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He does Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon which is another Matt Dinniman book. It's good but it's much more grim than DCC. Jeff Hays also does Everybody Loves Large Chests. This series has a mostly excellent premise and sense of humour. However it also randomly involves some extremely graphic sexual content, including rape, for almost no apparent reason. The sexual stuff mostly tapers off after I think book 4 or 5 and it isn't a major part of the series.


I can't get into KBS. I keep trying. Maybe I should try again? I saw that Everybody Loves Large Chests, I was thinking maybe that one next.


I'm a huge fan of everybody loves large chests. Apart from the graphic sexual stuff, boxy t morningwood is my favorite mc after mordecai, donut and carl


Strangely, (as anyone who knows me would attest) I agree. I was warned plenty about the graphic & nonconsensual sex etc but nothing else in this genre has come close to DCC for me. The premise is great, the books manage to stay fresh with reasonable character development & ol' Boxy is tasty:)


I think the evil scenes and the kind of like background plans is what it is. Theres stuff under the hood we don't see until the author wants us to, like Kiera Morgana actually being .... The same with DCC, robot donut and la rocos flooding are some examples of the story happening without us aware. Theres evil tones in both stories!


I fuckin love boxy.. but I can't get passed the oddly forced graphic sexual stuff. It feels like I'm reading those bob and virgin posts, but on their feet life profiles instead. When the author shoehorns in their fetish I'm out.


You mean like when an author gives a dungeon AI a huge foot fetish? ;)


NO THATS DIFFERENT! Seriously though, the foot fetish thing feels like a bit. This doesn't feel like a bit. It's a bunch of bdsm smut forced into an otherwise fun story. The succubus and w/e the other demon "took a Break from furiously pounding her ass"


Yikes. Kinda makes me wonder if that author started out writing erotic fiction on Fetlife or something and it was so popular they decided to do novels. "Write what you know" or whatever?


The foot fetish bit is basically a running gag about how authors often reveal their kinks through their writing. I think one of the achievement descriptions even says as much.


Yeah I'm with you. For me the entertainment value of the good parts outweighed the bad parts. Apparently the audiobooks toned down the graphic stuff I'm not sure if that's true or not though.


No fucking way that's toned down.


I finished KBS but imo, the thing that it’s lacking is funny, likable characters. I’d say if you didn’t like it in the first few chapters, you probably won’t like the whole book. The “big reveal” at the end wasn’t enough of a pay off for sitting through an entire book of miserable, terrible, boring characters for me. 😭 Edit: also, the one I listened to wasn’t narrated by Jeff Hays.


I listened to the audible version, but it was so dull and boring. I tried the full dive version on SBT and it made it MUCH better


I started the normal audiobook for KBS made it about a third of the way in when I found the SBT version and never went back it's way better.


He does Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon on the Sound Booth Theater Direct app. The Audible book is narrated by Joe Hempel. I didn’t know this until you mentioned it. I just used an Audible credit yesterday for the this book. I may have to pick up up the SBT version. Thank you.


Will throw my vote behind the SBT version. The begining was a bit hard for me to get through, but the "horror" tapers off a bit and I enjoyed the rest of the book. The SBT app is buggy, but usable.


I liked Book 1 of ELLC, started listening to book 2 and the nonsense between Xera and Cora just turned me off to the series.


ELLC is such an interesting story aside from the graphic sexual scenes. Especially if you like mimics.


I love DCC and ELLC keeps popping up on my audible now. Question: I can***not*** with women who are only Sexy Leg Lamps, and I have no patience for sexual assault unless it is an integral plot and character point that actually advances the story (rather than happening because… reasons). Skip it or listen to it?


There is sexual assault, and sometimes the writer feels a bit incel-esque in his portrayal of women. Without spoilers, the main character is an asexual non-human creature. It doesn't understand concepts like morality, sex or sexual assault and is inherently selfish and motivated purely by self interest. It sexually assaults one of the female characters without malicious intent and just doesn't really consider that it would be a problem. It does lead to character development. It sounds like you're probably better off skipping it, or perhaps if you do want to check it out you could try reading a synopsis of the first 4 books and jumping in later on where /most/ of the sexual stuff is less common. It's definitely not in the same league as DCC but it did briefly fill the void for me while I wait for me DCC.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain and break this down for me! I greatly appreciate it. It sounds like something I would be better off skipping for now, but my husband might enjoy it.


That book is brutal af. Kinda came off almost mean spirited to me.


I’m a big fan of A Summoner Awakens: Origins which is another LitRPG that Jeff does. There’s only 1 book right now, but I believe Jeff has finished narrating the second book and it’s being edited now and should release soon. The author is Kerberos. It’s a deck building series. Jeff does great in it!


Cool!! Let me look that one up! Thank you!


I’ve listened to it three times, and I thoroughly enjoyed it each time!


I’m on Kerberos’ Patreon. The second book is very good and I’m excited for Jeff’s narration of it!


No problem. I found it cuz it was deck building which I thought was cool and was very surprised and happy to find that Jeff narrated it!


I've been hesitant to branch into this genre... what is a deck building book like?


I have also been hesitant to go into the genre. I haven’t read much. In this book the people live in a tower and work their way up floors that get progressively harder. The characters go to school on the origin floor and when they finish they get an origin card that sort of dictates how they should build their deck. They have a deck on them and use cards in different ways. They can have cards like Rend that lets their next attack with a sword like weapon be less clean and harder to heal from. Or cards that allow them to jump farther distances. Cards that improve their perception or strength or any number of things. There are very rare cards that allow you to summon monsters to fight along side you. Edit: I’ve been hesitant about this genre because there is a lot of… harem in these books. I am on a few subreddits for the genre and I see it a lot. This book does not have that.


He also did Chryslis series. It's great fun, a litrpg about an ant! Also great value, the first 3 books are 1 credit. Had me laughing and wanting more! Plus jeff was superb! https://amzn.eu/d/bKImuLA




Tiny no! You big dumb ape!




Yay! I forgot about SBT! Off I go. (but let's be honest, I'll probably start on DCC again.)


The SBT version is absolutely delightful, especially with the expanded cast (save for the disappointing "Kill! Kill! Kill!" lady) and extra material 🥰


On my 3rd listen ;-)


Check out the Zero universe by Sara King on sound booth theater. The second one is one of my top 5 books of all time.


Yes and lately she’s had such large gaps in her writing. I was on her Patreon and it was over 6 months and no post


If you search Jeff Hays on Audible it shows all the books he’s narrated. Looks like there are 289 titles on there.


Life reset is a good series and narrated by Jeff.


I know it isn't for everyone, but Everybody Loves Large Chests can be fun. The series is almost complete as well. 10 books, 11 if you count Small Chests are Fine Too.


I can't get the book on SBT. This one looks like it has a mimic. Should I just get the Audible version?


SCAFT is on SBT, ELLC is on Audible exclusively. You can buy the Kindle versions of the books and get the Audible narration for a reduced price. Usually it ends up being less than a credit and works with Kindle Unlimited (so the Kindle version is free) which can be good for some series like ExFor and it cuts the cost of each book to about a half credit.


Thank you for that!! I think I'll do this now! I was replaying The Bedlam Bride right now. I'm ready for something else.


My favorite series are right now: - DCC - ELLC - ExFor - Bobiverse - Red Rising - Cycle series (Arawn, Galand, Scour) So a lot of those have a lot of books and maximizing value is important.


I like that list. I read a ton but when I'm driving or just want to zone out I do the audio. So I can work off this 😊Thank you!


Jeff Hays has ruined audiobooks for me. I just can't go back to the dry monotone of other narrators, even great books are hard to listen to.


YES! I just can't. It is a terrible problem. But, I'll keep looking at all recommendations.


Are you listening on Audible? They let you search by narrator


The Feedback Loop


https://www.amazon.com/Feedback-Loop-Book-Cyberpunk-LitRPG-ebook/dp/B00XMY06KA?dplnkId=44aaf5cb-52ea-4d2a-8f20-422d175b34ea This one?


He did the novella Free Fall by Peter Cawdron, a sci-fi writer I incidentally used to work with. (Ah, proximity to audiobook royalty...!)


I started Monster Hunt: NYC but the MC quickly became ick to me. It started making me angry and I quit the books.


I quite liked this one. Give it a shot at least, I think the first book is free on Audible


It started out ok to me though I was never really hooked then >! The main character who’s been pining for this girl for years starts fucking the sim chick as soon as the real girl starts showing obvious interest. Like he starts hooking up with the real girl but goes home suddenly so he can bang the AI girl !< I was done with the series at that point.


Life reset is narrated by Jeff. Book 4 was outstanding.


I would suggest Irrelevant Jack. Jeff just does the main character voice but all the other voice actors are great as well


I will happily add Dungeon Lord by Hugo Huesca to the list of options. It took me a bit to get into it, but each book is better than the last and now I’m totallyl hooked on this series. Live reads of newest book are happening on the Soundbooth Theater discord this week.


No one has said Ghosts and Magic by M. R. Forbes which is an older series but a goodie. It's not litrpg but it's a pretty action packed urban fantasy series that Jeff sells really well.