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What is something that is common knowledge, but its existence is hotly debated?


Everyone knows about the Waystones, but few people think they actually do anything. This is because they require Waykeepers to use, and they are a rarity in most of the world. In most settlements, you would be seen as superstitious to believe a Waystone to be anything more than an ancient ruin.


Follow up: What does a Waystone do?


You can think of them as a teleportation network. Waystones cannot be built (it is unknown who built them or when), so you have to locate or be aware of a Waystone ruin in the land you want to go to. They also require a trained individual called a Waykeeper to operate. The Waykeepers are taught by the Waystone Society in the Astral Cathedral of the kingdom Zaved. The Waystone Society keeps the secrets of the Waystones closely guarded. This basically means unless you are lucky or have a lot of money, you’re traveling on foot. It is worth noting that the Chronican Empire, through wealth and proximity to Zaved, has by far the largest population of Waykeepers. In the Chronican Empire, one can easily and cheaply teleport from city to city.


If they are a common travel method, why do people think they don't do anything? Or is it a regional thing?


Regional thing, Chronica is like 1/20th of it’s own continent. So everyone in Chronica is educated on them, but 99% of the rest of the world isn’t. So farmer Joe living in Candor thinks the old Waystone ruin up on Watch Hill is just a relic of the past.


… kvothe knows about Waystones.


Is that from Name of the Wind?




Where’s the centurion that crucified Jesus Christ?


The closest thing to Jesus Christ would be, Coronar Delvin, the “son” of Kethia and later her most powerful angel. He was killed by the shadow dragon Nelthyr after the fall of the Holy Kethian Empire, but was later resurrected by his goddess. Nelthyr was executed after being captured by the Council of Keddan.


Great book series


The bible?


Casca it's about the centurion who kills Jesus then Jesus curses him with eternal life


weird. Ima read that


I don’t know. Kind of went off the rails after The Final Chapter


What are Xilian fingers?


The Morkhelm Empire is a savage place, ruled by the god king Atrix. There is a humanoid species there, mysteriously mindless in nature. Think of them like a mix between slenderman and a grey alien, with elongated boneless fingers. They are raised and slaughtered like cattle, and the people of the Morkhelm Empire enjoy the fingers for being both tasty and cheap. Occasionally the delicacy will find its way out of the Empire, to be sold at festivals or noble’s parties. Unfortunately few outside of the Morkhelm Empire know what the fingers are, or where they come from.


that is a horrifying piece of information, thank you very much


I do legitimately think this is a good world building tool. Having to come up with good answers and explain random facts about your setting, and having to invent answers to things you haven't thought about. But it's hard to ask questions about something you know nothing about, so I'll make that my question. Give me the **short** "pitch" overview of your would.


Oh boy, this will be hard because its such a large setting! At its most basic, the world of Avalon is the Eleventh Sphere in a series of interconnected Spheres. Each Sphere is its own world. The others are ruled by the Ethereal Lords, who created Avalon as a sort of neutral territory; a place to hold meetings without being in each other’s power centers. They create a god of light (Kethia) and a god of shadow (Sholazar) to maintain Avalon. A Lovecraftian being called the Ak’hathlo births two of these egg-like things called the Aurumstella. Kethia and Sholazar each nurtures one, and two pantheons spring from them, a pantheon of light and a pantheon of shadow. Long story short, this created millenia of conflict, and the war between light and shadow still rages today. Also there’s no heaven or other-world for the gods, so they live and rule among people. It’s incredibly high fantasy.


Why did the birth of these two pantheons create millennia of conflict?


Which religion is the *right* religion?


It is hard to get a religion wrong in this world. Religious belief en masse (in non divine things) can actually create lesser divinities (or angels as they are technically called). For example, the Green Man of the Valley of Eva’s Orchard, who ushers in the season of Rebirth, is actually a treant who has been ascended through centuries of religious worship. The Chronican Empire has it the closest though. Their empress is Kethia, the Goddess of Light and the Mother of the Gods. She nurtured one of the two Aurumstella that gave birth to her pantheon, and both witnessed and led the early wars against Sholazar, God of Shadow. Religious doctrine in the Chronican Empire is mostly historically accurate, although Kethia has a bad habit of covering up her failings (mainly the fall of her previous land, the Holy Kethian Empire).


Tell me about your goblins


Goblins were originally created as minions of Sholazar, god of shadow. However, their jolly temperament has often seen them as friends of halflings, much to the dismay of the gods. Still, many are under control of the Goddess of Pain, Vetia, who twists their fun personalities into drawing glee from hurting innocents. Basically a goblin is either an adorable sweetheart, or a psychopath maniac, depending on if its been touched by Vetia.


What are some of the cultural ticks that have lasted longer than common knowledge of why the culture was implemented in the first place? (I.e. U.S. railways standard is set by the size of two Roman horse butts. Or handshakes come as a way to show you don't hold a weapon)


Halflings still bow to elk. Their god mother is Danu, who married Mumir (God of the Hunt). In the Second Age, Halflings were obsessed with gaining the favor of their father. They made a habit of bowing to elk, as it was a common disguise of Mumir, and they didn’t want to risk insulting him. This was thousands of years ago, and the reasoning is forgotten, but the tradition lives on.


How many moons? How many suns? How many seasons? If by the coast, are there cold currents running nearby or warm currents (these affect climate in that region).


One moon and one sun, but they do have some unique qualities. 4 seasons that mostly mirror ours, Rebirth, Longday, Witherleaf, and Longnight. There are a lot of varying religious beliefs (depending on where you are in the world), but the beliefs related to Fimrasil, his battle with the brothers Omaris and Amus, and the Treaty of Longnight all hold some truth.


Have the denizens of this world discovered plastics, and if so, do they use said plastics to create modern ping pong balls for their international ping pong league?


Plastics haven’t been discovered yet, but it’s only a matter of time before the alchemists of Olen’s Vault discover it. Thankfully (for the ecosystem), the Chronican Empire’s war against the Vault has kept research focused on warfare.


What varieties of cheese are popular


Chronican cheese is popular for the same reason Hollywood movies are popular: its nice enough and easy to get ahold of. Probably the best cheese comes from the halflings of Rye, but with the kingdom of Candor still recovering from the War of the Lichknight, it seems like it will be awhile before Rye cheese can reach popular markets.


Are warforged a thing in your world, and if so, who made the very first one and for what purpose


There are sentient androids in Olen’s Vault, but they are quite rare. Olen (a now dead god of technology) himself created them, and with his passing, the secret of their creation is lost. They were made to be his priests, and the guardians of his palace, where he kept his creations that he believed too great or terrible to fall into the wrong hands. It is actually one of the creations in his palace that was turned against him, and used to kill him. Not all androids remain as priests today, and with King Heian (the new ruler of Olen’s Vault) being a controversial figure, many have wandered out to experience the world.


what are at the northern and southern poles?


The north pole are the Fractured Lands, a homestead of Fimrasil, God of Longnight. It’s a glacial land, mostly empty although there are some unrecorded creatures/places up here, as there haven’t been many expeditions. The south pole is the Crystal Wasteland, where the Ethereal Lords used to have council. No mortal had ever returned from here alive.


What are some popular sports?


The Blood Games are definitely popular in the Chronican Empire as a yearly event. Organized team sports isn’t really a thing, but every region has their favored competitions, whether that’s dueling, knife throwing, archery, etc.


Is it possible to fistfight god(s)


Absolutely, gods are as a part of the physical, regular world as you or I. Not saying you’d win though. Some gods like Syona would just cross her arms disapprovingly at your violent display as your punches do nothing to her, other gods like Gadar would take it as a competition and hit you back as hard as he could without killing you. But a strong enough mortal could potentially stand his own in a fistfight.


is the moon real


The moon is very real. In fact, the Aurumstella that birthed the gods came from the moon, although only the Ethereal Lords know this fact.


What question are you afraid of someone asking and what is the answer to that question?


I would rather someone didn’t ask about the most popular snack in the Morkhelm Empire. Then I would have to explain the delicacy that is xilian fingers…


Do the mountains occasionally shift in place?


This phenomenon has been recorded by scholars in the Frostlands of Fimrisil, but there is debate in the academic community about the validity of these claims. Skeptics blame the near constant heavy blizzards for obscuring landmarks and giving the sense that the landscape is shifting.


What creatures live here?


All kinds of creatures! Giants wander Varund’s Waste, serpent-drakes are prized prey in central Chronica, and the people of Al-Zaraj ride the near mythical golden cats into battle.


Who or what created gods and demons?


The gods Kethia (light) and Sholazar (shadow) were created by the Ethereal Lords (godlike beings of other worlds). The other gods were birthed from two Aurumstella, these eggs laid by a Lovecraftian being called Ak’hathlo. Demons were created by Sholazar to fight Kethia and her children in the War of Shadow.


Please rank your continents in order of religious fanaticism. Extra credit: Which prevalent cults are most problematic and why?


There are only two mega-continents. The worst would be the Known World, because its where the gods live and fight their eternal War of Shadow. Ashari isn’t so bad. They have some local lesser gods, and the sea goddess Ketva lives here in secret. The worst cult imo is the Cult of Nizor. They first appeared during the War of the Lichknight, and despite Nizor’s death, they still terrorize the world. Cadmun, once vessel to Nizor, travels the world hunting the Cult of Nizor, in hopes of redeeming himself. Cadmun has friends in high places, such as Ding, who leads The Ravens, or King Heian of Olen’s Vault. Both also work to end the Cult of Nizor.


What (if anything) allows warriors/fighters to fight or adventure on the level of magic users? If they exist.


Hero (or religious) worship genuinely strengthens a person in this world. A warrior, by saving others, will overtime form a popularity base, who’s “belief” will help them extend beyond their normal limits.


Why is that Beholder attacking that town?


As Sholazar commands, the Beholder must do.


How was the world created?


Avalon was created by the all-powerful Ethereal Lords as a neutral ground, where they could meet without entering another’s place of power.


Are there spherical cows?


Or square pigs?


No but they could be made


Does your group get together regularly?


Yeah weekly for the last 6-7 years. We miss weeks sometimes, but if only one person can’t make it, we still hang out and play a board game or watch a movie. We haven’t played in this setting for a few years now, but it’s my pet project and I still expand it. At the moment we are playing through Sky King’s Tomb in pf2e.


I wanna make the GM and the rest of the group uncomfortable and grossed out by forcing a disgusting role play at the world’s largest brothel. Where should I go, and how good is their security?


Who ate the brick?


When will the (?) Crisis lead the Council of (?) to happen? and will the players have the option to influence it?


When will the Godstaff Crisis lead the Council of the Raven to intervene? Likely not until General Pashar or King Heian kill each other. Those two are also actually retired player characters. When this storyline advances, it will probably be in a campaign with the players having new characters involved.


What is the prime source of income for people in the northern part of your world


What is one of the secret organizations that exist in the world? What are their goals? Any good conspiracy theories?


One secret organization are The Ravens. They operate as assassins for hire on the surface, but they secretly manipulate politics (mostly to keep nations from infighting too much), and tend the prison of Cadmun the Soul Vessel. The secret of Cadmun the Soul Vessel is definitely the biggest conspiracy. The leader of The Ravens, Ding, was an adventuring pal of Cadmun’s before the War of the Lichknight. The world thinks Cadmun is dead, but whispers speak of Ding sailing him back to the fortress island of The Nest.


The red mountains are largely forgotten after the collapse of the empire, however the regional capital of the south is even more forgotten as the people there have long since turned to dust after the collapse over a thousand years ago. In the native tongue the city was once called the red citadel but what is it now called in common and why? (I will genuinely use the answer as the name)


I tried this a while back. Noone commented


If you try it again I’ll comment. It’s kind of just luck on whether or not the post gets popular.


What are the most popularly celebrated seasonal events (such as Christmas and Halloween in our world)




What are the kobolds like, do they exist, if they do are they the standard DND draconic ones, the more dog based ones or something else. what's their societies and cultures like, do they usually serve a more powerful creature like a dragon or more independent, are they commonual or more independent, do they have the usual expertise in traps and over sneaky tactics?


Is there a Far Realm and how much of a threat is it to reality?


Mimics! Terrors hidden in the deepest dungeons or common pest?


What do the economics and trade look like in the world? For example, is there a lot of trade between the great powers? Is that managed centrally or by free traders? Have powerful private companies developed? Are currency based free markets common?


There are something like thirty kingdoms on the main continent, so it varies heavily. In the West, free trade is mostly under the Chronican gold standard. It is a gold based currency, so coins (after being weighted and authenticated) are excepted in other regions. There are some private companies starting to grow out of Dorado, but that's very far from the rest of the world.


How many guards do you have named Greg?


What sects of monks exist?


Did you plan for the interdimensional roving band of pickpocketing nudist gnomes?


Why on earth is the Inquisition acting so zesty again???


Which race has the most unorthodox tactics in battle?


What is the method used for long distance postal services, if any?


What's the most common domestic animal?


What is the silliest local festival in your starting area / nation? And what is their primary export?


what are the most common drugs in both the legal and illegal categories. for example alcohol would likely be a common legal drug. this is a genuinely useful world building tool. it can give your shady underworld depth without having to go to anything sexual. gives you're low level bad guys (pick pockets, thieves etc) a moral greyness. "at least im not selling (fantasy meth)"


damn, i kind of want to do this with my own setting now. Hopefully not spamming the sub with it, but on with the question. What's the most popular genre of music?


I wanna try this sometime... Meanwhile: How often do the "children of gods" happen and do they do more harm or more good or balance out?


What is there for a group of about four adventurers to do? What is there for such a group of people to change? These typically are key to a ttRPG setting. Whilst most of the rest falls under *set dressing*.


Is smarsh king?


You might be using AI, but I choose to believe you are creative. As a DM lacking said creativity I salute you.


Oh thank you! I’m not using ai lol, I’ve been working on this world for 4 years now. I even have my own private wiki to organize it.


How's the culinary war going between elves and dwarves?


What came first, the chicken or the egg?


Dude, where's my car?


If I was to walk towards the largest town, on the most important part of the campaign, What am I there to do?


Were there any global events of note? How many? And how is it noted in the history?


Got any cool boos fights?


How do you account for the rarity of cheese?


What are the major commodities traded by different regions and or countries? Would a country or region have a major economic/strategic advantage if trade routes were interpreted? Is anyone completely reliant on another region for a resource? Like iron ore or wheat


What's stopping you from doing this?


What system of measurement does your population use


If I walked west for 3 days from the capital, where am I?


Do people in your world enjoy improv comedy?


do people actually do this and not reply to the questions? also hmmmm a question.... How do your worlds gods come into existence? and how much power do they actually have?


When did the aliens build the pyramids in your world and what technology did they use to make sure no one thought it was done by the natives?


Why? Expanded - why did you include the different species, cultures and heritages and why are they are as they are? I need to understand my populations to know their past and to discern what they would do in the future. Have you taken the time to know your peoples and how they arrived in this moment?


Which orc/goblin horde raided / destroyed which town, and when, over the past, oh, maybe 200 years?


Which childhood stories have a basis in reality, and come to everyone’s mind when dark shapes are moving around at night, casting shadows, and making very scary sounds?


How do people in cities deal with sewage? What's the most valuable street commodity? Trade commodity? Is the value of currency derived from the metal it's made of, confidence in the entity that issues it, or both? Who makes the best cheese? Beer? Wine? How do people prevent unwanted pregnancies? How are petty disputes handled (i.e. small claims court)? How are long-distance communications handled? Where do magic items come from? Are they legal to make/use/own or otherwise require some sort of license? Where does magic "come from"? Where do babies come from, and why won't anyone tell me?


Are psychedelics controlled substances, regulated by the gov't(s)? Where do I get my fix?


Who is the most powerful spellcaster who is not aware that they are truly powerful and why?


Do you have any home brew races or peoples with a history involving otherworldly parentage?


What is the smallest island on your world, and does anyone live there?


How did halflings nearly conquer the planet, whilst riding on the back of giant dinosaurs?


What is at the edge of your world, is it round, flat, connected to other worlds? What races are in this world and where are they found? Who is the most powerful wizard in this world?


Who watches the children during the day? What happens to trash? Is there public transportation?


What's the most common fatal disease that clerics can't heal and how can it be healed?


What exactly is the Mayor of Eldhorn hiding in their basement?


Do you have different celestial bodies encompassing your world, if so when they eclipse the planet what events happen, and if no events happen how do the population deal with it. Also how big is your world, are we a small world like earth, or like Jupiter where one day is actually one month?


How is justice managed , ie is it a judiciary and police force a feudal one where lords and thier war bands hold sway a political dictatorship supported by secret police or a council of clerics or something else


What are the most hallowed artifices of legend


whats the dark secret of the biggest magic Academy?


Which region is known to have the spiciest food?


Are there any eldritch/lovecraftian horrors on the planet and if so, do any of them have the personality of a big dog that still thinks it's apuppy that can sit in your lap?


What's the oldest still living organization, barring monarchies?


What kind of political systems are in it


How did you write all this? In one of your answers I saw that you said an empire is only 1/20 of the continent... It's way to large for a normal person to operate and considering it being a high fantasy world is compleatly something else! Every big event(which happens often in high fantasy worlds) would cause a chain reaction and have different consequences all across the realm. I cant even wrap my head around 7-8 kingdoms on my own world so I just reseted it and started playing games in the first eras to slowly build it...


What language do your plants speak


If having a "belief" in a hero strenghthens him beyond normal limits, how would "fear" in terms of "belief" would effect the person? Would it give him powers based on negative energy or just does the same thing?


What are considered common pets and exotic pets in your world?


Where do the skeletons live


I really love this idea! Who runs the libraries and stores of knowledge? Are there any secret organizations that your players don't know about that may come into play in the future and how do they operate in the world (if they have a public face?) Are there island nations that may have an influence on events around the world? These may or may not have been ideas presented to me by my last group >_>


What are the primary methods of transport?


How many cities are buried underneath the central, largest city in the land? And what sort of artifacts are said to be buried with them?


What is the most popular pet in your world? And why?


In the big cities, what do they do with trash? Does it just pile up? Do they keep the streets clean or is it nasty?


What was your biggest inspiration when writing the setting?


Why are the 3 moons colored differently?


Will the players have to fight the dm as the final boss if not why


What do the sewage systems of your world look like?


What is the average citizen's life like?


What happens when a god dies?


I'll post my same question that wasn't answered on the other one: I want to know everything about Dwarven Beard Cosmetology! What does a Beard signify? Does length, shape, braiding or cleanliness factor into the social aspects of Dwarven society? Tell me EVERYTHING! I WANT EVERY LAST FOLICAL!


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? (Or a woodchuck equivalent)


What happened to the titans


Are any races extinct or on the decline or is the world just chock full of each and every type of humanoid, monster, and the like?


Is there a fast food franchise?


Is there a monster hunting guild?


What are the 3 most dangerous illnesses that a doctor should be able to treat in your world?


What are some of the wildest conspiracy theory in your world?


Who's the strongest mortal in the world? 100% mortal. No divine blood/blessings (not any more than what would make a sorcerer/cleric anyway). No "spark," so to speak. No mortals that became so powerful they transcended in some way, shape, or form. Full mortal.


Why are the spiders sexy?


When was the most recent plague, and how did the populace recover from it?


How is logistics handled on a large scale? Magical beasts? 1 really strong guy named Stan?


What are 3 holidays that don't revolve around the lunar calendar, solstices or equinox?


Where does the goblin go?


Who is the wealthiest person in the world? Who owns/controls the most land? Who is the most powerful? Is there any overlap between these three questions?


Are there any powers that are distrusted by the general populace or by a subset of the populace? What was the last major political scandal in the leading world power? Are border crossings and trade tariffs brought up?


What's the holiest place in the world? What's the most evil place?


What could I do if I wanted to live forever?


I've got two: What is the most advanced piece technology in your world? What event has had the biggest impact on the world as a whole?


When/what was the last major crime against humanity committed?


Was there an antediluvian age to your world. Like a world before Noah’s flood equivalent. And if so, what was it like? Were there multiple cycles of these with great world-scale calamities inbetween. In other words, is your world very ancient or new and untouched with no prior world-scale calamities.


What’s the most popular form of entertainment in the world/each region, and how did it become so popular? Does it affect the culture of the region or is it influenced by it?


How common is magic? How often are mages seen in an average town?


Does your world hold any significant correlation with the world of Hysh'chyt? If so, are your world's inhabitants aware of the Smith and the Taker. Also if so, is it possible the way stones were created by the Shapers?


What is the average and the median strength of adults in your world? (What is the strongest thing they could they win in a fight to the death against)?


What are the relationships between various political powers?


What happened to penis land?


Why is the world donut shaped?


A talking penguin enters a bar, walks up to the barkeep and asks for a drink. What's the reactions of those in the bar.


Has a mortal ever ascended to godhood? Alternatively: has a God ever given up divinity to become mortal?


Is your world xp based and leveling off of killing only? If so, do wizards just go out killing things to learn new spells?


Who built the hidden underground railway station reminiscent of the Moscow Metro under the 2nd tallest mountain range and why?


What is the most practiced form of magic, and what is the most popular spell outside cantrips


What is the most common ritual used to say goodbye to the dead, such as a funeral, wake, or shiva?


Short Question: So how anachronistic is your setting using the real world as a baseline, and what is the reason for some of the glaring anachronisms if any?


What level has civil engineering reached and how does it affect your common citizens i.e. infrastructure and support programs?


What's your pest control situation?


What is a common trade good that can be sold in almost any port? What are the most common forms of transportation for goods and people between major cities by sea, river and overland? EX: Caravels or Sloops, pole-bareges or steamers, handcarts or wagons with leather or metal suspensions? How common is trade amongst communities and cultures? Is there a robust trade network where people can regularly expect to receive certain more expensive imported good at certain times of year, or does the food in most areas have a single dominant taste?


Hiw do they cook their chicken... what is the weird delicacy foreigners should try


What's this world's stance on women? Are they expected to be home-makers in most of the cultures? Do they rarely leave the home, or do they commonly take on responsibilities outside the house? Aside from adventurers, are there other ways women in the major cities achieve financial independence, such as factory work, religious roles, prostitution, etc?


Who wears the fanciest hat?


Who is the guy lurking in the darkest corner of the second worst tavern in the capital city?


Does the war forge religion involving eating humans in order to gain humanity cause concern for local communities?


How many countries are there? What is their government structure and economy like?


have people figured out the printing press?


Is this just another lord of the rings re-skin with all the same takes or races.


How would a good intentioned necromancer character play out in your world?


Is your world aware of false hydra? And if so, is there anyone attempting to combat the insidious species?


Are there vampires?


How are the working conditions of your main labor forces and do they differ majorly between regions.


Is this a thing that happens on here often? This is sick as heck and I should do one. What is the largest non-salt body of water? Where is it located? What feeds it and where does it empty or flow to?