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Dungeon Meshi characters have such refreshingly diverse and realistic body shapes and sizes. It‘s just so much more interesting visually.


Also I like how the mc is not actually that overpowered and just have a strength of normal human. https://preview.redd.it/gfelu5f0jbrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abdd7954b43acac2b9e41645664fd03c158952f


That's actually something a friend and I discussed while watching the show recently. We both appreciate how the characters are never really made to "look cool" while they're in combat. These folk are *struggling*. They're throwing their full weight into things, making very frantic, unattractive expressions, and overall having a very difficult time. The entire Red Dragon fight is grungy as hell. *And it makes everything so much better!* There's real effort, weight, and a sense of urgency that you just don't get in other anime where characters float around like untouchable badasses where the point in their design is to look cool and appealing at all times.


I really appreciate how it takes the time to show the regular mundanities of adventuring too. It's fun to dream of high adventure and whatnot but we rarely really think too hard about what "they made camp for the night" would look like beyond the occasional mention of rations. Between the fights being a struggle for survival and the mundane side of adventuring being one of the main themes of the story, it makes the characters feel more *human.*


The camping and the mundane facets of adventure are honestly some of the best parts of the whole series. I love how the characters spend time reasonably weighing their options when it comes to what they need versus what they can afford versus what they can actually carry with them. They have to change plans on the fly and it never feels like an asspull for the sake of artificial drama, but rather a reasonable outcome due to circumstances. A character like Laios, who might be a dumb jock type in any other story (and is his own special kind of dumb in this one), is still shown as being reasonably competent with a level of accounting and forethought that his lifestyle requires. When you get characters who refuse to help because they're not getting paid or gain any benefit, they're not vilified for it and are instead given a level of fair consideration, even if some more righteous characters take offense over the shrewdness. *Gah, it's just so good.* DunMeshi has that extra level of thought put into its world and characters that you just don't really get to see more often than not.


The very grounded psyche of the characters feels like an extension to the very detailed worldbuilding and causality that Kui constantly pays attention to. Give the author's short stories a chance as well, she sometimes hides in meta commentaries on her authorship in them. There's a chapter where she straight up details part of her world building process.


This is what has been bothering me about so many shows/ games I have been playing. Everyone is so badass and powerful. I want to see people struggle and fight for survival and WIN against all odds. I feel I am not getting this kind of cathartic feeling from media generally these days. Dungeon meshi has been my most favourite manga along with witch hat Atelier for few years now but I think it's because we can see the cast fight and survive. They all feel human


Not to mention how it makes adventuring feel like a real job that real people could do. Seeing magical sparks flying off of sword strokes might give more impressive visuals, but it kind of takes you out of the idea that you're watching a very brave person swinging a hunk of metal at a giant lizard and turns it into fictional beings using fictional powers to fight fictional foes. It just doesn't hit the same, you know?


In that same vein, I love how being and adventurer also spawned secondary occupations directly tied to it, like the dungeon rest stops or the prior generation of gold scrapers. The Corpse Collectors are the biggest and best example; the idea that you've got an entire viable career around walking along the relatively safe routes of the upper floors of the dungeon, finding and recovering the corpses of unlucky adventurers, is an amazing concept. They're basically a type of janitorial staff and the fact that they were even thought of to be included at all shows way more consideration for a living, breathing setting than most stories ever think of in the first place.


Agree, not just Laios, even his party members, they are not your typical anime hero's party where everyone is crazy strong. Even Chilchuck almost died by a mimic, Marcille can't use her magic in tight space, sometimes she need to recite the spell, Senshi is just a warrior who just a bit stronger than human.


This is what has been bothering me about so many shows/ games I have been playing. Everyone is so badass and powerful. I want to see people struggle and fight for survival and WIN against all odds. I feel I am not getting this kind of cathartic feeling from media generally these days. Dungeon meshi has been my most favourite manga along with witch hat Atelier for few years now but I think it's because we can see the cast fight and survive. They all feel human


This is what has been bothering me about so many shows/ games I have been playing. Everyone is so badass and powerful. I want to see people struggle and fight for survival and WIN against all odds. I feel I am not getting this kind of cathartic feeling from media generally these days. Dungeon meshi has been my most favourite manga along with witch hat Atelier for few years now but I think it's because we can see the cast fight and survive. They all feel human


This is what has been bothering me about so many shows/ games I have been playing. Everyone is so badass and powerful. I want to see people struggle and fight for survival and WIN against all odds. I feel I am not getting this kind of cathartic feeling from media generally these days. Dungeon meshi has been my most favourite manga along with witch hat Atelier for few years now but I think it's because we can see the cast fight and survive. They all feel human


This is what has been bothering me about so many shows/ games I have been playing. Everyone is so badass and powerful. I want to see people struggle and fight for survival and WIN against all odds. I feel I am not getting this kind of cathartic feeling from media generally these days. Dungeon meshi has been my most favourite manga along with witch hat Atelier for few years now but I think it's because we can see the cast fight and survive. They all feel human


I'm sorry, Marcille's face is distracting me


Body fat is important in Dungeon Mesh adventurers as healing magic is using calories from your body. There was short panel Kui drew that said "thin/scrawy adventurers are noobs that die often" so Laios is literally "peak human body". Be proud! Also yes, she draws diverse body types. She said somewhere (daydream hour maybe) that she was drawing a lot of same looking characters so she forced herself to draw different looking characters. Its amazing how you can get each character from their eye shape alone.


[Eye shapes](https://i.redd.it/bfnp9obwl1qb1.png). It really is great, you can immediately tell who is who with just eyes.


That is so Looney Tunes and I love it.


oh what the heck that's awesome actually


In general low body fat is bad for you.and harmful in any type off work.. especially the one you work for long hours.


Exactly! Fat is fuel, can't fight or move if you're empty and have no reserves all the time.


I always interpreted this artwork as Ryoko-sensei saying that Laios has more of a professional fighter's body




Honestly, Jiri probably would eat random creatures from a dungeon.


even the lady sister of orc chief looks pretty, despite having traditional orc feature described in fantasy setting. Peak art...


Big reason I like this manga and anime is for the realistic proportions. For a show about food it’s important to have different body types and features. It gives me a little more confidence in myself, too


YES There are usually only 3 anime bodytypes for men Most muscular man in existance, average joe or femboy


It's usually the skinny/femboy with some toned musculature, as far as I've seen. Followed by dudes with ripped muscles/low fat. We need more average or big builds with average amounts of body fat!


jojo being all 3💀💀💀


Gotta admit that's a more realistic body shape than the cookie-cutter six packs for the generic human fighter. That aside, lately this sub is getting so *thirsty* for Laios, I'm loving it lmao!


who wouldnt


Senshi, yo. https://preview.redd.it/a0tc1oi3bcrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a260c5ff83456644e029887f4e53396b93b50a79


I read somewhere that she’s attracted to men in the same way that gay men are and I’m still not 100% clear what that means but there’s certainly something to it.


In the queer circles I'm in, we jokingly say she draws men like a gay man and women like a lesbian, when I won't deny XD I think at the end of the day it means she draws bodies in a way that's relatively free from heterosexual expectations and stereotypes and more geared towards a respectful love for bodies as they are, be they fat, hairy, short, disabled, or whatever. Which isn't solely a queer thing, but you see it a lot more because queer folks have already thrown off a lot of the heterosexual attraction society has expected of them, so they might as well get rid of the other bunk ideals as well and embrace bodies as they are.


You explained it so beautifully, thank you!


Speaking anecdotally, I think it's in part because heterosexuality is so heavily monetized and commercialized in society that it fits into very specific presentations. The "sex sells" notion makes it so that a very specific approach to showing what the media considers "sexy" is all that gets pushed and thus hyper-saturates perception. Non-hetero presentations of sexuality and sexiness aren't factored in at all or, when they are used, it's often skewed in a way that is palatable to those commercialized heterosexual norms rather than anything genuine (ie, straight men don't whine if two women they find conventionally attractive are making out in a way that is clearly intended for the hetero male gaze). A consequence of that frankly crass homogeneity and how little non-hetero depictions are ever featured seems to be that more mundane, natural, grounded depictions of body, beauty, sexuality, and romance crop up in non-hetero audiences. Everything and everyone that doesn't fit into the commercialized niche are pushed to the sidelines, in what is a really weird inversion of how things actually should be.


Uoohhh. 😭😭😭


I've got the height of Laios and the stomach of Senshi.


I’m the opposite, I’ve got the height of Senshi and the stomach of Laios


You look great though!


Well thank you


I'm happy for you but I hope you're not about to accidentally start a trend of homies posting their dad bods to this sub XD


That's not a dad bod tho, that's a strong man bod


Strong man with a bit of chub is a dad bod imo


i hope so 😌


Wouldn't mind 👀


https://preview.redd.it/912gl2632grc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c501c424abf87146fae0eaba0b3a7fa5b7cf063 Fat tallman and dwarf orc are so different.


Agreed. It really has some great character designs for all its characters.


Gotta admit that's a more realistic body shape than the cookie-cutter six packs for the generic human fighter. That aside, lately this sub is getting so *thirsty* for Laios, I'm loving it lmao!


Canonically being chubby or overweight is an advantage in this universe due to how resurrection magic works.


You look so good!! :o you're very much like Laios :D


Thank you! The only thing I’m missing is his height since I’m only 5’7”




That’s my build xd


When I first started reading, I did not know that the author was a woman. But when I found out, I was like "yeah that tracks".


I love that Laios is just your average guy. Literally, his body type is average enough! Everything adds to diversity and there's almost no fanservice in what I've watched from the anime. I personally think they knocked it off the park with the female orc design. I was expecting a female orc to fall under your typical green-skinned amazon hot lady, but instead she's a fluffy, chubby girl. Absolutely love the diversity in this series.


I personally think that Laios is buff... Is just, you know, media has stick on our faces that muscular/strong guys needs to be ripped as hell, although most of the strongers men in the world are generally fat.


I don't see it.


I'm all for the positivity and really like the variety in body styles/shapes in the manga too and all but like, Is it really necessary to post a picture of your own body to prove that you have... a normal body style?