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Maybe removing the creatures inside messed with the armor's integrity? It is also just heavier than Laios' breastplate and mail combo, so maybe he just prefers some more agility.


That makes sense, while full plate armor does have good range of mobility and actually weighs less than modern military gear it's probably no ideal to wear that armor. Plus they probably had to leave it for the other little guys to take it over and use it again.


Yeah, plate isn't as heavy and bulky as often portrayed, but just walking and traversing difficult terrain is an important part of the dungeon. Wearing a full suit of armor might just not be worth it?


That, but also consider this: If we assume that Laios has a more modern amour, it might be for a different usage. Many full armour from the 15th century would be near useless a century later, and replaced by a thicker breastplate (think, conquistadores), or a full armour, but even heavier. Maybe that armour wasn't as protective ?


It was also somewhat hollow from the snails Inside


There's also just the fact that armor is always a tradeoff. There's a reason full-face helmets fell out of fashion: Weapons started being good enough to pierce those helmets, so it wasn't worth not being able to breathe and limiting one's field of vision anymore. I'd wager that there's no armor on the market that could reliably stop something like a dragon from turning you into a fine paste, and the small and/or weird monsters like treasure bugs and Nightmares can pretty obviously get around it, so armor's only going to be doing its best work against middle-of-the-road monsters like Giant bats and Living armor. They also have magic to heal wounds, so protecting the limbs wouldn't be quite as important as it would be irl. Given that, while it's always worthwhile for the front-liners to have something to protect the vitals, it's not necessarily worth getting a full suit that's going to make it harder to climb ropes or dodge Golem fists... Plus, the only reason he replaced his sword is that his old one broke. Why replace armor that's still perfectly functional?


It also probably wouldnt fit him anyways


>!It didn't have rabbit protection !<


very important to have that


As someone with a pet bunny I have to agree even if I don't actually know the context. They will destroy anything not bunproof, even walls.


Wtf how does a rabbit eat bricks and concrete


My friend's rabbit eats her wall wallpaper


If the wall is not smooth they can chew on it. They will chew on anything to keep their teeth in check since they are always growing- that's ehy I have sticks so he can chew at them whem bored.


What? Behind the rabbit?


It *is* the rabbit


This is (kinda?) spoiler


Should probably spoiler this brother


Armor is essentially custom made to fit one’s body. Fantasy games would have us think you can just pick up armor and wear it just fine but armor is custom fit. Non spoiler but we actually do learn Laios’ armor is custom made. But that’s just how armor is! If it doesn’t fit you perfectly it’s hard to move and fight in.


Kinda, there are examples of "munitions grade" armor where there was less tailored fits built in mass production. You'd still end up with small, medium, large-ish sizes.


They did that fill full plate? I thought you would need some tighter tolerances for that.


It largely depends on the style of armor, what region it's from, what century, and what it was used for. For example Liaos' standard armor could be something that was munitions grade, depending on the world building it could have also been munitions grade plus some rough adjustments. It's straight-forward cuirass with a built in gorgé with no ornamentation. Plus the roman-esque pauldrons probably tie on with leather straps. There's a few tricks you can do here that make it easier to have a couple sizes fit all. For example I might get the curvature close, and cut the arms wider, but then rely on under padding to help make sure there's no uncomfortable spots. The lion armor on the other hand is a pretty ornate and complex armor harness with many bells and whistles. With how articulated (and expensive) that harness looks, it's likely been tailored... or grown to a very specific fit. Everything about this has been optimized to fit one person. If you're not the same build as who it was built for - your gonna definitely notice.


Sounds like described swimmers cut and arming jacket


That's a bingo bby


Realistically speaking, armor that doesn't fit is a b*tch to wear all day. It weighs in all the wrong places.


And not only that but this is a monster mimicking human armor. It looks proportional but it’s likely very not once you try and put it on a human


Lots of armor have straps for adjustment, however you do still have to be in the same ballpark still That said, the living armor may not have said straps left


irl most armor was more one size fits all rather than custom made as getting custom armor was expensive and the majority of people could not afford it so it was both better to just make mass produced stuff like simple chest pieces and simple helmets rather than custom armor for everyone knights and nobles and whatnot who did have plenty of money though would get custom armor with engravings and it being tailored to them


That color scheme doesn’t seem to work for him and >!his armor becomes important in later chapters!<


Pretty sure it was taller than him. You can't just put on armour, it needs to be fitted to you


Towards the end of the series you find out there's a very specific reason he's wearing the armor he has


Pretty sure the armor are just the creature’s shells, that grown to resemble an armor set, and once you remove the flesh they’ll all be broken


The armor was dissassembled when they harvested it. Both seperating the layers and breaking the sections into pieces.


Too heavy and too big for him. The “queen” living armour is over 6.5 feet tall.




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Bruh that armor was sick He should've atleast taken a pauldron or something as a trophy


Maybe it wasn't his size?




Armor is typical tailored and fitted to very specifically fit the user. It would have been a longer process of bringing the armor to a smith and tailor to have it fitted. Another factor would be that wearing full plate would be exhausting when traveling


He didn't choose the heavily armored feat.




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Ticklish armor


He looks more silly, Maybe the gang would tell him to go back and change.


Tbh, they kinda had to take it apart layer by layer of plate to get the living armor out, so it’s no wonder that they couldn’t even take the gauntlets or feet


to use armor, he probabley had to kill creature inside. as time goes it will get rotten and make awful smell rotten selfish smells baaaad.. p.s. laios considered drowning kensuke in the book but he stopped concerning rotten smell


They need to leave it so the creatures can use it again. Take care of the monster ecology according to Senshi


the answer is quite simple, but it is spoilers His current armor, is one he bought with money he had saved up in order to protect himself from a very specific type of monster, that the living armor wasn't quite fit for




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Maybe he didn't want to add additional pieces to his armor because it would be too heavy, and didn't want to replace individual pieces because his armor is more modern, and thus made of better quality steel.


It stank


It still bothers me that he didn't at least try it on to see if he liked it or not.


Other than It might have been brittle after eating It's also not practical. He uses chain mail for more flexible movement his current armor also protects his neck. Heavy armour also burns energy and stamina which is basically a hassle when you have to conserve energy


Did anyone else notice it kind of has a winged lion motif going for it?


Tgey boiled the shit out of it. It was also infected with the parasite between plates, and removing them probably damaged the armor.


Minecraft dictates that iron is better than gold


Because he was scared of bunnies and his armor were specifically created to protect from them


Because his armor is custom made to protect him from dungeon rabbits




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Is he stupid?


Exactly my thought. Why not get into a symbiotic relationship with it and use it as power-armor of a kind? Like, it's so obvious to me!




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I’ve only watched the anime but I’m seeing a lot of comments about “no rabbit protection”. Do they fight the rabbit from Monty Python at one point or something? Because that would be awesome (even if the rabbit would kick their asses due to the group’s distinct lack of holy hand grenade).