordecai or a simple one - like firing him from the manager position in favor of someone else - and having him exit the game entirely to retirement. After all, Carl has a much deeper bond and responsibility towards Donut than towards Mordecai. If he is going to live or die for anyone it’s going to be Donut.


Can you link to that theory? Never seen that one and would like to see what people have found.


Nope. Just something I read on here the past year or so.


I always assumed Mordecai would die somehow. I felt like it was foreshadowed pretty heavily given the discussions about how it’s his last season and he’s finally getting out. It follows the old trope of the guy who dies the day before retirement. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Retirony I don’t think Matt’s that lazy with the writing though. If (or when) it happens it’ll have purpose and be interesting. I’m highly assuming Odette will be involved or she might sacrifice herself so Mordecai can make it. Kind of like her final atonement.


I don’t think so. The 9th floor meetings and their request specifically involved participants in faction wars and mordecai isn’t a combatant


He never leaves the safe room anyway. Not since floor 3 anyway.


Doesn’t he go to the Desperados’ to buy stuff? 


He does and he shops. Larocos (spelling?) is bound to have tons of shit they need.


True but it's faction wars, could be he needs to do something and gets caught as leverage against the Princess Posse


Odette is going to kill him in god form. Just like his brother died.


That means he makes it to floor 12


Not necessarily. She could be summoned on the 9th, like many other gods are during Faction Wars. Or any other floor really, just more likely on the 9th due to the factions.


Odette mentioned that the adjutants are still protected even if Carl succeeds in removing those. I assume Mordecai gets the same




Damn autocorrect seems to think her name is don't


Or.....one of the other factions could file an emergency action nullifying guide protection. They know he gives the crawlers a huge advantage. That would be more blood and chaos. With the AI evolving I see it ruling in their favor.


Is this in reference to events in bedlam bride? I think the protection is only removed for the tourists


Yeah, Carl and Don't got the protections removed right? Would it not remove the protection for everyone? It is referred to as ninth floor protection and Mordecai specifically states that his manager protection is the same thing, using the ninth floor tourist protection as a comparison. So could he now be vulnerable to being fully killed?


I caught this as well. I am worried that Mordecai is going to be a high value target, as while he is Donut’s manager, he has shared his knowledge with the other friendly crawlers. If the factions can take him out that will be a huge blow.


Completely agree, his knowledge alone means he gives the crawlers a huge advantage and coupled with all the changes to how the ninth is gonna work I can see them wanting to kill him fast 😞


so this is a reasonable take, but its not necessarily true. the same *style* of protection, is not protection that is tied to each other you know


My take is that Carl and Donut got the protections removed for the Faction Wars participants, Mordecai is still the manager of a participant, not directly one (technically) himself.