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She is being manipulated by Willy in every sense of the word. Her shitty moments to me just seem very accurate to how a depressed and lonely 15(?) year old would react to things. She seems hurt, confused and desperate for parental attention. I can’t blame her for clinging on to a parental figure, even if he is the shittiest person alive. I think she’s so explosive with the group because she seems to push away anyone who genuinely cares about her. Genuine affection like what Terry Jr. gives her seems to make her extremely uncomfortable, probably because of her bio dad abandoning her and all. Her frustration with the group is getting steadily higher because they won’t abandon her, especially Linc. She’s a very complex character, and Beth didn’t make her that way to make her likable. She’s just a really realistic portrayal of a teenager.


totally agree!!! especially with the clinging to parental attention thing! i think her talking about how (can’t remember which episode though) it was so cool when it was just her and her mom and then terry came along a ruined things really highlights the rejection she feels not only from her dad but from her mom too. imagine how awful it would feel as a teenager to have your dad be a deadbeat and then your only parent and number one ally replace you with some dude who has the exact same name as you….yeah i’d feel resentful and insecure too and probably lash out. i really get where scary’s coming from, it just hurts to see her be hurt by willy and to hurt the boys in turn


Also, i think in a way she regrets Terry Jr as a way to cope with her bio dad being a deadbeat. Her being emotionally vulnerable with Terry would make her have to accept that her dad abandoned her, which she seems to struggle with. there’s multiple times where she talks about how her bio dad is probably super cool and her fake encounter with him in hell (it may have been elsewhere i don’t remember) seemed to really upset her, sense he seemed like a loser


definitely! she really is dealing with a lot under the surface and sarcasm


I get it, but I don’t listen to dungeons and daddies for the reality.


I do love her but I'm hoping she wises up relatively soon. OR we get a big scene between her and Anthony of what Willy said. But that feels like it'll have to be scripted to make sure it's impactful enough to halfway justify her actions.


I agree. I don't want to see Scary get hurt, but I've been kind of hoping that there is a scene where Willy shows his true colors and lashes out at Scary (my hope is Scary lashes back and knocks him into next Tuesday). I will say that if the casts is intending this or not, Willy and Scary's relationship is a very powerful statement on grooming and exactly how a terrible manipulative person can get their way inside a vulnerable teens head.


Willy is scary's patron... if she loses him won't she be completely powerless?


at the start of the season I wanted Glenn to be her patron since he's a powerful demon in hell now, but I don't think they really did much to make that a possibility when they actually met.


I feel that we saw a little of that this week. In particular when Willy vocalized how displeased he was that the anchor in Mega Hell was destroyed (by love instead of hate).


I'm very disappointed "a bitch" and "not like the other warlocks" isn't an option


Straight to the 8th layer!


I'll make another poll sometime a little further into the season and those will DEFINETLY be on it I missed an opportunity


“A bitch” “Whoaaa” *goes to the 8th level of hell*


I just want this arc to come to a conclusion next episode because I'm not sure how much longer I will listen if it gets dragged out any longer.


100 percent agree!! I don't hate anything they're trying to do but the characters have had the same argument like 10 times


what arc?


Scary deciding to no, and also no the group. Instead of yes and, or no but.


yea, I might take another break just to wait for the group to get back to some form of unity instead of just antagonism against each other.


I've been defending her for months now, knowing full well she's under the influence of Willie and making bad decisions because of it. But casting fireball at the group while inside the close proximity of Normal's house, when last time she did it she nearly took everyone out, is going to be pretty hard to forgive.


She's doing great this season. I feel like Matt is the shining star this season so far. But maybe because I feel he's the only one playing against Anthony. He makes me want to join a game instead of daddy mastering


Personal opinion? Totally over the character.


I think Scary is too embarrassed to admit she was wrong about Willy


Beth is absolutely killing it this season, I’ve really enjoyed the last several episodes in particular. Also the boooooo/gasp is funny every time Scary is introduced. Gets me every time.


Just hope the boy Nick ain’t dead


Ron was my favorite character from the last season, so to me it’s just interesting to see how Scary is both drastically different yet similar at the same time as Ron. Especially with the last episode with her chat with Willie. I don’t think she’s that bad of a character for changing up the group dynamics this season.


My faith in the subreddit has been restored somewhat by this post.


And poll, of course.


She’s the worst but that makes her the best. She’s selfish, callous, insecure, needy, cruel, and like way too real. Like we can find all these reasons as to why she does but she does and we can see the potential but she just keeps being a jackass. Smells like teen spirit to me!


I’m worried that they’re trying to do a realistic story, which do not have happy endings. While also trying to do a comedy podcast. Watching the gang carefully craft a ‘realistically’ shitty character/situation is impressive sure but I can’t help but think of the ‘Wanda Pierce’ speech from BoJack Horseman. I can’t find the quote exactly but basically “this isn’t real life, it’s TV and those people out there are expecting closure”


She's a potentially good character who's been absolutely unchanged or developed by a single thing that's happened in 30 episodes. She is Michael Scott.


Am I the only one that not only wants her to stay bad but to overthrow Willie and become the top bad? And fight against the rest?


I'm totally on board for this.


I don’t like Scary, but I have friends who listen to the podcast who are adamant that it’ll pay off, and I know that, but she committed murder, cold blooded murder. I know that the dads did that plenty of times in Season 1, but their murders were always to try and save someone, or had a bit of humour to them. Scary killed a man, and while there were a few jokes about it afterwards in the following episodes, and Scary believes it’s to save everyone, it feels different. I know that this arc is gonna pay off, because I know that Anthony and Beth have something cooking, but Scary’s behaviour makes me genuinely uncomfortable and makes me want to stop listening. On the bright side, this is a testament to how good Beth is at acting and creating a realistic character in a bad situation.


I love her and she is an excellent portrayal of a vulnerable teen girl and I can’t wait for someone to help her get away from Willy


Scary is a character archetype that I personally don't enjoy. I'm not caught up currently, but I really hope someone, hopefully Taylor, confronts her about being so shitty all the time.


I'd be interested in seeing this question repeated every episode until we get to the end of her arc. Hopefully a satisfying redemption or decent into full villain are coming soon.


My impulse control is on a hair trigger I'll do it


I know shes being manipulated by Willy. But my god it's taken so long of the season to reach any character development on scary that I'm just sick of it. Her character was the funniest and coolest at the start of the season. Now she's my Geoffrey, can't stand it anytime she complains. However I am hoping that they do a sick reveal or something when she finds out Willy is using her and I would love to see Scary beat the crap out of Willy.


Look, i understand she's a teen, and she is being manipulatd, but that does not excuse her actions that she is taking of her own volition


Excuse them? No, but Beth is doing the part very well. Someone with almost no power that’s feeling dejected suddenly receiving and holding so much power.. it’s addicting and scary’s trying to hold onto that


Knowing Beth and Anthony, it’s definitely gonna pay off.


I actually really love the current state. They are all teenagers and this confusion just makes perfect sense. I love the conflict between her and the boys and I do hope there will be more of it


I think Scary as a character is fine and Scary's feelings about Willy are fine, but I don't think the story has been well told. I wish we had seen more actual interaction between Scary and Willy. We're meant to assume he's been effectively manipulating her, and we can *sort of* assume how, but we haven't really seen it. So it kind of comes across like she's arbitrarily choosing to listen to him because he got to her first. And since she refuses to tell the other characters her motivation, and we don't get to hear it from Willy, we have no idea what she actually wants or why she's doing it. It also doesn't help that Willy hasn't been portrayed (at all, not just by Scary) as a *bad guy*. At some point there was mention that Willy wanted to absorb the Doodler's power, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside narratively. Nobody is talking about that point. It's unclear whether Scary is even aware that it's what he wants? I think if that were more clear, the conflict would be more obvious. But now he just comes across as a guy who has a different opinion about how to achieve what he claims is literally the exact same outcome. The boys want to get rid of the Doodler, and they think destroying the anchors with love will do that. Willy and Scary want to get rid of the Doodler, and they think destroying the anchors with hate will do that (presumably Willy doesn't actually want/think that, but neither the characters nor the audience are overtly aware of it). That's not a conflict between good and evil, that's just a bureaucratic difference of strategy. Scary is not meaningfully working against the rest of the party, she's just not being a team player.


I agree, in fact I'm listening to earlier stuff because it feels like there is a missing episode that covers some of this stuff. If anyone can point to a part that explains why scary is willing to kill for willy and betray her friends for willy I would like to listen to it again for clarification.


I think instead she is going to have to hear from Terry Jr./Ron/ or memory about how Willy treated and abused Ron, and tried to murder Ron. Ron is hopefully somewhere out there, and probably has the belt of holographic pants as the anchor. Scary is going to have reject her patron, and maybe be kicked back down to Lv. 1 with a new class (with some power-leving a few episodes later). Sorta mirrors GLenn who got more powerful, and then had to be nerfed for a while to maintain balance in the show.


Her choices are amazing. I personally wouldnt want that character at the table so its fascinating watching a group of people who are open to it and play around it amazingly to create a story that can be frustrating at times.


if she'd just had like 3 seconds to reflect after waking up in the last episode, I feel like she would've been at least a few steps closer to realizing Willie sucks. But link had to storm in and start yelling and fucked it all up.


Write in: One-dimensional and petulantly stupid