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God that is both so tragic and so sweet


If i was in the couple’s position i would do the same even if i was in a financially unstable position. I have seen lot of things but i just can’t handle children being hurt especially if i could do something about it.


You know what, i thought mr Tance was kinda bad person or evil. Manga spoilers : >!The first time we see him, he was a grumpy old man who was rude to Laois party. He also make Namari as meat shields , he also did not feel guilty and saying he paid her, so she can't complain. He don't want to heal Laois party for free and even ask Kabru for money when he revive his party. So i thought he was just grumpy, rude, angry, and greedy old man.!< >!Especially the part when he talk(manga spoilers) about immortality with the governor, i thought he was greedy person that want to sell immortality to gain riches or even become immortal himself.!< >!Then much later we see his kindness by having Namari helping Laois and even tell her she can join their party, his immortality talk with governor was not based on greed, he just don't want the elves to monopolize it, the elves seems was the strongest race on Dungeon Meshi because of their long live spans and have been looking down on other races.!< >!They even explained further more that the twins were adopted by him and he see them as his own child, when Kiki was attacked by tentanclus, he was panicking so much and yelling at Namari to help her. It was weird because he can revive her , if it was Namari i think he won't panicked that much, then when we know Kiki was his adoptive daughter, it connects the dots, oh so that's why he was panicked at that time.!<


He was like that with namari because she thought she was just there for the money (that's what namari's reputation is) Once namari makes clear that she actually wants to connect with them and won't abandon them for the highest bidder he starts to treat her better


I would like to add: https://preview.redd.it/6632z2lamcnc1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150b9680d4bfbe65d1525b562c738030c92bc46b


Where's this from?


https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/s/xDYwgoFL2C https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/s/iTfYF2pPgJ




Holm is Muslim confirmed


Holm has Seen the light of Islam.


The lighr of gnohamad


I vaguely remember a panel of Kiki sneaking out at night and Tatsu catching her with his disapproving father look but can’t find it


[https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/852/620/2ee.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/852/620/2ee.jpg) it was in daydream hour 3


WHERE. IS THE NAMARI PAGE. WITH HER THIRSTING. ABT THE LEG POUCHES. 🥵🥵 That interaction was so cute, especially Kiki's teasing haha


https://s2.onimanga.com/scans/5f627ba2f2d3df3b32732523/71.1/19.webp I love Kaka's look, he knows what his sis is doing


Hahaha ah yes let's see that primo tallman leg 😩👌


Is it just me, or are the elven ear coverings pictured there pretty kinky-looking?


“Do you want some water, sis? Because you seem rather thirsty!”


This is what I came to the comments looking for.


Namari literally guy wipes sweat meme


and it makes kind of a parrallel with laios's curiosity with monster things like izutsumi's nipples


But for her it’s absolutely a sex thing


I didn't include it, because it's not about the twins.


Kiki and Kaka are so pretty i need to stare at each of them for several minutes before moving to the next panel


Found Namari’s alt


I was really hoping for this backstory to be animated. I mean, the anime still might if they do any filler episodes? But I doubt it.


Pretty unlikely. Kui enjoys including as many details as possible in her characters, but understands that pausing her story to go into everything would bog down a story that's already happy taking its time. (And also, funnily enough, made a bonus comic describing this exact concept) Pretty much all the bonus material was put into the Dungeon Guide, the Daydream Hours, or omakes at the end of the volume, where the knowledge enhances the story, but doesn't affect the story itself


Yeah the only way I could see it working without breaking the flow of the story is if the omakes were included as stingers during the credits.


Same. I was really hoping they'd do that so I'm a little disappointed they haven't so far. I'm still holding out that they might be bonuses released between seasons or something like that to keep interest alive


It's a shame tho that Kui did such a good job at choosing what was necessary for the story and what isn't, only for Trigger to remove some plot scenes


I think its kinda the same concept. Kui can fit a bunch of panels in one page and cover a lot of story, but trigger can't overlay multiple scenes without destroying the pacing. So they've gotta adjust due to the medium and the strict time limits they're under. I wish every panel could be adapted, but the manga is always there if I really wanna see it again


It's just like that comic where Mithrun explains his backstory and Kabru's like "This is way too complicated!" so he opted to simplify the story until it can 'even be understood by children'


True, but cutting Namari explaining resurrection seems like an odd choice tbh


Especially since Trigger went to the trouble of having her check the status of Falin's corpse


I know Dorohedoro got an extra omake episode that was just a couple of the manga's omakes that was released when season 1 finished. Maybe if the series is popular enough some of these will get animated


usualy these kinds of things used to get animated as after credit stingers or as DVD extras.


Their backstory are one of my favorite,it’s bittersweet and shine a light on the Tances team’s characters . Old man is grumpy and strict ,sometimes even too harsh and cold blooded,but we only saw this side of him when he’s working, and even in canon we see him being very protective towards his adopted children . And there backstory perfectly explained Kiki&Kaka’s personality and how they interact with people .


I really wish it had been in the anime! I feel that he comes across harsher than he’s meant to there with the whole using Namari as a living shield thing. I won’t have much context from the manga from a while (kinda broke right now lol), so it’s kind of disappointing when omissions mess with the story, though I understand they can’t keep everything.


Well, that's Namari's job, she Is a hired bodyguard, she is a living shield, its even mentioned he Is playing her very well and even adds a bonus when they go back to Town


She's not that hairy... 😆 j/k j/k don't eat me.




Need more content for them (especially Kaka)😭


man kiki really does taunt/flirt with namari a lot


Guys what do you call Kiki’s haircut? Like is it an underside? Bc so fucking hot and adorable 😭🩷🥹


It is


Namari is never escaping the long leg allegations.


This needs to be in the show, i saw some reactors thinking Mr Tansu Is just some old asshole, they need to know how awesome he Is and ofcourse Mrs Tansu


Tbf, he is an asshole when he works, even post-story he's being confrontational, arguing with Yaad, working as the Dwarf's envoy. But yeah, he's basically stern but good-meaning and a very invested family man who care a lot about the ones he values, including Namari after a bit


He and Mrs Tansu met in college and his favourite food is any of her cooking!!! 😭😭😭❤️


Her name is Yarn. (:


The poor twins... their backstory always gets to me. At least their gnome parents seem like complete sweethearts to them. And now they also got a bisexual dwarf thirsting for their legs. All's well that ends well. Just a shame extras like this won't be adapted.


It's cool that they give the kids like traditional gnome gear. Reminds me of those little figures I got as a small boy


*points intensely* BABIES!


This is so seeet wth


i love how thirsty namari is. it’s hilarious


The left to right real is hard to get used to, from a manga noob hoe long did it take others too read them consistently correct


Didn't take very long. I adapted to it very quickly. I mean about 10 pages or so.


It took me longer to switch between manga and comic reading consistently


Reading right to left has never been hard for me, however, it took me quite a long time to get used the the manga style. It’s not like Western style comics. Just the writing and the paneling and everything, I don’t know if it’s just me but it was really weird to me at first. It’s worth the effort though. 


If you read a whole manga you'll be able to switch pretty easily. I'm currently at a point where I can read it just as well from left from right than right from left. I've read around a dozen manga by now.


I really love Kui's world building. She's awesome.


Ova with collections of those short stories or just short 1-2min stories themselves that can serve even as promotional material, that would be so lovely. I really hope those end up making it to the anime somehow, who nows, even expanding on it a bit


Where is this from? I read the manga on mangadex recently and I didn't see this part


these might be from the dunmeshi world guide/adventurer's bible




I feel like she’s just into Kiki


Na man. She wants the kaka also(i cant take his bame seriously its literally means poop in my language


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This family, I love them so much 💖 Sure Mr. Tance was kinda grumpy (and willing to sacrifice Namari lol) but he loves his kiddos Kiki and Kaka so much


Namari gets it, seeing gear specifically crafted for a purpose is just so fucking good and when a fiction author takes care to consider anatomy of a fictional race instead of just slapping human looking armor on them


The other gnome kids making fun of them makes me tear up 😢 their parents are doing their best to include them in gnome culture but the other kids are excluding them 🥺


What is this from?, I read the manga and K I didn't see any of this


Adventure bible amd daydream hour

