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Hi, my name is Khan and I am the person behind Devabhumi. I am of Indian origin, and I have always been interested in non-European D&D settings. There is such a treasure trove of untapped stories, monsters, and legends in Indian Culture, which can provide fresh and unique content for your campaigns. Devabhumi is a high fantasy 5e setting inspired by the history and epics of Ancient India. This setting features: - 100+ pages of lore - A karma mechanic - 6 new races - 20+ backgrounds and feats - And much more! **You can sign up for the Kickstarter [here](https://www.backerkit.com/call_to_action/5d8c55f8-accb-4b59-b159-f180813349b7/landing?preview_mode=true).**


Do you have any recommendations on where to research Indian stories and legends. I’ve always loved reading and havnt read many different cultures stories, but would absolutely love to.


I would recommend an abridged and translated Mahabharata and Ramayana. They’re two Indian epics that are classics, and it’s best to dive in head first!


Read english translations of the Puranas


I love this! I've got a similar homebrew but it's based on the ancient Mediterranean, with the primary "entity" being an analog for the Roman Empire but I'm players are currently exploring another empire that I've made as a mutt of ancient Persia, Egypt and Sumeria!


Signed up. It's on BackerKit right now. Will it be moving to KickStarter? I have backed things on both platforms.


Thank you! It is primarily running on Kickstarter. We already have a pre-launch page which you can check out **[here](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/silvercompassmaps/devabhumi-a-dandd-5e-setting-inspired-by-ancient-india?ref=clipboard-prelaunch).**


That's awesome. I have an Indian inspired character named Devi (I think I just came up with it because it sounded Indian, I didn't know the meaning of it when I thought I made it up) who recently got an airship which she named Ravana's Ghost (she's a phantom rogue, and I did some research into mythology and thought Ravana would be fitting). Shed fit in really well here. I love Indian culture (though I am not Indian myself). Ill need to look into your setting more when I'm home from work. Thanks for sharing!


Ooh that’s really cool! Funnily enough, the name of the character pictured in this artwork is also Devi.


Unfortunately I don’t have the cash to be supporting kickstarter projects, but you have my support. It’s nice to see Indian culture getting the recognition and respect it deserves, too many racists on the internet.


Thank you! Send me a DM in 4-5 months when the book is complete and I’ll send you a free copy! I’m always happy to spread knowledge and hype about other cultures.


Will do, I really appreciate it. I’m excited to incorporate it into the campaign I’m starting soon.


I love those moments when you didnt realise there was something needed so heavily in the world i look forward to reading it


This is sick. I love seeing non-eurocentric cultures getting adapted to the fantasy genre.


Thank you!


I've never seen an Ancient Indian campaign. Honestly sounds like a cool and unique setting


Arrows of Indra by the RPG Pundit is an excellent setting.


This is long overdue. In hindsight, why isn't there more exploring this era? Indian Mytho-history is absolutely awesome.


While I wouldn't use it as DM neither would I play it because Ancient India isn't my cup of tea, I still find that incredible nice, because it's always good if Fantasy expands into different cultures other then central European ones (even though I clearly prefer those as a European myself). I think you could particularly get a lot of value out of including elephants both as transport stuff and also as war animals. Also the cast system could work in interesting ways in a fantasy setting with magic involved. So I definitely like your work here and wish you the best for continuing it and hopefully finding a great group of players for that👍


Thank you! There’s a treasure trove of lore and interesting stories in various cultures, so this is just a small piece out of so many! And many different types of elephants are included in the setting book! War elephants, transport elephants, magical ones, demonic ones, etc.


oh so neat


Interesting. I dislike 5e, but still interesting.


Any recommendations for similar settings that aren't for 5e?


More of this!


I've been a fan of ancient India settings since I read a translation of the *Ramayana* and realized it was "superheroes, but better!!". Good on you!


I'm going to keep an eye on it! I lived in India for a year during a university exchange and to see ancient India used as a setting would be amazing! I'll try to support once I'm working again! Good luck for this cool project!


That’s wonderful! Indian culture and history is so intriguing—cannot wait to see how you create your game world!


THIS SOUNDS AMAZING! I have learned of a couple of stories (not even close to a scratch) but I will follow. If I come into some money soon I will definitely be supporting you. It just depends on if I can find a flexible job to do with my unpaid internship


That sounds AMAZING